Date: Mon, 22 Dec 1997 19:11:44 EST From: NCreed1 <> To: Subject: Comp 273 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 22 Dec 1997 Holiday Greetings to Everyone: A big family welcome to our new folks. A big thank you to all of you who have been with us from the beginning--Christmas Eve 1995. Those of you who have joined us along the way has really kept this list going. To Chris, Kevin, and David, a big hand of appreciation for your special contributions to make this list a success. And to Everyone, thanks so much for your support and generosity in sharing your family research. If you're new to the list, be sure to work your way backwards through the files. Lots of new information has been shared since the first compilations. This is Compilation #273! All the files can be searched onLine and downloaded. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May we each find that missing link that ties us all together. Nyla CREED DePauk ================ Subj: Re: Turner newsletter Date: 97-12-22 07:34:38 EST From: BSpadea102 To: NCreed1 What is the Turner newsletter?? Barbara Turner Spadea ========================= Hi Barbara: All our compilations of Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc are on Chris Gaunt's home page: The compilations can be downloaded or searched online. This represents two years' of sharing family information by approximately 202 individuals. Any information you care to share on your family will be greatly appreciated. I will add you to our mailing list. If you want your name removed, just let me know. Nyla CREED DePauk San Diego CA ======================= Subj: Communications Gap Date: 97-12-19 22:12:38 EST From: Reply-to: "I know you believe you understood what you thought I said. But I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant." ========================== Subj: A deposition Date: 97-12-19 23:11:19 EST From: (Nancy) Reply-to: To: NCreed1@AOL.COM Nyla, I would like to contact anyone that might know anything about the William Turner b 1768 that gave the following deposition in Henry county GA in 1846. It was given as proof of the revolutionary service amd marriage of a Thomas Trammell who married Mary Turner in Union Dist SC in 1775. I am searching for any members of this Turner family. Mary's obituary written in 1835 states she was the daughter of James Turner of VA. Does anyone know anything else about this William Turner or his descendants? Revolutionary War pension Application papers in the National Archives Trammell W11655__Pension- State of Georgia} Henry county} I J.W McMullan A Justice of the peace in and for said county aforesaid be it known that on this the 21st, Twenty first day of March A.D one thousand eight hundred and forty six, 1846 Personally appeared before me William Turner a resident of said county and state aforesaid Aged Seventy Eight years past who being first duly sworn according to Law doth on his oath make the following statements. That he the said Turner removed with his father from the State of North Carolina to the State of South Carolina Union Dist. in the year Seventeen hundred and seventy three and afterwards became acquainted with one Thomas Trammell who resided in said Dist about two miles off and in December seventeen hundred and seventy five, this deponent the said Turner was present at the said Trammell wedding dinner. Was not present when the marriage ceremony was administered it being customary in those days for persons wishing to get married for them to go before some person Authorized to solomise the marriage ceremony and return after the ceremony being administered in the Holy Bands of wedlock. This deponent