Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 23:08:31 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: Comp #269 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

5 Dec 1997

Hello to Everyone:

A big welcome to our new folks.  Our compilations are on Chris Gaunt's

Thanks to everyone for sending information.

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA

0ubj:	 Zip files on the website
Date:	97-12-05 12:32:40 EST
From: (Kevin K. Stephenson)

Nyla and the gang...
	I have completed the update of the zipped compilations on my
website.  The files no longer need a zip utility to be accessed.  You can
simply download them and double-click on the icon, and they will extract
themselves to a directory of your choosing.  This should make it simpler
for the more 'technically challenged' newbies to look over our work.  I will
be adding some Burnett pictures to the site after finals (next week), so
stay tuned.

Kevin K. Stephenson
1600 Kentucky St. #2
Lawrence, Kansas  66044

Subj:	 To Mack1435
Date:	97-12-03 22:50:03 EST
From: (Jeannie)

Welcome to the list.  Since you offer new Pedigo 'blood', I'll ask you my
famous Pedigo researcher question. Anyone else who might have info,
please respond.

I am looking for information on Jesse Clark who married Lucy Pedigo. 
Here is their family information:

Descendants of Jesse Clark

Generation No. 1

	1.  Jesse1 Clark  (John Sr.A) was born 1783 in poss. Henry Co.
VA, and died Bef. June 4, 1829.  He married Lucy Pedigo March 25, 1801 in
Patrick Co. VA, daughter of Edward Pedigo and Hannah Elkins.

	Children of Jesse Clark and Lucy Pedigo are:
	2	i.	Fleming2 Clark, born Abt 1806 in VA.  He married
Margaret "Peggy" Houchen November 2, 1826 in Patrick Co. VA.
	3	ii.	Ann Clark, born 1818 in Patrick Co. VA; died Aft.  1880 in KY.  
She married William J. Keith December 27, 1835 in Patrick Co. VA.
	4	iii.	Lucy Clark, born May 3, 1805 in Patrick Co. VA. 
She married Austin Gunnell May 3, 1835 in Patrick Co. VA.
	5	iv.	Edward Clark, born July 5, 1816 in Patrick Co.
VA; died April 7, 1902 in WA.  He married Sally G. Salmons January 18,
1839 in Patrick Co. VA.
	6	v.	Jesse Clark II, born Abt 1811 in Patrick Co. VA;
died Bef. 1900 in GA.  He married Lydia C. Bartlett.
	7	vi.	George Nix Clark, born Bef. 1825 in Patrick Co.
	8	vii.	Daughter Clark, born Bef. 1825 in Patrick Co. VA.

I believe Jesse may be a son of my John Clark.  Any information on
Patrick County Clark's is welcome!  Thanks.


Jeannie (aka Madam X)

    ***The truth is out there...can you help me find it?***


Archive Coordinator for the following VA Counties: Patrick, Henry,
Franklin, Tazewell, Floyd, Pittsylvania, Halifax, Carroll, Pulaski,
Montgomery, Bedford, and Campbell. Start here for more info:

Subj:	 Burnett
Date:	97-12-04 00:52:23 EST
From: (Frank H. Miller)


