Date: Wed, 31 Dec 1997 12:57:59 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: Comp 280 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

31 Dec 1997

Happy New Years Eve to Everyone.  More eMails to read.

All our compilations can be found:

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA

Subj:	Re: Comp #278 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-12-27 00:04:45 EST
From:	MAStalling
To:	NCreed1

Help!  I have confirmed my third generation of Turners with James Polk Turner,
but need help and confirmation of his father Isaac, grandfather George and GGG
John Turner.  Can anyone help?  I was hoping to trace back to Shadrack,
and Abednego etc., but have been unable to confirm.  Any help appreciated.

Descendants of John Turner
	1  	John TURNER	b: 1755 in Northern Ireland	d: Abt. 1824
in Dickson Co., TN	Number of children: 10				
..		+Elizabeth "Sukie" DILLARD  b: in Wales m: Abt. 1776   Number
of children: 10	Father:	Mother:			
....	2  	[6] George TURNER	b: July 22, 1780 in Person Co., NC	
	d: 1862 in Humphreys Co., TN	Number of children: 12		
........		+Susannah ADAMS	b: 1782 in Halifax, VA	m: November
07, 1799 in Halifax Co., Virginia	d: 1840 in Humphreys Co., TN  Number of
children: 10	Father: Richard ADAMS	Mother: Hannah BOYD		
...........	3  	[1] Isaac TURNER	b: June 13, 1820 in Tennessee		d: June
26, 1905	Number of children: 7					
...............		+Nellie Josephine HOOPER	b: Abt. 1823		
	Number of children: 7	Father: William HOOPER	Mother: Leah
..................	4  	James Polk TURNER	b: August 02, 1844 in Humphreys
Co., TN		d: July 01, 1913 in I00F Cemetery-Denton, Denton Co.,
TX	Number of children: 4							
......................		+Valarie WINSTEAD	b: April 04, 1849 in TN	m: 1867
in Humphreys Co., TN	d: September 01, 1929 in I00F Cemetery-Denton,
Denton Co., TX	Number of children: 4	Father: David WINSTEAD  Mother:
Rebecca Ann ADAMS							
.................	4       [13] Frances TURNER  b: Abt. 1844 Number of
......................		+[12] William W. ADAMS	b: Abt. 1842	m: September
25, 1864 in Dickson Co., TN		Number of children: 2	Father: John Boyd
ADAMS	Mother: Elizabeth "Eliza" YEATES
..................	4  	William TURNER	b: Abt. 1848				
..................	4  	Susan Elizabeth TURNER	b: November 15, 1850 in
Humphreys Co., TN									
..................	4  	[10] Mary Jane TURNER	b: August 23, 1852 in
Humphreys Co., TN									
......................		+[9] Lonn ADAMS	b: October 11, 1845 in Dickson Co.,
TN	Father: Benjamin Franklin ADAMS	Mother: Nancy BEN			
..................	4  	Martha J. TURNER	b: Abt. 1854				
..................	4  	Victoria TURNER	b: Abt. 1859			
...........		*2nd Wife of [1] Isaac Turner:				
...............		+Jane W. HOBBS		m: August 08, 1862 in
Humphreys Co., Tennessee			Father:	Mother:		
...........	3  	John C. TURNER	b: 1800		d: Aft. 1867 in MS	
...............		+Sara E. (Turner) UNKNOWN	Father:	Mother:	
...........	3  	[3] Richard Dillard TURNER	b: September 19, 1806 in Dickson or
Humphreys Co., TN		d: June 1890 in Humphreys Co., TN	Number of
children: 17	
.............		+Sarah "Sallie" FINCH	b: April 04, 1806 in
Virginia	m: October 20, 1824 in Tennessee	d: August 25, 1860 in
Humphreys Co., TN	Number of children: 14	Father:	Mother:		
..................	4  	Susannah TURNER	b: April 22, 1829			
