Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 22:56:29 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: Comp #270 - Burnett-turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

Dec 1997
Greetings to Everyone:

Hope everyone is enjoying the compilations.  Just another reminder to anyone
researching VIA, the Via List is getting several responses.  If you're
interested in
the VIA family, be sure to check out their site, too.

Nyla CREED DePauk

Subj:	Re: Comp #269 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 
Date:	97-12-07 10:26:22 EST
From:	CarBurCo
To:	NCreed1

In a message dated 97-12-06 23:08:31 EST, you write:
<< 	1.  Jesse1 Clark  (John Sr.A) was born 1783 in poss. Henry Co.
 VA, and died Bef. June 4, 1829.  He married Lucy Pedigo March 25, 1801 in
 Patrick Co. VA, daughter of Edward Pedigo and Hannah Elkins. >>


Could your JOHN be my BOLLING CLARK'S BROTHER?  Did he die before
1809? BOLLING CLARK was b. in Hanover Co., Va.? between 1820 and 1835; 
died (will proven)1809 in Dinwiddie County, Va. BOLLING CLARK  had 
BURNETT great-grandchildren who were old enough to remember him in Va., 
Tenn and Ms. BOLLING CLARK'S will  mentions his NEPHEW JESSE, son of
his BROTHER JOHN who had died before the will was written.  

Caroline Burnett Cook
great great granddaughter of JOSEPH BOLING BURNETT & Anna Beezley
who was the daughter of DANIEL BAUGH & ELIZABETH (?) CLARK
who was the daughter of BOLLING CLARK & Winifred Buford(?)

Subj:	 Ship of John Burnett
Date:	97-12-07 04:59:37 EST
From: (Jerry Baker)

Hello Nyla

 It was reported on the list that the Ship is the Aberham of London
Jerry Baker                                          nWo 4-Life
CEO nWo MotorSports
Sim Racing's most winning team ever!
SRA Member
Team Sponsors
Baker Design's

Jerry:  Thanks for "refreshing" my memory.  Nyla

Date:	97-12-07 02:36:12 EST
From:	roseross@AOL.COM (ROSEROSS)
To:	ncreed1@AOL.COM (NCreed1)

Please send the free mailing list.  I am interested in both Ross and Turners.

Subj:	VIA Hunters
Date:	97-12-07 12:32:52 EST
To:	NCreed1

Hello,  I kept such a list  5 years ago    glad to see a re appearance of
Please add me to the rolls as,  which is what I used the
most in the old days.  Glad to share and hunt for any of the cousins,

Stan in Toledo

Subj:	 Re: VIA  FYI
Date:	97-12-07 12:27:48 EST
From: (AACTchStan)
To: (NCreed1)

I am a Via Maupin Mullin  [  now into Ky]    Via desc
7 Dec  1997          Descendants of: Amer  Via          by AACTchStan  or