As per your request I am sending you what I have and would like to go 
from Jesse back and fill in any blanks that can be added.Descendants of 
Jesse Burnett
1  	Jesse Burnett	
	+Judith Prince	
	2	[8] Claiborn Burnett	
	+Mary Malone
		3   Enoch Burnett	1804 -
		     +Elizabeth Sherer	1806 -
                  4  	Jasper Burnett	1830 - 1904
		             +Louisiana (Lucy) Allen	
                       	5  	John Burnett	1860 -
                   	5    Emma Burnett	1863 -
		            5    Harriett Burnett 1866 -
                        5    Augusta Burnett 1869 - 1913
                  		+William Felix  Hill	1876 - 1956
                         	6  	Glee  Hill	
			                   +Robert L. Burger	
                         		7   Guy Burger	1920 -
			                       +Peal Marie Spencer	1926 -
                     	            7	Robet Burger	
		                            +Emma Burger	
                                   	7  	Winston Burger	
				                 +Betty Joe Chancy	
                   			7    Park Burger	
		                             +Florence White	
                             		7  	[1] Carzelle Burger	
	        	                         +Hurbert Arp	
                  				*2nd Husband of [1] Carzelle Burger:	
			                   	+J. B. Sisson	
                     			7   Hazel Burger	
			                       +Norman Harris	
                      			7   Ruth Burger	
			                       +William Edwards	
                        		7    Marjorie Burger	
             		               +O. M. Gunter	
                              	7   Gwendolyn Burger	
			                      +William M. Galloway	
                          		7   [2] Carolyn Burger	
                			          +E. Thomas J	
			                 *2nd Husband of [2] Carolyn Burger:	
                    		    +Frank Davenport	
			                 *3rd Husband of [2] Carolyn Burger:	
                        	     +J. E. Thomas	
		       6  	Mary Hill	
		      	+Lucius Coleman	
		5    Louisiana Burnett	1874 -
	4  	Haseltine Burnett	1833 -
		+LaFayette Pack	1834 -
	      5  	William Pack	
	      5	Arkie Pack	
		5    Ellen Pack	
		5    Bernard Pack	
		5   Aiston Pack	 1854 -
		5    John Pack	1859 -
		5    Charles Pack	1866 -
	4  	Emma Burnett	1836 -
	4  	John C. Burnett	1838 -
       	+Louisa Emaline Pack	
	      5  	Augustina Burnett	1862 -
		5 	Mry Burnett	1864 -
		5    Victoria Burnett 1872 -
		5     Leonida Burnett 1874 -
		5    James Burnett	 1878 -
	4  	Ellen Burnett	1845 -
	4  	James Commodore Burnett	1845 - 1910
		+ADELINE ALLEN	1853 -  1927
		5    CLERINDA E. BURNETT	1879 - 1892
		5    JOHN BURNETT	1881 - 1934
			+Lou Napier	1885 - 1977
			6  	Bonnie Burnett	
			+W. J. (Chuck) Smith	
		      	7  	James Harlen Smith	
			      7    Mary Lee Smith	
			      7    Carolyn Smith	
		       6  	Arlie Burnett	1910 - 1961
			      +Ita Turner	
			       7  	Arelene Burnett	
			       7  	John Arlie Burnett	
			       7    Kathy Burnett	
		  	       7    Eugenie Hazeline Burnett 1885 - 1973
			             +ALLEN J. REED	1885 - 1962
		      6  	ELSIE  VOLIA REED  1909 - 1994
		             +Wallace Lay	- 1980
			       7  	Annie E. Lay	
		      6     JAMES  EVERTT REED 1913 - 1954
		           +Winnie Bernice Koone 1910 - 1993
		            7  	Phyllis G. Reed
		            	+Ted Darling	
			            8   Holly Darling	
		  	            +Thomas DeWayne McCormick	
			            8    Courtney Darling	
		       6    EUNICE  RUTH REED 1915 - 1993
		             +Raymond Bridges	1913 - 1993
		              7   Kenneth R. Bridges
		              7   Peggy A. Bridges	
		              7   Robert Bridges	
	  	              7   [3] Mike Bridges	
			             +Karen Sigler	
			            8   Amber Huggins	
			            8   Ashley Huggins	
			           *2nd Wife of [3] Mike Bridges:
			            +Robetta Hays	
			            8  	Stephen Bridges
  		       6  	RUBY MAE REED	1919 - 1954
        	           +LEON HILL	1917 - 1991
	      	      7   RUBY LEA HILL
		                 +Frank Hartley Miller
		                  8  	DEBORAH ANN MILLER
	              	            +NORMAN VAN CORBETT	
		                         9    TRACY KATHERINE CORBETT
