Date: Mon, 24 Nov 1997 23:33:55 -0500 (EST) From: To:, Subject: Comp 265 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 25 Nov 1997 ================= Subj: CROWLEY Family 2 Date: 97-11-23 08:41:18 EST From: 1802 Jan 11 - Patrick Co, Va - Deed Bk 2:100 JOHN BREDEN JR of Patrick to JEREMIAH BURNETT JR of same.. $830.34 paid to Breden by Burnett for 110 acres on SMITH'S RIVER & ROCKCASTLE CREEK beg. at the mouth of said creek on a hickory tree BEING THOMAS HARBOURS OLD LINE.. thence the line as it meanders up the creek to a maple tree on the creek.. the east side.. to a white oak tree.. to a red oak a black oak tree to a WHAAWHOO tree on the river.. thence crossing the river & down it as it meanders to a white walnut on the river.. S. along the said HARBOURS OLD LINE TO ADAM TURNERS CONDITIONAL LINE on a black oak tree on said river.. thence up same to the first station at mouth of creek.. ALSO one other parcel of land lying on the S. side of Rockcastle Creek.. beg. at a mulberry tree on S. side of creek in the meadow.. LACKEYS LINE.. to a hornbeam in ADAM TURNERS line.. to a white oak.. thence new line.. to a ash at the mouth of said creek & up the same as it meanders to the beginning.. to have & hold said two tracts of land with all appurtenances belonging to JEREMIAH BURNETT JR. Wit: Daniel (X) Fain, Benjamin (X) Hart, Samuel Staples. Jeremiah Burnett purchased the OLD CROWLEY PLACE where ELIZABETH, JAMES and JOHN CROWLEY lived for 21 years as well as a parcel of land on the south side of Rockcastle Creek; part of the same property that SAMUEL CROWLEY had purchased from SHELTON in 1770. That parcel may have belonged to JOHN LACKEY at one time. If it was not Lackey's place, it was a parcel which shared a common boundary with Lackey. It is possible that Lackey's land was the OLD DRILL FIELD OF THE MILITIA. Both Colonel Penn and TOM HENDERSON spoke of it as such. In the pension file of JOHN PETER CORN [submitted earlier], there is a letter that HENDERSON wrote and directed the men to muster at either MICHAEL BARKER'S place or JOHN LACKEYS. Those mustering places must have been the drill fields known to both Penn & Henderson. There were 16 men in the SMITH RIVER MILITIA COMPANY plus 2 officers: TOM HENDERSON and JESSE CORN. On the militia list of men who responded to HENDERSON'S LETTER was JAMES CROWLEY, his kinsman, JOHN GIBSON & JOHN EDWARDS. Also there was MICHAEL BARKER, but not JOHN LACKEY. The above deed mentions that parcel as "SOUTH SIDE OF CREEK, IN THE MEADOW - LACKEY'S LINE." Because of "THE MEADOW:" John Lackey had a horse in that meadow and Henderson's letter required each man to have a horse. Perhaps Lackey's mount was lame that day and he could not go?? John Breeden/Braden Sr. did not live long after the sale to Burnett, but died in Jan/Feb 1802. Bennett Houchins was a witness to John Breeden's will (Patrick Co Will Bk, p.43). The Houchins family operated a mill on ROCKCASTLE CREEK. John Breeden Jr, served under Evan Shelby in 1779. 1804 Nov 1 - Patrick Co, Va - Deed Bk 2:463 - Trust Deed/Mortgage JOSEPH REYNOLDS to JAMES TURNER.. Whereas said Joseph Reynolds stands justly indebted unto JAMES CROLEY for 85 lbs, 10 shillings, 6 pence & said Reynolds being desirous to pay the said JAMES CROLEY & Reynolds having a legal right to 345 acres by survey, being the land said Reynolds got of JAMES PATTERSON... ALSO 262 acres adjoining CAPT. TURNER & JEREMIAH BURNETT JR [1761-1848].. Crowley & Reynolds will truly perform the trust & confidence reposed in him.. Wit: William Adams, James Farrell. 