1 Amer  Via b. c 1658 d. c 1716/31 m. bef 1688 unknown 
   2 Robert Via 
   2 William Via Sr b. ABT 1710 d. 8 May 1783 m. unknown 
      3 Sarah Via b. ABT 1737 
      3 William Via, jr b. Abt 1740 m. Sarah Graig 
         4 William Via III b. 1761 m. 7 Dec 1784 Mary Craig 
            5 Jonathan Via m. Catherine O'Baugh b. (Aubaugh?) 
               6 Marie P. Via 
               6 Thomas D. Via 
               6 Samuel M. Via 
               6 Henry O. Via 
               6 John Avington Via m. BEF 1820 Mary (Polly) Maupin 
                  7 Isabelle Via 
                  7 John W. Via 
                  7 Pleasant Via 
                  7 Charles Via 
                  7 Bezaleel Via 
                  7 Algretus R. Via b. _____ d. 1925 m. Martha F. Wood 
                                         m. Pleasant Maupin 
                     8 Jacob Wood Via b. _____ d. 18 Jul 1892 
                     8 John A. Via 
                     8 Mary Via 
                     8 Martha Via 
                     8 Samuel E. Via 
                     8 Sophia Via 
                     8 Hezekiah Via 
                     8 Benjamin F. Via 
                     8 David Morgan Via b. 1895 d. 1972 
                  7 Nicholas W. Via 
               6 James B. Via 
               6 Mary E. Via 
               6 Adam L. Via 
               6 George A. Via 
               6 Frances Ann Via 
      3 Micajah Via b. _____ d. 7 Aug 1849 m. Mary Mills 
         4 Clifton Via b. ABT 1793 d. 5 Mar 1869 m. 5 Feb 1816 Judy Sandridge
b. ABT
1794 d. 1860 
            5 Ira Howard Via b. _____ d. 1 Jan 1897 m. 2 Oct 1872 Amanda Jane
               6 Horace W. Via b. 15 Nov 1846 m. 20 Oct Luculla unknown 
                                   m. Samantha Carrier 
                                   m. Mary Holbrook Hayes 
               6 Apollonia Via m. 3 Apr 1876 Wayland Wood Maupin 
               6 Chris Columbus Via b. 22 Jun 1850 m. Melinda E.F. Marshall 
               6 Lousia Via b. 1854 m. Bert Moss 
               6 Mary S. Via b. 1857 
               6 Henrietta Via b. 1859 
               6 Georgianne Via b. 1859 m. Frank Royston 
                                   m. 12 Feb 1892 Sam Garrison 
               6 Samuel Via b. 1861 d. 1 Jul 1865 
               6 Lucille Ann Via b. 2 May 1862 d. 13 Sep 1924 m. 24 Dec 1876
Robt. F.
               6 Daniel Watt Via b. 29 Jul 1864 m. 5 Dec 1881 Malinda Sipe 
                  7 Roger Daniel Via b. 6 Mar 1888 d. 27 May 1974 m. BEF 1909
Garrison b. 20 Nov 1887 d. 30 Jul 1953 
                     8 Russell Floyd Via b. 6 Oct 1909 d. 1 Oct 1979 m. Beulah
Mae Garrison b.
21 Apr 1919 d. 4 Mar 1946 
                                               m. Margaret G. Wood 
                        9 John F. Via b. 20 Jan 1936 d. 20 May 1966 
                        9 Junior Lee Via b. 13 Jan 1937 m. Jun 1963 Elizabeth
                           10 Erik S. Via b. 10 Jan 1966 
                           10 Kevin J. Via b. 21 Mar 1971 
                        9 James Roger Via b. 17 May 1938 m. 15 Mar 1956 Joyce
                           10 Rickey F. Via b. 21 Jan 1957 m. 22 Mar 1986
Tammy Gay
MacKenzie b. 7 Dec 1961 
                              11 Richard W. Via b. 10 Jun 1987 
                              11 Katelyn E. Via b. 1 Aug 1989 
                           10 James R.P. Via b. 19 Mar 1958 m. 23 Dec 1978
Pamela Jo Durham
b. 13 Jun 1958 
                              11 Christine M. Via b. 5 Mar 1982 