			                          +Jerry Jones	
			                   9     AMANDA LEA CORBETT
		               8  	KATHERINE JEAN MILLER	
			                 +JAMES EDWARD DUTTON
			                  9    BRYAN EDWARD DUTTON
		              8  	[4] FRANK LEON MILLER
			                  *2nd Wife of [4] FRANK LEON MILLER:	
			                  +CAROL LOUISE MITCHELL
			                  9   ABIGAIL JULA MLLER
                                    9   GRACE NICHOLE MILLER
		 	                  9    JOSHUA MITCHELL MILLER
		             7   WINNIE JEAN HILL	
		                  +Evertt Lybarger	
		                  8     Jeanna Kay Lybarger	
	  		                  +David Nelson	
			                   9  Kalen Joshua Nelson
			                   9  ??? Nelson
				     8  	[5] Janie Karen Lybarger	
			                 +Jeffrey W. Johnson	
			                 9   Cristion Johnson
			                 9    Brittney Johnson
			                 *2nd Husband of [5] Janie Karen Lybarger:	
			                  +Eric Gamble	
			                9   Boy Gamble	
			           8  	[6] Janet Lybarger	
			                   9   Boy ???	
			                   *2nd Husband of [6] Janet Lybarger:	
                           	       +Scott Spencer Star	
	                 7    ELIZABEHT SUE HILL
		                 +Jerrell Spradlin
				      8  	Michalle Spradlin
			                  +Joe Siler
			                   9   Christofer Siler
		                  8  	Todd Spradlin	
		           7     MARTHA ANN HILL
		                 +Joln William Hastings II
		                  8    Bridgett Ann Hastings
			                 +Danny Williams Bonds
			                   9     David Colins Williams Bonds
			                   9     Miranda Dominique Bonds
		                 8     John William Hastings III
                       		      +Stephina Jones
			                  9    Victoria Hastings
			                  9    Tiara Audra Hastings
			                  9     John William Hastings iv
                            8      Shon Hastings
			                +Tracy Trummell
             	6  	WARREN ALLEN REED 1921 - 1972
		            +Bobbie Hall	
		              7     James Eddie Reed
	                    7     Susan Kay Reed
                  		   +Carl Brungart	
		                    8  	Rachel Colleen Brungart
	           6  	WILLIS JOHUGH REED	
	       5   JAMES SWAN BURNETT	1888 - 1954
	            +May Kinder	1889 - 1970
	           6  Lyle Burnett	1911 - 1933
	           6  Eugene Burnett
   	                +Hazel Baker	
	               7   James Burnett
                    7   Jo Beth Burnett
             	       +Tom Shaw
		              8   Derick Shaw
		              8    Luke Shaw	
		              8    Katy Beth Shaw
       4   Nancy Burnett	1850 -
   3      Lewis (louis) M. Burnett	1808 -
	     +Mary (Pop) Coleman	
	 4   Edy Burnett	
	 4  Nancy M. Burnett	
	 4    Malinda J. Burnett	
	 4    James M Burnett	
	 4    Rachel M. Burnett	
	 4    Francis Burnett	
   3  A son Burnett	1792 -
   3  Martha Burnett	1794 -
	+Hugh Watson	
   3   Selena Burnett	1795 -
	 +John R . Beard	
   3  Robert Burnett	1796 -
	  +Rachel Black	
   3   [7] Valentine Burnett	1797 -
	 +Frances Stephens	
	  2nd Wife of [7] Valentine Burnett:	
	  Mary Dover	
	 *3rd Wife of [7] Valentine Burnett:	
	  +Mildred Upchurch	
        3      Benjamin Burnett	1797 - Aft. 1850
	          +Phebe Carpenter	
         3      David Burnett	1800 -
     3  	Thomas Burnett	1802 -
	+Margaret Porter	
    3  	Margaret Burnett	1806 -
	+Lenory ? McGaughy	
    3  	Mary Ann Burnett	1810 -
	+Milton Jarrell	
    3  	Carter Burnett	1815 -
	+Sarah DePriest	
	*2nd Wife of [8] Claiborn Burnett:	
	+Sara Lewis	
    3    A daughter Burnett	
    *3rd Wife of [8] Claiborn Burnett:	
    +Ursula Dicus	
     3  	daughter Burnett	
2  Lewis Burnett	
     3  	Hiram Burnett	1799 -
	+Ann Hixson	
     3  	George Washibgton Burnett	1802 -
     3  	Cynthia Burnett	1802 -
	      +Joseph Hoskins	
     3  	Noah Burnett	1805 -
	      +Martha Johnson	
     3  	Narcissa Burnett	1808 -
      	+Eli Hoskins	
     3  	Claborn Burnett	1811 -
	     +Mary Ann VanWinklie	
     3  	Mary Myra Burnett	1813 -
	     +John Hixson	
     3  	Sarah Ann Burnett	1816 -
	     +William Hixon	

