Date: Thu, 25 Dec 1997 01:20:07 EST From: NCreed1 <> To: Subject: Comp #276 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 24 Dec 1997 Greetings: As promised, additional information on Richard Turner. Nyla ============================== Subj: Re: The Source on Richard Turner Date: 97-12-24 22:12:37 EST From: (DeCody Brad Marble) Reply-to: To: (NCreed1) I don't believe there would be any problem. I believe they, like most of us want to know more about other Turner descendants and probably would desire to exchange information. I see no problem. If one arises blame it on me...ha..ha.. ........DeCody Brad Marble NCreed1 wrote: > > DeCody: > > In a message dated 97-12-24 21:37:49 EST, you write: > > << Would you want me to send the other generations in a follow-up e-mail > message? >> > > Do you think anyone would mind if I printed your first message as well as the > entire second message I am sending out a compilation right now. So, I will > send all the info you want me to include in the "next" one. > > Nyla ========================== Generation No. 4 5. JOHN M.4 TURNER (SHADRACK3, JOHN2, RICHARD1) was born 1747, and died March 17, 1812 in Patrick County, Virginia. He married ELIZABETH PRICE (PRINCE) June 13, 1786 in Franklin County, Virginia. Notes for JOHN M. TURNER: JOHN TURNER RECEIVED A LAND BOUNTY FOR HIS SERVICES IN THE AMMERICAN REVOLUTION. More About JOHN M. TURNER: Fact 2: received land bounty for serving in American Revolution Fact 3: 1779, paid tax Henry Co., VA 5-0-1 Fact 4: children went to Kentucky Children of JOHN TURNER and ELIZABETH (PRINCE) are: i. SHADRACK5 TURNER, m. JUDITH BURNETT. More About SHADRACK TURNER: Fact 3: sister Amanda B. Turner Ross lived there also Fact 4: August 12, 1843, Cumberland Co., KY Book 2, p.362 Shadrack Turner received 50acres land warrant, ii. AMANDA B. TURNER, m. LEWIS C. ROSS, May 18, 1837. Notes for AMANDA B. TURNER: IN 1851 AMANDA B. TURNER AND LEWIS C. ROSS WERE IN MONROE COUNTY, KENTUCKY. REF. KENTUCKY GENEALOGIST BK. 2. ALSO IN CUMBERLAND COUNTY, KENTUCKY RECORDS IN KENTUCKY BK. 2 PG. 362 8-12-1843, SHADRACK TURNER RECEIVED A LAND WARRANT FOR FIFTY ACRES OF LAND. THIS WOULD SEEM TO INDICATE THAT SHADRACK, WHO WAS A SON OF JOHN TURNER, WENT ON TO KENTUCKY. THE TWO SHADRACK TURNERS IN LINCOLN COUNTY, GEORGIA D IN GEORGIA. More About AMANDA B. TURNER: Fact 3: August 12, 1843, Cumberland Co., KY Book 2, p. 362 brother Shadrack received land warrant 50acres Fact 4: 1851, living in Monroe County, KY iii. BENJAMIN TURNER, b. Abt. 1800, Virginia; d. Aft. 1860, probably Metcalfe County, KY; m. (1) EMILY ?; m. (2) LUCINDA TURNER, 1820-1824, Cumberland Co., KY?(records destroyed). More About LUCINDA TURNER: Fact 2: record of 8 children Fact 3: married 1st cousin Fact 4: 1850, Barren Co., KY Census p. 419 Fact 5: Barren Co., KY Death Returns, KY Historical Society. Reg. V.43, 1945 6. ELIZABETH4 TURNER (SHADRACK3, JOHN2, RICHARD1) was born 1750 in Virginia, and died August 02, 1845 in Patrick County, Virginia (Pittsylvania) b. Prillaman Cem. Franklin County, VA. She married SAMUEL PACKWOOD Abt. 1769, son of SAMUEL PACKWOOD and PENELOPE STOUT. Notes for ELIZABETH TURNER: (Quotes from the book by Lucile R. Maddox "Meshack Turner III, His wife Sarah Robey Tucker" published 1976 by Gateway Press, Inc. Baltimore) In the lineage of Shadrack, Elizabeth Turner is shown as having married Samuel Packwood. This lineage has been deposited in the Library of Congress at least before 1970. The writer received photostats of the Shadrack Turner family from members of his