1806 Feb 21 - Patrick Co, Va - Deed Bk 2:517 JAMES TURNER to JEREMIAH BURNETT.. $92.50 for 262 acres on waters of Smith River.. adjoining said Turner & said Burnett and being the same conveyed from JOSEPH REYNOLDS to JAMES TURNER IN TRUST FOR THE BENEFIT OF JAMES CROLEY.. Wit: John Hall, Samuel Saunders & E. Lewis. JEFFREY CROWLEY and his first wife EFFANIAH "Effie" ______: Jeffrey was born about 1700 in Virginia (?) and died 1762 in Halifax Co, VA in Antrim Parish where he lived. His wife Effie was born about 1700-20 and died after 22 Sep 1755 and prior to Mar 1757 when Jeffrey sold land in Bedford Co, Va to his long time associate, Col. William Callaway. After Effie died, Jeffrey married 2/ MRS. MARTHA EDWARDS, the widow of Thomas Edwards. Her son, Thomas Edwards Jr. was clerk of the Vestry and sometimes county court clerk of Pittsylvania Co, Va. Martha was his widow in 1762 and she probably died a year or two later. The name of Jeffrey's first wife is on a deed dated Sep 1755 in Bedford Co in which Effie and Jeff sold 200 acres in Bedford to William Calaway. The Crowley-Callaway relationship extended back to 1735 in Orange County. From Jeffrey's will and inventory, we learn he was a gentleman who wore stockings and had a GREATE COAT and this coat was valued at more than his bull. He was a breeder of fine horses used for racing. He said one mare was "running at Thomas Callaway's and another was running at Leatherwood [Leatherwood Creek in Henry County]. It is also believed that Jeffrey owned a peach orchard on the James River back in 1738 and most likely owned a distillery to make peach brandy. His associate, Col. William Callaway owned a store and sold brandy. In the codicil to his will, Jeffrey said that he wished the remainder of his property to be divided among MY FOUR CHILDREN. He named only two, being BENJAMIN and SAMUEL CROWLEY. But over the years, other family historians have determined the identity of the two who were not named. One was MARY CROWLEY who married RANDOLPH GIBSON named in Jeffrey's will and the other is assumed to be the eldest son, JOHN CROWLEY. By the laws of progenitor, often the first son was not named in the wills as it ws understood he would inherit the family homestead. And as we have seen in hundreds of wills regarding the Burnetts, often the first family of children are not named and often the ones who have married and left the nest are omitted. A will is not conclusive evidence that ALL CHILDREN WERE INCLUDED. The children of JEFFREY CROWLEY and EFFANIAH ___: 1) JOHN CROWLEY, b. about 1723-30; his wife's name is unknown. John went to Georgia during the Land Lottery. 2) MARY CROWLEY, b. about 1735-7; m. RANDOLPH/Randall GIBSON, son of James Gibson & Elenor his wife. Mary and Randolph moved to Georgia. 3) BENJAMIN CROWLEY, b. about 1739; m. SARAH STRONG, b. 24 Jul 1742, dau of William Strong of Halifax. 4) SAMUEL CROWLEY, b. ca 1741-2; was killed by Indians on 10 Oct 1774 at Point Pleasant; m. ELIZABETH STRONG, b. 21 Jul 1744, sister of Sarah above. Jeffrey was first located 1731 in Orange County, Virginia when he sold land to James Stodgill. A reference to this sale was referred to on 16 Jun 1735, when Jeffrey signed over a note receivable of William Callaway to Stodgill, a debt of 4 lbs and 8 shillings. The following day, Jeffrey petitioned the court in a suit against said Stodgill for 260 pounds of tobacco. And at the same time, William Callaway filed against Stodgill for damages of 10 pounds sterling complaining that 5 years previously, Stodgill [also found as Surgan/Sturgion] did shoot and destroy a dog belonging to Callaway [PRE-ORANGE COUNTY TERRITORY IN 1730]. Wherever you find William Callaway, there you will also find Jeffrey Crowley. It is believed by Callaway researchers that William married MISS. CROWLEY, also found as "CRAWFORD," and was perhaps a brother-in-law to Jeffrey Crowley. 