Thanks for any help 
Ruby Miller

Ruby:  Thanks for the info.  Nyla

Subj:	 Burnett/Newbill
Date:	97-12-04 09:46:00 EST
To:	NCreed1@AOL.COM

To Barbara: You have left me in the dark.  Re: Comp 267, p.2 - "Some
good reporting on June's part, eh?"  What did I report??  Also "How did
she determine NATHANIEL NEWBILL'S wife was Sara?  What brought
this up? 
	Did I miss a comp?  If I don't hear from Nyla everyday, I get
worried I haven't seen a word about the Newbills on these comps.  To
answer your question tho,' I did not determine WHO Nathaniel's wife was,
except that she was a daughter of Mary Billington who named Nathaniel
as her son in law in her 1727 Essex Co will.  Mary married 1/?  to Thomas
St. John who died before 2 Feb 1680 when Mary was already a widow of
her 2nd husband, John Day and on 20 Apr 1683, she married 3rd to John
Billington.  Mary also named her granddaughter, Catherine Newbill (dau
of Nathaniel) in her will and Nathaniel named his daughter Catherine
BURNETT in his 1734 will.  So Catherine married between the dates of
the two wills.  I will have to check into the St. Johns when I get back into
Old Rappahannock & Essex records.  
	For those of you who do not know who we are talking about (like
me sometimes), Catherine Newbill married John Burnett and their large
family of children were the last of the Burnetts born and raised on the
old Burnett plantation in Essex.  John sold out and moved to
Mecklenburg, then to Lunenburg and back to Mecklenburg where he died
in 1775.  I have been working for the past 6 months in the Mecklenburg
Co records and have discovered many NEW goodies.  It may mean
another book <g>!

Subj:	 Re: William Via, Fleming Via, Peter Lee Via families
Date:	97-12-04 11:20:29 EST
From: (RPresnell)
To:	NCreed1@AOL.COM

Nyla, sorry it took so long for me to check my mail and get back to you
with a copy of the earlier post you requested.  Below is a copy of that
text.  Thanks for sharing your information, we are really getting some
good discussion on our branch of the family! --Rick

Hello to all.  With job demands and the holidays I am a couple
weeks behind in sharing what I have from my branch of the Via family.

I trace my Via lineage back to William Via who married Sally
Ingram.  I hadn^�t known all of their children^�s names before Sandy
(thank you!) posted the excerpt from the 1926 book by George Via. 
According to this book there were 7 children^�one of which is my
ancestor Fleming Via (the name is also sometimes listed as Flemon and
Flemuel). I do not have any other information on Fleming^�s father William

Fleming Via (b. June 14, 1808 Henry Co., VA) married Mary Corn (b.
1814 Henry Co., VA).  Their children numbered eight according to
George Via^�s book. Our family records indicate there were ten
children^�John A. b. July 02, 1844 , Nancy J. b. December 07, 1846 ,
George M. b. June 28, 1849 , Mary T. b. January 02, 1854 , Jesse T. b.
March 28, 1838, William C. b. August 16, 1839, James R. b. May 30,
1840, Elizabeth S. b. April 11, 1842, Adaline Martha b. April 28, 1856,
and Peter Lee b. November 04, 1851.   