......................		+Levi MCCOLLUM		Father:	Mother:		
..................	4  	Elizabeth Jane TURNER	b: November 17, 1830		
......................		+James W. CURTIS		Father:	Mother:	
..................	4  	[2] Caroline Dillard TURNER	b: April 09, 1832	
......................		+John TROGDON		Father:	Mother:	
..................		*2nd Husband of [2] Caroline Dillard Turner:		
......................		+Alfred TROGDON		Father:	Mother:	
..................	4  	Mary Ann Marable TURNER	b: November 12, 1833
......................		+Jack JOHNSON		Father:	Mother:	
..................	4  	Howard William TURNER	b: September 22, 1835 in
Humphreys Co., Tennessee	d: April 01, 1891 in Humphreys Co., Tennessee	
......................		+Caroline Elizabeth NORMAN	b: September 01,
1841	m: December 19, 1858 in Humphreys Co., Tennessee	d: March 24,
1909 in Humphreys Co., Tennessee		Father:	Mother:
..................	4  	George Washington TURNER	b: April 20, 1837 in
Humphreys Co., Tennessee		d: July 05, 1909			
......................		+Fredonia Organda THOMAS	b: May 03, 1839m:
May 03, 1859 in Humphreys Co., Tennessee	d: January 11, 1913 Father: 
..................	4  	Isaac Newton TURNER	b: February 25, 1839		
......................		+Mary E. (Unknown) TURNER	Father:	Mother:	
..................	4  	James Robert TURNER	b: February 21, 1841	
......................		+Lavinia (Turner) UNKNOWN	Father:	Mother:
..................	4  	Martha Sarah TURNER	b: September 30, 1842	
......................		+Edward M. MATLOCK		m: December 10,
1863 in Humphreys Co., Tennessee			Father:	Mother:	
..................	4  	William Helen Wallace TURNER	b: November 06,
......................		+M. M. SMITH		Father:	Mother:		
..................	4  	Richard Dillard Daniel Chase TURNER  b: July 24, 1847d:
April 25, 1928										
......................		+Lydia NORMAN	b: November 27, 1844	m: July 20,
1863 in Dickson Co., TN	d: June 05, 1914		Father:	Mother:	
..................	4  	Beretha TURNER	b: November 25, 1827
.....................		+Marshall DOTSON		Father:	Mother:		
..................	4  	Hannah TURNER	b: October 26, 1826 in Humphreys
Co., Tennessee		d: May 03, 1895 in Bell Co., Killeen, TX		
......................		+Samuel W. ADAMS	b: January 25, 1823 in Henderson
Co., TN	m: September 24, 1845 in Tennessee	d: February 03, 1897 in Bell
Co., Killeen, TX		Father: John ADAMS	Mother: Sarah NICHOLS
..................	4  	Nancy E. TURNER	b: August 19, 1825
.....................		+John Henry DAMESWORTH	Father:	Mother:	
...........		*2nd Wife of [3] Richard Dillard Turner:				
...............		+Mary Jane WHITE	b: January 22, 1822	m: December
26, 1860 in Humphreys Co., Tennessee	d: August 14, 1878 in Humphreys
Co., TN	Number of children: 3	Father: Whidbea WHITE	Mother: Polly
..................	4  	David Copeland Beauregard TURNER	b: March 28,
..................	4  	Elisha Morgan TURNER	b: July 08, 1864		
..................	4  	Francis Marion TURNER	b: June 19, 1867		
...........		*3rd Wife of [3] Richard Dillard Turner:	
...............		+Mary M. GILMORE		m: February 03, 1879 in
Humphreys Co., TN	d: Aft. 1890 in Humphreys Co., TN	Father: Mother:	
...........	3  	Elizabeth TURNER	b: December 20, 1808		d: August 19,
1878 in Humphreys Co., TN	Number of children: 10				
...............		+George RIDINGS	b: 1805 in Wake Co., NC	
