Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 22:16:51 EST From: NCreed1 <> To: Subject: Comp #275 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 24 Dec 1997 Greetings on this Second Anniversary of the Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc mailing list. We've grown from an original group of about 12 to 208 folks as of this moment. New folks are joining, and we have folks who "unsubscribe" for various reasons. Best wishes to Everyone for a wonderful Christmas. Nyla CREED DePauk San Diego CA ======================= Subj: Compilation #273 Date: 97-12-22 22:01:18 EST From: (Judith Prince) To: Nyla, I just received the email from N4JED which is included in compilation #273. The problem with this lineage is that every researcher I've read or heard from lists Stephen Wood and Ann Johnson as the grandparents of Richard. They are NOT! Virginia Wood Eisen, Ph.D., a "Wood" researcher from PA. has sent me PROOF that her ancestor John Wood (son of Stephen and Ann) moved from VA to Williamson, TN and died there leaving a will. This is DEFINITELY NOT our John, father of Richard. She has very convincing documents of his life in VA and TN. He was not married to a Nellie and did not have a son Richard. I hope your readers can help us solve this puzzle. Thanks! Judy ====================== Judy: Thanks for responding so quickly and setting the record straight. That's what this list is all about. Folks: Just because you read it here, or anywhere for that matter, doesn't mean it is 100% correct. As we continue to share information, we realize some of our old data is not correct. Some of the published family histories have errors. As we continue to search and share our information, hopefully, we can correct some of these errors. Nyla ======================= Subj: Turner Date: 97-12-23 09:03:42 EST From: To: Could anyone tell me who the JOHN TURNER was that died June 1764 in Halifax Co, Va and left will (WB O:180) written: 1 Nov 1762. Also who are the children? And who did he marry? He mentioned having a first wife and 6 children; His widow was 2/ Elizabeth. He named children and gave them land: 1. James Turner land on Smith River 2. Elizabeth Turner - land in Butramtown (where is this?) 3. Jessie Turner - 1/2 land in Butramtown with Elizabeth 4. Jemima Turner - land on Smith River below Goblintown Creek 5. Mary Turner - 1/2 land with Jemima 6. John Turner - Under 18 in 1762 7. Israel Turner - land on Goblintown Creek & Negro Bob; under 18 in 1762 ======================= Subj: Turner Date: 97-12-23 12:56:42 EST From: (Rick Tankerley) Reply-to: To: Hi, I have been off line for a couple of months. I wanted to send you my new email address. New old address I am searching for the parents of Christoper Columbus Turner born 1816 in Virginia. It has been suggested, but not proven his parents might be Thomas Turner and Unity Smith. It has also been suggested, because of the pattern used to name their children, his parents might be Robert Turner and Unity. Christopher Columbus Turner b.May 1816 Virginia d.1904 Knoxville Ark. Melvina Ann Grigsby b.June 17 1831 Tenn. d. Nov 9 1893 Kearney, Ark. James 1848 Robert 1850 Unity 1852 Sarah 1854 Abagil 1856 Susan Emeline b. Jan 20 1860 Tenn. died 1949 Kansas Married George W. Downum Mary 1862 Margaret Elizabeth b.1863 Tenn Married Richard Columbus Jones Columbus Jefferson b. Oct. 29, 1866 Tenn d.1957 Ella Blundell William Dickerson b. Feb 1868 Tenn d.1953 Married Lucinda Maytobe Laura Melvina b.July 28 1870 in Mo. or Tenn. d. 1932 Married J.R. Bailey Tennessee Virginia b.May 1876 in Mo. or Tenn. Christopher and Family are listed in 1850 Census in Bradley Co. Tenn 1860 Census in Hamilton Co. Tenn 1880 in Johnson Co. Arkansas Merry Christmas, kim ======================= Wecome back, Kim. ======================= Subj: Surnames Date: 97-12-23 20:42:09 EST From: BEColvin To: NCreed1 Nyla, I am searching the following surnames in South Western Virginia and Northern North Carolina from the 1700's into 1880. Thank you for posting these in your newsletter if possible. May I receive your newsletter through my e-mail? Thank