1735/36 Orange Co, Va Petition of William Callaway, Francis and Thomas Callaway mentions the road which "goeth to the county line of Hanover and is altogether useless in the upper part by reason of another road which leads to George Holmes' quarter close upon the county line." 1738 Oct 26 - Orange Co, Va - Deed Bk 11 Court orders JEFFREY CROWLEY, Thomas Callaway, Joseph Keaton and William Callaway to appraise 900 acres & some personal property said to be lying along branches of the James River at a place known as Buffalo Meadows - requested by Rev. Robert Rose [later the Rector of St. Anne's Parish, Albemarle Co, Va]. 1739 Orange Co, VA - Tithable List JEFFREY CROWLEY - 2 tithes [was the eldest son John age 16 here, born about 1723? or was the 2nd tithe a slave?] 1748 Jun 17 - Council of Colonia Virginia (Executive Journals of the Council, Vol 5:256 Petition for land were grants awarded to dwellers in LUNENBURG CO, VA; "To John Hall, Obadiah Woodson, George Walton and Robert Walton, 20,000 acres on both sides of Otter River on the head branches of LITTLE OTTER beginning where JEFFREY CROWLEY'S "PATH" crosses Otter River, thence up & down in Lunenburg..." [Here, the meaning of "PATH" refers to a track on which Jeffrey trained and raced his horses]. 1752 Lunenburg Co, Va - Tithable List of John Phelps JEFFREY CROWLEY - 2 tithes plus Slave: PETER [Between the above date of 1752 and August 1754, Jeffrey had moved to Bedford Co] 1754 Aug Term - BEDFORD CO, VA - Order Bk 1A:98-99 JEFFREY CROWLEY having obtained an attachment against the estate of Nathaniel Clark who is said to run away or so absconded that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him and the sheriff having returned that he has executed the same on the estate of said Clark in the hands of ZACHARIAH ISBELL... said Crowley to recover against Clark the sum of 4 pounds, 6 shillings and 4 pence, current money & ordered that Isbell pay this judgment & costs after paying CALLAWAY'S judgment & costs [Note; Wm. Callaway on the same day, also secured a judgment against Clark]. [Am getting ready now to do the 3rd & last part (hopefully). Perhaps you could join it all together so others won't get confused. I have had so many interruptions. I hope this is not too much, but it is hard for me to write a story in 10 words or less. The Crowleys played such a major part in history and those who bought Vol. 1 of the Burnetts do not have this info. As I was typing it I noticed many names that have appeared on your comps, so hopefully most will enjoy it. The "errors" concerned the Robert of Aberdeen story that I am still being questioned about whether true or false; Plus those who have the first Vol. 1, have Mary Johnston for wife of Jeremiah (III). All of these wives that ole Jeremiah has been credited with are the results of bogus rumors starting and not stopped. I have seen Mary Johnston's name on your comps. Thank you for the opportunity to set the record straight. Delete what you want if it is too long. Thanks, June] =================== June: No way. I'd really be in trouble if I started editing and deleting June Bork's work. <grin> Thanks much. Folks will enjoy everything, I'm sure. Nyla ======================= Subj: Crowley 3 Date: 97-11-24 01:15:22 EST From: To: <Prior to>: 1755 May 26 - Bedford Co, Va Court Order Bk 1:82 The Bedford County Court convened - Justices were: Samuel Hairston, Robert Ewing, Matthew Talbot & Mark Cole.. "We the Grand Jury of Bedford County by information of JAMES TILLEY & John Sutton, Richard Woodward, present Zachariah Isbell for selling liquor contrary to an Act of Assembly..LIKEWISE by information of JAMES TILLEY & JEFFREY CROWLEY, we present JOHN BURKS, Thomas Prather & RANDALL GIBSON for profane swearing. 