Peter Lee Via (b. Nov. 4, 1851 Patrick Co., d. March 21, 1921) is my
great grandfather.  He married Elizabeth D. King.  They had eleven
children including my grandmother Martha Magdaline Via (b. March 3,
1891 d. December 28, 1918) who married my grandfather, Homer
Orlando Bryant.  I have names and birthdates and most spouses of the
children of Peter Lee Via and Elizabeth D. King if anyone is interested.
     It appears as if there is at least one unknown link between the
earliest known Via in my branch of the family line (William who married
Sally Ingram) and earlier Via^�s going back to Amer as listed in "The Via
Family in Early America" excerpt also posted by Sandy (thanks again!). 
In addition to the names, vital statistics, a few photos and anecdotes on
the children of Peter Lee Via, I also have a book which contains two old
photos of William Dennis Via and his wife Minnie Addie Via, and George
Washington Via and his wife Eulalia Thomas Meadows Via.  The photos
are from "Poems by "Bradley^� and the Fayerdale Story", a booklet
compiled by Ora Mae Pilson Hylton.  (Please let me know if these are
relatives and you would like a photocopy of either picture.)     I^�ve
certainly appreciated the information that has been posted here and in the
Maupin group.  Thanks to all and I hope my information helps someone.

Subj:	Mary Ann Koger
Date:	97-12-04 15:32:10 EST
From:	Chochojay
To:	NCreed1

Here is the info I have on two Mary Ann Koger's in my files:

Mary ann Koger born 1826 in Patrick Co., Virginia, daughter of Herny
Koger Jr (1793-1868) and Lucinda Thomsa (1802-1875) married William
H. Corn on 28 Oct 1852 in Patrick Co., Virginia.  I do not have any
children listed.  Her age was shown as 24 on the 1850 census of Patrick

Mary Ann Koger born 29 Jun 1829 died 22 Mdar 1915 at age 85,
daughter of John S Koger (1827-) and Susan J. ? (1829-) married William
P. Ingram on 21 Jun 1851.  He was the son of James Ingram, Jr. and
Elizabeth Hall.  There children were   Hardin L. Ingram (abt 1852-) and
Ruth Elizabeth Ingram (1855-1902).

Some of this information can be found in the book on Henry Co., Virginia
by Hill.

Hope this does not confuse the issue more.

Pete Philpott 

Date:	97-12-05 09:21:53 EST
To:	NCreed1@AOL.COM

Hi Nyla, I met Jimmy Turner in the library today and he told me about 
your service. I am stuck on this ancestor in my Turner line
b.Feb 14, 1815, Warren Cty, GA  m. Maria Theresa Carter May 1852, 
Culloden Monroe, Ga b. Nov 23, 1823 Warren County, both d Muscogee 
County, GA. Think his father was John C Turner b cir 1875, NC. m. 
Nancy Parham May 15, 1811. both died in Dekalb County he in 1857, she 
in 1830. Cannot substantiate the relation except by conjecture.
Can you help?

William Turner Durban

Subj:	Re: Comp #267 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-12-05 18:13:56 EST
To:	NCreed1

Hello Nyla and all:  
	Since I have not posted this in a long time, thought I would
make another try.  I am one of those NORTHERN TURNER'S (smile). 
a clue who I connect to after the one I call "elusive Elisha"...
	Elisha Turner I, m. Betsey Paterson/Paterson in Hartland, Vt on
10 April 1788 died between 1810 and 1820.  Elisha I served in the
Castleton Vt campaign in Capt. Martin Dudley's Co. Col. John Abbotts
Regiment in 1781.
	Known children:  Elisha Turner II  b. about 1791 in Hartland Vt 
m. (1) Penelope Jones 14 Jan. 1810 
Paschal Paoli b. 13 Aug. 1810
date of death of Penelope between 1811 and 1816

m. (2) Olive Banister/Bannister 19 May 1816, Royalton, Vt
      Olive b.  06 May 1795, Hartland, Vt
                d. 05 May 1871, Middlebury, VT
      father Jason Banister, mother Polly ?

          Lydia Turner b. 1820, So.Royalton, Vt
          George P. Turner b. 10 March 1828, Middlebury, Vt
          Elisha Turner b. about 1829 Ripton, VT
          d. 26 April 1872   
          William Louis Turner b. ?VT
           *Joseph Louis Turner b. ? VT
           Adelaid Malissa Turner b. ? VT 
Elisha Turner III 
m. Jane Abbott
     b. 19 august 1834 E. Middlebury, VT
      d. 02 June 1865, Middlebury, VT

	*Just found out about this Joseph Louis Turner served in the Civil
War from  Middlebury VT Vermont Volunteers in 1861 and in 1865-1866
served in  Hancocks First Army regiment, Comany C  - later moved to
Missouri.  But have no additional information.