you. Beth in FL Surnames: Arthur/Beamer/Boone/Brubeck/Edwards/Farmer/Hague/Ingram/Lundy/Newman/ Scaife/West/Wile(d)man ===================== Beth: I'm interested in hearing about your Ingram and Newman lines, in particular. Nyla ===================== Subj: When, Where Date: 97-12-23 21:45:52 EST From: N4JED To: NCreed1 Nyla, You will love this one ... In Comp 268 under your listing of Descendants of William M. "Billy" Via, you have listed Capt. William TURNER married to Martha Doliver "Mattie" Hinchman on 11 Apr 1866 prob Logan Co. VA. Logan County was not in Virginia in 1866 ;-(.... David P.S. In same listing, William DICKENS b. 04 Jan 1843 in Raleigh Co., Virginia (not WV - no such space then). Also Sarah Elizabeth STOVER b.13 Feb 1854 in Raleigh Co., Virginia (not WV). ================== David: You make it really difficult for me to be perfect. Why am I the only person who makes mistakes? <grin> Nyla =================== Date: 97-12-24 10:31:08 EST From: (Ron in Tennessee) To: ncreed1@AOL.COM Please add me to your newsletter. Have a Merry Christmas. Ron Van Ackeren 5135 Kingsport Hwy Afton, TN 37616 Ron Always searching for DORTON's, MULLIN's ==================== Subj: Nyla Creed Newsletter Date: 97-12-24 11:14:55 EST From: (Steve and Lila White) Reply-to: To: ncreed1@aol.COM I am searching southwestern Virginia, specifically, Montgomery and Pulaski Counties for ancestors. I would like to subscribe to the Nyla Creed newsletter. The surnames I'm researching are HERNDON and ALLEN. Thank you, Lila White ==================== Subj: Nyla Creed Newsletter Date: 97-12-24 14:05:03 EST From: (Ethel Handley) To: ncreed1@AOL.COM Please put me on your list. The surname I am searching in S W Virginia is KELLER Ethel Handley ====================== Subj: Turners? Date: 97-12-24 11:16:08 EST From: To: ncreed1@AOL.COM Nyla, If I am not mistaken, you have a mailing list that involves the Turners and Burnetts. I do not have either of these lines, however my sister married a Burnett and we are trying to find the family tree of my neice. We both grew up on Peach Tree Road, Naoma, Raleigh Co., West Virginia. Some of our surnames include: Pettry, Clay, Brown, Massey, Dickens, Gunnoe, Davis, Asbury, and many others. I'd like to receive your newsletter, as it may contain names that are very important to our family. Thank you and Merry Christmas! Sheryl Pettry Harvey ======================== Sheryl: We must be kin! Some of my favorite cousins live off Peach Tree Road. ... I don't know any Burnetts in Raleigh County... My ancestor was John Burnett Turner and Naomi (Via) Turner who settled at Mattsville....Nyla ========================= Subj: NEWSLETTER Date: 97-12-24 20:13:12 EST From: (phil coltrane) To: -- NYLA, I read that if you are researching Southwestern Virginia you are the person to know. I would like to be added to your list. My SW VA surnames are COLTRANE / HALL / FOLDEN / MIDKIFF / UMBARGER in Pulaski, Carroll, Grayson, Patrick, and Wythe Cos. Thank you! PHIL or ======================= Phil: I probably am not THE person who can help you most. But you've joined the right group if any of your lines tie into the Burnett-Turners-Ross-Via families of Southwestern Virginia. Welcome. Nyla ======================= Subj: Descendants Data Date: 97-12-24 16:46:01 EST From: N4JED To: NCreed1 Nyla, I have some additional differences with your Comp 268 listing of Descendants of William M. "Billy" Via. For James Robert "Jeems" Via dates, Pilson in "Tombstone Inscriptions ot the Cemeteries of Patrick County. Virginia" lists a birth date of 30 May and a death date of 24 July. For his wife Martha Catherine "Kitty" Koger the same source lists a birth date of 30 May. For Elizabeth Dicy "Bettie" King and Peter Lee Via I have a wedding date of 19 Aug 1875 though I am unsure of the source. For William Alexander "Billy" Via, the above book lists 1859 as the death year. For some of our new readers, except for the status of the Western counties of Virginia (WV) that I sometimes send Nyla, the above listings are questions of coordination or clarification. Sources can easily be wrong or