Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 20:45:25 EST From: NCreed1 <> To: Subject: Comp 272 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 19 December 1997 Greetings to Everyone: Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season and have time to update their genealogy. Anything you care to share on your family will be appreciated. Remember to check out all our compilations on Chris Gaunt's home page: ( Thanks to Kevin, all the files have been zipped. Please keep those eMails coming my way. Nyla CREED DePauk San Diego CA ===================== Subj: Happy Holidays! Date: 97-12-14 19:01:03 EST From: (Allen Richmond) Reply-to: Howdy Nyla & Cousins: Just a note to say HAPPY HOLIDAYS Y'ALL and to let you know of a change in email addresses. My _primary_ address is now << >> though my former address is still active (pending the phase-over to By 01 Jan 1998, that phase-over should be complete (I hope). Best wishes for a generationally-filled 1998, and may those brick walls come a-tumblin' down! ;-) Thanks! Allen Richmond ===================== Subj: RE: Comp #271 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Date: 97-12-15 00:50:03 EST From: (chickflet) To: Reply to Bert Edens: Are you related to the Edens from Madison County, Arkansas that married into the Burnett family from Madison County? Georgia Burnett Fletcher ======================= Subj: Re: Comp #271 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Date: 97-12-15 02:02:36 EST From: Bervi Nyla, In a message dated 12/14/97 9:08:53 PM, you wrote: >Nyla, I'm lost____ >I've gone to look for >myself. If I should return >before I get back, please >ask me to wait. > >Submitted by Johnny Turner > >========================= >Johnny: What makes you think I'll recognize you? <grin> Nyla > >========================== You'll recognize him because he looks just like himself!!!!!! (Unless of course he's not himself when he returns, tho if he is himself, but is just not feeling himself...<ouch>) etc, etc, etc.... I LOVE it!!!! Peter Ramsey <> ======================== Peter & Johnny: You guys are too much! Nyla ======================== Subj: New subscriber Date: 97-12-18 12:30:46 EST From: (Barbara Farthing Bonham) Reply-to: To: ncreed1@AOL.COM (Nyla Creed) CC: Nyla: Happy Holidays! Please add to your Turner etc. mailing list. Your cousin, Barbara Bonham -- Barbara Farthing Bonham Summerville, SC Cherry Stone Creek ======================== Subj: RE: COMPILATIONS Date: 97-12-19 03:06:11 EST From: (Kevin K. Stephenson) To: ('Hugh and Sandy Sellers') Hugh and Sandy- I've just finished finals for the semester (I'm a law student at KU) and I'm going to update the site in the next few days and put the latest and greatest on there. I've heard that several people have had trouble with the "self- executing" files I put up there a couple of weeks ago, so I'm planning on changing them back to the zipped files that you download and then use a zip utility on to open. Chris Gaunt has the entire set on her website, and has a search engine there for you to use to hunt for specific names. I am working on getting ahold of a small program that will search multiple text files, and I will make this available on my site later on if I can. -----Original Message----- From: Hugh and Sandy Sellers [] Sent: Monday, December 15, 1997 12:33 PM To: Subject: COMPILATIONS Kevin, What a fine job you have done compiling the messages to the TURNER, etc mailing list....questions: 1) Are the various files indexed anywhere? 2) Can one "get" files individually, in other words I have downloaded through the comp150 and when the site is updated, can I get the newer files? I cannot subscribe to lists as my EMAIL address changes with each transmittal of messages so that automatic processors do not recognize the registration. The RUDDs in my GATEWOOD file start with William of Shorpshire, Eng and are LDS people, if you are interested. REgards, *************************************************************** "A people who takes no pride in the nobel achievements of remote ancestors will never achieve anything worthy to be remembered with pride of remote descendants." Lord Macaulay ********************************************** Sandy Shields Sellers, P.O. Box 17664, Austin, Texas 78760 EMAIL <> ************ ====================== Subj: Please forward the following query to the Turner Group. (fwd) Date: 97-12-19 06:39:48 EST From: (Christine E. Gaunt) Nyla, Did you already get a copy of this? I don't see your email address listed. Figured you could take off the many addresses and put this in the next compilation. :-) Chris ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 17:50:57 -0800 From: DeCody Brad Marble <> Subject: Please forward the following query to the Turner Group. Subject: Turner Genealogy Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 09:01:55 -0500 From: Linda Jones <JONESL@CCISD3.CCF.ORG> To: Please forward the following query to the Turner Group. I am interested in recreating family grouping of the Turner slaves. My gggg-grandmother Jemima "Mima" Turner Jones was given to Allen S. Turner, son of Shadrach Turner upon his decease in Lincoln County Georgia, 31 December 1844. Although the minutes of the inferior court listed some family groupings, Mima was listed alone. Mima remained on the "Durrette Plantation" where Allen S. Turner was the overseer, and Dr. Joel L. Turner was the Owner of the plantation in Hart County Ga. I have reviewed guardianship records whereas Mima was hired out to other plantations, but unable to locate family listing. Jemima Turner born ca 1830's, census record stated born in Georgia, but dau d.c. listed S.C. as place of her mo's birthplace. Eldest child was named Diana Jones, and one daughter named Savanah married Rev. Alfred Waller. There are other children listed in the 1870 census, Betsy, Daniel, Laura, Clarisy. Please share with me any info you have on Turner slaves whether they are listed above or not. Thank you. Linda Jonnes ================================================= Subject: Turner Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 08:51:14 -0500 From: Linda Jones <JONESL@CCISD3.CCF.ORG> To: Dear Brad: I know you probably think I am not a true genealogist not getting back to you like I promised, but the Annual Christmas Flu has me a little under the weather. I looked at my records and what I have on Shadrack Truern is not a will, but in fact records from the INferior Court, Lincoln County Ga. It is as follows: George Lincoln County By virture of an order from the Honorable the Inferior Court of said county when sitting for orgindary purposes on the first Monday in November last to us as indication another ?? and requiring us to make distribution of the Negroes belonging to the estate of Shadraack Turner late of said county deceased among distributes of said estate, we proceeded on this day to the performance of that duty, we ascertained that there were six distributions to wit: Mary Turner widow and relict of said Shadrack Turner deceased, William H Turner son of said Shadrach Turner deceased of full age, Martha H. Seal formerly Martha H Turner daughter of said deceased and wife of Presley N Seal. Josel S. Turner son of said deceased represented by Elice Lockhart, Delia Turner guardian of John W and Katherine Ann Turner minors of John Turner deceased and grandchildren of said Shadrach Turner deceased and Allen S. Turner minor said Shadrach Turner deceased represented by Aaron Hardy and William H. Turner administrators of said Shadrach Turner deceased. The shares were numbered 1,2,3,4,5, ab and was assigned to the distribution in the following manner to wit. By a written agreement among the distributors of said estate Lot Number 1 assigned to Mary Turner as her full distribution of said estate, the names of the other distributors were written on a piece of paper and placed in a hat and the numbers 2,3,4,5, & 6 were written on another piece of paper and placed in another hat and the hats were shaken and a name was then drawn from the hat containing the names and then a number was drawn from the hat containing the numbers. The folowing was the result. No. 2 - Mrs. Delia Turner guardian for John W and Catherine Ann Turner, #3 William K Turner, #4 Joel L Turner, #5 Allen S Turner and #6 Presley N Seals. No. 2 consisted of the following Negroes and wit: George a feloow, Aggy a woman and there three children to wit. Seborn, Amos, & Fayette and Solomon valued at $2000. No. 3 consisted of Billy a fellow, Nancy a Woman and her four children to wit. Tom, Isabel, Delia and Evaline, Mary Ann; Sinday and her child John valued at $2050. No. 4 consisted of Harry a fellow, Nelly a woman and her three children to wit, Julia, Anderson and William. Harriet a girl and Ned a boy valued at $2000. No. 5 consisted of Alvin a felow, Saline a