	d: January 18, 1860 in Humphreys Co., TN	Number of children: 10
	Father: Joel RIDINGS	Mother: Penelope MAY	d			
..................	4  	Mary Elizabeth RIDINGS	b: 1829			
......................		+William T. JONES		Father:	Mother:		
..................	4  	Martha Boyd RIDINGS	b: November 06, 1830	d: July
13, 1902									
..................	4  	George Dillard RIDINGS	b: September 04, 1832
		d: September 05, 1884					
......................		+Sarah Serena BALTHROP	b: September 11, 1846  m:
February 04, 1866	d: May 12, 1929		Father: Edward
BALTHROP	Mother: Evalina DOWDY						
..................	4  	James R. RIDINGS	b: Abt. 1834		d: in Civil
..................	4  	[4] Nancy Ann RIDINGS	b: October 06, 1835	d:
October 02, 1915 in Humphreys Co., Mcewen, Tennessee		
......................		+Humphrey COWEN	b: 1828 in NC		d: in Civil
War		Father:	Mother:							
..................		*2nd Husband of [4] Nancy Ann Ridings:			
......................		+Perry L. BROWN	b: March 21, 1828	m: July 02,
1866	d: July 07, 1877		Father:	Mother:	
.................	4  	Elisha T. RIDINGS	b: February 23, 1839	d: July 16,
......................		+Mary E. (Ridings) UNKNOWN	b: 1848  d: 1902
Father:	Mother:									
..................	4  	Arbella Fatima RIDINGS	b: February 05, 1840	d: May
06, 1920									
......................		+William THOMPSON	Father:	Mother:		
..................	4  	Sarah Rebecca RIDINGS	b: August 31, 1843	d:
January 23, 1886 in Woolworth, TN							
......................		+James Anderson LEWIS	b: April 22, 1837 in
Tennessee	m: December 20, 1865	d: February 23, 1913 in Dresden,
TN		Father: James LEWIS	Mother: Edney TOLAR			
..................	4  	William Thomas RIDINGS	b: Abt. 1845		
......................		+Margaret A. TUBB	m: July 13, 1865 Father:  Mother:	
..................	4  	Margaret Frances RIDINGS	b: January 26, 1848	d:
March 22, 1936									
......................		+Jesse J. FUQUA	b: February 06, 1830	m: 1880d: July
31, 1909		Father: Jessie FUQUA	Mother: Narcissa CARTER
...........	3  	William T. TURNER	b: 1812					
...........	3  	George W. TURNER	b: 1817				
...........	3  	Elisha TURNER	b: 1822 in Tennessee	d: Aft. 1871  Number
of children: 4										
...............		+Martha B. CLARKE	b: Abt. 1824 in Tennessee  Number
of children: 4	Father: John CLARKE	Mother:			
..................	4  	Lankford TURNER	b: Abt. 1843				
..................	4  	John TURNER	b: Abt. 1845				
..................	4  	Elizabeth TURNER	b: Abt. 1848				
..................	4  	William TURNER	b: Abt. 1849				
...........	3  	Mary B. TURNER	b: 1826					
...............		+Clark BARTHROPE	Father:	Mother:			
...........	3  	[5] Susan E. TURNER	b: April 22, 1829 in Humphreys Co.,
...............		+William Christopher AUTRY	b: 1827	d: in
Civil War		Father:	Mother:					
...........		*2nd Husband of [5] Susan E. Turner:				
...............		+Henry C. MATTHEWS		m: January 11, 1866
in Humphreys Co., Tennessee			Father:	Mother:		
...........	3  	Daughter TURNER	b: 1824					
....		*2nd Wife of [6] George Turner:					
........		+Edney TOLAR	b: January 16, 1802 in South Carolinam:
December 17, 1843	d: January 19, 1884 in Humphreys Co., TN?	Number of
children: 4	Father:	Mother:						
...........	3  	Emily Lewis TURNER	b: 1835				
...........	3  	James Lewis TURNER	b: 1837				
....	2  	William TURNER	b: 1777 in Baltimore, MD	d: in