                              11 James M. Via b. 10 Apr 1984 
                              11 Brian M. Via b. 23 Aug 1985 
                           10 Robert James Via b. 3 Aug 1960 
                        9 Patrician Via b. 29 Feb 1940 
                        9 Jacob R. Via b. Aug 1943 
                        9 Charles R. Via b. Mar 1944 m. Mar 1944 Mary Stone 
                           10 Denise Via b. 11 Mar 1964 
                           10 R. L. Via b. 19 Sep 1972 
                           10 R. Lee Via b. 31 Oct 1987 
                     8 Lillian Via b. 23 feb 1919 
                     8 Archy Via 
                     8 Albert Via 
                     8 Melvin Via 
                     8 Roger Irvin Via 
                     8 Odella Via 
                     8 Ollie Via 
                     8 Sadi Via 
                     8 Noah Via b. 15 Feb 1923 d. 4 Aug 1987 
                     8 Mamie Via 
                     8 Dorothy Via 
                  7 Henry Via 
                  7 Thomas Via 
                  7 Junnie Via 
                  7 Jacob Via 
                  7 Elgi Via 
                  7 Lottie Via 
                  7 Sadie Via 
                  7 Rose Via 
                  7 Viola Via 
                  7 Agusta Via 
            5 Mary Ann Via b. ABT 1818 m. 16 Oct 1838 James Slattor 
            5 Irena M. Via b. 1823 
            5 June M. Via b. 1824 m. 5 Dec 1856 Addson Dunn 
            5 Dillard G. Via b. 1824 
            5 Elizabeth B. Via b. 1830 m. 10 Dec 1846 John Shifflett 
         4 Polly Via m. 28 Nov 1824 Achilles Wood 
         4 Jane Via 
         4 Brightberry Via m. 13 Aug 1842 Susan Cox 
                       m. 19 Feb 1844 Judith Hall 
         4 Hewly Ann Via 
         4 Winston Via m. 26 Mar 1822 Melinda Via 
         4 Garland Via 
   2 Judith Via 
   2 Nahome Via 
   2 Mary Via 
   2 Margaret Via b. _____ d. 1789 m. Daniel Maupin b. 25 Mar 1700 d. 20 Sep
      3 Gabriel Maupin b. 1720 d. 1794 m. 1747 Ann Ballard b. c 1730 
         4 Gabriel Maupin jr b. c 1750 m. 26 Aug 1791 Mary Mullins 
         4 John Maupin b. c 1750 m. 7 Dec 1788 Betsy Mills 
         4 Bland Maupin b. c 1750 m. Sara Brown 
         4 Daniel Maupin b. c 1751 m. Jane Via 
         4 Ann Maupin b. c 1751 m. 1791 George Turner b. c 1725 
         4 Susan Maupin b. ABT 1751 
         4 Fanny Maupin b. c 1751 m. 1791 Wade Via b. c 1725 
         4 Judith Maupin b. c 1752 m. John Burch b. c 1725 
         4 Peggy Maupin b. 12 Jun 1763 m. 5 May 1785 John Rush b. c 1763 
         4 Thomas Maupin b. 1770 m. 10 June 1781 Anne Spencer 
         4 David Maupin m. 30 Oct 1785 Sarah Sallie unknown 
         4 Matthew Maupin m. Lucy Ballard 
      3 John Maupin b. 1725 d. 1806 m. Frances Dabney 
         4 Sara Maupin 
      3 Daniel Maupin jr b. 1727 d. 1803 m. Elizabeth Dabney 
      3 Thomas Maupin b. aft 1729 
      3 Wm. G. Maupin b. 1732 d. 28 Jun 1814 
      3 Zachariah Maupin b. 1734 d. 1810 m. 1762 Elizabeth Jarman 
      3 Margaret Maupin b. 1736 d. 1827 m. 1763 Robert Miller b. abt 1736 
      3 Jean Maupin b. 1738 d. 1760 m. Sam Rea b. abt 1738 
      3 Jesse Maupin b. 1740 d. 1788 m. 1756 Lucy Jones 
         4 Mosias Maupin b. abt 1765 m. Leah Downey b. abt 1765 
            5 Thomas Maupin b. abt 1785 m. Anna Miller b. abt 1785 
               6 George W. Maupin b. abt 1807 m. Emily Dyson 
                  7 Sarah Maupin b. abt 1830 m. Hiram Stites 
                     8 James B. Stites m. Sarah Lemons 