being present when the said Trammell and wife returned it was ascerted that they were legally married by one Esq. Cosby, living a few miles off having went there for that purpose and this deponent Knows of his own knowledge that the said Trammell and his wife Mary, lived together as man and wife from the day of their weding Dinner until the said Thomas Trammell deceased in Upson county State of Georgia that the said Thomas resided in Union District South Carolina until the fall of the year seventeen hundred and eighty four, 1784 and in the latter part of the spring seventeen hundred and eighty, 1780, the said Trammell left his home and family and joined the American Army under the command and in the company of one Captain Hughes in Co. Brandon's Redgiment as this deponent always understood and continued to serve in said war until the close of the same as private, principle under command of the officers aforesaid as deponent understood served in what was then called the Mounted Rifles (illegible) company or Rangers in the said Brandon's Regiment, does not recall of any other officers that he, the said Trammell, served under but that this deponent understood that the Thos Trammell a part of his time served on foot. This deponent not being in the service himself could not give narative of the said Trammell service......____(gives more Rev. War data)__ Then declares: Thomas Trammell removed from Union Dist. SC to State of GA in fall of 1784 to now Hancock Co. GA. This deponent removed the preceeding year from Union Dist. SC to the State of GA, now Hancock Co. and settled within one mile or less of said Trammell and lived neighbors to him about 13 years. Trammell removed from thence to Clark Co thence to Upson Co. GA where he deceased in 1823. and the widow Mary Trammell NOW resides in the St. of Ala, Chambers County. This deponent removed from Hancock Co. GA to Baldwin Co. GA lived there one year then removed to this county (Henry) in 1823 landed here on Christmas Eve and has REMAINED HERE EVER SINCE. William Turner This 21 March 1846 Text R. P. Beardin before G. W. McMullan J.P. John Goodwin (Sherrif later) knew Mr. Turner to be an upright citizen and creditable witness. Thanks, Nancy Turner Grogan ======================= Subj: Burnett's Date: 97-12-20 02:19:02 EST From: (pete mueller) To: Ncreed1@AOL.COM I am reachering The Burnetts. Could please put me on Your compliances of your reachering the Burnett Clan. I do have some information on the Burnetts from the south. Thanks Anne ======================= Subj: RE: COMPILATIONS Date: 97-12-20 02:20:24 EST From: (Kevin K. Stephenson) To: NCreed1@AOL.COM ('NCreed1') Nyla- No problem! I've gained so much info about the Burnett's from you all, and my Grandpa Burnett was very special to me! It's the least I can do to try to repay all of you for your kindness and sharing. Merry Christmas and a beautiful New Year!! Kevin K. Stephenson 1600 Kentucky St. #2 Lawrence, KS 66044 (785)865-1586 Fax/Data (785)865-2555 e-mail: Internet: ====================== Subj: BURNETT: Married to SANDUSKY/SODOWSKY Date: 97-12-20 17:41:52 EST From: (Hugh and Sandy Sellers) To: NCreed1@AOL.COM Trying to fill in Vitals, Locations, etc. A gentleman and myself are "doing a family study" of the SANDUSKY keep our information separate until we get everyone set...I call my individuals SODOWSKY and he uses the various spellings the different families used. This is a report from Family Origins and has the individuals listed in alpha order; BURNETT, Elizabeth b Oct 11, 1812 m Feb 24, 1834 Wayne Co, KY d ---- spouse Jacob Sodowsky father Isaac Burnett mother Nancy Hurt BURNETT, Francis b ---- m ---- d ---- spouse Matilda Vianna Sodowsky father ---- mother ---- BURNETT, Isaac b ---- m ---- d ---- spouse Nancy Hurt father ---- mother ---- BURNETT, Jeremiah b Sep 24, 1814 m Jul 9, 1835 Wayne Co, KY d ---- spouse Mary Ann Sodowsky father Isaac Burnett mother Nancy Hurt BURNETT, Joseph b ---- m May 3, 1844 Wayne Co, KY d ---- spouse Minerva Sodowsky father ---- mother ---- BURNETT, Mary b ---- m ---- d ---- spouse John Davis father Francis Burnett mother Matilda Vianna Sodowsky *************************************************************** "A people who takes no pride in the nobel achievements of remote ancestors will never achieve anything worthy to be remembered with pride of remote descendants." Lord Macaulay ******************* Sandy Shields Sellers, P.O. Box 17664, Austin, Texas 78760 EMAIL <> ******************* ======================= Subj: Civil War Medals Unclaimed: TURNER Date: 97-12-20 23:06:28 EST From: (Paula Ward) To: NCReed1@AOL.COM The following may be of interest to some on this list: Over 4,000 Civil War Medals to be awarded to those who served in West Virginia regiments have never been claimed. Many were from other states. There were the following TURNER entries: Turner, David; Sgt.; H; 1st Reg Cav Vols Turner, David; Saddler Sgt.; 1st Reg Cav Vols Turner, David; Farrier; D; 4th Reg Cav Vols Turner, John R.; C; 4th Reg Cav Vols Turner, John W.; G; 4th Reg Inf Vols Turner, Lemuel H.; B; 4th Reg Cav Vols Turner, Milan; K; 2nd Reg Cav Vols Turner, Peter E.; B; 7th Reg Inf Vols Turner, Robert T.; C; 4th Reg Cav Vols Turner, William J.; D; 1st Reg Cav Vols The full list of unclaimed medals and instructions for descendants to claim them can be found at: Happy Holidays to my cousins on this wonderful list! Paula Kelley Ward PWard@Express-News.Net ===================== Subj: the "raving" Date: 97-12-21 03:03:42 EST From: (Kevin K. Stephenson) Once upon a midnight dreary, fingers cramped and vision bleary, System manuals piled high and wasted paper on the floor, Longing for the warmth of bed sheets, still I sat there doing spreadsheets. Having reached the bottom line I took a floppy from the drawer, I then invoked the SAVE command and waited for the disk to store, Only this and nothing more. Deep into the monitor peering, long I sat there wond'ring, fearing, Doubting, while the disk kept churning, turning yet to churn some more. But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token. "Save!" I said, "You cursed machine! Save my data from before!" One thing did the phosphors answer, only this and nothing more, Just, "Abort, Retry, Ignore?" Was this some occult illusion, some maniacal intrusion? These were choices undesired, ones I'd never faced before. Carefully I weighed the choices as the disk made impish noises. The cursor flashed, insistent, waiting, baiting me to type some more. Clearly I must press a key, choosing one and nothing more, From "Abort, Retry, Ignore?" With fingers pale and trembling, slowly toward the keyboard bending, Longing for a happy ending, hoping all would be restored, Praying for some guarantee, timidly, I pressed a key. But on the screen wore, Saying "Abort, Retry, Ignore?" I tried to catch the chips off guard, and pressed again, but twice as hard. I pleaded with the cursed machine: I begged and cried and then I swore. Now in mighty desperation, trying random combinations, Still there came the incantation, just as senseless as before. Cursor blinking, angrily winking, blinking nonsense as before. Reading, "Abort, Retry, Ignore?" There I sat, distraught, exhausted, by my own machine accosted. Getting up I turned away and paced across the office