Humphreys Co., TN								
........		+Frances (Turner) UNKNOWN	Father:	Mother:		
....	2  	William Dillard TURNER	b: 1782	d: in Humphreys Co.,
TN	Number of children: 2							
........		+Priscilla Ursula THOMAS	b: 1782 in VA	Number of children:
2	Father:	Mother:				
...........	3  	John Thomas TURNER	b: Abt. 1816 in Tennessee  Number
of children: 7										
...............		+Sarah C. PARRISH	b: Abt. 1820 in VA	m: June 14,
1838 in Dickson Co., TN		Number of children: 7	Father:	Mother:
..................	4  	William A. TURNER	b: Abt. 1839				
..................	4  	George T. TURNER	b: Abt. 1841				
..................	4  	Martha A. TURNER	b: Abt. 1847				
..................	4  	Spencer T. H. TURNER	b: Abt. 1848		
..................	4  	C. O. TURNER	b: Abt. 1853				
..................	4  	E. D. T. TURNER	b: Abt. 1856				
..................	4  	Theodocia TURNER	b: Abt. 1859				
...........	3  	William Dillard TURNER, Jr	b: Abt. 1828 Number of children:5
...............		+Letticia MATHEWS	b: Abt. 1829	m: April 08, 1849 in
Dickson Co., TN		Number of children: 5	Father:	Mother:		
..................	4  	Thomas J. TURNER	b: Abt. 1850				
..................	4  	Elizabeth TURNER	b: Abt. 1852				
..................	4  	Emily TURNER	b: Abt. 1854				
..................	4  	Husla TURNER	b: Abt. 1856				
..................	4  	John H. TURNER	b: Abt. 1858				
....	2  	Frances TURNER	b: September 17, 1784 in Dickson Co., TN
d: January 12, 1867	Number of children: 1						
........		+Martin HALLIBURTON	b: July 28, 1776 in Wake Co., NCm:
January 20, 1803 in Person Co., NC	d: 1860	Number of children: 1	Father:
David "The Hunter" HALLIBURTON	Mother: Lucy REYNOLDS	
...........	3  	Reuben Pickett HALLIBURTON	b: October 21, 1803 in
Orange Co., NC		d: August 01, 1882 in Sullivan Co., Missouri
Number of children: 1								
...............		+Cynthia MCMURRAY   Number of children: 1 Father:
..................	4  	Thomas White HALLIBURTON	b: February 07, 1826
in Dickson Co., TN		d: June 08, 1894 in Raldolf Co., Missouri		
......................		+Martha Elizabeth ROGERS	Father:	Mother:	
..2 	Margaret "Peggie" TURNER	b: October 27, 1787 in NC	d: June 06,
1854 in Dickson Co., TN	Number of children: 6				
........		+John ADAMS	b: 1786 in Halifax Co., VA		d:
1865 in Dickson Co., TN	Number of children: 6	Father: Richard ADAMS 
Mother: Hannah BOYD								
...........	3  	Sarah "Sallie" ADAMS	b: 1807 Number of children: 10
...............		+Willis CUNNINGHAM	b: Abt. 1794 in North
Carolina  m: 1828	Number of children: 10	Father:   Mother:		
..................	4  	James CUNNINGHAM					
..................	4  	John A. CUNNINGHAM	b: Abt. 1830			
..................	4  	Samuel B. CUNNINGHAM	b: Abt. 1832	
..................	4  	Abram W. CUNNINGHAM	b: Abt. 1835			
..................	4  	H. D. CUNNINGHAM	b: Abt. 1838			
..................	4  	Washington CUNNINGHAM	b: Abt. 1841			
..................	4  	Margaret CUNNINGHAM	b: Abt. 1842			
..................	4  	Sarah M. CUNNINGHAM	b: Abt. 1846		
..................	4  	Isaac W. CUNNINGHAM	b: Abt. 1847			
..................	4  	Jessee R. CUNNINGHAM	b: Abt. August 1850		
...........	3  	Benjamin Franklin ADAMS	b: May 06, 1810	Number of
children: 13									
...............		+Nancy BEN	b: October 04, 1814 in North Carolina m:
March 11, 1830 in Dickson Co., TN	d: December 25, 1896 in Dickson Co., TN 
Number of children: 13   Father: John REYNOLDS	Mother: Susannah BUSH	
..................	4  	Paralee W. "Sis" ADAMS	b: September 03, 1831 in
......................		+Edward M. PICKETT	b: Abt. 1824 in Tennesseem:
February 14, 1849 in Dickson Co., TN			Father:	Mother:
..................	4  	Ophelia T. ADAMS	b: September 10, 1833	d:
September 1920								
......................		+Abram SELF	b: January 17, 1833	m: December 21,
1858 in Dickson Co., TN	d: October 26, 1901		Father: James SELF 
Mother: Susan STREET							
..................	4  	[7] Sarah "Sally Pie" Margaret ADAMS	b: June 07,
1837		d: 1928							
......................		+Riley J. YATES		Father:	Mother:		
..................		*2nd Husband of [7] Sarah "Sally Pie" Margaret Adam	
......................		+Samuel A. WINSTEAD	b: May 11, 1834	m:
January 25, 1857 in Dickson Co., TN	d: June 24, 1883 in Limestone Co., TX 
Father: Alexander WINSTEAD	Mother: Sarah A. ADAMS		
..................	4  	Mary Jane "Mammy Mack" ADAMS	b: December 05, 1839
in Dickson Co., TN		d: June 14, 1935
......................		+Andrew Brown MCCLURKAN	b: August 26, 1847 in
Dickson Co., TN	m: December 15, 1870 in Dickson Co., TN	d: December
04, 1889 in Dickson Co., TN		Father: Hugh MCCLURKAN	Mother: Susan
..................	4  	Nancy Frances ADAMS	b: July 09, 1850		
......................		+Samuel B. MCCLURKAN		m: December 14,
1867			Father:	Mother:				
.................	4  	[8] William Thomas "Pig" ADAMS	b: July 11, 1844d:
December 02, 1928 in Vanleer, Humphreys Co., TN					
......................		+Ann Elizabeth MAY		m: February 27, 1866 in
Dickson Co., TN	Father: John MAY	Mother: Anne HILLIARD		
..................		*2nd Wife of [8] William Thomas "Pig" Adams:		
......................		+Laura GRAY		m: October 01, 1899 in Dickson Co.,
TN			Father:	Mother:					
..................	4  	[9] Lonn ADAMS  b: October 11, 1845 in Dickson Co.,
......................		+[10] Mary Jane TURNER	b: August 23, 1852 in
Humphreys Co., TN  Father: Isaac TURNER  Mother: Nellie Josephine
..................	4  	Benjamin Franklin ADAMS, Jr	b: May 21, 1848	
......................		+Cora STREET	Father:	Mother:			
..................	4  	John D. ADAMS	b: July 09, 1850			
..................	4  	George Turner ADAMS	b: December 15, 1853 in
Dickson Co., TN		d: April 04, 1949 in Coolidge		
......................		+Cora Francis MCCLURKAN	b: April 14, 1853 in
Dickson Co., TN	m: March 13, 1878 in Dickson Co., TN	d: November
28, 1919		Father: Hugh MCCLURKAN	Mother: Susan STREET	
..................	4  	[18] Samuel Hickman "Mage" ADAMS	b: July 07,
1857		d: 1940						
.....................		+[17] Mary "Mollie" TURNER	b: February 1857m:
December 05, 1878 in Dickson Co., TN	d: 1945		Father:
Anderson B. James TURNER	Mother: Nancy M. SHELTON
..................	4  	Susan Louvina ADAMS	b: June 07, 1858		
......................		+Isaac "Ike" DEBUSK		m: October 01, 1875
in Dickson Co., TN			Father:	Mother:			
..................	4  	[15] Samuel Cave Johnson ADAMS	b: March 01, 1852 : d:
May 25, 1940									
......................		+[14] Mollie Joanna "Lit" STREET	b: July 10, 1852m:
December 16, 1875 in Dickson Co., TN	d: January 30, 1931	Father: Moses
Brown STREET	Mother: Elizabeth Dillard TURNER			
...........	3  	Susan ADAMS	b: 1812					