                        9 Ray E. Stites m. Jessie Russell 
                           10 Eleanor Stites 
      3 Mary Maupin b. 1723 d. 1786 m. Matthew Mullins b. aft 1728 
         4 Elizabeth Mullins m. 1770 Wm Chenault b. 1749 d. 13 Dec 1813 
         4 Gabriel Mullins b. 22 Mar 1758 d. 18 May 1841 m. 1783 Rachel
Ballard b. 1764  d. 15 Aug 1829  
            5 Stephen D. Mullins b. 11 Dec 1779 d. 26 Jan 1854 m. 8 Apr 1802
Thrasher b. 3 Sep 1787 d. 3 Mar 1854 
               6 Wm. Patrick H. Mullins b. 21 Oct 1821 d. 31 Oct 1851 m. 22
Dec 1840
Janette Dillard b. Abt 1820 
               6 Alexander Webb Mullins b. 5 Dec 1822 d. 13 Sep 1870 m. abt
1842 Orinda Lewis b. 14 Jul 1823 d. 7 Oct 1881 
                  7 Wm. Henry Mullins b. 15 Oct 1865 d. 17 Nov 1919 m. Mary L.
                     8 Flora M. Mullins b. 12 Dec 1886 m. 29 May 1909 Harry H.
Hopkins b. 2 Sep 1887 d. 24 Apr 1946 
                        9 Fannie Pauline Hopkins b. 5 May 1910 d. 22 Dec 1966
m. 9 Mar 1935 Wm. Clinton Hartz 
                           10 Wm. C. Hartz, jr 
            5 Richard Mullins b. 1785 d. 3 Jul 1866 m. 12 Jan 1809 Rebecca
Berry b. 1 Jun 1789 d. 5 Feb 1852 
                             m. 1853 Mary I. Spencer 
                             m. Mary Ellen Knight 
               6 Anna B. Mullins b. 1810 d. 5 Mar 1878 
               6 Gabriel B. Mullins b. 3 Oct 1811 d. 10 Aug 1872 
               6 Rachel Mullins b. 1814 d. 6 Nov 1834 m. Robert McNay 
                  7 Robert McNay, jr m. Belle Routt 
                     8 Carrie Jane McNay m. Walker C. Arnold d. 1935 
                        9 Carie Rachel Arnold b. 22 Aug 1918 m. 4 Sep 1934
Thomas H. Rogers b. 18 Nov 1914 d. 14 Jul 1987 
                           10 Carole Rogers b. 1935 
               6 Joel B. Mullins b. 1815 d. 1897 m. 23 Oct 1838 Orpha Fugate
b. 1824 d. 1894 
                  7 Wm. Joseph Mullins 
                  7 Richard Mullins b. 1841 
                  7 Frances Mullins b. 1845 
                  7 Hannah Mullins b. 1848 
                  7 Rebecca Mullins b. 1850 
                  7 Sarah A. Mullins b. Aug 1853 d. 20 Aug 1933 m. 1872
Valentine Oetzel b. 14 Mar 1845 d. 3 May 1901 
                     8 Richard S. Oetzel b. 2 Apr 1873 m. 14 Mar 1895 Lottie
                        9 Esther Oetzel b. aft 1895 
                        9 Raymond Oetzel b. aft 1895 
                        9 Edith Oetzel b. aft 1895 
                        9 Edna Oetzel b. c 1895 
                        9 Richard Oetzel b. aft 1896 
                     8 Clarence Oetzel b. 13 Jan 1876 d. 14 Apr 1877 
                     8 Carrie Belle Oetzel b. 24 Feb 1878 m. 19 Mar 1899
Charles A. Fryer 
                        9 Ersel Fryer 
                        9 Bessie Fryer 
                        9 Erma Fay Fryer 
                     8 Grace Oetzel b. 13 Oct 1880 m. 28 Apr 1901 Charles
                        9 Roy Wilson 
                        9 Thelma Wilson 
                        9 Mildred Wilson 
                        9 Mabel Wilson 
                        9 Harold Wilson 
                        9 Kenzie Wilson 
                        9 Dorothy Wilson 
                     8 Minnie D. Oetzel b. 15 Jun 1884 m. 4 Oct 1905 Clinton
                        9 Clayton Wilson 
                        9 Ralph W. Wilson 
                     8 Orpha Eliz. Oetzel b. 21 Dec 1886 d. 23 Jun 1942 m. 18
Feb 1913 Walter Baumgartner b. 27 Mar 1881 d. 25 Nov 1955 
