Date: Wed, 31 Dec 1997 13:12:29 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: Comp 281 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

31 Dec 1997

Greetings to All,

A big thanks to for sharing all the infor in comp #280.
More wonderful eMails.  Hope everyone has the best New Year.

All our compilations can be found:

Subj:	Re: Turner 
Date:	97-12-29 07:27:16 EST
From:	BSpadea102
To:	NCreed1

Hello Nyla,

I am new to your list. I am sending you some brief info on my Turner
family.  I cannot find any others who are interested in this NJ line of
Turners - most seem to come from Southern states. 

My Turners I have found through a professional researcher are from Gloucester
County NJ and have been established back to a marriage in 1738 of a Robert
TURNER and Abigail BOURNE.

It is believed that Robert was descended from a Robert TURNER that came to
the colonies in Nov 1675 on the ship the "Griffen" with John FENWICK. 
This group began the settlement of Salem, NJ the first permanent English
speaking settlement on the Delaware River.  We do not have proof yet of
this relationship, but the researcher is working on it. 

Our line from Robert & Abigail TURNER follows:

Meriall TURNER, b. April 22, 1753, d. 1826 m. Hannah Boqua
Meriall TURNER, b. abt 1778 m. Sarah (?)
Robert TURNER, b. abt 1814 m. Amy CLARK
Lewis C. TURNER, b. abt 1840, m. Rachel BARCLAY
Samuel E. TURNER, b. Aug. 30, 1878, d. 1918, m. Margaret McNAMARA
Lewis Samuel TURNER, b.Dec.9, 1910, d.1980, m. Hazel SNEADE (my parents)
Barbara May TURNER, b. 1934

Meriall purchased a "Stone house" from the Uncle of Daniel BOONE, in NJ in
which 4 generations of the TURNER family lived.  The house is now a historical
run by the Washington Township Historical Society.

Would love to hear from anyone with connections or info about this family. I
have information on lines from other children of Abigail & Robt.

Barbara Turner Spadea

Subj:	Kaunas Ghetto
Date:	97-12-29 09:59:22 EST
From:	BEColvin
To:	NCreed1

Nyla, a relative I recently located sent away to the Jewish State Museum
of Lithuania and received in March of this year 6 pages of names of jews
deported to the Kaunas Ghetto (Vilijampole) in the summer of 1941. These
pages include the Rabinovitch (Rabinovic) names in which we have a special
interest.  I wonder if someone can help translate the following
information which heads up the 3 columns on these 6 pages: 

Pavarde  ir vardas                 Asmenu sk.  Eskelimo adresas               
Apgyvendinimo adresas
(surnames? given names?)              

If you send me the surnames of people subscribing to this list I can then
post the names I have which match the subscribers on this list.  Beth in

Beth:  My mailing list is by screen name only.  I don't keep a subscriber
surname list.  

If you want to send me the entire list, I'll be glad to post it in one of our
compilations.  No doubt there are folks who would love to check that list. 


Subj:	 Discussion Group
Date:	97-12-29 10:39:57 EST
From: (Debbie DeHart)

Dear Nyla,

I thought I had joined your group before, but evidently not.

Can you add me?

Debbie DeHart


Abshire, Allen, Binford, Brammer, Burgess, Clark, Clem, Crew, Davis,
Deacon, DeHart, Dennis, Dull, Elgin, Ellyson, Flora, Gates, Gilley,
Gomar, Grimmett, Harper, Harris, Hickson, Hubbard, Ingram, Johnson,
Jordan, Lancaster, Lane, Lee, Light, McGrady, Naff/Neff, Nimmo, Parrot,
Patterson, Pilson, Pleasants, Price, Radford, Raison, Richards,
Richardson, Robinson, Ruffner, Schaeffer, Smith, Stonman, Stover,
Thomas, Thompson, Turner, Turpin, Via/Vier, Walter, Wheeler, Wood.

Debbie:  Any information you care to share with us will be greatly
appreciated.  I see lots of surnames listed of families who settled in Raleigh
Co WV.  Do you have any families who settled there?  Nyla

Subj:	 Word Wrap
Date:	97-12-29 10:57:14 EST
From: (june b.)
To: (NCreed1)

My original web site was created on a monitor that has 1024 x 768 pixels
resolution.  If you view and see word wrap, your monitor may be set at a
lower resolution, ie: 800 x 600 pixels.  Please let me know and we will
adjust the problem:

June:  I enjoyed your web site.  Nyla

Subj:	 Re: Comp 278 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-12-29 12:04:42 EST

With your formula of 2 children per family, the human race would have
become extinct in the Garden of Eden ( and we'd have no genealogies to
explore! )
Regards,  Charles Turner

	Then maybe I could have a real life.  Do you ever count the hours
you spend on genealogy?  If you're addicted as much as I am, work and
everything else really interferes with the time I'd like to be spending on
genealogy.  I have two full-time jobs.  One is a real job that supports my
unpaid genealogy habit.  Both are 40 hour a week jobs. 
	So how many children do you have?  I'm curious how many other
folks will comment on the number of children I mentioned. 