descendents. June 10, 1976, the writer received a letter from Mrs. Erma Dell Smith, 702 Lakeside Drive, Carlsbad, New Mexico, 88220, in which she enclosed a xerox of a true copy of a letter written by Samuel Packwood, 5-11- 1811, to his daughter and son-in-law, Rachel Packwood Smith and her husband, John Smith, who had recently taken up leased land in Cumberland County, Kentucky. In the body of his letter he refers to Jacob Prillaman, a neighbor, and Thomas Stone. Relatives of both of these men intermarried the descendents of Shadrack Turner Senior as shown on other charts, see index. He speaks of his grandchildren, Nancy, Samuel, Daniel, and Steven Smith, whom he misses very much; of his wife Elizabeth who sends her love to their daughter along with his, kof his mother-in-law, Mother Turner (Ann) and of brother, Larkin Turner, who is then residing in Cumberland County, Kentucky, near his daughter Rachel and her husband, John Smith. Mrs. Smith seems to have doubt that this is sufficient proof that Elizabeth Turner, daughter of Shadrack and Ann Turner, is the daughter of Shadrack, but it seems to the writer that if the will of John Smith shows children by the above names or any papers of administration, that there could be no doubt of her parentage. The lineage of Shadrack Turner is a supplemental line for this book in that he was the brother to Meshack Turner I, the ancestor of Meshack III. The correspondence added a form of proof of the Packwood marriage and Mrs. Smith was very kind to allow the writer to take notes from the letter. It is most interesting. It also did not seem appropiate to copy the letter, as much as I would have desired, in that Mrs. Smith may herself write a book on the lineage of Shadrack Turner. It is called to the reader's attention that Mrs. Smith co-authored a book, "James F. Moody", which is indexed, has 454 pages, and is now available for sale. Anyone interested in James F. Moody may contact Mrs. Smith at the address given. Added note of interest: the letter was handcarried to Rachel and John Smith from Henry County, Virginia by a Mr. Gearhart, addressed as following, "To Mr. Smith living in the State of Kentucky in Cumberland County near the mouth of Mud Camp, favored by Mr. Gearhart." Jacob Prillman herein mentioned maried Barbara, daughter of Sarah Turner and Christian Snidow. Sarah was born 1788, married ca 1806. The Jacob Prillman who married Barbara was probably the son of Jacob mentioned in the letter in 1811. Perhaps not; at any rate ther is a connection. Elizabeth may have been from York County, PA. More About ELIZABETH TURNER: Fact 3: 1830, Patrick County, VA Census, p. 167 Fact 4: 1820, Patrick County, VA Census, p. 120 Notes for SAMUEL PACKWOOD: Samuel and Elizabeth Turner Packwood are buried in the Prillaman Cemetary near the Patrick and Franklin County lines. Note that Elizabeth Packwood's second husband was Abraham Prillaman.(dau. of Sam & Elizabeth T. Pack) Samuel Packwood owned land in Henry County, VA. Book G. pages 461. Fork of Mill Creek of Smiths River. Book #15 pgs. 135-543: Oct. 17, 1798, Samuel Packwood 63 acres on south side of Smiths River, adjoining Reaves on Goblingtown Creek.