                        9 Ruby Louise Baumgartner m. Earl Simpson 
                        9 Wilma Baumgartner b. 11 Aug 1924 m. 30 Aug 1947
Clifford Hart b. 25 Sep 1921 
                           10 Gary Hart b. 7 Apr 1957 
                     8 Leslie T. Oetzel b. 24 Jun 1889 d. 23 Nov 1892 
                     8 Bessie Lee Oetzel b. 28 May 1892 d. 3 Apr 1936 m. 27
Jan 1915 Stanley W.(10) Dearborn b. 25 Oct 1892 d. 29 May 1940 
                        9 Sarah Laverne(11) Dearborn b. 2 Apr 1917 m. 18 Jul
1940 Stanley W. Head b. 2 Jul 1921 d. 13 Dec 1983 
 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  10 Stanley W. Head, jr b. 27 Mar 1943 m. 24 Oct 1964 Elaine
Merryman Keagy b. 15 Feb 1943 
                              11 Jeffrey W. Head b. 4 May 1968 m. 24 June 1989
Tamara Sue Davis b. 6 June 1963 
                              11 Brian C. Head b. 4 May 1968 d. 7 May 1968 
                              11 Scott W. Head b. 7  May 1970 Michelle Hanes
Wilson b. 12 Jul 1972 
                                                                  Mary Martens
                                 12 Dawn Marie Hanes b. 28 May 1987 
                                 12 Kirsten Nicole Martens b. 31 Jul 1991 
                              11 Tyler W. Head b. 14 Mar 1974 
                           10 Jo Anne Head b. 6 Apr 1954 m. 5 Dec 1975 William
Laymon b. 18-Jun-1954 
                              11 Erik Laymon b. 22 Mar 
                              11 Rebecca Laymon b. 15 Oct 
                  7 Wm. N. Mullins b. aft 1853 m. 4 Apr 1872 Elizabeth Lizzie
Oetzel b. Mar 1848 
                     8 Theodore J. Mullins b. Apr 1873 d. aft 1910 
                     8 Wm. N. Mullins, jr b. May 1875 m. 22 Sept 1901 Lucy
Douglass b. 1876 
                        9 Clard Mullins b. ABT 1904 
                     8 Catherine E. Mullins b. ABT 1876 
                     8 Charles Mullins b. ABT 1879 
                     8 Orpha M. Mullins b. Jun 1881 m. 11 Sep 1901 Earl M.
                  7 Orphie Mullins b. 1855 m. Tillman Bradford 
                  7 Rachel Mullins b. 1860 
                  7 Joel Mullins Jr b. 1860 
                  7 Emily Mullins b. 1863 
                  7 Benjamin Mullins b. 1865 
               6 James K. Mullins b. Jun 1818 
               6 Richard Dozier Mullins b. 15 Jun 1821 d. 6 Oct 1846 
               6 Stephen Mullins b. 1823 d. 21 Nov 1860 
               6 Benjamin Berry Mullins b. 15 Mar 1826 d. 23 Mar 1897 
               6 Matthew Mullins b. 26 Aug 1827 d. 2 Apr 1903 
               6 Mary Frances Mullins b. 26 Jan 1830 d. 15 Feb 1913 
               6 Margaret F. Mullins b. 1833 d. BEF 1868 
               6 Reuben Mullins b. 26 Feb 1836 d. 29 Jan 1841 
               6 Stephen G. Mullins b. Sep 1854 d. 26 Jan 1871 
               6 Samuel Mullins b. 1855 d. 1873 
            5 Reuben Mullins 
            5 Fountain Mullins 
            5 Mary Mullins 
            5 France Mullins b. bef 1829 
            5 Linsley Mullins 
            5 Elizabeth Mullins 
            5 Patrick Mullins 
         4 Jane Mullins b. _____ d. 1844 m. Benjamin Clark 
            5 William Clark 
            5 David Clark 
         4 John Mullins m. Susan Ballard 
            5 Mary Mullins m. 26 Aug 1791 Gabriel Maupin jr b. c 1750 
         4 Margaret Mullins 
         4 Richard Mullins b. _____ d. 1825 m. Mary Clark 
                       m. Susan Woods 
         4 Matthew Mullins b. _____ d. 1836 m. Sarah Clark b. c 1753 
         4 Wm. Mullins 