...............		+James WILLIAMSON	Father:	Mother:		
...........	3  	Samuel Adams ADAMS	b: 1813 d: May 13, 1854		
...............		+Sarah H. GARRETT	b: Abt. 1818 in Tennessee Father:
...........	3      Elizabeth Virginia "Jennie" ADAMS b: 1815  Number of
children: 9	
...............		+Jack STREET	b: 1814 in Person Co., NC	m:
February 07, 1837 in Dickson Co., TN	d: 1885 in Dickson Co., TN umber of
children: 9	Father: Moses STREET, Jr	Mother: Ailsey SELF		
..................	4  	John Calvin STREET	b: 1838 in Dickson Co., TN	d:
August 09, 1861 in Civil War								
..................	4  	Mary Margaret STREET	b: June 24, 1839	d: May
05, 1937									
......................		+James Richard WILLIAMSON	b: March 24, 1834
Father: Henry B. H. WILLIAMSON	Mother: Parmelia Andrews DRAKE		
..................	4  	William Henry STREET	b: 1840	d: 1907	
......................		+Sallie Tennessee BROWN	Father:	Mother:		
..................	4  	Martha Frances "Fannie" STREET	b: 1841		
......................		+Gustavus Adolphus "Gus" WILLIAMS		m:
September 29, 1863 in Dickson Co., TN			Father: Henry B. H.
WILLIAMS	Mother: Parmelia Andrews DRAKE			
..................	4  	Ailsey Jane STREET  b: 1843 in Dickson Co., TN d:
......................		+William Silas PORCH		m: August 21, 1861d:
1918		Father:	Mother:							
..................	4  	[11] David Anderson STREET	b: July 26, 1845 in
Dickson Co., TN		d: October 01, 1906				
......................		+Winnie L. NICY	b: March 29, 1859	d: April 03,
1899		Father:	Mother:							
..................		*2nd Wife of [11] David Anderson Street:
......................		+Nannie ENGLAND	Father:	Mother:		
..................		*3rd Wife of [11] David Anderson Street:
......................		+Maliser MOYER	Father:	Mother:		
..................	4  	James B. STREET	b: 1848 in Dickson Co., TN	d:
January 23, 1939								
..................	4  	Samuel M. STREET	b: 1849				
..................	4  	Ernie Loda STREET	b: 1852				
...........	3  	John Boyd ADAMS	b: 1823 in Dickson Co., TN	d: 1860 
Number of children: 1							
...............		+Elizabeth YEATES	b: Abt. 1822	m: 1842
	Number of children: 1	Father: Levi YEATES	Mother:		
..................	4  	[12] William W. ADAMS	b: Abt. 1842		
	Number of children: 2							
......................		+[13] Frances TURNER	b: Abt. 1844	m: September
25, 1864 in Dickson Co., TN		Number of children: 2	Father: Isaac
TURNER	Mother: Nellie Josephine HOOPER					
....	2  	Samuel C. TURNER	b: 1790 in NC		d: July 23, 1859 in
Johnson Co., AR	Number of children: 1						
........		+Elizabeth "Betsy" NORRIS	b: Abt. 1794	m: 1811 in Dickson
Co., TN	d: October 26, 1866	Number of children: 1	Father: William
NORRIS	Mother: Jane (Norris) UNKNOWN				
...........	3  	Jesse Norris TURNER	b: December 23, 1812		d:
November 23, 1879								
...............		+Bersheba Jane HILL	b: April 04, 1817	m: July 10,
1833 in Dickson Co., TN Father: Isaac HILL	Mother: Rebecca GOODRICH	
....     2  	John J. TURNER	b: 1792 d: 1878  Number of children: 1	
........		+Mary Ethyl AVERITTE Number of children: 1  Father: Mother:	
...........	3  	L. Willard TURNER	b: February 14, 1916 in Vanleer, Dickson
Co., TN										
....    2  Elisha TURNER	b: 1794		d: September 03, 1831 in
Henderson Co., TN	Number of children: 9						
........		+Susan MAY		m: September 1811 in Dickson Co., TN
