Date: Fri, 28 Nov 1997 21:56:28 -0500 (EST) From: To: Subject: Comp 266 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 28 Nov 1997 Greetings to Everyone this Day After Thanksgiving. Hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving day. A big welcome to our new folks. Just remember to check out all our compilations on Chris Gaunt's home page. All the compilations can be searched onLine and downloaded. Chris has many links to other home pages that you will find interesting and helpful. Any information you care to share on your family will be greatly appreciated. Nyla CREED DePauk San Diego CA ============================= From: (portiaw) The Walsh family would like to wish all the "Cousin's", a very happy Thanksgiving! Jeane Burnett Walsh ====================== Date: 97-11-25 08:57:19 EST From: (Eunice B. Kirkman) A THANKSGIVING POEM Twas the night of Thanksgiving, but I just couldn't sleep I tried counting backwards, I tried counting sheep. The leftovers beckoned-- the dark meat and white, but I fought the temptation with all of my might. Tossing and turning with anticipation, the thought of a snack became infatuation. So, I raced to the kitchen, flung open the door and gazed at the fridge, full of goodies galore. I gobbled up turkey and buttered potatoes, pickles and carrots, beans and tomatoes. I felt myself swelling so plump and so round, till all of a sudden, I rose off the ground. I crashed through the ceiling, floating into the sky With a mouthful of pudding and a handful of pie But, I managed to yell as I soared past the trees....... Happy eating to all---pass the cranberries, please! ====================== Subj: Wood of Patrick Co Date: 97-11-24 00:13:55 EST From: (Judith Prince) Hope you folks can help me. I saw a lot of my Wood ancestors on your Turner stuff. I am stuck with my family tree. I am trying to find John and Nelly (maybe Ellender) Wood of Bedford (about 1770-1815) and Franklin/Patrick Co (abt 1815 til death), parents of my ancestor Richard (married Rachel Cockram) b Bedford, lived in Franklin and died at Wood's Gap, Patrick Co in 1859 age 85. John Wood was supposed to be married twice. I do not know if Nelly is first or second. Richard had a sister Ellender married Henry Boyd Franklin Co, brother Henry moved to Missouri, brother John, sister Elizabeth and probably others. WHO ARE JOHN AND NELLY'S PARENTS??? Thanks, Judy ========================= Subj: Re: Hi Nyla! Date: 97-11-25 00:09:24 EST From: (waddie) To: NCreed1@AOL.COM At 11:29 PM 11/24/97 -0500, you wrote: >In a message dated 97-11-22 16:39:28 EST, you write: > ><< When your dreams turn to dust, it's time to vacuum >> > >I did a lot of that about 10 years ago. Ha!! > > LOL! Someone ask me if I had "Dust Bunnies?" I replied, "No. I have Dust Gorillas!" Great hearing from you. LPage Guest Books are FINALLY back up after almost 2 days! Am going to add ANOTHER one to my Burnett page tomorrow just in case. Only 2 people signed it so far. Talk to ya soon, Cuzin Waddie *********************************************** * Waddie B. Salmon * * BM1-USN-RET. * * __ o o * * ~~~ |\/ *\ o * * ~~~ |/\__/ <>< ~~~~ * * <>< ~~~ * * SALMON FAMILY TREE * * SALMON - BURNETT - MASON * * SOWELL - CARWILE - CARTER * * HUDSON - REYNOLDS * * * * ICQ #1198171 * *********************************************** ================================= Subj: Re: Comp 263 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Date: 97-11-25 09:13:43 EST From: CarBurCo To: NCreed1 In a message dated 97-11-24 23:32:40 EST, you write: << IF someone has found such a record, please let Nyla know. In the meantime, please delete these "Parents, Robert & Sara" from your records. A rumor like this will plague us forever and we will not be able to ever find the parents of John & Isabell. John Burnett and Isabel Burnett's son THOMAS BURNETT, chr. 2 Sep 1574 was NOT CALLED "SIR THOMAS." Please delete