Date:	97-12-07 14:38:40 EST
From: (Jesse M. Lawrence)
To:	NCreed1@AOL.COM

Hello Everyone ,
I have listed below my direct Turner line that I am researching,just getting
Interested in tying to this family and also collecting more data on Turners
from Isle of Wight area down to Halifax County, NC.

Descendants of Solomon Turner

 1   Solomon Turner Born: Abt. 1840
...  +Temperance Hyman Born: Abt. 1836  m: Abt. 1865
..... 2   Charles Lee Turner Born: Oct 17, 1868 Died: May 24, 1944
.........  +Mamie Elizabeth Grimes Born: Apr 28, 1875 Died: Feb 1, 1947 m:
Abt. 1900
........... 3   Paul Randolph Turner Born: Jun 18, 1902
........... 3   Edgar Turner Born: Abt. 1905
...............  +Veenie Leonard Born: Abt. 1903
................. 4   Huldah Lou Turner Born: Abt. 1935
.....................  +Sherrod Wood,Dr.
....................... 5   Amy Lou Wood Born: Abt. 1956
....................... 5   Turner Wood Born: Abt. 1958
........... 3   Mamie Lee Turner Born: Aug 1, 1908 Died: Jan 2, 1979 in Rio
De Janeiro,Brasil,Buried in Enfield,NC
...............  +Cliff Ronthaler Harris Born: Jun 16, 1903 Died: Apr 21,
1976 in Rocky Mount,NC,Buried in Enfield,NC
................. 4   Joyce Faye Harris Born: Aug 8, 1941 in Rocky
Mount, North Carolina
.....................  +Jesse Macon"Sonny" Lawrence,Jr. Born: Jun 22, 1939
in Rocky Mount,North Carolina  m: Dec 20, 1958 in Dillon,SC
..... 2   Anne Turner Born: Abt. 1870
.........  +Ben Burnett Born: Abt. 1870
..... 2   Paul Turner Born: Abt. 1872
.........  +Relia Grimes Born: Abt. 1872  m: Abt. 1895
........... 3   Lucille Turner Born: Abt. 1897
...............  +Fountain Born: Abt. 1897
..... 2   Robert Turner Born: Abt. 1874
.........  +Lucy Edmonson Born: Abt. 1874
..... 2   Ebenezer Hyman Turner Born: Dec 20, 1866 Died: Mar 22, 1914 in
Scotland Neck,NC
.........  +Selma Talitha Hyman Born: Oct 27, 1874 Died: Aug 20, 1956 in
Scotland Neck,NC m: Abt. 1900
........... 3   Russell Niles Turner Born: Apr 24, 1911 Died: Feb 26, 1981
in Scotland Neck,NC
........... 3   Amazon Earl Turner Born: Aug 5, 1906 Died: Jan 27, 1981 in
Scotland Neck,NC
................. 4   Sylvia Turner Born: Abt. 1932
........... 3   Beatrice Turner Born: Jul 18, 1908 Died: Nov 19, 1960 in
Scotland Neck,NC
...............  +Sadler Born: Abt. 1908
..... 2   Soloman Turner,Jr. Born: Abt. 1878
.........  +Mamie McDowell Born: Abt. 1878
..... 2   Emily Turner Born: Abt. 1880
.........  +C N Andrews Born: Abt. 1880 Died: in Ahoskie,North Carolina
..... 2   Lucy Turner Born: Abt. 1882
.........  +Samuel Thurston Hyman Born: Abt. 1882
..... 2   Caroline Turner Born: Abt. 1884