floor. And then I saw a dreadful sight: a lightning bolt cut through the night. A gasp of horror overtook me, shook me to my very core. The lightning zapped my previous data, lost and gone forevermore. Not even, "Abort, Retry, Ignore?" To this day I do not know, the place to which lost data go. What demonic nether world is wrought where lost data will be stored, Beyond the reach of mortal souls, beyond the ether, into black holes? But sure as there's C, Pascal, Lotus, Ashton-Tate and more, You will one day be left to wander, lost on some Plutonian shore, Pleading, "Abort, Retry, Ignore?" Kevin K. Stephenson 1600 Kentucky St. #2 Lawrence, KS 66044 (785)865-1586 Fax/Data (785)865-2555 e-mail: Internet: ======================== Subj: Re: Searching for Itele <mother> Anita <daughter> TURNER Date: 97-12-21 08:19:31 EST From: (Lonnie Fink) To: CC: (Yvonne Bice),, At 03:46 PM 12/19/97 +0200, wrote: >Hi, Lonnie Fink, Site Manager >KY Unknown County Pages >I received the URL address through a Mr. William J. Wethington, who was >not able to help me in the counties he covers and adviced that I turn to >you. > >I am searching for Anita TURNER <maiden name I believe> who I believe >was born around 1936-37. Her mother's name is Itele TURNER <I believe is >her married name but am not 100% sure>< If this was her married, I do >not know her maiden name> <If she was married her husband's initials >might have been S.L. TURNER and most likely born around 1900-15>. Itele >was born between 1900-18 <I would estimate that it would be closer to >1915 than 1900>. > >The reason that I believe that the TURNERS were born and raised in >Kentucky, because Itele received her B.S. degree <sometime in the 1920s >or latest in the early 1930s> from what was then Western Kentucky State >Teachers College, I do not know if she attended and received her degree >under her <unknown> maiden name or under the name of TURNER <which might >be her maiden name too>. > >The cardinal question is could you help me? I know it is not an easy >task. The question is could you in any way try to find <maybe through >some sort of computer program> an Itele, since I believe that Itele is >not a very common first name? If not can you give me some sort of advice >on where to turn? > >TIA > Hello, I am unable to help you! It's to late for any of my records. I have CC this email to: Which is a TURNER mail list and TURNER Newsletter. Someone on these list might be able to help. Wish you luck lonnie ====================== Subj: John and Nelly WOOD Date: 97-12-21 21:26:23 EST From: N4JED To: CC: NCreed1 Judy, Here is the info I have been able to compile on John Wood and his parents down for a couple of generations. Hope it is of some help. Any additions and corrections are much appreciated. David Descendants of Stephen WOOD-6433 First Generation 1. Stephen WOOD-6433. Stephen married (1) Ann JOHNSON-6434. They had the following children: + 2 M i. John WOOD-6431 was born about 1745 and died after 18 May 1816. Second Generation 2. John WOOD-6431 was born about 1745. He died after 18 May 1816. John married (1) Nellie ___-6432. They had the following children: + 3 M i. Richard "Dickey" WOOD-6427 was born 1772 and died 1856. 4 M ii. Henry WOOD-6567. 5 F iii. Ellender WOOD-6568. Ellender married (1) Henry W. BOYD-6570. 