Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 23:11:36 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: Comp #278 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

26 Dec 1997

Hello to Everyone:

Hope everyone had a Wonderful Christmas and had some time to work on
genealogy this week.   Some eMails for you to read.

All our compilations can be read, searched and downloaded at:

Be sure to check for your families.

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA

Subj:	Re: Arthur B. VIA
Date:	97-12-25 09:45:40 EST
From:	BEColvin
To:	NCreed1

I was reading the Sarasota Herald Tribune just now and came across an
obituary for Arthur B. Via, 93, Arcadia and formerly of Sarasota, died
12/23/97.  He was born 12/11/1904 in Patrick Co., VA and came to Sarasota
in 1955 from Martinsville, VA. He founded Via's Bar on Stickney Pt. Rd. in
Sarasota, co- founded Martinsville Speedway and owned Rapid Transit Bus
Co. in Martinsville.  He was an Army vet of ww11 and the oldest living
member of Travelers Protective assoc. of America in st. Louis. 

Survivors include six daughters, Selma Gusler of Micanopy, Genevieve stone
of Collinsville, VA, Jacqueline Smith of Martinsville, Brenda Beychok of
Phoenix, Frances Clyne of Tuscon, AZ and Pamela Meer of Sharpsburg, GA.;
three sons, Arthur B. Jr., and Danny B both of Arcadia, and Allen L. of
Venice; three sisters, rachel and Verna both of Hopewell, VA and Vivian V.
Rice of NC; 14 grandchildren; and serverl great grandchildren. The memoria
service will be at 11:00 a.m. Sunday at Robarts Funeral Home, bee ridge
rd., Sarasota.  Memorial donations may be made to FL Sheriff's Youth
Ranches P.O. Box 2000 Boys Ranch, FL 32064

I am quite certain this must be relevant to some people on this list.  Beth in

Thank you, Beth.  Anyone able to place Mr. Arthur B Via?  Nyla

Subj:	 Confused with 2nd Generation from Lind.ged
Date:	97-12-25 10:31:11 EST
From: (DeCody Brad Marble)
To: (NCreed1)

Copy for Nyla

Subject: Confused with 2nd Generation from Lind.ged
   Date: Thu, 25 Dec 1997 09:26:16 -0800
   From: DeCody Brad Marble <>
References:  1

Hello Tessy McMillan:

Lineage Descendancy Printout from Gedcom Lind.ged

The second generation has John2 (John Sr??) born 1689 marring Elizabeth
Brashiers in 1718.
Then John3 Jr. marring Elizabeth Brashier

It looks like by the reference (Brashear Book) John Jr. married
Elizabeth and John Sr. married a Sarah

Would not this be in error for JOHN2 TURNER
He married ELIZABETH BRASHIERS July 01, 1718 in Queen Ann's Parish,
Prince Georges, Maryland.    (SHOULD BE SARAH???)

print out follows for 2nd generation

Generation No. 2

2.  JOHN2 TURNER (RICHARD1) was born Abt. 1689 in England, and died Bef.
1736 in Caroline County, Virginia.  He married ELIZABETH BRASHIERS July
01, 1718 in Queen Ann's Parish, Prince Georges, Maryland.

        Children of JOHN TURNER and ELIZABETH BRASHIERS are:
        i.      JOHN3 TURNER , JR., b. England; d. 1763, Henry County,

Notes for JOHN TURNER , JR.:
Brashear Book, page 295:  Elizabeth Brashear, born July 27, 1699, in
Prince Wiliam Co., MD married John Turner, Jr. son of John and Sarah Turner,
Sr. on July 1, 1718.

        ii.     ELIZABETH TURNER.
        iii.    SARAH TURNER.
        iv.     ANN TURNER.
3.      v.      SHADRACK TURNER, b. 1720, England (Prince George,
England Co., VA?); d. 1783, Henry County, Virginia.
4.      vi.     MESHACK TURNER, b. Abt. 1725, Virginia (England
County?); d. January 28, 1794, Wilkes County, Georgia.
        vii.    ABEDNEGO TURNER, b. 1730, England; d. 1750, Virginia.