(Patrick Co.) --------------------------------------------------- Page 141 Date 23 July 1824 Will of Samuel Packwood, sick and weak in body but of perfect mind. Legatees: All of my estate both real and personal to be enjoyed by my well beloved wife Elizabeth Packwood during her natural lifetime, except such useless stock or other property as she may direct my executor to sell in order for distribution amongst the legatees. After the decease of my wife all lands except 63 acres lying on the south side of Smith River and adjoing land whereon Charles Smith now lives and being part of the land sold him by William and Elisha Packwood which rite and lawful title I want said Charles Smith to have. The balance of land is to be sold by the executors and divided as follows: Give the profit of said land equally to my children: William Packwood, Richard Packwood, Rachel Smith, Valentine Gearhart, Nancy Packwood for the benefit of Sally Bartlett's children, to Nancy Packwood for her own benefit, Edith McCutcheon, Elizabeth Prillaman, and Elisha Packwood. Elish is to pay $100.00 out of his legacy to be divided among the rest named. My daughter Nancy Packwood is to have a negro girl. Executor: My daughter Nancy Packwood and neighbor Peter Smith. Witness: Larkin Packwood, Grandason Leseur, Richard Stone Returned: Nov. Ct. 1825 Source: "Abstracts of Wills, Inventories, & Accounts- Patrick Co. Virginia" by Lela C. Adams; Sherwood Forest, Bassett, VA 24055 1973 ----------------------------------------------------------- The Samuel Packwood Letter Pub. in May 1911- by The Argus, Greenfield, ILL The following letter was written just one hundred years ago today. The writer, Samuel Packwood, was the grandfather of Daniel Smith, who was one of the well know characters of the Waller neighborhood in years gone by. Two of Daniel Smith's children are still living in that locality, they being Mrs. Sallie M. Smith and Robert A. Smith. The letter is one of the family heirlooms and has been in the possession of Mrs. Sallie M. Smith for many years. It was written from the Town Creek in Henry County, Virginia, the letter bearing no envelope, being folded and sealed with red sealing wax. The address thereon was as follows: "To Mr. John Smith living in the state of Kentucky in Cumberland County near the mouth of mud camp favoured by Mr. gearheart." The letter is in a fair state of preservation and is highly prized by the family. We have followed the style of the writer as to spelling, capitalization and punctuation. It is merely a family letter, its age being of greatest interest to many of our readers: May 5, 1811 Loving son and Daughter these few lines comes to let you noe that we are in our usual state of helth at present thanks to god for his mercys hoping these few lines will find you and your little children in the Same State of helth. I gladly Received your letter by thomas Stone and I got your Sertificate and I Sent it by thomas gearhart inclosed in the letter also I sent you a Detale of your affares in this part of the world. I sold your corn to your brother Charles Smith for thirty thre Dollors and a half-- one of your hogs I never go and a nother one Died Soon after I sold them I Sold them for Sixteen Dollars and a half. I paid Jacob prilaman thirteen pounds of Iron and five shillings and six pence. I thrased out your Ry and theare was nine bushe's and a half and I sold it for a half Daller a bushel I got four of corn ( bushels)- out of the crib and I got Seventy bundles of fodder out of the house is all that I got. Charles Smith Sold the land and the man come on the place Soon your money will bee Ready by the first Day of September Except Standle and that I willtry to git in Iron. Thare is nothing new worth a writting to you a mongst us. Mother turner is very Loe in helth but some what amended your father and mother is well our old Neighbor prelaman Lost his Daughter Elesabeth hellems. And as you hav Rented