mistyped or I read or recorded something wrong. Please do not just take my observations as gospel. When I get differing dates, I list the tombstone dates in the data and the other dates in the notes so I have both for reference. Happy Hollidays David ==================== David: As you know (and have constantly reminded me), West Virginia has been a separate state since 20 June 1863. As much as I love Virginia (having lived there 25 years), I do not consider West Virginia as the Western part of Virginia. Just couldn't resist saying that. <grin> Nyla ==================== Subj: Descendants of Richard Turner - 3 Generations Date: 97-12-24 10:37:33 EST From: (DeCody Brad Marble) Reply-to: To: ncreed1@AOL.COM,,,, JONESL@CCISD3.CCF.ORG, Hello from DeCody Brad Marble I am sending this to a few Turner Connections which have help me in the past. Please, review the Descendants of Richard Turner - 3 Generations and respond to my Questions below... I just received this today by E-mail, and I haven't been keeping up with my Turner Lineage. I have not seen this before and curious to its accuracy. 1. Have you all seen this before??? It has Shadrack in the 3rd Generation and has a spouse for John Turner in the Second generation. (This is all news to me). 2. Is it correct or a theory at present??? ================================================ Generation No. 3 3. SHADRACK3 TURNER (JOHN2, RICHARD1) was born 1720 in England (Prince George, England Co., VA?), and died 1783 in Henry County, Virginia. He married ANN (HILL) Abt. 1745 in Virginia. Descendancy Lineage Chart follows: =========================================== Descendants of Richard Turner Generation No. 1 1. RICHARD1 TURNER died 1744. Notes for RICHARD TURNER: (from M. Jeanette O'Boyle, 449 Pump House Road, Murphysboro, IL 62966- 9246) "The earliest that I have record of our Turner family is in the Caroline County, Virginia, oreder book which lists the Turners from the beginning of the county being cut out of King and Queen County, Virginia. In the late 1730's Richard Turner gives land to his four sons, Richard, James, John, and Lewis. Later in the early 1740's Richard dies and lists Richard as the heir and James as the executor. At this time Virginia was under the English rule in which only the eldest son inherited and the next oldest was the executor. Before the will could be executed apparently the son Richard had died with no heirs and as the next oldest James inherited with Lewis becoming the executor with mother Elizabeth and sister Margaret assisting. This means the John was not living at this time since he was the next oldest and would have been the next executor. There is no way that the sister Margaret would have been made an executor if another son was living. My files are packed away in a box but I think the date of old Richard Turner's will was 1744. There is a Richard Turner listed on the tax lists in King & Queen in 1704. This may be our Richard Turner; however there is another Turner family in the same region, probably relatives, and this Richard may be from it. Most of these records were burned in the Civil War. In Caroline County only the order book remains with the details of the order book having been burned. The orphan hearing of Meshack, Abednego, Elizabeth, and Sarah is in 1746, I believe. At this time Shadrack must have been sixteen so he would not have needed a guardian. Members of the Turner family and Meadows family were appointed as guardians. I have never found mention of a son named John as a brother of these children and do not think there was one. According to the English naming scheme the names Richard, James and Lewis would have been used before the name John. Both James and Lewis named their sons John. The scheme goes first son after father of father, second after father of mother, third after father's oldest brother, and so on; the girls were named the same only after mothers. If the Richard Turner was our Richard Turner then there is no way that Shadrack could have been born in England. I thik he was born in Caroline County, VA. Henry County was cut from Bedford and