Number of children: 9	Father:	Mother:					
...........	3  	Ester TURNER	b: June 24, 1812				
...............		+William SWIGART	Father:	Mother:			
...........	3  	Sterling M. TURNER	b: July 18, 1815				
...........	3  	Nancy Adams TURNER	b: October 19, 1816			
...........	3  	Thomas M. TURNER	b: October 25, 1818			
...........	3  	Mary Sally TURNER	b: December 27, 1820				
...........	3  	John M. TURNER	b: November 11, 1823				
...........	3  	Anney Carline TURNER	b: January 20, 1827			
...........	3  	Edmond Richman TURNER	b: December 23, 1828			
...........	3  	William S. TURNER	b: March 11, 1831				
....	2  	Howard Williams TURNER	b: 1796 in Person Co., NC	
	d: March 14, 1861 in Cottonwood Creek, Dickson Co., TN	Number of
children: 8									
........		+Nancy BUNCH	b: Abt. 1795 in Albermarle, VA m: August
13, 1813 in Dickson Co., TN	d: March 14, 1872 in Dickson Co., TN  Number of
children: 8	Father: Joseph BUNCH    Mother: Mary Woodson ANDERSO	
...........	3  	John TURNER	b: 1814				
...............		+May GILMORE		m: September 06, 1838 in
Stewart Co., TN  Father:	Mother:						
...........	3  	Mary "Polly" TURNER	b: Abt. 1816				
...............		+Robert Jefferson HALLIBURTON		m: October
08, 1835 in Dickson Co., TN			Father:	Mother:		
...........	3  	Elizabeth Dillard TURNER	b: October 18, 1818 in Dickson Co.,
TN		d: May 04, 1891 in Dickson Co., TN	Number of children: 1	
...............		+Moses Brown STREET	b: August 04, 1815 in Person
Co., NC	m: August 16, 1837 in Dickson Co., TN	d: November 03, 1890
in Dickson Co., TN	Number of children: 12	Father: Moses STREET, Jr
Mother: Ailsey SELF									
..................	4  	[14] Mollie Joanna "Lit" STREET	b: July 10, 1852d:
January 30, 1931									
......................		+[15] Samuel Cave Johnson ADAMS	b: March 01,
1852	m: December 16, 1875 in Dickson Co., TN	d: May 25, 1940	Father:
Benjamin Franklin ADAMS	Mother: Nancy BEN				
..................	4  	Mary S. STREET	b: 1838 in Dickson Co., TN		
..................	4  	Nancy Cass STREET	b: 1840				
......................		+James W. DOTSON	 m: July 01, 1858 in Dickson Co.,
TN	Father:	Mother:								
..................	4  	Thomas M. STREET	b: April 29, 1841 in Dickson Co.,
TN		d: July 20, 1861 in Civil War						
..................	4  	Ailey STREET	b: October 04, 1842 in Dickson Co.,
......................		+Abner H. ROBERTSON	b: May 28, 1834 in 2 21
1898	m: January 11, 1860 in Dickson Co., TN			Father: David
ROBERTSON	Mother: Susanna NESBITT						
..................	4  	Robert Florence STREET	b: August 22, 1845 in
Dickson Co., TN		d: April 20, 1935 in Clarksville, TN			
......................		+Virginia Elnora PARMINTER	b: January 09, 1850 in
10 3 1903	m: May 07, 1868 in Dickson Co., TN		Father:	Mother:	
..................	4  	William "Bill or Babe" STREET	b: March 04, 1847 in
Dickson Co., TN		d: 1923 in Dickson Co., TN			
......................		+Eliza Frances STREET	b: February 03, 1841	m:
December 27, 1867 in Dickson Co., TN	d: October 24, 1907		Father:
David Brown STREET	Mother: Minerva W. JONES			
..................	4  	Sarah Anderson STREET	b: October 12, 1849	d:
August 13, 1926								
......................		+James K. Polk GOODRICH	Father:	Mother:		
..................	4  	Florida STREET	b: 1853				
......................		+Will BURGESS	b: November 26, 1876 in 6 6 1951 