the "SIR" from your records. .............................................................................. ......................... June, Nyla and other BURNETT researchers: I have not the "Robert and Sara rumor " I, like you have no parents listed for JOHN AND ISABELL BURNETT. RE: "Sir" in front of Thomas: I've seen it on this list, but NOT IN JUNE BORK'S communiques NOR in June's excellent book. We must not assume and always check our sources before reporting a "fact" UNLESS we plainly label it a "conjecture" or unproven information. CAROLINE BURNETT COOK ===================== Subj: Re: Comp 263 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Date: 97-11-25 09:21:24 EST From: Yoricat To: NCreed1 Nyla, The Caroline County Order Book is all the records of Caroline County that were not burned in the Civil War. In the Order Book in the late 1730s Richard Turner gives property to his four sons, Richard, James, John, and Lewis. Remember that this is before the Revolutionary War and property was under the English system of oldest son inherits. This is why property was given to all the sons before the father's death. Later, at the time of Richard's death son Richard dies after his father so that James inherits with Lewis and daughter Margaret as executors. Under the English system a daughter would not have been named executor if there was a living son so John was not living at this time. In 1744 the Order Book lists the guardianship of Meshack, Abednego, Sarah, Elizabeth, and Ann. Since their father was not living in 1742 (Richard's estate probated) their mother would have died leaving them with no one to care for them. Shadrack was sixteen and no longer needed a guardian. I also found in Maryland in the 1700s a John Turner who had a son John and a son Shadrack. However, he did not have sons Meshack and Abednego. I think what has happened is that people have confused the two Shadracks and put the records of the two together. Jeanette O'Boyle ======================== Jeannete: Thanks for sharing that information, as well as your sources, with us. Nyla ======================== ubj: Re: Comp 265 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Date: 97-11-25 20:02:37 EST From: (Patricia or Richard Hoffman) To: NCreed1@AOL.COM Nyla and June: I enjoyed very much the up-dates on the CROWLEY's. Thought I would interject this bit of information. It was suggested in June's books that I am descended from Jerimiah BURNETT and Mary McDANIEL who were the parents of Charles BURNETT who m. Catherine BROCK through their son Joseph BURNETT who m. Sarah "Sally" ACUFF possibly d/o John and Sarah ACUFF from Henry CO VA. Charles BURNETT and John ACUFF lived on Leatherwood Creek in Henry Co prior to their going to TN. In working on my ACUFF line the following is a throry; " Christopher ACUFF who died in Caroline Co VA in 1766, may have been the Ancestor, tho it will be hard to prove, since his will was destroyed durning the Civil War. Timothy, John, Cain, Christopher Jr. and Jane were all born about 1735-1740 in VA. Christopher-the-Elder was well-established in Caroline Co by that time. Researcher Frank Breeden states that ,"Jane ACUFF about 1740 married John Richard BREEDING in Virginia, and had at least one son James BREEDING b. 5 May 1768. The BREEDING/ BREEDEN appeared to be from Patrick Co VA. There was a John BREEDEN Sr. with wife Jane, who d. Jan/Feb 1802 (Patrick Co VA Will Bk, p.43). There was also a son John BREEDEN Jr." Another interesting thing I have noted in the past is that there was a Leatherwood Creek in Franklin Co GA where I believe they also had horse racing, makes you wonder if there was any connection. Just thought I would mention this for what it is worth. Pat Hoffman =========================== Pat: Thanks for your info. Nyla =========================== Subj: Burnett (Barnett) family Date: 97-11-25 00:04:44 EST From: RPike1025 I'm Ron