6 F iv. Elizabeth WOOD-6569. Elizabeth married (1) Francis HILL-6571. Third Generation 3. Richard "Dickey" WOOD-6427 was born 1772. He died 1856 in Woods Gap, Patrick Co., VA and was buried in Wood's Gap Cemetery, Patrick Co., VA. Richard married (1) Rachel COCKRAM-6428, daughter of Edward COCKRAM-6429. Rachel died 13 Dec 1823. They had the following children: + 7 M i. Henry WOOD-6435 was born about 1798 and died 1859. + 8 M ii. John Richard WOOD-6420 was born 1799 and died 5 Oct 1886. + 9 F iii. Annie WOOD-6465 was born 1807. + 10 M iv. Alexander WOOD-6466. + 11 M v. Peter WOOD-6467 was born 1809 and died 1897. + 12 M vi. German WOOD-6468. + 13 M vii. Edward WOOD-6469. + 14 M viii. Jeremiah WOOD-6471 was born Oct 1801 and died 13 Apr 1893. Richard also married (2) Fannie BRAMMER-6470. Fannie died 30 Aug 1830. Richard also married (3) Elizabeth "Betsy" DEHART-6565. Elizabeth died 26 Oct 1838. They had the following children: 15 M ix. Preston WOOD-9134 was born in VA. 16 M x. Jackson WOOD-9135 was born in VA. 17 F xi. Dollie WOOD-9136 was born in VA. 18 F xii. Lucinda WOOD-9137 was born in VA. Richard also married (4) Lucy VIA-6566. Lucy died about 1851. They had the following children: 19 M xiii. Fred WOOD-9138 was born in VA. 20 F xiv. Byrdine WOOD-9139 was born in VA. 21 M xv. George WOOD-9140 was born in VA. 22 F xvi. Nancy WOOD-9141 was born in VA. 23 F xvii. Ruth WOOD-9142 was born in VA. 24 F xviii. Matilda WOOD-9143 was born in VA. Fourth Generation 7. Henry WOOD-6435 was born about 1798. He died 1859. Henry married (1) Nancy BRYANT-6436. They had the following children: 25 F i. Matilda WOOD-6437. Matilda married (1) ___ JOHNSON-6445. 26 F ii. Louisa WOOD-6438. Louisa married (1) ___ MCCARTY-6446. 27 F iii. Sarah WOOD-6439. Sarah married (1) ___ JOSEPH-6447. 28 F iv. Lucinda WOOD-6440. Lucinda married (1) ___ WOLVERTON-6448. 29 F v. Nancy WOOD-6441. Nancy married (1) ___ ALSOP-6449. 30 M vi. Ambrose WOOD-6442. Ambrose married (1) Sarah DITCH-6450. 31 M vii. German WOOD-6443. German married (1) Amanda WARD-6451. 32 M viii. Henry WOOD Jr.-6444 was born 1824. 8. John Richard WOOD-6420 was born 1799. He died 5 Oct 1886 and was buried in John R. Wood Cemetery, Patrick Co., VA. John married (1) Lucinda DEHART-6421, daughter of James DEHART-6422 and Ellen DENNIS-6423. Lucinda was born 1797. She died 20 Jul 1853. They had the following children: 33 F i. Annie WOOD-6452. Annie married (1) John HUBBARD-6458. 34 M ii. Stephen H. WOOD-31 was born 2 Sep 1822 in Patrick Co., VA. He died 1890 in Patrick Co., VA and was buried in John R. Wood Cemetery, Patrick Co., VA. Stephen married (1) Rachel THOMAS-1757, daughter of Joseph THOMAS-6683 and Ann "Annie" TURNER-486. Rachel was born 20 Aug 1823 in VA. She died 8 Apr 1911 in Patrick Co., VA. 35 F iii. Mary J. WOOD-6453. Mary married (1) Oliver Perry SLUSHER-6459, son of Jacob SLUSHER-6460. 36 F iv. Delilah WOOD-6454. Delilah married (1) Richard HATCHER-6461, son of James HATCHER-6462. 37 M v. Richard Johnson WOOD-6365 was born 27 Oct 1828. He died 20 Dec 1917 and was buried in Primitive Baptist Ch. Cemetery, Franklin/Floyd Co. line, VA. Richard married (1) Judith Ann SHORTT-6366, daughter of John Young SHORTT-6368 and Judith THOMAS-6369. Judith was born 17 Feb 1831. She died 30 Aug 1899. 38 F vi. Leah WOOD-6456. Leah married (1) George SLUSHER-6463, son of Jacob SLUSHER-6460. 39 F vii. Rachel WOOD-6457 was born 1834. Rachel married (1) Samuel F. TURNER-6464, son of Francis TURNER-812 and Nancy THOMAS-813 on 18 Oct 1855 in Patrick Co., VA. Samuel was born 11 Jun 1834 in Patrick Co., VA. He died 3 Jun 1892 in Patrick Co., VA. One source says Samuel died in Floyd County Virginia. John also married (2) Nancy HUBBARD-6426. Nancy was born 1815. She died 29 Nov 1881. 9. Annie WOOD-6465 was born 1807. Annie married (1) David COCKRAM-6476, son of Isham COCKRAM-6477. They had the following children: 40 M i. Alexander COCKRAM-6479. Alexander married (1) Sally WOOD-6480, daughter of Jeremiah WOOD-6471 and Mary A. "Polly" DEHART-6472. 