	Children of Elisha III and Jane Abbott

William Waldo Turner b. 13 Nove 1857, Middlebury, VT
Adelaid Malissa Turner b. 13 Dec. 1858 Middlebury, VT (died young)
Ezra E. Turner b. 22 March 1861 Middlebury, Vt
Joseph Louis Turner b. 06 May 1863 Middlebury, VT
Lydia b. ? in Middlebury, Vt (died young)
m. Carrie P. Moulton b. about 1869 in Windham, CT ?
25 December, 1890, Middlebury, VT
 Joseph and Carrie Moulton Turner are my grandparent
I have most of the information on my direct line from Elisha I.
Three cousins (one for 20 yrs.) have been searching for Elisha Turner I,
place of birth, name of parents, and siblings.  Unfortunately, no luck.
	Common names in this family are:  Elisha, Joseph, Jesse, William,
Louis, Clarence, Lydia, Betsey, Adelaid, Florence, Isabel, Frances, 
	Also looking for the names of Betsey Paterson's parents, siblings,
place of birth, etc.

	There is a good possible that this line connects to Humphrey
Turner and  Lydia (Gamer/Gaymer) arrived in Mass. Bay Colony about
1635.  Have been unable to make the connection.  If anyone has any ideas
or has seen this line any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciate. 
Thanks for any help or suggestions anyone may have.  I found cemetery
locations many of them, but nothing on Elisha Turner I, Betsey Paterson
Turner,I or Penelope Jones Turner date and place of death for them.  

June Turner Kalipolites

Subj:	Re: Descendants of John Burnett Turner Sr & Naomi (Via) Turner
Date:	97-12-05 22:18:22 EST
From:	GTarr87942
To:	NCreed1

	I know we have several of the same lines.  Dickens is my Father's
line and my Step Father is the Turner Line. His Mother was Bessis Turner
the daughter of John B. Turner and Nancy Jackson.  John B. Turner was
the son of John Burnett Turner and Naoma Angeline Via, her parents
were William Via and Sarah Elizabeth Ingram.
	I'm not sure who Williams parents are but I know that Sarah
Ingram was the daughter of James Ingram and Margaret Kincaid.
Margaret was the daughter of John Jr. Kincaid who married Elizabeth
Galispie daughter of James Galispie Jr. of Greenbrier Co. Va. their
marrage record is at the Court House there.  John Jr. Kincaide was born in
Amherst Co. Virginia on the 10 of March  1770 . Hope you can check this
out for me.
	I have the Kincaids as Scotland Ancestor one Alexander Kincaid a
Pharmacist of Edinburg, First ancestar to come to america was Samuel in
1747 to Virginia with his young son John.  John Married in 1769 Ann
Graham.  They were the parents of John Jr. Kincaid.  I got most of this
information from the Library in Virginia.  I  think in Grayson Co.  It's
written by hand and some was hard to make out.   I'm not sure about the
Graham because of the writing.Plan on going there this summer and
checking it out. I have a list of the 12 children that John Jr.Kincaid has
and the names of who most of the children married.   I will be gone for a
week but will get back to you latter.  

Gerri and All:    The information on the parents of Sarah "Sallie" Ingram is
new to me.   Does anyone else have that inforamtion?   I don't know the
Kincaid family, so I can't help you.   Would like to hear more about your
Dickens line, also.   Nyla

Subj:	 Humphrey Turner
Date:	97-12-06 02:27:01 EST
From: (arnold)
To:	NCreed1@AOL.COM

I am a direct descendant of Humphrey Turner.  My greatgrandmoter
compiled a lot of information on Humphrey in the 1920s.  I have it.
I have a book compiled in 1852 and photos of Humphreys grave.