Subj:	 Re: Descendants of Richard Turner - 3 Generations
Date:	97-12-25 10:43:56 EST
From: (Eunice B. Kirkman)
To:	NCreed1@AOL.COM (NCreed1)


The info was sent to me.  It would be nice if all of this ended some of the
mystery about Shadrach, but I don't think so.  She promises to send Brad
copies of the Order Book(?)  If so, I'd sure like to see them.  Wouldn't it
be nice if she had included Book and page numbers?  I just would not be
comfortable about including this in my own files.

Merry Christmas!    Eunice

Subj:	Newman and Ingram
Date:	97-12-25 14:42:45 EST
From:	BEColvin
To:	NCreed1

Here is some Newman information Nyla and a little about Ingram too.

Husband: NEWMAN, Nimrod Sr. - born: 1740 @
Wife: ARTHUR, Sarah - born: 1739 @
Marr: 1762 at Bedford Cty, Hillsville, VA
Seal: at
1.XNEWMAN, Nimrod Jr. - born: 1785 @
2.NEWMAN, Arthur - born: 1764 @
3.NEWMAN, Rebekah - born: 1768 @
4.NEWMAN, Betsey - born: 1771 @
5.NEWMAN, Martha Patsy - born: 1774 @
6.NEWMAN, Sidney - born: 1776 @
7.NEWMAN, Rosina "Cena" - born: 1778 @
8.NEWMAN, Jesse - born: 1781 @
9.NEWMAN, Byrd - born: 1787 @
10.NEWMAN, Emily - born: 1789 @
11.NEWMAN, Garrett - born: 1782 @
12.NEWMAN, Sarah (Sally) - @

Husband: NEWMAN, Nimrod Jr. - born: 1785 @
Wife: WILE(D)MAN, Deborah - born: 1787 @
Marr: 1 Mar 1808 at Hillsville, Grayson, VA
Seal: at
1.XNEWMAN, William W. - born: 1811 @
2.NEWMAN, Nancy M. - @
3.NEWMAN, John Alexander* - born: 1817 @
4.NEWMAN, Deborah M. - @
5.NEWMAN, Lydia Sarah* - @
6.NEWMAN, Arthur - born: 1808 @
7.NEWMAN, Jesse - born: 1810 @
8.NEWMAN, Israel Nimrod ISRAEL* - born: 1819 @

Name: NEWMAN, Israel Nimrod ISRAEL* - Sex: Male
Birth: 1819 at Carroll County, VA
1.X EDWARDS, Rosannah - born: 27 Jan 1826 @ VA
General Notes:
Israel was never known as Nimrod. In the 1870 census he and =
Jonathan 17, Eliza A.14, Vienna A. 9, Rachel 5, Marion
D. 3 and Charity 1

Husband: Edwards, John - born: ABT 1679 @ NJ
Wife: Ingram, Mary - @
Marr: 2 Jul 1700 at Burlington, NJ
Seal: at
1.XEdwards, Hanuel - born: ABT 1706 @
2.Edwards, David - born: ABT 1716 @
3.Edwards, Jeremiah - born: ABT 1718 @
4.Edwards, Joshua - @
5.Edwards, Isaac - @

Subj:	 Searching for Itele <mother> Anita <daughter> TURNER
Date:	97-12-25 16:27:02 EST
From: (YASO)

> I received your name and E Mail address through  Lonnie Fink, Site Manager
> KY Unknown County Pages who was not able to help me in the counties she
> covers and adviced that I turn to you.
> I am searching for Anita TURNER <maiden name I believe> who I believe
> was born around 1936-37. Her mother's name is Itele TURNER <I believe is
> her married name but am not 100% sure>< If this was her married, I do
> not know her maiden name> <If she was married  her husband's initials
> might have been S.L. TURNER and most likely born around 1900-15>. Itele
> was born between 1900-18 <I would estimate that it would be closer to
> 1915 than 1900>.
> The reason that I believe that the TURNERS were born and raised in
> Kentucky, because Itele received her B.S. degree <sometime in the 1920s
> or latest in the early 1930s> from what was then Western Kentucky State
> Teachers College, I do not know if she attended and received her degree
> under her <unknown> maiden name or under the name of TURNER <which
might be
> her maiden name too>.

> The cardinal question is could you help me? I know it is not an easy
> task. The question is could you in any way try to find <maybe through
> some sort of computer program> an Itele, since I believe that Itele is
> not a very common first name? If not can you give me some sort of advice
> on where to turn?