Pike, born in Kentucky, where my family has been since its earliest days. My grandmother Pike was a Barnett. This is what I know: Sally Lucy Coffee B.10-10-1852, d. 2-17-1989, daughter of Wayne A. Coffee and Lucy Emily Pike, married James A Barnett 11-16-1871. James b 4-13-1852 in Rockcastle Co., Ky. died 11- 30-1911. Children of Sally Lucy Coffee and James A. Barnett 1. Mary Lucy (my grandmother) b. 02-07-1874 2. Lizzie Agness. b.09-15-1875 Married a Bault. Died 03- 3-1937 3. James Samuel. b. 08-06-1881 4. William Blain. b.10-07-1884 5. Rosa Lee. b. 07-01-1887 Married Henry Pike 6. Sara Eliza b.04-26-1890. Married Pelley Johnson died 02- 17-1898 7. Nathan. b. 10-02-1892 8. Dora L. Eunice. b. 06-11-1895 Interested in finding out more about any relatives. Thanks ================== Folks: Does anyone see a connection between Ron's Barnett family and any of the KY Burnetts? Nyla ==================== Subj: Pete Philpot's GEDCOM is online Date: 97-11-26 00:00:49 EST From: (Christine E. Gaunt) Reply-to: (Christine E. Gaunt) To: NCreed1@AOL.COM (Nyla Creed DePauk) Hi, Nyla, I've compressed Pete's GEDCOM file and made a link to it from the main page of the Burnett/Turner/Via/Ross/Etc page. The file uncompresses to just over a meg; zipped it's about 200K. I also put Pete's description of the file online so that you can read about it before you download it. Link to the gedcom: Link to the description: Have fun! Chris Christine Gaunt, Campbell-L listowner Co-compiler of Genealogy Resources on the Internet Web: File (1.8M): via autoreply from ========================== Subj: Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc mailing list Date: 97-11-26 09:37:15 EST From: Mack1435 Hi Nyla, I've really enjoyed all of the compilations on Chris' page. Please add me to your mailing list. My primary lines of research are the Pedigo/Perrego families. Thanks, Bob McCormick Glen Burnie, MD ========================= Subj: Important Virginia Dates Date: 97-11-26 09:46:23 EST From: N4JED To: NCreed1 While I give Nyla a hard time each instance she mistakenly lists her pre- 1863 Virginia ancestors as residing in West Virginia, Virginia has had a unique and interesting history of "ownership". I have had fun recently going back through VA history books to relearn my native state's history and would like to share some inportant dates with you. As I work through my data of ancestors, I have been adding the designation of the country they were born/died in based on these dates (so don't be surprised when you see our ancestors from 1867 to 1870 listed as born/died in Military District #1 as Virginia was not part of the Union at that time). Also have included the dates of some of our more common ancestoral counties. David Important Virginia Dates: 1607 - 24 May 1624 Virginia run by the Virginia Company of London. 24 May 1624 Virginia taken back by the King and became a Royal Colony. This status remained till 1776. 1649 - May 1660 With the beheading of Charles I and the formation of the Commonwealth of England, Virginia became a Commonwealth Colony. With Charles II return to power in May 1660, VA reverted back to Royal Colony. By October 1660, VA's General Assembly had reinstated references to the Crown in it's legal code. 1753 Bedford County, VA formed from parts of Lunenburg and Albemarle Counties. 1766 Pittsylvania County, VA formed from part of Halifax County. 4 July 1776 Formation of The United States of America. 1776 The area composing Kentucky was part of Virginia till given up in 1784. Virginia counties before the separation included Kentucky County, VA formed 1776 but divided into 3 counties in Nov 1780 when the name ceased to be used. Three VA counties were Fayette Co., Jefferson Co. and Lincoln Co. 1776 Henry County, VA formed from Pittsylvania County. 