Land I think it the best way for the first year. The people are a going to the bend of Tennesy. Thomas Reves have bought William Sharps Land and Sharp is going there I would come out and bring your money but I am afraid to promis but I intend to Com an Se you if the Lord Spares me my helth So that I can before long Remember my love to brother Larkington and his family. you wrote to me to Send you your ax by thomas gearhart I got your ax but no chance to send it-- and now I will give you a Small account of this part of the world-- corn is to be got at thirteen Shillings and Six pence a barrel--Ry at three Shillings a bushel-- bacon at Six pence per pound and as for Stock it is selling verry Loe and Land Does not Sell for the haff of the valy of the Labour that is don on it --So i donte Expect to Ever Sell my Land in my time, my children is scattered So that I never Expect to see them all again but i would faign injoy the Sight of you if I could for I miss the children So much I must conclude my Leter noing that you all are in the hands of them that is abel to pervide for both body and Spirit So remaining your Affectshinate father ang mother until Death Samuel and Elasabeth Packwood to John and Rachel Smith and Samuel and Daniel and Steven. Elisha deseirs his Love to be Remembered to you all. Nancy and Edith and Elasabeth Deseirs their Love to be Remembered. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Samuel Packwood owned land in Henry County, Virginia: June 13, 1782- Had 273 acres on northwest fork of Mill Creek of Smiths River ( Book G pgs. 461, 390 ) Oct. 17, 1798- Had 63 acres on the south side of Smith's River, adjoining Reaves and on Goblingtown Creek ( Book 40 page 543, Book 15 page 115 ) (Patrick Co.) Samuel Packwood, Sr. owned 65 acres beginning at the Angelicko Fawl's on the north side of Smith's River ( June 9, 1802 Book 50, pg. 119 ) (Patrick Co.) Samuel Packwood had land near Shadrack Turner. He was a witness to Pittsylvania County, VA Deed on Dec 25, 1770, Bk. 2. Packwood farm was in Patrick County, VA until lake was formed that cut Patrick County into 2 parts; NE part joined Henry County. Elizabeth was in the 1830 Patrick County, VA census. ------------------------------------------------------ PACKWOOD: Local, of 'Packwood,' a parish in Co. Warwick, near Henley-in-Arden (England) ------------------------------------------------------ THE PACKWOOD-MCCUTCHEN LINE FROM VIRGINIA TO TEXAS contributed by Mrs. Roy L. Rogers, 5722 Winton, Dallas, TX ( A Descendant) Samuel Packwood was an early pioneer of Patrick County, Virginia. Reords indicate that he was born about 1750. It is not known who his parents were, but a Packwood who was burdered by the Indians in 1770 is believed to have been his father. A full account of the torture and burning at the stake of the earlier Packwood has been related by his great-grandaughter, Jane Packwood Davis (of Indiana) in a letter written to Miss Edna Roth. This belief is further strengthened by a letter written by one of thechildren of Rachel Smith, a daughter of Samuel Packwood, in the year 1802 in which she related that her grandfather was burned at the stake. The Packwood who suffered this agonizing death was very elderly when Shawnees on the prowl seized and carried him to Chillicothe, Ohio, across the Ohio River. A neighborhood boy by the name of Billy Huff, who had accompanied him, was allowed to live; but Packwood was considered too old and was cruelly tortured three days and nights before he died. The youngster Billy Huff, escaped when, after the