Franklin Counties. James Turner had moved to Bedford County from Caroline County in the late 1750'2 or early 1760's. I do not know who Shadrack's wife was but the popular tradition is that she was Ann Hill, especially since lots of the time brothers married sisters and I believe Meshack married a Hill, also. After school is out and I have more time I will pull all my old files out and send you copies of the order book, etc. An order book is sort of an index or a simplified version of the record with details in the files. More About RICHARD TURNER: Fact 4: 1744, will lists son Richard as the heir and James as executor Children of RICHARD TURNER are: i. RICHARD2 TURNER, d. Bef. 1750. ii. LEWIS TURNER. iii. MARGARET TURNER. iv. JAMES TURNER, b. Abt. 1670; d. Bedford County, VA?. More About JAMES TURNER: Fact 4: He moved to Bedford Co., VA and his descendents lived in Henry and Franklin Co. 2. v. JOHN TURNER, b. Abt. 1689, England; d. Bef. 1736, Caroline County, Virginia. Generation No. 2 2. JOHN2 TURNER (RICHARD1) was born Abt. 1689 in England, and died Bef. 1736 in Caroline County, Virginia. He married ELIZABETH BRASHIERS July 01, 1718 in Queen Ann's Parish, Prince Georges, Maryland. Children of JOHN TURNER and ELIZABETH BRASHIERS are: i. JOHN3 TURNER , JR., b. England; d. 1763, Henry County, Virginia; m. ELIZABETH BRASHEAR. Notes for JOHN TURNER , JR.: Brashear Book, page 295: Elizabeth Brashear, born July 27, 1699, in Prince Wiliam Co., MD married John Turner, Jr. son of John and Sarah Turner, Sr. on July 1, 1718. ii. ELIZABETH TURNER. iii. SARAH TURNER. iv. ANN TURNER. 3. v. SHADRACK TURNER, b. 1720, England (Prince George, England Co., VA?); d. 1783, Henry County, Virginia. 4. vi. MESHACK TURNER, b. Abt. 1725, Virginia (England County?); d. January 28, 1794, Wilkes County, Georgia. vii. ABEDNEGO TURNER, b. 1730, England; d. 1750, Virginia. Generation No. 3 3. SHADRACK3 TURNER (JOHN2, RICHARD1) was born 1720 in England (Prince George, England Co., VA?), and died 1783 in Henry County, Virginia. He married ANN (HILL) Abt. 1745 in Virginia. Notes for SHADRACK TURNER: Oct. 20, 1779: Shadrack Turner had 336 acres of land on the South side of Town Creek. ( Book A pg. 53 ) Sept. 1, 1780: He had 306 acres adjoing his own lines on the branches of Butramstown Creek. (HLM, from J.D. Turner of Kettering, Ohio Jan. 1974). ( Book D pg. 100 ) His will is on file in Henry County, VA, Will Book I (1779-1799) pgs. 90-91. "Will of Shadrack Turner Senior of Virginia" "In the Name of God Amen. October 25 One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty-three. I, SHADRACK TURNER of Henry County, (Va.) being in sound memory at present, that to Almighty God for it, and knowing the uncertainity of life, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in the following manner. Item: I give to my sons Larkin Turner and Jeremiah Turner the land and Plantation that I now live upon as far as the right hand Branch and up the Branch to the Creek above the Road thence up the said Branch Sick is as far as the Road, also one horse and one saddle to each of them. Item: I give to my son William Turner the Land over the right hand Branch and up the branch to the Dreen. Thence up the Dreen to the Road. Thence along the road to the line of the final survey, thence along the line till it comes to Daniel Smith's Corner thence a straight line below the Mess Place, thence a straight line to the Waggon ford by the Apple Orchard, thence along the Creek to the mouth of the right hand branch, thence up the Branch to the beginning. Item: I give to my daughter, Exeony Turner, One Horse and Saddle and two cows and calves and a Ewe and Lamb and one Sow and Piggs and the land upon the Turkey Penn Branch and up to my son William's line on both sides of the creek, thence a straight line to the corner tree in the gap of the hill, thence along the Ridge to the back line, the remaining part to Larkin and Jeremiah Turner to them and heirs forever. Item: I also give to my daughter, Exeony Turner, one feather bed and furniture to her and her heirs forever, if she dies without heirs, her part to be