1755 Sep 22 - Bedford Co, Va - Deed Bk 1:53 - Recorded: 22 Sep 1755 JEFFREY CROLAY of Bedford Co, Planter and EFFEY his wife to WILLIAM CALLAWAY..70 lbs for 200 acres on LITTLE OTTER RIVER in Bedford.. Beg. at pointers on S. side of river adjoining MEADOWS.. /s/ Jeffrey Crolay../s/ EFFEY Crolay 1755 Sep 22 - Bedford Co Va - Court Order Bk, p.114 Present: Richard Callaway, William Callaway, Gent Justices.. An Indenture of feoffment between JEFFERY CROWLEY & EFFY his wife and WILLIAM CALLAWAY, GENT together with a Memorandum of Livery of Seizen thereon Endorsed are acknowledged by said Jeffrey & his wife Effy, being first examined... she relinquished her dower rights. 1755 Sep 22 - Bedford Co, Va - Court Order Bk, p.130 James Tilley, assignee of BENJAMIN CROWLEY for a bounty given for a wolfs head for 50 pounds of tobacco.. [Note: James Tilley was mentioned in will of Jeffrey Crowley: "...a bond of 40 & 6 shillings on William Walker & the same in William Callaways hands & the same in JAMES TILLEYS HANDS..."] 1757 Mar 28 - Bedford Co, Va - Deed Bk 1:109 JEFFREY CROLAY of Bedford to WILLIAM CALLAWAY of same.. 60 lbs for 470 acres on north side of LITTLE OTTER RIVER adjoining MEADORS line.. /s/ JEFFERY CROLAY [Note: Effie did not sign] 1757 - Bedford Co, Va - Ct. Order Bk A jury is required to set value of one acre of land belonging to MATTHEW TALBOT JR which John Echols wished to purchase to set up a mill on the place.. JURORS: JEFFREY CROWLEY, JAMES TURNER, LEWIS MEADOR, RICHARD TURNER, JAMES TILLEY... 1761 Oct 17 - HALIFAX CO, Va - Will Bk O:137 Will of JEFFREY CROWLEY written: CODICIL: 17 Oct 1761; Proved: 18 Feb 1762 "In the name of God, Amen... I, JEFFREY CROWLEY of the Parish of Antrim in the County of Halifax, planter BEING VERY SICK & WEAK IN BODY, but of perfect mind & memory, thanks be given unto God therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my body & knowing that it is appointed for all men to die, do make & ordain this my last will & Testament that is to say, principally & first of all I give & commend my soul unto the hands of God that gave it & for my body I commend it to the earth to be buried in a Christian like & decent manner at the discretion of my Executors nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give devise & dispose of the same in the following manner & form: #1 - It is my will & I do order that all my just debts & funeral charges be paid & satisfied #2 - I give unto my dearly beloved wife, MARTHA [2nd], one NEGRO FELLOW NAMED PETER with all my stock of cattle & hogs & household goods & my work horse & a YOUNG BAY MARE & moveables during her life. #3 - I do give to my well beloved CHILDREN after her decease, all my estate to be divided among them & their heirs & assigns forever. #4 - I give to my well beloved SON, BENJAMIN CROWLEY, ONE GRAY MARE RUNNING AT THOMAS CALLAWAYS & to my SON, SAMUEL CROWLEY ONE BAY MARE NOW IN HIS POSSESSION & A COLT that came of the gray mare 2 years old next spring & to RANDOLPH GIBSON, a BAY MARE that I had of Joseph Austin & HORSE COLT THAT RUNS AT LEATHERWOOD [Creek in now Henry Co] & some debts that is due to me in BEDFORD COUNTY & a HORSE THAT RAN AWAY INTO AUGUSTA [Co, Va] if he can get him & a bond of 46 shillings on William Walker & same in COLO. WILLIAM CALLAWAYS HANDS & same in JAMES TILLEYS HANDS. And to BENJAMIN and SAMUEL CROWLEY 10 lbs, 11 shillings & 6 pence that DANIEL DUNN owed me & to John Heale a BAY YEARLING MARE COLT that I had