Revolutionary War, the Shawnees took him with them to trade at Marietta, Ohio, the first permanent town on the Ohio River. He managed to reach his home in Virginia and was reunited with his people. Unable to forsake his Indian ways, he later returned to his captors. The wife of Samuel Packwood was Elizabeth Turner, the daughter of Shadrack Turner (will dated 1783, Henry County, VA). Their children are named in a will which was probated at Stuart, Patrick County, VA, on the 25th day of July 1824 (Will Book 1, pg. 141). .......etc. In Will Book 3, pp. 443-4, Feb. 9 and Feb. 11, 1846, and Will Book 4, pg. 37, an inventory and sales and payments made of the Estate shows a Benjamin Davis as a Legatee, a Charles Davis and wife Ruth are named, plus others. (Note the name Davis). This must have been after the death of his wife, Elizabeth. (Ruth Rogers died in Dallas, TX circa 1975) Samuel was a Revolutionary War soldier, serving in the Henry County militia. More About SAMUEL PACKWOOD: Fact 2: July 23, 1824, pg. 141 will; Patrick County, VA Fact 3: 1810, Patrick County, VA Census, lists sons Elisha, Richard, Samuel, and William Fact 4: 1781, served in the Henry Co. Militia Children of ELIZABETH TURNER and SAMUEL PACKWOOD are: i. WILLIAM5 PACKWOOD, b. 1770, Patrick County, Virginia; d. 1852, Clark County, Indiana (some say Salem, Washington Co., IN); m. ELENORE (NELLY) ANDERSON, March 01, 1802, Franklin County, Virginia by Minister Samuel King. Notes for WILLIAM PACKWOOD: Lived in Virginia, Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa. He was in Clark County, IN in 1828. More About WILLIAM PACKWOOD: Fact 4: March 24, 1988, Church LDS submitted; batch #8726508 sheet 06;source call #1396411 film ii. EXONIA PACKWOOD, b. 1772, Patrick Co. Virginia; d. December 25, 1825, Celina, Overton County, Tennessee, buried on home place; m. VALENTINE GEARHART, February 22, 1802, Patrick County, Virginia. Notes for EXONIA PACKWOOD: Exonia and Larkin could be twins. She was buried 100 yards east of the house in Celina, Overton Co., TN. In 1924, Edith Ratliff Gunn, daughter of Jennie Hudspeth Ratliff, visited the old homestead and located a little fenced off plot in that location. It evidently had a grave in the center of it but had no marker. On their second visit, several years later, a four lane highway covered up the spot. What happened to the grave was not determined. More About EXONIA PACKWOOD: Fact 4: 1816, left VA to move to Overton County, TN; youngest children born TN iii. LARKIN PACKWOOD, b. 1772, Patrick Co. Virginia; d. 1862, Stone County, Missouri; m. MISS HENDERSON, Henry County, Virginia. Notes for LARKIN PACKWOOD: This Larkin Packwood, born 1772, was in Tennessee, later allegedly of Illinois and California. Married a Miss Henderson. He and Exonia could be twins. He and Samuel Jr. lived in Smith County, TN in 1820 then moved to Missouri and Southern Illinois (Randolph County) on the Mississippi River. He was a witness to Samuel Sr.'s will (Patrick County, VA Willbook 1 page 41, dated 23/25 July 1824, but is not named in it. 1820 Smith County, Tennessee Census Larkin Packwood 2 males under 10 4 females under 10 1male 10-16 1 female 26-45 1 male 10-16 1 male 26-45 More About LARKIN PACKWOOD: Fact 2: 1830, Madison County, MO Census Fact 3: 1820, Smith County, KY Census Fact 4: went to KY, then TN, then ILL, then MO Fact 5: 1840, Taney County, MO Census Fact 6: 1850, unknown location More About MISS HENDERSON: Fact 4: 1820, Lived in Smith County, Tenn. per Census iv. ELISHA PACKWOOD, b. February 22, 1773, Patrick