Subj:	 Re: Comp 278 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-12-29 23:30:35 EST


Your two-kid proposal does invite comment and I expect many will agree.
But we had six, fived survived and they brought us a dozen grandchildren
whom we love.  We have a wonderful family "security blanket" as we age,

Thank you for your skilled dedication.  I'm "collecting" descendants of
the first Turner immigrant, Humphrey Turner of Scituate,MA and find one
of his descendants in your list now and then.

Best Regards,  Charles Turner  Amherst, NH

Date:	97-12-29 14:12:48 EST
From: (Hank Ingram)

	I found your name on a site containing some Ingram geneology. My
grandfather was William Priddy Ingram and I believe the family came from
the Keyesville area. Do you have any info on these Ingrams(I printed off
the list but didn't see any familiar names)? 
	The list was on

Hank Ingram
McLeansville, NC

Hank:    Welcome.  I've added you to our mailing list.  Some Ingram infor can
be found in some of the Compilations as well as pages from a Bible which one
of our group shared.  All can be reached through Chris Gaunt's home page.

Subj:	 John Turner/Sarah Street/Whitley
Date:	97-12-29 14:32:38 EST
To:	NCreed1@AOL.COM (NCreed1)

 	I got this on the Virginia/West Virginia mailing list and thought it may
be of use to you. 
	The weather here is terrible right now.  We are in the middle of a
major snow storm.  We are supposed to get up to 15" by daybreak and we
already had about 6" on the ground.  Oh well, I guess you don't miss the
snow that much. 
					Take Care,

From: Mary Lou Hill <mhill@MOULTRIE.COM>
Subject: John Turner/Sarah Street/Whitley

        I am looking for information on John Turner b. 1687 in Isle of
Wight, Va d. Dec. 3, 1761 in Va.  He married Sarah Street 1710 in Isle
of Wight Co., Va. d/o John I. Street and Ann Madison.  Sarah Street was
born in 1690 in Isle of Wight Co., Va. d. 7/16/1757.  Ann Madison was
d/o Richard Madison and Ann???
        I have only one child for them but I am sure there is more.
        Penelope Turner b. 1724 m. Randolph Whitley
        Will share what I have.  Thanks for any leads or info.
	        Mary Lou

Subj:	 new kin
Date:	97-12-29 17:35:07 EST
From: (David Hale)
To:	NCreed1@AOL.COM


Have put the compilation page on my bookmark so I can keep up
and try to catch up.    Thank you for including me.   My Turner
is James who married Kerrenhappuch Norman.   Haven't seen much
on that bunch yet.   Happy New Year.    Bennie Lou Hook Altom

Folks:   From time to time, I include eMails I receive from the VIA list.  A
couple eMails that this group may find interesting are included below.  Nyla

Subj:	 Re: Amer/William VIA questions
Date:	97-12-29 21:01:35 EST
From:	Ednabarney@AOL.COM (Ednabarney)

In a message dated 97-12-16 11:50:47 EST,  Jlmaupin@AOL.COM wrote:

<< My next question is..who is the Sarah referred to by William Via I in his
 will. (A copy of this will is posted to the Via web page at
 From reading the will it sounds to me like the Sarah he mentiones was his
 daughter-in-law rather than a daughter.  He only gives her the land to stay
on  so long as she remains a widow.  Is he actually referring to his son
William's  wife, Sarah Burnett Via????  ANY THOUGHTS OR OPINIONS ON THIS?

To me there is no doubt that the daughter Sarah mentioned in the will was
actually his daughter-in-law, the wife of deceased son William.  The old
documents seem to use some of the words for relatives differently than we use
them today.  If she had been a blood daughter, he would not have given the
property only while she remained a widow.  Sarah probably remarried and as we
do not know to whom, we don't know what happened to her.

Also, I am curious as to where the documentation for her name "Burnett" comes
from?  I've never found any.  Has anyone else?