Divided amongst the rest of my children, Item: The House to be finished out of the estate. Item: I give to my beloved wife, Ann Turner, the Plantation I now live upon and all the movable Estate, after my debts are paid during her life time, then to be Divided between all my children and my Grandaughter, Elizabeth, John, Josiah, William, Mary, Larkin, Jeremiah, Exeony, Mary Hunter, if any of the above mentioned chidren should die without an heir, their parts to be returned to the remainder part of the children. I appoint my two sons, John Turner and Wiiliam Turner to be executors to the within Written Will. In Witness thereof I have set my hand and seal, the Day and Year above written. Shadrack Turner Sr." PostScript: "I expected I had finished the Will but since the other children I give my Executors power at time of marriage Lucia Robb have a cow and calf and other necessaries as my Executors may think necessaries as my Exec- utors may think needful, but if Lucia or Sally die without issue Lawfully begot- ten, may their part to return to the Estate. Item: I desire my children may have learning as far as may do County business (that is the boys). The girls to read-out of the Estate. In witness their I set my hand and seal. Shadrack Turner Sr. Tes: Samuel Critchfield, John Hunter and Richard Stone (x) Will was exhibited and proved by witness thereto 22 July 1784 Henry County, Virginia. Peter Sanders and Robert Stockton Securities entered into Bonds. Test John Car CHC" Shadrack Turner Senior of Virginia In his will are named the following children, the order of the names does not denote their ages, the only known birth is William, born 1753. Elizabeth and Larkin are almost certainly two of the younger ones. Shadrack's will does not indicate he married twice, as his wife Ann was still living in 1811. Other descendants of Shadrack believe that Ann was a second wife. Issue of Shadrack Turner Senior. 1. Larkin 2. John 3. Josiah 4. William 5. Jeremiah 6. Elizabeth 7. Mary 8. Exeony "Pioneer Families of Franklin County, Virginia" page 220, states that three brothers Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego living in VA prior to 1748; 1748 patent gave Shadrack land in Halifax County, VA. He later moved to Pittsylvania then Henry County, VA. "Pioneer Families of Franklin County, Virginia" page 220: Samuel owned 4400 acres in Halifax County, Virginia; 1st patent in 1748; overseer of roads and procesor of lands. --------------------------------------------------- Information from M. Jeanett O'Boyle, April 11, 1995 Murhpysboro, IL You probably knew that he had two brothers named Meshack and Abdenigo and several sisters. You may or may not know this. He was originally from Caroline County, Virginia. Many of the records of Caroline County were burned in the Civil War and only the order book remains. Shadrack was the nephew of my ancestor, James Turner. When the mother of the children died Shadrack was already sixteen so no guardian was named for him. They were named for the other children in the family. At this time the father was already deceased or no guardian wuld have been named. He, the father, was apparently John Turner, brother of James Turner, and son of Richard Turner, who died in 1744. Shadrack's mother was named Elizabeth. All of the Turners moved west, James into Bedford County and Shadrack into Henry, which was apparently cut from Bedford. Descendents of James also lived in Henry and Franklin Counties. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Meshack Turner III--His wife Sarah Robey Tucker" by Lucille R. Maddox Gateway Press, Inc. 1976 page 154 In 1746 Shadrack Senior is recorded in King and Queen County Virginia Deed Bk. #2, pg. 566, Nov. 21. It is my opinio that this entry appllies to him but the one in 1745 Deed Bk. 1, p. 22 in Northampton, North Carolina, where he witnessed deed, John Spann to William Brogdan DOES NOT. This could be Shadrack Turner from Maryland, as William Brogdan later lived in Maryland in the same county as that Shadrack. In 1747, he was in Goochland County, Virginia, witnessing John Mauldin and George