Co. Virginia; d. 1865, Olda Creek, California, (Cayucos, n. of Los Osos, California) b. Cayucos Cem.; m. MARY (POLLY) BURNETT, January 25, 1798, Patrick County, Virginia by Minister John Pedigo. Notes for ELISHA PACKWOOD: Resided Patrick County, VA, Bartholomew County, Indiana, and California. Was living in Bartholomew County in 1830. Entered land in that county in 1821. More About ELISHA PACKWOOD: Fact 3: May 29, 1818, pg. 295 Patrick Co., TN inventory estate of Elisha Cooper, dcd Fact 4: 1840, Monroe County, MO Census p. 145; Charles, and Eli Jr. also on p. 145 v. SAMUEL JR. PACKWOOD, b. April 09, 1775, Patrick Co. Virginia; d. December 18, 1848, Borden, Clark Co., IN; m. (1) JUDITH SNEED, May 06, 1800, Franklin County, Virginia; m. (2) ESTER ISOBEL MCKINLEY, 1816, Kentucky. More About SAMUEL JR. PACKWOOD: Fact 4: May 29, 1818, pg. 295 Patrick Co. VA;inventory estate of Elisha Cooper, decd. by vi. RICHARD PACKWOOD, b. 1777, Patrick Co. Virginia; d. 1820-1830, Bartholomew County, Indiana; m. NANCY SPAULDING, December 10, 1803, Patrick County, Virginia. Notes for RICHARD PACKWOOD: Resided in Floyd and Lawrence County, Kentucky. Served in War of 1812 as a corporal in Lt. Corn's Co., 18th Regiment, Va Militia, Patrick County, VA from Feb. 4-Mar. 2, 1815. He was in the 1820 Census in Floyd County, Kentucky: M: 2; 1 25-45; F 1 0-10; 2 10-16; 1 26-45. Lived in Lawrence County, Kentucky CT- May 30, 1823 (Treeshaker)- Richard Packwood won lawsuit over stolen cows; witnesses: Francis Spaulding, Temperance Packwood. Richard was on the Lawrence Co., KY tax list from 1822-1825; next Packwood is John : 1834&1837. Notes for NANCY SPAULDING: In 1830 Census Lawrence County, KY: Nancy Packwood- M: 1 0-5, 1 6-10, 1 20-30, F: 1 40-50 In 1840 Census Lawrence County, KY: N. Packwood- M: 1 15-20, F: 1 5-10, 1 50-60 1830 Bartholomew County, Ind. Census- Richard Packwood- M: 1 30-40; 1 F 20-30; 1 Boy and 1 Girl; this could be Nancy's husband Richard if he abandonded her? vii. SARAH POLLY (SALLY ANN) PACKWOOD, b. 1780, Patrick Co. Virginia; d. Bef. 1835, Burkesville, Cumberland County, Kentucky; m. EDMUND BARTLETT, December 06, 1800, Patrick County, VA. More About EDMUND BARTLETT: Fact 3: July 10, 1835, Polly, Mary Ann, Nancy, Elizabeth, and Ed Jr.signed lawsuit@ grandad's estate Fact 4: 1800, at time of his marriage, received his share of his father's estate, moved to KY viii. RACHEL PACKWOOD, b. 1784, Patrick County, Virginia; d. 1835, Cumberland County, Kentucky; m. JOHN M. SMITH, October 28, 1802, Patrick County, Virginia. Notes for RACHEL PACKWOOD: Resided in Patrick County, VA, Cumberland County, KY, and Green County, ILL. Her father, Samuel Packwood, write a letter from Town Creek, Henry Co, VA. It was dated May 5, 1811. Rachel and John Smith moved to Mud Camp, Cumberland County, Kentucky 1810-1811; moved to Green County, ILL about 1846. They had 13 kids. Notes for JOHN M. SMITH: descendents Harry E. Dewey; Ruby Jane Hamm; Kaye Sonneborn More About JOHN M. SMITH: Fact 2: 1840, moved to Greene Co., IL Fact 3: 1810-1811, moved to Mud Camp, Cumberland Co., KY Fact 4: lived in VA, KY, IL ix. NANCY PACKWOOD, b. 1787, Patrick Co. Virginia; m. BENJAMIN DAVIS, November 30, 1826, Patrick County, Virginia. x. EDITH PACKWOOD, b. August 10, 1788, Patrick County, Virginia; d. 1862, Coffee County, Tennessee; m. JOHN MCCUTCHEON, February 11, 1813, Patrick County, Virginia by Minester Lewis Foster. More About EDITH PACKWOOD: Fact 2: 1862, Died in Coffee County, Tennessee Fact 3: February 11, 1813, Married John McCutcheon in Patrick