41 M ii. Richard COCKRAM-6481. Richard married (1) Annie WOOD-6482, daughter of Jeremiah WOOD-6471 and Mary A. "Polly" DEHART-6472. 42 M iii. Isham COCKRAM-6483 was born 4 Jun 1831. He died 23 Jan 1929 and was buried in Isham Cockram Cemetery, Patrick Co., VA. Isham's gravestone lists him as being a musician with Company F, 51st Virginia Infantry, CSA during the War of Nothern Aggression. Only official post war records exist for him mentioning Company D. Isham married (1) Elizabeth SALMONS-6487. Elizabeth was born 17 Jan 1841. She died 8 Apr 1905. 43 M iv. Jackson COCKRAM-6484. Jackson married (1) Martha SALMONS-6488. 44 M v. William Harvey COCKRAM-6485 was born 1 Jan 1843. He died 15 Dec 1936 and was buried in Wood's Gap Cemetery, Patrick Co., VA. William enlisted as a Private with Company D, 51st. Virginia Infantry, CSA at Elamsville, VA 6/14/1861 during the War of Northern Aggression. He was wounded in action and taken prisoner at Winchester, Virginia 9/19/1864 with a miniball in his left side and breast involving the lung. He was sent from the Winchester Depot to Baltimore General Hospital, then to Ft. McHenry, Maryland on 2/10/1865. William was transfered to Pt. Lookout POW Camp, Maryland 2/20/1865 for exchange. His participation with the 51st. is listed on his gravestone. William married (1) Millie Jane DEHART-6489, daughter of James Wilson DEHART-6490 and Rebecca MARTIN-6491. Millie was born 30 May 1847. She died 13 Feb 1941. 45 M vi. David COCKRAM-6486 was buried in Wood's Gap Cemetery, Patrick Co., VA. David enlisted into Company D, 51st. Virginia Infantry, CSA at Giles County, VA 2/26/1863. He was listed as AWOL 8/5/63 through the last muster roll dated 10/31/1863. His participation with the 51st. during the War of Northern Aggression is listed on his gravestone. David married (1) Ellen CANNADAY-6492, daughter of Constant "Constantine" CANNADAY -6493 and Sarah BALL-6494. David also married (2) Iowa GRIFFITH -6495. 46 M vii. Peter COCKRAM-6496 was born 4 Jun 1841. He died 28 Apr 1915 and was buried in Charity Primitive Baptist Ch. Cemetery, Patrick Co., VA. Peter enlisted as a Private during the War of Northern Aggression with Company H, 51st. Virginia Infantry, CSA at Patrick County, Virginia. The last available muster roll - 10/31/1863, lists him as AWOL since 6/24/1863 along with his brother German. His gravestone lists his military service. Peter married (1) Mahala CANNADAY-6501, daughter of Constant "Constantine" CANNADAY-6493 and Sarah BALL-6494. Mahala was born 1843. She died 1917. 47 M viii. German COCKRAM-6497 was born 9 Jun 1838. He died 30 Jun 1916 and was buried in Cockram - Wood, Gravesite, Patrick Co., VA. German enlisted as a Private during the War of Northern Aggression with Company H, 51st. Virginia Infantry, CSA at Patrick County, Virginia. The last available muster roll - 10/31/1863, lists him as AWOL since 6/24/1863 along with his brother Peter. German's gravestone has the following inscription "Here Lies a Sinner Saved by Grace if Saved at all". German married (1) Mary J. WOOD-6502, daughter of Jeremiah WOOD-6471 and Mary A. "Polly" DEHART-6472. Mary was born 1 Sep 1842. She died 28 Nov 1937. 48 F ix. Leah COCKRAM-6498. Leah married (1) John ASHWORTH-6503. 49 F x. Nancy o. COCKRAM-6499 was born Oct 1827. She died 1923 and was buried in Jonathon Salmons Cemetery, Patrick Co., VA. Nancy married (1) Jonathan SALMONS -6504. Jonathan was born 28 Oct 1820. He died 1903. 50 F xi. Sarah COCKRAM-6500. Sarah married (1) Mark SALMONS-6505. 10. Alexander WOOD-6466. Alexander married (1) Bethina BRAMMER-6506, daughter of John BRAMMER-6507 and ___ LEE-6508. They had the following children: 51 M i. Crawford WOOD-6509. 