     Best Regards And Have A Good Day,
Jesse M. Lawrence Jr. <>   Owner -Highland Oaks Ranch
5300 East McKinney Road             Home: 940-243-5068
Denton ,Texas   76208           Fax: 940-243-0198
I am researching family histories for Pittman, Lawrence, Copeland, Wheeler,

Neville, Turner and Harris.I would  like to share info by  FTW or  GEDCOM
files attached to email, regular email or snail mail,whichever is most
convenient and efficient for all.
THE ESSENCE OF SURVIVAL --- "Every morning in Africa, a Gazelle wakes
up.  It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be
killed . . . Every morning a Lion wakes up.  It knows it must outrun the
slowest Gazelle or it will starve to death.  It doesn't matter whether
you are a Lion or a Gazelle . . . when the sun comes up, you'd better be

Subj:	 Turner search
Date:	97-12-08 09:27:33 EST
From: (GayNell Wells)

Dear Nyla:

I have been working on my family research for less than a year.  It all
started when I became interested in joining DAR.  I have since then become
practically addicted to putting as many of the pieces of the puzzle together
as possible.  Fortunately, a lot of my ancestry has been fairly easy to
trace.  I am attempting to complete my application to DAR through my
paternal line (Tinsley).   My gr-gr-gr-grandfather (Moses Tinsley) married
Elizabeth T. "Betsey" Tinsley March 19, 1798, in Amherst Co., VA.  Betsey
was the daughter of John Turner and Mildred Suddarth Turner.  Moses' and
Betsey's son, Isaac Turner Tinsley, married Mary Ann Turner (his first
cousin), daughter of James S. Turner and Nancy Goodrum.  I have virtually
complete information on the descendants of Isaac Turner Tinsley and Mary Ann
Turner.  What I need are documents which help to prove at least a close
approximation to the dates of:  Betsey Turner's birth in Amherst County, VA
and death in Sumner Co., TN in approximately 1806; and the birth date and
death date of her husband, Moses Tinsley.  Also, I need the same sort of
documentation on Mary Ann Turner's birth in Sumner Co., TN.  Can anyone out
there help me?  Any information would be greatly appreciated.  Of course, I
am willing to share any thing I have which could help others. 

GayNell Tinsley Wells

Subj:	 Thanks for Your Hard Work on the Via Family
Date:	97-12-08 13:54:05 EST
From: (Harold E. Via)

Dear Cousins Nyla and Eva:  Just wanted to send the both of you a big
"Thanks" for all of the info that I have received from you.  I am very
limited in my genealogical activities right now as I broke my leg on
10/10/97 and had to have surgery to repair the damage.  Needless to say
I am having difficulty accessing my actual physical genealogical papers
and files which will probably last another month. So I will be able to
send you some better data later on. For now I am pretty much limited to
the info in my computer.  Again, thanks for all of your help as its
really appreciated.  Your Cousin, Harold Edward "Eddie" Via

Subj:	 Re: Who am I ??
Date:	97-12-08 14:14:50 EST
From: (Mel & Mae Schwartz)


 To find out, If I could, The making of me.
 All that I knew was Great- Grandfather's Name,
 Not knowing his wife or whence he came.

 I chased him through villiages, cities, and States,
 And came up with pages of odd names and dates.
 When I put them together, it makes me forlorn,
 I'd proven Great-grandfather had never been born.

 One day I was sure that the truth had been found,
 New dates that would turn the whole thing around.
 I looked up old records from my Great Uncle Tim
 And proved that his Dad was younger than him.