Father:	Mother:					
..................	4  	Daughter STREET	b: May 08, 1854 in Dickson Co.,
TN	d: May 12, 1854 in Dickson Co., TN					
..................	4  	[16] John McClurkan STREET	b: March 28, 1856 in
Dickson Co., TN		d: March 04, 1920 in Dickson Co., TN		
......................		+Ada CRAIG	Father:	Mother:				
..................		*2nd Wife of [16] John McClurkan Street:			
......................		+Lou ROGERS		m: January 25, 1882 in
Dickson Co., TN	Father: Tom ROGERS	Mother:		
..................	4  	William STREET	b: January 12, 1861 in Dickson Co.,
TN		d: January 22, 1939							
......................		+Bettie MCFADDEN	b: 1874		d: October 27,
1956		Father:	Mother:			
...........	3  	Anderson B. James TURNER	b: 1820 in Tennessee	Number of
children: 8										
...............		+Nancy M. SHELTON	b: 1825 in Tennessee	m: July
30, 1844		Number of children: 8	Father:	Mother:		
..................	4  	[17] Mary "Mollie" TURNER	b: February 1857  d: 1945
......................		+[18] Samuel Hickman "Mage" ADAMS	b: July 07,
1857	m: December 05, 1878 in Dickson Co., TN	d: 1940		Father:
Benjamin Franklin ADAMS	Mother: Nancy BEN				
..................	4  	Leonard TURNER	b: Abt. 1846				
..................	4  	John M. TURNER	b: Abt. 1848				
..................	4  	Sarah L. TURNER	b: Abt. 1853				
..................	4  	Joseph A. TURNER	b: Abt. 1857				
..................	4  	Martha G. TURNER	b: Abt. 1859				
..................	4  	Nancy Jackson TURNER	b: February 17, 1861 in
Dickson Co., TN		d: July 02, 1938 in Dickson Co., TN		
......................		+Dick Doak BISHOP	b: April 12, 1857 in Dickson Co.,
TN	m: November 11, 1885 in Dickson Co., TN	d: November 25, 1938 in
Dickson Co., TN		Father:	Mother:				
..................	4  	Eugenia Howard TURNER	b: Abt. 1863 in Dickson Co.,
TN		d: February 02, 1958 in Dickson Co., TN			
......................		+John Morgan EDWARDS	Father:	Mother:		
...........	3  	Arabella TURNER	b: 1823 in Dickson Co., TN			
...............		+Zachariah BATSON		m: October 18, 1845 in
Dickson Co., TN			Father:	Mother:			
...........	3  	Martha Ellen TURNER	b: December 15, 1824 in Dickson
Co., TN									
...............		+Sellman Carol EDWARDS		m: January 07, 1852
in Dickson Co., TN			Father:	Mother:				
...........	3  	Nancy Jackson TURNER	b: May 1829 in Dickson Co., TNd:
1919	Number of children: 4							
...............		+Francis Frederick SCHIMITTOU	b: Abt. 1823	m:
March 25, 1849 in Dickson Co., TN		Number of children: 4	Father:
..................	4  	Martha N. SCHIMITTOU	b: Abt. 1851			
..................	4  	Laura N. SCHIMITTOU	b: Abt. 1856			
..................	4  	Thomas R. SCHIMITTOU	b: Abt. 1857			
..................	4  	W. A. Q. SCHIMITTOU	b: Abt. 1859			
...........	3  	Joseph TURNER	b: 1830	Number of children: 2	
...............		+Martha SHELTON	b: Abt. 1838	m: August 30, 1853 in
Dickson Co., TN		Number of children: 2	Father:	Mother:	
..................	4  	William A. TURNER	b: Abt. 1855				
..................	4  	Nancy A. TURNER	b: Abt. 1856			
....	2  	Elizabeth TURNER	b: 1783 in VA or NC	d: 1828 Number of
children: 1									
........		+John T. HUTCHINSON		m: Bef. 1820	Number of
children: 1	Father:	Mother:						
...........	3  	W. D. HUTCHINSON	b: August 03, 1821 in Dickson Co.,

The end of this compilation.