52 M ii. Wesley WOOD-6510. 53 F iii. Sallie WOOD-6511. 54 M iv. Keziah WOOD-6512. 55 F v. Jane WOOD-6513. 56 F vi. Louise WOOD-6514. 57 M vii. Joel WOOD-6515. 58 M viii. Richard A. WOOD-6516. Richard married (1) Lucinda WOOD-6517, daughter of Jeremiah WOOD-6471 and Mary A. "Polly" DEHART-6472. 11. Peter WOOD-6467 was born 1809 in Franklin Co., VA. He died 1897. Peter married (1) Nancy MORAN-6518. They had the following children: 59 F i. Mary Ann WOOD-6519 was born 1827. Mary married (1) David F. HYLTON-6525. David was born 1827. 60 M ii. James Nelson WOOD-6520 was born 1832. James married (1) Nancy E. SWEENEY-6526. Nancy was born 1840. 61 F iii. Martha Elizabeth WOOD-6521. Martha married (1) Lewis MEADOR-6527. 62 M iv. John Lee WOOD-6522. John died young, unmarried. 63 M v. William Marion WOOD-6523. William died young, unmarried. 64 M vi. David Anderson WOOD-6524. David died young, unmarried. Peter also married (2) Rhoda Jane ___-6528. Rhoda was born 1849 in Mercer Co., WV. They had the following children: 65 M vii. Lewis A. WOOD-6529 was born 1879. 12. German WOOD-6468. German married (1) Nancy WRIGHT-6530. They had the following children: 66 M i. Alex WOOD-6531. Alex married (1) ___ MASSIE-6538. 67 M ii. James Wesley WOOD-6532. James married (1) Jane HYLTON-6539. 68 F iii. Octavia WOOD-6533. Octavia married (1) Green FERGUSON-6540. 69 F iv. Arminda WOOD-6534. Arminda married (1) Jacob WALKER-6541. 70 F v. Sarah E. "Sallie" WOOD-6535 was born 1845 in Patrick Co., VA. Sarah married (1) Calvin C. WALKER -6542. Calvin was born 1867 in Wyoming Co., WV. 71 F vi. Martha WOOD-6536. 72 F vii. Mary WOOD-6537. Mary died young, unmarried. 13. Edward WOOD-6469. Edward married (1) Mary "Polly" MORAN-6543, daughter of Nelson MORAN-6544. They had the following children: 73 M i. Tom WOOD-6545. 74 M ii. Alex WOOD-6546. 75 M iii. Elijah WOOD-6547. 76 M iv. German WOOD-6548. 77 M v. John WOOD-6549. 14. Jeremiah WOOD-6471 was born Oct 1801. He died 13 Apr 1893 and was buried in Cockram - Wood Gravesite, Patrick Co., VA. Jeremiah married (1) Mary A. "Polly" DEHART-6472, daughter of Gabriel DEHART-6473 and Charity HUBBARD-6474. Mary was born 20 Aug 1804. She died 17 Feb 1889. They had the following children: 78 F i. Annie WOOD-6482. Annie married (1) Richard COCKRAM-6481, son of David COCKRAM-6476 and Annie WOOD-6465. 79 M ii. Issac WOOD-6550. Issac married (1) ___ AKERS-6560. 80 F iii. Lucinda WOOD-6517. Lucinda married (1) Richard A. WOOD-6516, son of Alexander WOOD-6466 and Bethina BRAMMER-6506. 81 F iv. Charity WOOD-6551. Charity married (1) Harden HYLTON-6561. 82 F v. Judith WOOD-6552. 83 F vi. Sally WOOD-6480. Sally married (1) Alexander COCKRAM-6479, son of David COCKRAM-6476 and Annie WOOD-6465. 84 F vii. Nancy WOOD-6553. Nancy married (1) John HARRIS-6562. 85 F viii. Mary J. WOOD-6502 was born 1 Sep 1842. She died 28 Nov 1937 and was buried in Cockram - Wood Gravesite, Patrick Co., VA. Mary married (1) German COCKRAM -6497, listed as #47 above. 86 M ix. Stephen WOOD-6554. 87 F x. Mahala WOOD-6555. Mahala married (1) Crawford HALL-6563. 88 M xi. Gabriel WOOD-6556. Gabriel married (1) Luella AKERS-6564. 89 M xii. Jerry WOOD-6557. 90 M xiii. John WOOD-6558. 91 M xiv. Richard WOOD-6559. ....END..... ===================== Judy: I just visited your "Wood Family of Henrico Co VA" on Family Tree Maker's OnLine as a result of my search for "Raleigh Co WV". I have info on a Wood family from Raleigh Co and am curious how they tie into Richard Wood's family. Will get the info to you soon. Nyla David: Thanks for all your contributions. Nyla =================== The end of this compilation.