1776 - Oct 1785 The county of Yohogania, VA formed from Augusta. By 1785, most of the county had been taken by Pennsylvania and VA put the remaining small portion into Ohio County, VA. Dec 1778 - 5 Jan 1782 Illinois County, VA was formed and covered the area that became the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and a small part of Minnesota. Virginia discontinued the county in 1782 and turned the area over to the U.S. 1 Mar 1784. 1 Mar 1784 - 1 June 1792 Land are comprising Kentucky called District of Kentucky until granted statehood. 1785 Franklin County, VA formed from parts of Bedford and Henry Counties. 1790 Patrick County, VA formed from half of Henry County. 1 June 1792 Kentucky became a state. 23 May 1861 Virginia left the Union and joined the Confederate States of America. 9 April 1865 The Confederate States of America was discontinued for all practical purposes in Virginia although fighting continued through May. April 1865 - 12 Mar 1867 Virginia was a quasi-state of the USA with a provisional government established by the Union during the War. 13 Mar 1867 - 25 Jan 1870 Virginia lost state status in the USA and became Military District #1 with no state rights. 26 Jan 1870 Virginia admitted to the Union as a state. ================= Subj: NEW BURNETT LINK Date: 97-11-26 10:18:31 EST From: (waddie) To: Hi Cuzins, Just to update yall, there is a new BURNETT home page link on my web site. Listed as "MY FAMILY." Created and maintained by Cheska Wheatley. Take a look. Your ancestors might just be there. And if you haven't, look at the other 19 BURNETT links there too. PLEASE: Sign the BURNETT guest book I created. Leave your Burnett information of who you decend from and are lookinf for. This could be an excellent way to contact other researchers / cuzins. It has happened to me. My web site: Take care, Cuzin Waddie ====================== Folks: The following is from the VIA-L list. I'm including it here for anyone not receiving it already. I went to the web site to check out all the names listed. Nyla ===================== Subj: Unclaimed medals Date: 97-11-27 10:48:12 EST From: To:, There is a web site at: In 1866, the state of West Virginia authorized the minting of over 26,000 medals to honor its Civil War Union soldiers. Today, over 4,000 medals remain unclaimed. This site contains the names of those that the medals have not been claimed. There are no Maupins or Vias listed but some allied names include, Ballard, Bishop, Cobb, Harris, Turner, Ross, Dabney, Wade, Bryan and probably others. Wouldn't it be great to be able to claim one of these medals? Let me know if anyone has any success. Judy ========================= Subj: TURNER Obit. Date: 97-11-27 09:29:14 EST From: VA TRAPPER Thought someone would benefit from the information of this obituary. This is as it appears in the Roanoke Times, Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 27, 1997. Cindy Driscoll TURNER, Annie Hancock, 90, of Roanoke (VA), passed away Tuesday, November 25, 1997. Born on October 27, 1907, she was the daughter of John W.W. TURNER & Lillian Hancock TURNER. A graduate of Radford University, she taught school in Virginia for a number of years. Afterwards, she returned to school and became a secretary and bookkeeper. Her last employment was as secretary to the president of Warren Trucking Company of Martinsville from 1957 to 1976, when she retired and came to live at Friendship Manor Retirement Community in Roanoke. She was a member of Northminster Presbyterian Church. Preceding her in death were her parents; two brothers, Robert E. TURNER and E. Stone TURNER; one sister, Dorothy TURNER Luck. Surviving are one sister, Mary TURNER Darst; three nieces; three nephews; two sisters in law, Doris L. TURNER & Agnes P. TURNER; a number of great nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at 11:30 a.m. Friday November 28, 1997, at Oakey's North Chapel with Rev. David Kirk officiating. The interment will follow in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens. The