Edna in Virginia

Subj:	 Re: Amer/William VIA questions
Date:	97-12-29 21:13:52 EST
From: (Jlmaupin)

In a message dated 97-12-29 20:47:22 EST, Ednabarney writes:
<< Also, I am curious as to where the documentation for her name "Burnett"
comes from?  I've never found any.  Has anyone else?  >>

I have not found any actual documentation on the surname Burnett for Sarah,
wife of William.  I have seen it referred to as Burnett in a couple of family
sketches but none of the authors have listed a source, many times just saying
"the traditional Sarah Burnett" ..whatever that means....stories handed down

I'm with Edna...if anyone has ANY documentation for the name Burnett please
share it with us.


Subj:	 RE: Comp 272 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-12-30 00:26:59 EST
From: (Gloria Hills)
To: ('NCreed1')

Please remove me from your mailing list.

Subj:	Turner Obituary
Date:	97-12-30 08:49:45 EST
To:	NCreed1

Hello Nyla,

Here is another obit.  Maybe it will be of use to someone.

Happy Holidays,
Cindy Driscoll
Roanoke, VA

Tues. Dec 30, 1997  -  Roanoke Times  -  Roanoke, VA

Ferguson, Frances TURNER, age 64, of Rocky Mount died Mon., Dec 29, 1997.
Nov. 29, 1993, she was a dau. of the late Charlie & Mary Frith TURNER.  

Surviving are her husb., Edward L. Ferguson of the home; two sons, Charles E.
Ferguson of Rocky Mt. & Richard N. Ferguson of Grovetown, GA, five

Funeral services will be conducted 2 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 31, 1997, at Lynch
Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Jackie Spence officiating.  Interment will
follow in Franklin Memorial Park.

Lynch Funeral Home of Rocky Mt., is in charge of arrangements.

Subj:	 Via, Kaney
Date:	97-12-30 11:46:36 EST
From:	SybilOne@AOL.COM (SybilOne)

Hi everyone,
	 I am new to this list and was wondering if anyone can help me. I
have come up against a brick wall with my Via ancestors. Here is the
information that I have: 

Charlie Ernest Via (June 10, 1899 - May 31, 1970) married Indi Anna Sowder
(May 22, 1902 - December 12, 1993)
Charlie was the son of Kaney Via and Mary Francis Turner.
Indi Anna was the daughter of Shadrack Sowder and Mary Mitchell and the
grandaughter of Emanuel and Exonia Sowder.

	Any help would be appreciated.

Sara Newman

Subj:	Re: Via, Kaney
Date:	97-12-31 03:20:47 EST
From:	SybilOne
To:	NCreed1

 I found June Bork's page online quite by accident. I already plan on
purchasing her books if she has any available. I have checked out the Burnett-
Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc page and I love it. Thank you for putting me on yuor
list,  Sara

Subj:	Re: Via, Kaney
Date:	12/30/97
To:	SybilOne

In a message dated 97-12-30 22:03:13 EST, you write:
<<  I have no idea where my Via's where originally from, but by the late
1800's they were is the Smith River District of Patrick County. I have a
strong connection to Burnetts. Kaney Via was married to Mary Francis Turner,
so she is a Turner connection! I am wondering if Kaney might be a nickname. We
could not go any further with our ancestor Shadrack Sowder until I found him
in a census, because the family always knew him as Shady. Thanks for the help,
 Sara Newman
 Researching: Burnett, Cannaday, Godbey,  Hughes, Ingram, Mayo, Pace, Page, 
Pendleton, Tuggle/Tugwell, Underwood and others >>


Sara:  If you haven't already done so, you might like to check out our
Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc compilations at:

If you'd like to join our mailing list, just let me know.  Any info you care
to share on your family will be greatly appreciated.  I couldn't find Kaney
Via in the family compilations, but I'm sure he must be Elkannah or Elkaney

I see you are researching many families that our folks are researching, too.
Did any of your relatives settle in Raleigh Co WV?  

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego, CA

Subj:	 Unsubscribe
Date:	97-12-30 13:59:38 EST
From: (Gerald Burnett)
To:	NCreed1@AOL.COM (NCreed1)

Due to technical problems I need to discontinue receiving the
compilations temporarily.  I  will contact you when I am ready to receive
them again.  I have enjoyed the privilige of sharing the compilations. and
have found them very useful.
Gerald Burnett

Subj:	 Via Bible Records 1852-1902 - Giles Co., VA
Date:	97-12-30 15:30:08 EST
From:	Jlmaupin@AOL.COM (Jlmaupin)

>From the Library of Virginia Bible Records:

W.R. Via born Dec. 29, 1852
Harriet O. Via born July 9, 1858
Ira _ Via born Nov. 12, 1875
Laura E. Via born Aug. 5, 1877
Early A. Via born Feb. 3, 1880 died Apr. 8, 1881
Isaac A. Via born Mar. 5, 1882
Lillie M. Via born May 25, 1884
Charles W. Via born March 2, 1887
John H. Via born Feb. 18, 1889
Vergie L. Via born May 29, 1892
Walter H. Via born July 29, 1894
Effie M. Via born Oct. 30, 1896
Glenie E. Via born Jan. 19, 1899 died Feb. 13, 1900
James Cambell Via born Dec. 12, 1900 died Dec 15 ____
Evert J. Via born Apr. 18, 1902 died April 18, 1902

Subj:	 Burnett/Turner/Ross/ mail list
Date:	97-12-30 16:07:16 EST
From: (William A. Haynes)
To:	NCreed1@AOL.COM

please add me to the list

William A. Haynes
2203 So-Hi Drive
Durham Nc 27703

Subj:	 John Turner
Date:	97-12-30 18:22:05 EST
From: (june b.)
To:	NCreed1@AOL.Com

Several days ago, I asked if anyone knew anything about the John Turner
who died testate, June 1764 in Halifax Co, Va (Will Bk O:180), like who
was his wife, children, etc.  I am preparing a new book and really need
this info.  June


I don't have a clue.  However, I found a marriage for a John Turner and
Sarah Derrick married 2 Oct 1741 in King George Co VA.  That's the oldest
marriage for a John Turner that I can locate. 

Marriages of Turners in Halifax around the time John Turner died ca 1764:
James Turner and May Mcmahaney  17 Feb 1763  Halifax Co
Meshack Turner and Rebecca Roberson 6 Feb 1760 Halifax Co

Other Halifax Turner marriages:
Carter Turner and Martha K Kirby 7 Aug 1847
Daniel Turner and Margaret Blane 3 Mar 1807
Edmund Turner and Elizabeth Richardson 29 Dec 1792
George Turner and Susanna Adams 4 Nov 1799
Isham Turner and Fanney Wall 11 Dec 1797
James Turner and Sraah Irby 27 Jun 1780
Martin Turner and Sally Stanfield 24 Dec 1798
Ransome Turner and Sally Link 26 Oct 1801
Robert Turner and Fanny Chambers 14 Aug 1815
Stoakley Turner and Susanna Vaughan 25 Nov 1794
William Turner and Mary Legrand 2 Oct 1798

I have a list of Turners in the 1850 Halifax Co VA census.  But they've
got to be several generations from John who died 1764. 


FOLKS:  Who can help June with her John Turner question?  She's always
helping us with our Burnett questions so let's dig through our stuff and
see if we can find some info that will help her this time.  Nyla

Thanks.  The early ones may be connected to John.  I will have to do
some research on him.  June

NCreed1 wrote:

> June:

>  I just "met" a cousin (Sheryl) from back home whose sister married a
> I don't recognize this family at all, but thought you might.  Do you
> this family?
> 1.  Samuel Burnett from Roanoke, VA area.
>      2.  Clarence Burnett b 1900 d May 1973 married
>            +Myrtle Woodall b 1910 d 1966 daughter of John Woodall and Mollie
>               Johnson from Pulaski VA area.
>                3.  Arthur Burnett, (Sheryl's neice's grandfather), prob in
>  		mid to late
>                     50's married to Elizabeth Chambers.
> Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks much.
> Nyla

Date:	97-12-30 22:03:19 EST
From: (june b.)
To: (NCreed1)

The only Samuel Burnett found was born 22 Dec 1856 in Franklin Co, Va; d.
7 Jun 1937 at Roanoke, Va; buried Evergreen Cem; m. 9 Mar 1887 in Roanoke
to Mildred Bruce Arthur (1866-1942).  If this is the right family, I have
quite a lot on them.  I do not have the 1900 or 1910 Census of Roanoke Co,
so do not know if they had son Clarence.  Samuel & Mildred's known
children were: 
Frank Wm. Burnett (1889-1963)
Bessie May Burnett (1890-1958)
Emily Cecil burnett (1895-1972)
Roy Dewey Burnett (1898-1971)
Nettie Mamie Burnett (1901-1965)
Date:	97-12-31 00:11:22 EST
To:	NCreed1@AOL.COM (NCreed1)

	This sounds right, I'll check with my sister tomorrow.  It's late and I 
know she's in bed.  Thanks so much for your help and I'll let you know if this
is the right one.

Date:	97-12-31 01:31:10 EST
From: (Sherranlynn Kincaid Nichols)
To:	ncreed1@AOL.COM


Welcome to all our new subscribers.  Any information you care to send on your
lines will be greatly apreciated.

The end of this compilation.