Co. VA Fact 4: 1788, Born in Patrick Co. Virginia Notes for JOHN MCCUTCHEON: In 1805, William and John McCutcheon, sons of James, bought land from Joseph and Dolly Pedigo on Widgeon Creek, in Patrick Co., VA. Deed book 2, pg. 285. William and Nancy Roberson McCutcheon sold their part of above land to John McCutcheon in 1809, Patrick Co. VA. Deed book 3, page 294. John McCutcheon sold 217 acres to Richard Wood May 15, 1819 in Patrick Co. VA on Widgeon Creek. Deed book 5, pg. 202. John and Eady Packwood McCutcheon with their four children, Elizabeth, George Turner, Rutha, and Permelia moved to Washington Co., Indiana. They are listed there in the 1820 Census and their fifth child was born there per his War Record. Gordon C. McCutcheon, born June 3, 1821 in Washington Co.,Indiana. War record on file at the Archives in Nashville,Tenn. (Mexican War of 1848). By 1830, John McCutcheon and his family had joined his brother George McCutcheon in Franklin County, Tenn. John owned land on the Elk River in the northern part of Franklin Co., Tenn. John owned land on the Elk River in the northern part of Franklin Co., Tenn. More About JOHN MCCUTCHEON: Fact 2: 1832-1837, entered into bond with Hastings M. Sargeant for electing Constable Fact 3: property located next to Wm. Hendon, per his land grant Fact 4: 1836-1837, pastor of Maxwell Baptist Church on big Spring between Maxwell & Salem community Fact 6: 1832-1837, listed as a juror in Franklin County, TN Marriage Notes for EDITH PACKWOOD and JOHN MCCUTCHEON: In 1805 William and John McCutcheon, sons of James and Elizabeth, bought land from Joseph and Dolly Pedigo on Widgeon Creek, in Patrick Co. VA. Deed Bk. 2 pg. 285. William and Nancy Roberson McCutcheon sold their part or above land to John McCutcheon in 1809 in Patrick Co. VA. Deed Bk. 3 pg. 294. John McCutcheon sold 217 acres to Rickard Wood 15 May 1819 in Patrick Co. VA on Widgeon Creek. Deed Bk. E page 230. John and Eady Packwood McCutcheon with their four children, Elizabeth, George Turner, Rutha, and Permelia moved to Washington County, Indiana. They are listed there in the 1820 Census and their fifth child was born there per his War Record. Gordon C. McCutcheon born 3 June 1821 Washington Co., Indiana. War record on file at the Archives in Nashville, Tenn. By 1830 John McCutcheon and his family had joined his brother George W. in Franklin Co. Tenn. John owned land on the Elk River in the northern part of Franklin Co. John McCutcheon is buried near Estill Spring, near the Tims Ford Reservoir on the Elk River, Franklin Co. Tennessee. xi. ELIZABETH PACKWOOD, b. May 23, 1793, Patrick Co. Virginia; d. May 19, 1863, Calloway, Franklin County, Virginia; m. (1) SPENCER HARDY, May 09, 1819; m. (2) ABRAHAM PRILLAMAN, December 04, 1820, Patrick County, Virginia. 7. WILLIAM4 TURNER (SHADRACK3, JOHN2, RICHARD1) was born January 19, 1753 in Halifax Co., VA, and died December 11, 1845 in Franklin Co., VA. He married JANE HUNTER April 17, 1773 in Pittsylvania County, VA, daughter of WILLIAM HUNTER , SR.. Notes for WILLIAM TURNER: WILLIAM TURNER SERVED IN THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR IN JOHN CUNNINGHAM'S COMPANY, UNDER COL. ABRAM PENN. More About WILLIAM TURNER: Fact 2: October 29, 1842, will in Franklin Co., VA Fact 3: 1779, paid tax Henry Co., VA 8-4-7 Fact 4: 1777, private in American Rev., serving in John Cunningham's com. under Col. Abram Pen Fact 5: some info. from "Early Virginia Families" by E. Ruth Pyrtle Children of WILLIAM TURNER and JANE HUNTER are: i. GEORGE5 TURNER, b. October 17, 1776, Henry