Pollard. REference notes from Mr. Charles H. Hamlin C.G. to this writer, but source of entry not sent. This from the personal file of Mr. Hamlin since he was also interested in these Turners. In previous publications, it has been written that Shadrack Turner owned 4400 acres of land in Halifax County, Virginia which had been granted to him by patents. The writer wrote to the Virginia State Archives and the only land patent on record for Shadrack Turner is 104 acres made 10 August 1759 in Lunenburg County for which he paid ten shillings. Copy of this patent has been deposited along with all of the documents used in this book at the Georgia State Archives. Patent Bk. 34, Virginia Archives 1756-1762, Reel 33-34 p. 403. In1767, he is on the Tithe list of Pittsylvania County, Virginia, 256 acres (reference Virginia Magazine Vol. 24, pg. 190). He is in Virginia Magazine, Vol. 15, p. 92, 1777, shows he gave aid to Capt. Rubels Company, Henry County Militia. Virginia Magazine Vol. 10 p. 239, 1783 shows he gave aid to Virginia Militia; received certificates 14 and 143 for said aid. In "History of Henry County, Virginia" by J.P.A Hill, Shadrack was appointed Road Commissioner for Henry County and was also instrumental in having Henry County formed into a separate county from Pittsylvania. Shadrack Turner was born ca 1720 in England, died 1783 in Henry County, Virginia, will date 25 October 1783, probate date 22 July 1784, reference Will Bk. 1 pg. 90 brother to Meshack Turner Senior of Virginia and Georgia. The wife of Shadrack I was Ann, her family is unknown. Based on the research and associations of families that have come from it, Shadrack I and Meshack I were probably married in King & Queen County or Hanover County. More About SHADRACK TURNER: Fact 2: resided Halifax County, VA Fact 3: Will Bk. 1 (1779-1799) pg. 90-91 Fact 4: Will is on file in Henry County, VA Fact 5: owned 4400 acres in Halifax Co., VA in 1748;Pittsylvania Co. paid tax 20-15-5 & Fact 6: Henry County. 1779-1780 Children of SHADRACK TURNER and ANN (HILL) are: 5. i. JOHN M.4 TURNER, b. 1747; d. March 17, 1812, Patrick County, Virginia. 6. ii. ELIZABETH TURNER, b. 1750, Virginia; d. August 02, 1845, Patrick County, Virginia (Pittsylvania) b. Prillaman Cem. Franklin County, VA. iii. JOSIAH TURNER, b. 1752; m. MILLEY KEY, November 30, 1783, Bedford County, Virginia. More About JOSIAH TURNER: Fact 4: 1779, paid Henry Co., VA tax 6-2-4 7. iv. WILLIAM TURNER, b. January 19, 1753, Halifax Co., VA; d. December 11, 1845, Franklin Co., VA. 8. v. MARY TURNER, b. 1755. 9. vi. LARKIN TURNER, b. 1757, then Halifax Co., VA?; d. 1820-1830, Cumberland Co., KY, b. Heard's Burial Ground, Salt Lick Bend. vii. EXONIA TURNER, b. Abt. 1759; m. CHARLES FOSTER, January 02, 1804, Franklin County, Virginia. Notes for EXONIA TURNER: Marriage of Exonia Turner to Charles Foster Jan 2, 1804. ( Recorded p. 91 Franklin Co. VA Marriage Records 1786-1858 ). More About EXONIA TURNER: Fact 3: 1786-1858 pg. 91. Fact 4: January 02, 1804, Marriage Records Franklin County, VA 10. viii. JEREMIAH TURNER, b. 1759, Henry County, Virginia; d. 1825-1830, Cumberland County, Kentucky (5-22-1852?). 4. MESHACK3 TURNER (JOHN2, RICHARD1) was born Abt. 1725 in Virginia (England County?), and died January 28, 1794 in Wilkes County, Georgia. He married REBEKAH ROBERTSON February 02, 1760 in Halifax County, Virginia. More About MESHACK TURNER: Fact 4: 1742-1744, moved to Virginia? Children of MESHACK TURNER and REBEKAH ROBERTSON are: 11. i. SHADRACK4 TURNER. ii. REBECCA TURNER, b. 1766, Virginia. iii. MESHACK TURNER , JR., b. Abt. 1768, Virginia. iv. JOHN TURNER, b. 1770, Halifax County, Virginia. 12. v. JAMES TURNER, b. 1772, Halifax County, Virginia; d. Cobb County, Georgia. vi. SARAH TURNER, b. March 16, 1776. vii. SUSANNAH TURNER, b. 1778. viii. POLLY TURNER, b. Abt. 1780. =================== Hello Nyla: Your Question: Would you like me to send the info in the next compilation? Yes, I would like the info in the next compilation. ==================== Folks: Stay tuned. More info to follow. Nyla ==================== The end of this compilation.