Is this of interest to you?

Wow.  I'm sure someone is interested.  Can you tell us more about your line?
This surely will  be helpful to someone on the list.   Thanks.   Nyla
Subj:	Turner Sisters - Taylor and Page Co., Iowa
Date:	97-12-06 00:03:52 EST
From:	VFTurner2
To:	NCreed1

My Bedford Co, Virginia.Turner's (Albert, son of Meador and Piety Hackworth)
finally settled in Page and Taylor Co., Iowa, via Preble and Clinton Countys,
Ohio.  Albert and his wife, Elizabeth Hiatt, had eleven children, eight of
which lived to adulthood.  The only male was my GGrandfather, Asher Hiatt
Turner.  The other seven, all women, are the subject of this message.  I would
like to find out what happened to their descendents.  The seven are as

1.  Narcissus M. Turner, b: 8/6/1843, Clinton Co., Ohio; m: John West,
2/22/1874, Taylor Co., Iowa.

2.  Rosena J. Turner, b: 6/20/1856, Clinton Co., Ohio; m: Lorenzo Kent,
2/1862, Page Co. Iowa.  My Grandfather, Alonzo Turner, tells how he was born
(1885) in a "dugout" house on the farm of 'Ren Kent, in Lincoln Co., Kansas.
I have land records and census records of Lorenzo Kent's short time in Lincoln

3.  Mary Ellen Turner, b: 7/1/1849, Clinton Co., Ohio: m: Benjamin Kelso,
3/16/1865, Page Co., Iowa.  I have a copy of a land tranaction, where Albert
transfers a parcel of land, 16 rods x 24 rods, to the township for $40.  The
land was to used to erect a school.  The representative who made the deal for
the township, was Benjamin Kelso, his son-in-law.  Benjamin and Mary Ellen are
buried in the Memory Cemetary, Page Co.  Their marker is an obelisk, with the
notation, of a child, who died and was buried in Indiana.

4.  Sarah Alice Turner, b: 8/11/1853, Clinton Co, Ohio; m: Alfred H. Raynor,
7/3/1873, Taylor Co. Iowa.  Like the Kent's, the Raynors lived and farmed for
a while in Lincoln Co., Kansas.  The History of Taylor Co. Iowa, lists several
Raynors, but there is no mention of a relationship with Alfred.

5.  Laura F. Turner, b: 3/26/1856, Clinton Co., Ohio, m: William D. Harris,
2/28/1877, Taylor Co., Iowa.  The Harris's are both buried in the Memory
Cemetary.  My GGrandfather, Asher, (Laura's brother) is also buried in their

6.  Emma C. Turner, b: 5/16/1860, Page Co., Iowa; m: John H. Beale, 2/6/1861.
Mayville, Missouri (just over the state line from Taylor Co.).

7.  Demaries May Turner, b: 2/9/1863, Page Co., Iowa; m: Orlando V. Long,MD,
3/1/1883, Taylor Co.,Iowa.  She went by May, but died, 11/26/1905.  Dr. Long,
who was highly regarded physician in Gravity, Iowa, remarried, and died in
1916 of a heart attach.  He and May had a daughter, Myrtle.

I would appreciate any information about any of these families.  My
Grandfather tells of visiting his Turner cousins in Southern Califonia, in
1965.  I believe that they were Beale cousins, but I can't say for sure, nor
can I say that they were the only family represented.

Vern Turner
Menlo Park, California

Subj:	 Burnett
Date:	97-12-06 10:32:45 EST
From: (Jerry Baker)

Hello ALL

I have missed the last few months of the list so never got to see if my
questions were answered so I will ask them once more.

Where did John Burnett's ship land in the new world. I know the name of
the ship. I would like the town and the county and the state.   And where is
the Burnett Plantation?

And I would like to wish every one a Merry Christmas.
Jerry Baker                                          nWo 4-Life

Jerry:  Let us in on the secret.  What was the name of the ship?  Also, all
the compilations are on Chris Gaunt's home page.  You can read them onLine or
download them.  Thanks to Kevin, they have all been zipped.   Nyla

The end of this compilation.