Co., VA; d. August 13, 1854, Franklin County, Virginia; m. MILDRED STONE, November 01, 1801, Virginia. Notes for GEORGE TURNER: THE LINEAGE OF GEORGE TURNER WAS FROM THE RESEARCH AND BIBLE RECORDS OF MRS. DOROTHY SEELY OF ATLANTA, GEORGIA, RECEIVED IN 1972. SHE WAS DESCENDED FROM GEORGE TURNER THRU HIS DAUGHTER, RUTH, WHO MARRIED SAMUEL HOY. More About GEORGE TURNER: Fact 2: Mrs. Seely resided Nashville, TN 1976 Fact 3: descendent Mrs. Dorothy Seely of Atlanta, GA, thru daug. Ruth who m. Samuel Hoy Fact 4: was a Justice of the Peace ii. JAMES M. TURNER, b. April 23, 1778; m. (1) MISS PHILPOTT; m. (2) MISS WOODS; m. (3) MARY A. JAMES, November 24, 1853. More About JAMES M. TURNER: Fact 3: was a Captain in War of 1812 Fact 4: may have went to Tenn. iii. JOHN TURNER, b. September 21, 1779; d. Abt. 1873; m. NANCY BURNETT, October 15, 1804, Patrick Co., VA. More About JOHN TURNER: Fact 4: was a Baptist reverand iv. MARTHA TURNER, b. May 07, 1781; m. NED PHILPOTT. v. ELIZABETH E.TURNER, b. January 25, 1783; m. MR. INGRAM. vi. JOSIAH H. TURNER, b. December 09, 1784, Henry County, Virginia; d. February 22, 1866, Franklin County, Virginia; m. (1) DRUSILLA P. HUNTER; m. (2) DRUSILLA PRICE PHILPOTT, March 11, 1810, Franklin County, VA. Notes for JOSIAH H. TURNER: book by Lucille R. Mattox "Meshack Turner III and his wife Sarah Robey Tucker", lists Josiah Turner, Jr., son of Josiah, son of William Turner, married Sarah Turner, daughter of Isaiah Turner of Franklin County, Virginia. Information by Buddy and Helen Turner of Lawton, OK states differently. Buddy (Harold G. Turner) a descendent of Meshack and Sallie Ann Deshazo Turner, states differently. More About JOSIAH H. TURNER: Fact 3: "Floyd County History" by Dr. Amos D. Wood (source of info) Fact 4: 1850, lived in Franklin Co., VA per census vii. ADELPHIA TURNER, b. February 04, 1787; m. LASHORES TURNER, November 15, 1806. Notes for ADELPHIA TURNER: 2nd generation of Adelphia Turner and Lashores Turner: Wilson married Julia Beach Martha married Ben Stultz Nancy married Joseph Hardy Aldez married Elizabeth Brown Elvira Emma married Joseph Nunn. viii. SARAH TURNER, b. December 21, 1788; m. CHRISTIAN SNIDOW, Abt. 1806. Notes for CHRISTIAN SNIDOW: He was great grandson of John Snidow who came to New River in 1765 from Pennsylvania and married Elizabeth Helm. ix. WILLIAM TURNER , JR., b. January 01, 1791; d. Tennessee?; m. (1) PHEBA WILSON, December 14, 1812; m. (2) MARTHA PHILPOTT, December 11, 1837. More About WILLIAM TURNER , JR.: Fact 4: moved to Tenn. x. JANE TURNER, b. October 03, 1792; d. 1882; m. (1) BERTY STONE; m. (2) MR. FIFTER. More About JANE TURNER: Fact 4: was living widowed? with brother Elkanah in Henry Co. 1850 Census Notes for MR. FIFTER: War of 1812 Veteran. xi. ANDREW H. TURNER, b. May 27, 1797; d. 1881; m. FRANCES HOLLAND, April 05, 1824. xii. MESHACK TURNER, b. August 16, 1799; m. NANCY MARTIN, December 09, 1822. xiii. OBEDIAH TURNER, b. Aft. 1801; d. age 4. xiv. ELKANAH B. TURNER, b. August 14, 1801; m. (1) MARGARET A. HEARD, April 08, 1824; m. (2) ELIZABETH C. WINGFIELD, November 19, 1840. Notes for ELKANAH B. TURNER: He was a Primitive Baptist Preacher. More About ELKANAH B. TURNER: Fact 3: mem. House of Delegates Fact 4: was Justice of the Peace, Primitive Baptist Minister 8. MARY4 TURNER (SHADRACK3, JOHN2, RICHARD1) was born 1755. She married WILLIAM HUNTER. Child of MARY TURNER and WILLIAM HUNTER is: i. PETER5 HUNTER, m. AGNES SMALLEY. 9. LARKIN4 TURNER ======================= To be continued in Comp #277. The end of this compilation.