Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 00:16:22 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Comp #267 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

2 Dec 1997

Greetings to Everyone,

Welcome to our new folks.  All our compilations are on Chris Gaunt's home

We are approaching our second anniversary.  We have steadily grown to 192
subscribers.   During the past two years, the number of individuals who have
unsubscribed has been very small.  Yet, I note a definite pattern among the
unscribers.  Time and time, I hear something like, "I've been reading the
compilations, but never see information on my line."

Folks, if you are reading the compilations and have never found your family
listed, you can correct that problem.  Send me information on your family. 
Not only will you see your family information listed, but everyone else will
see it.  You never know who will be reading the compilations next.  The next
subscriber could be the person who has the information you need. 

If you haven't already shared information on your family, I urge you to take
some time soon and send us your family information.

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA

Subj:	List information-VIA, etc.
Date:	97-11-28 22:50:41 EST
From:	Jlmaupin
To:	NCreed1

I noticed you posted the e-mail regarding the Civil War medals to the
Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via list.  That was a great idea.  Thank you.

Any information to the Via list that you think will help with the Burnett-
Turner-Ross-Via list please feel free to send it out with your compilations.

We do have a VIA web page now:

This page was done by Sandy Spradling.

Thanks again,

Subj:	Re: List information-VIA, etc.
Date:	97-11-29 10:19:10 EST
From:	Jlmaupin
To:	NCreed1

In a message dated 97-11-29 10:13:07 EST, you write:

<< I think we have an opportunity to help both groups by sharing
information and letting folks know we're not in competition.  <grin>  >>

I agree.  Until I became involved with the Via discussion group and with
Sandy and her web page I didn't realize just how much connection there was
between these four family lines.  Of course there's more surnames than those,
Corn etc.  We are working primarily on the Via line but my goal is to be able
to get the information out to everyone who is interested and think sharing
and working together is the only way to go.

Thank you,

Subj:	 Re: Comp 266 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-11-29 10:05:27 EST
From: (Barbara Farthing Bonham)

I don't believe we get them all either.

I did find it.  Thanks.  Some good reporting on June's part, eh?

One did she determine Nathaniel Newbill's wife was Sara?  I
had it  as Mary.  Somewhere among the thousaand of pages of data here
there is something that gave me that clue.  I will try after the holidays to
them out.

Happy Holidays and thank you for your welcomed efforts.

Cousin Barbara

PD  Have you ever heard of a James Smith TURNER?  He would have been
of the Charles Co MD Turner familiy.  (for a non computer person) wrote:

> Try comp 265.  Then 264, if that's not it.
> I'm convinced that not all the mail gets delivered.  From time to time, 
> folks will tell me they didn't get certain compilations.  I always put
> down for a copy.  Occasionally I don't receive my copy.
> Nyla

June:  See the question for you above.  Thanks.  Nyla

Subj:	Re: VIA
Date:	97-11-29 18:48:40 EST
From:	Dmvia
To:	NCreed1

My family is from the Patrick County area of VA. I would love more info
and to be on the mailing list .

What do I need to do?

Thanks for the information.

Welcome.  You're on the mailing list.  Nyla

Subj:	 The Ross Family
Date:	97-11-30 09:47:30 EST
From: (Eunice B. Kirkman)
To: (Nyla Creed)

Thought you might have an interest in the following from a 1914 History of
Armstrong County [Pennsylvania] with links to Derry and Scotland.


The Ross family, represented in Armstrong county from the days of the early
settlements, had distinguished connection with the development and history
of this region.  Judge George Ross, a large number of whose descendants
continue to reside in the county, came here in 1800, and in his capacity of
deputy State surveyor had considerable part in fixing the lines of early land
purchases, etc.  Rosston, in Manor township, takes its name from the family.

John Ross, the earliest ancestor of the Rosses in America, was born in
Scotland in 1685.  His father, also named John, removed from that country
with his wife and family of five children, in 1689, to the city of Derry,
Ireland; the next year he took part in the battle of the Boyne.  His son
John, who was four years old when the family moved from Scotland, left
Ireland in 1706 to escape the British pressgangs capturing young men for
the army.

He took passage in the ship "Northern Light," which was wrecked off the
shoals of Cape May about the first of August, and he saved nothing but his
clothes.  Traveling up the Jersey shore, opposite New Castle, Del., he
pledged his silver knee buckles for his ferriage across the Delaware river.
Then he came into Pennsylvania, staying with William Miller, to whom he
had letters from Ireland.
Ross was the surveyor for the John Cowan tract, and I do not have any other
information on the family.

Date:	97-11-30 17:29:01 EST
From: ( RITA J SAGE)
To:	NCreed1@AOL.COM

I have been told that you are doing TURNER research and that you have 
a "TURNER List".  I would like to subscribe to the list. 

I am looking for information on James R TURNER b about 1820, in SW
VA.   Probably Dickenson County but possibly Buchanan or Wise.

James R. was married to Jane ???? poss. WOOD.
Their dau Nancy Jane TURNER married John Hay, b  8 Oct 1855.

Ambrose Hay son of Nancy Jane and John Hay was born abt 1880.
their son was born about 1880.

I am just beginning my search and most of the information I have now has
been handed down and needs confirmation.

Any help or direction you could offer would be appreciated.

Thank You,

Rita:  Welcome to the group.   I really am not doing much research.   My
role is to cut and past eMails and send them to our group.    Any additional
information you care to share will be appreciated.  Nyla

David and All,    On 27 Nov, David sent information on Descendants of
Mary Ann KOGER-4376.  According to his information, she married William
P Ingram.   I had shared information showing she married William P Corn on
27 Jun 1851.  I have since done a check of the Patrick Co VA marriage c.d.
and I find she married William H. Corn on 28 Oct 1852.   At this point, I am
totally confused.  Can anyone help clarify who Mary Ann Koger actually
married?			          Nyla

VIA Reminder:  Just want to remind those on this list who have an interest in
the VIA family to subscribe to the VIA Mailing List.  

Just send an e-mail to   In the body of the
message type only the word subscribe and nothing else.  You will then
receive an e-mail confirming your subscription.

The end of this compilation.