of him. And I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke & disanull all & every other former testament wills legacies & executors by me in any way before this time.. Ratifying & confirming this & no other to be my last will & testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day & year above written.. /s/ JEFFREY (o) CROWLEY [his mark, a circle containing a cross]. Signed, sealed, published, pronounced & declared by said Jeffrey Crowley as his last will & Testament.. Witnessed by GEORGE BRITTAIN, JOHN (X) JONES, JOHN HARRIS Codicil written same day (p.138) I Jeffrey Crowley of Antrim Parish, Virginia on this 17 of Oct make this my codicil: It is my desire that after my wifes decease that the NEGRO FELLOW PETER be given between my TWO SONS, BENJAMIN CROWLEY & SAMUEL CROWLEY and the other part to be DIVIDED BETWEEN MY FOUR (4) CHILDREN EQUALLY & if either of them can pay the other his part of the NEGRO [Peter] to keep him & if not to sell him to the highest bidder & divide the money equally & a red cow with her horns sawed off to RANDOLPH GIBSON & a heifer that came of a cow named Chanak to my son BENJAMIN & another of the same age to SAMUEL CROWLEY. /s/ JEFFREY (JC) CROWLEY. 1762 Feb 18 - Halifax Co, Va At a Court held for Halifax Co, the last will was proved by the witnesses & the testator having appointed no Executor of his last will, certificate was granted to MARTHA HIS WIDOW who obtained letters of Admr. and THOMAS EDWARDS & WILLIAM WRIGHT became her securities. 1762 Jun 17 - Halifax Co - INVENTORY & APPRAISEMENT of ESTATE of JEFFREY CROWLEY, DEC'D. 1 Negro fellow named Peter; 1 white horse; 1 gray horse, 3 red cows, 12 hogs, 1 BULL, 18 shillings; 1 GREATE COAT, 1 pound; 1 pr stockings, shirt, handkerchief, bed & bedding, hone & razors, knives & forks, milk cooler & 4 basins; platters, 14 plates, spoons, 9 Mobby Tubs, 1 TOMAHAWK, 1 smooth bore gun, 19 GALLONS BRANDY... etc. A letter written by Mr. O.E. Pilson of Ridgeway, Va, dated 20 Nov 1995. Dear June, Thanks for the information you sent... I have been slowly working to gather information and talk to patriotic organizations concerning the possibility of getting an appropriate marker calling attention to the fact that SAMUEL CROWLEY, a former resident of present PATRICK COUNTY, was the first man to lose his life in battle in the War of American Independence. I have talked to several DAR & SAR groups and have been promised some help. I have also enlisted the aid of a former Governor of Virginia who is a native of Patrick County. He has promised to help. I attended the anniversary celebration of the Battle of Point Pleasant in October on the site of the battle. I was accompanied by the President of the Virginia SAR. There were representatives there of SAR & DAR members for about ten states. The National President of the SAR was the principal speaker at the celebration. Everybody there and everything there proclaims the Battle of Point Pleasant as the first battle of the American Revolution. Descendants of soldiers who fought in battle are elegible for membership in both DAR & SAR. SAMUEL CROLEY'S name is engraved on the marker in the battlefield park as one of those killed in the battle.. His name was listed on the program for the meeting. The land on which Samuel Crowley lived, at the confluence of Rockcastle Creek and Smith River, is now some distance away from a traveled road. It is my opinion that the marker should be placed on the nearest heavily traveled road where people will see it. The inscription should indicate the direction and distance to his former land... /s/ O.E. PILSON ========================= The end of this compilation.