woman and her three children to wit Andrew, Frederick and Judson. Evaline and MIMA valued at $2025. No. 6 consisted of Jack, Isaac, Jane, Ammanda, Mitty, Bobby, Betty and Alsey valued at $2050. No. 1 consisted of Toby, Daniel Laura, and child Georgiana, Mary Ellen and four children to wit, Henry, Charles and Gabriel and Betsy a woman matured. $2963. No. 4 pays No. 2 thirty-five dollars, No. 3 pays No. 2 five dollars and No. 5 five dollars; No. 6 pays No. 5 ten dollars. In the above distribution, the summ of seven hundred and twenty five dollars advanced to John W. Turner deceased, father of John W and Catherine Ann Turner was not taken into consideration, but is left to be settled by Aaron Shard and William H Turner the administrators of Shadrack Turner deceased and Deliea Turner, guardian of said John W. and Catherine Ann Turner. 31 December, 1844 Commifi???? Ben B. Moon Harvey Wheat Frances L Fleming Georgia Lincoln County} I hereby certify that the above commisioners were duly sworn before they proceeded to make the above foregoing distribution 31 December 1844. Willy M. Casley, JP. Recorded this 11th July 1845. H Henderson Clrk.C.O.. Robert Henderson ========================================= Subject: Turners Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 09:46:22 -0500 From: Linda Jones <JONESL@CCISD3.CCF.ORG> To: Brad, this is the only other copy of a legal document I have on the Turners. It is useless to me, but may be useful to someone else. Inferior Court to Dr. J. L. Turner. Georgia; Hart Couny} Persuant to the Statute of AD 1854 after public notice made in the Southern Banner (Athens Ga) & other papers of public print on the sixth date of July Eighteen Hundred & Fifty-four. H.L. Chandler Jos V Richardson Micajah Carter & Clayton Webb Justises of the Inferior Court of said count at the county site of said county did put up and expose to sale Town Lots No. 10 in the town of Hartwell County site of said county containing 1.4 of an acre more or less when Dr. JL Turner being the highest bidder said Town Lot was knocked off to him at & for the price of Seventy Dollars now therefore this indenture made and entered into this 5 Day of December Eighthundred & fifty four between the Said Justises of the Inferior Court of said county & their Successors in office for & in bhalf of said county of the one part and Dr. JL Turner of the other part witnesseth that for & in consideration of the sum of Seventy Dollars in hand paid at and before the sealing of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged the said Justises of the Inferior Court aforesaid hath & oath by these presents grant bargain sell & convey unto the said Dr. JL Turner all that town lot situated lying & being in the town of Hartwell County site of said county known in the plan of said town lots by No 10 containing 1/4 of an acre more less with all the right rights members & opportenances to said town Lot in anywise appertaining or belonging to have and to hold & to take hold the said town Lot unto him the said Dr J L Turner his heirs Executors & Administrators & assigns forever in feesimple & the said Justices of the Inferior Court as aforesaid & there successors in office the right & title of said Town Lot will forever warrant & defend against themselves & against all other persons whatsoever sofar as the office of Justices of the Inferior Court authorizes them in testimony whereof the said Justises of the Inferior Court as aforesaid hath hereunto set there hands & affixed there seals the day and year first above written. Signed sealed in presents of Saml White } C S Webb IJC (LS) H F Chandler } Ja V Richardson IJC (LS) F C Stephenson CIC} H F Chandler JIC (LS) I proofread the above, and the mispellings and language are as to close to the interpretation of the document I can give you. When you search in your documents on Joel & Allen Turner, see if you can get a listing of slaves brought into their marriages with the Jones' girls. I am curious why if Jemima was originally owned by Shadrach Turner, how we obtained the surname Jones. I hate to assume that the father of her children went by the surname without any proof. In 1872 she married Crockett Patterson, and again some of her children changed their names. Happy Holidays to you and your family. Also I will be away from office from Christmas until after the New Year. Linda Jonnes ======================== The end of this compilation.