family will receive friends from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday at Oakey's North Chapel. Memorials may be made to Northminster Memorial Fund, Northminster Presbyterian Church, 3911 Greenland Ave., Roanoke, VA 24012, or to a favorite charity. =============================== Subj: HI NYLA Date: 97-11-27 13:51:41 EST From: (waddie) To: Hi Nyla, Just want to say HAPPY THANKSGIVING to yall. Hope this one is the very best ever. Thanksgiving weather here today is absolutly perfect. Suppose to be about 60 or so. I wrote to Christine Gaunt today to apologize. My first email post from your list appeared on #4! A ways back. In all this time I don't know why, but I never created a link to her web site! Seen her URL and name many, many times and have been on her site often. It's great what she does for us. I took care of the problem and it's there now! Yall take care. Have a happy, Cuzin Waddie ===================== Subj: Jesse CORN, JR. Date: 97-11-27 17:02:48 EST From: N4JED Back in Compilation 215 you printed a list of the children of Jesse Corn, Jr. and Elizabeth Burnett. Unfortunately I have quite a few differences or hole with regard to your list and hope you or one of our readers can help me sort it out. First off, here is the family I have at the moment. Two/thirds of this came from the Patrick - Henry Allied Families publications and the rest from others here on the list... Descendants of Jesse CORN Jr-362 First Generation 1. Jesse CORN Jr-362 was born 11 Mar 1787. He died 12 Feb 1876 and was buried in Jesse Corn, Jr., Cemetery, Patrick Co., VA. Jesse was magistrate, teacher, Primitive Baptist preacher and Judge for the Patrick County Court in Virginia. Jesse married (1) Elizabeth BURNETT-361, daughter of John BURNETT Sr.-360 and Elizabeth TATE-469 on 15 Nov 1810 in Patrick Co., VA. Elizabeth was born 12 May 1793 in Patrick Co., VA. She died 29 Mar 1869 in Patrick Co., VA, U.S. Military District #1. They had the following children: 2 F i. Nancy CORN-8214 was born 25 Dec 1810 in Patrick Co., VA. She died 29 Oct 1872 in Saline Co., MO. Nancy married (1) James WITCHER-8215 on 24 Nov 1828 in Patrick Co., VA. 3 F ii. Mary "Polly" CORN-786 was born 4 May 1812 in VA. She died 5 Nov 1896 and was buried in Peter Via Cemetery, Patrick Co., VA. Mary married (1) Fleming "Flemon" VIA-787, son of William M. VIA-58 and Sarah Elizabeth "Sallie" INGRAM -57 on 26 Oct 1835 in Patrick Co., VA. Fleming was born 14 Jun 1808 in Patrick Co., VA. He died 25 Jun 1893 in Patrick Co., VA. 4 F iii. Jane CORN-792. Jane married (1) Joe WIMBISH-796. 5 F iv. Judith V. "Judy" CORN-4469 was born 19 Dec 1828 in VA. She died 15 Jul 1880 and was buried in Jesse Corn, Jr. Cemetery, Patrick Co., VA. Judith married (1) Peyton Rufus ROSS-873, son of David ROSS-439 and Sarah "Sally" ANDERSON -427. Peyton was born 30 Nov 1813 in Patrick Co., VA. He died 15 Aug 1885 in VA. 6 F v. Dicea "Dicy" CORN-794. Dicea married (1) Charles Peyton ROSS-798, son of David Jefferson ROSS-478 and Elizabeth TURNER-481. Charles was born Dec 1833 in Patrick Co., VA. Charles is listed as C.P. Ross, Private in Company C, 51st. Virginia Infantry Regiment, CSA during the War of Northern Aggression. He enlisted 6/14/1861 in Patrick County, Virginia. He received a medical discharge 5/9/1862 for disability from measles and fever. Charles was listed in military records as born Patrick County, Virginia, age 30, dark complexion, dark eyes, black hair; occupation farmer. 7 F vi. Permelia CORN-363 was born 31 May 1821 in Patrick Co., VA. She died 3 Sep 1903 in Patrick Co., VA and was buried in Goblintown Primitive Baptist Church Cem., Patrick Co, VA. Permelia married (1) Joseph Madison STOVALL-364, son of Brett STOVALL , Maj.