Aizic Sechter <>  <>

Folks:   Does anyone recognize the names Itele <mother> or Anita <daughter>
TURNER?  Perhaps someone knows a good source to locate people.

Subj:	More Questions
Date:	97-12-26 08:28:13 EST
From:	N4JED
To:	NCreed1


Another question from your listing of Comp 268... 

You have a Nancy Via (daughter of James Via and Mary Dehart) listed as b.
1837 and d.1857.  In Pilson's book there is a Nancy E. Via buried in James
Via's Cemetery with the dates d. 5 Mar. 1864, age 16 yrs. 7 mo. 16 days
(making birth 18 July 1847) apparently next to James and Mary's stones. 
Are these one and the same people? 

Same family, Fleming Via, you list b. 1831, d. 1839.  Next to the above in
Pilsons book for James' cemetery is Fleming Via with the following
tombstone dates - b.1834 d. 7 June, 1844. 


Subj:	Mistakes? What mistakes? 
Date:	97-12-26 09:05:22 EST
From:	N4JED
To:	NCreed1

>>David:  You make it really difficult for me to be perfect.  Why am I the
only person who makes mistakes?  <grin> Nyla<<

Actually no, you're not. You just happen to be the only person other than
myself who sticks their neck out often on the same family line as mine. 
So, I just want to make sure us chickens and roosters are crowing the same
tune :-) 

Oh, and we all make perfect mistakes.....

Thanks for humoring me,

Oh, I saw this quote once from about 100 years ago...
"History is that which is most often repeated...who needs facts?"

David:  You would think I would learn by now not to stick my neck out so

Subj:	WOOD family
Date:	97-12-26 12:37:16 EST
From:	N4JED
CC:	NCreed1

Judy, Since, as you say, every other researcher has the family connection
of John WOOD and Nellie ___ to Parents Stephen WOOD and Ann JOHNSON with
John and Nellie's children being at least Richard, Henry, Ellender and
Elizabeth, could you elaborate on what convinced you that a researcher in
PA has correctly made a different connection? Could you share with us your
listing of John's wife and children so we can see how it differs? Is there
additional info on Stephen WOOD and Ann JOHNSON (I have never seen any)? 

Like you, I keep coming across the listing as I sent it out over Nyla's
Compilations from a variety of sources including 2 separate listings
published by the Patrick - Henry Counties Allied Families in 1978 along
with several books here in the Roanoke Library.  Yes, these all could be
in error since everyone traces there connection through Richard (if I
remember correctly). And , I have not come across any of the other
children in records here yet. But, family tradition is hard to break (I
have been jumped all over by several elders in the Allied Families -even
with documentation in hand- to suggest something other than tradition). 

The WOOD family is not direct to me so I have not researched it like my
own but have built up info as I came across it. Anything you would caer to
share on this would be appreciated. 

David Jones
Vinton, VA

Subj:	UMBARGER family
Date:	97-12-26 12:59:09 EST
From:	N4JED
CC:	NCreed1


I have several UMBARGERS married into my REPASS and HARKRADER lines
and a whole lot of UMBERGERS who are direct line. These all are from the
Wythe County area. I do not have any of the other names you are searching.

You might want to check out
It has a lot of connections for Southwest Virginia families.

David Jones

Date:	97-12-26 16:32:12 EST
From: (Linda Sanchez)
To:	NCreed1@AOL.COM

    I'm still new here and I have been trying to figure out the 
connection between the BURNETTS and the TURNERS.  Could you possibly 
help me out. Thanks-Linda


For several of us, we connect the BURNETTs and TURNERs through the Rev. 
John TURNER who married Nancy E BURNETT in Patrick Co VA on 15 October

When we originally started this group, most of the interest was in
families from Southwestern Virginia.  However, these families have spread
across the entire U.S.A.  In fact, some of the families that some of our
group are researching probably weren't related to the Southern Virginia
group; but we welcome folks who are searching these family names or other
families that are related through marriage.  We all keep searching for
that missing family link. 

If you want to tell us again about your family, please do.  With 208 folks
on our mailing list, it never hurts to remind us which family you're


The end of this compilation.