 Then, just when my hopes were fading so fast,
 I discovered new records from out of the past.
 The facts I've gathered make me quite sad
 My dear old Great Grandpa was never a dad.

 I think some rascal is pulling my leg
 With records that prove I was hatched from an egg.
 Dispite all this effort documenting my tree,
 I can't help but wonder If I am really Me..


Happy Holidays,
Mel & Mae Schwartz

EVANS, and DAGGY. Also researching the Hawaiian names of BELL, TODD,
See our "home page" at <>

Folks:  I'm related to Mel through our Hendricks/Hendrix line.  Thought I'd
share his
poem with everyone.  Nyla

 ~My Cyber Friends~
 I haven't ever seen you,
 But I know you're really there;
 I click you into reality
 Like magic from the air.
 Your voice is like an angel,
 Though I really do not hear;
 Your hug as warm as any
 Of loved ones I hold dear.
 You're always there for comfort,
 Or a word of cheer;
 Though you are very far away,
 I always have you near.
 You're a very special friend,
 Like none I've ever known;
 As long as you're in cyberspace
 I'll never be alone......

The above poem came from a cyberspace friend.  Nyla

ubj:	Turner Newsletter
Date:	97-12-08 17:57:58 EST
To:	NCreed1

Iwould like to subscribe.  Tank you.

ubj:	 Hello Folks,
Date:	97-12-09 17:05:34 EST
From: (Jeannie)
To:	NCreed1@AOL.Com

I just wanted to let you all know that I am the new coordinator for the
Patrick County GenWeb project.  I am currently looking for pages to link to
that deal with Patrick County or families from that area.  If you want to
check out the page so far it is at, 
but don't expect too much.  It's brand new.  But you WILL see a mention of
newsgroup :)  And maybe some of you have pages or know of pages that I can
link to!!!


PS.  The main page is at : 

just in case anyone wants to check it out.

Jeanne:  Congratulations.  That's great. 
Folks:  Check out the Patrick Co page.  Nyla

Subj:	Turner Genealogy
Date:	97-12-09 14:35:54 EST
From:	DotInWayne
To:	NCreed1

Hi Nyla,
	Ann Hughes told me to contact you, since she couldn't help me on my problem.
I descend through Shadrack TURNER'S dau.Elizabeth Turner  that married Richard
PACKWOOD (Rev.War).  They had a dau.Martha, she married Johnson THOMPSON. I
have the facts, but I need proof that Martha is the d/o Richard & Elizabeth.
Can you & would you PLEASE help me.
	 I am trying to file more supplements to the DAR, on my REV War ancestors.
Thanks in advance!  
	Dottie Tabor Blankenship(

Dottie:  Chris and other Packwood researchers, can you help Dottie with her
questions re the Packwoods?  Nyla

Subj:	 Josiah Via
Date:	97-12-09 17:56:42 EST
From: (Bill Crews)
To: (

I am descended from Josias Via (abt 1780 - ?) and his Josiah (1819 -
1865) of Franklin County and later Floyd County, VA.  Anyone have any
knowledge of these two and their alleged ancestor John Via (dates
unkown) also of Franklin County.

Very Contagious to Adults
Continual complaint as to need for names, dates and places. Patient has blank
expression, sometimes deaf to spouse and children. Has no taste for work of
any kind, except feverishly looking through records at libraries and
courthouses. Has compulsion to write letters. Swears at the mailman when he
doesn't leave mail. Frequents strange places such as cemeteries, ruins and
remote, desolated country areas, Makes secret calls. Hides phone bill from
spouse. Mumbles to self. Has strange faraway look in eyes.  No Known Cure:
Treatment.  Medication is useless. Disease is not fatal, but gets
progressively worse. Patient should attend genealogy workshops, subscribe to
genealogical magazines and be given a quiet corner in the house where they can
be alone.  Remarks:  The unusual nature of this disease is --- the sicker the
patient gets, the more he enjoys it. Author Unknown 

The end of this compilation.