-365 and Nancy HUGHES-366. Joseph was born 5 Nov 1809 in Patrick Co., VA. He died 8 Mar 1902 in Patrick Co., VA. 8 F vii. Susan CORN-491 was born 14 Oct 1826 in Patrick Co., VA. She died 18 Oct 1910 in Clarksburg, MO. Susan married (1) John Burrell MOLES-496 on 6 Mar 1855. John was born 21 Oct 1821 in Patrick Co., VA. He died 9 Jul 1898 in California, MO. 9 M viii. Peter CORN-795 was born 26 Jun 1834 in Patrick Co., VA. He died 1919 in Franklin Co., VA and was buried in Corn Family Cem., Ferrum, VA. Peter was a Corporal in Company D, 51st Virginia Regiment CSA with a signup date of 6/14/1861 in Elamville, Patrick County, VA. Peter served till the end of the War of Northern Aggression with time out (paying a substitute) to care for family and crops. Peter's occupation has been listed as Primitive Baptist minister. Peter married (1) Nancy Clementine Jane TURNER-948, daughter of Shadrack TURNER-353 and Judith BURNETT-354 on 15 Dec 1859 in Patrick Co., VA. Nancy was born 16 Jan 1836 in Patrick Co., VA. She died 14 Oct 1920 in Franklin Co., VA. Besides a few names that are slightly different you will see I am missing a few people that you have listed. The biggest puzzle of those is William P. Corn married to Mary Ann Koger. For Mary Ann, I have the following info including cemetery records: Descendants of Mary Ann KOGER-4376 First Generation 1. Mary Ann KOGER-4376 was born 29 Jun 1829. She died 22 Mar 1915 and was buried in Ingram-France Cemetery, Franklin Co., VA. Mary married (1) William P. INGRAM-4381, son of James INGRAM Jr.-4074 and Elizabeth "Betsy" HALL-4075 on 21 Jun 1851. William was born 8 Dec 1829. He died 8 Aug 1905. They had the following children: 2 M i. Hardin L. INGRAM-14370 was born about 1852. + 3 F ii. Ruth Elizabeth INGRAM- 14371 was born 1855 and died 1902. Second Generation 3. Ruth Elizabeth INGRAM-14371 was born 1855. She died 1902 and was buried in Ingram-France Cemetery, Franklin Co., VA. Ruth married (1) Peter J. FRANCE-14372 on 8 Jun 1876. Peter was born 17 Apr 1850. He died 27 Apr 1920. They had the following children: 4 F i. Della FRANCE-14373. Della married (1) Charles EDWARDS-14377. 5 M ii. H. Cabell FRANCE-14374 was born 29 Oct 1881. He died 18 Oct 1969 and was buried in Ingram-France Cemetery, Franklin Co., VA. H. Cabell FRANCE married (1) Mary Lou INGRAM-13940, daughter of Flemon "Flem" INGRAM-8337 and Exoney Elizabeth "Betty" TURNER-8333. Mary was born 1 Feb 1887. She died 2 Aug 1917. 6 M iii. William Joseph FRANCE- 7913 was born 5 Mar 1885. He died 20 Jun 1952 and was buried in Ingram-France Cemetery, Franklin Co., VA. William married (1) Martha Clemetine VIA-7906, daughter of William Alexander VIA- 1285 and Adeline Martha VIA-60. Martha was born 26 Jan 1887. She died 27 Jan 1956. 7 M iv. Posie G. FRANCE-14376 was born 20 Jan 1888. He died 30 Jan 1924 and was buried in Ingram-France Cemetery, Franklin Co., VA. Posie married (1) Lou THOMAS-14380. Lou was born 2 Mar 1893. She died 8 Apr 1976. Note the similarity of dates. With the existence of the cemetery plots I have to go with William P. Ingram being the husband. So, what can you tell me about the rest of the people on your list I do not have? Like John B. Corn, William P. Corn, and Elizabeth Corn ??? David ======================= David: I can't remember what I said in compilation 265. Now you're asking me about 215. <grin> I'll take a look at my data and hopefully find something to clarify the discrepancies. Back later. In the mean time, can anyone help me out? Nyla ====================== Subj: Oklahoma Burnetts Date: 97-11-28 04:10:20 EST From: (Sharon Crawford) Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. For Oklahoma Burnett researchers, I have added to my Burnett page(URL listed below) information that I have gathered from census, Indian Rolls, and such. Look for the link "Oklahoma Burnetts". Thought it might do more good online than in my file cabinets<G> -- Sharon Crawford OKbits: Garvin Co. OKGenWeb Burnett Page Crawford*Gosser: Wright Page ==================== The end of this compilation.