Date: Wed, 31 Dec 1997 14:48:22 EST From: NCreed1 <> To: Subject: Comp 285 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 31 Dec 1997 The following is the beginning of 14 eMails from David. These eMails reflect many hours of work not only on his part but on the part of everyone who has shared info during the past two years. You are a great group of people. Thanks to Everyone. Nyla ======================== Subj: TURNER family Generation 1 - 3... Date: 97-12-29 17:20:57 EST From: N4JED To: NCreed1 My extended internet family, Well, It has been a few months since we did any major listings of the TURNER family and I have been busy during that time correlating and collating all the info that was passed back and forth. So, as my Christmas/New Years present to everyone here is a listing of the TURNERs as I now have it. A couple of inportant facts when using this list.. 1.) I have gone ahead with the listing connecting Shadrack and Meshack to Richard TURNER along with the Bedford County James TURNER line. I know this is controversial to some and I have so noted it. However, I like what I have heard and find it believable. Please accept it however you like. 2.) I am not a professional...this is not a definitive list !!! There is much in here that is speculative (but based on reasonable info), much that is family tradition and oral legend, some that is wrong, and some guesses. Please use this as a starting point for your research. 3.) The numbers immediately following the name -- John b. DOE-17895 -- are my file reference numbers. They are here solely so I can answer any questions. Please include them with your questions. The individual number that occurs before the person will mean nothing to me next week as I keep adding people to my list so please use my reference numbers. 4.) No, I cannot send gedcom files the way I am set up. I can send lists like this till we run out of email space or my fingers break ;-). Please do not bother asking. 5.) I wish to especially thank the members of our list who have contributed information to our group. A lot of those contributions are used in this listings. To those of you who have not sent or shared info, PLEASE DO SO. Every little bit could help someone make the connection to our family they have been missing. I seem to add cousins every month. So, have fun hunting for your ancestors and here begins my TURNER family listing. (And thank the 6 plus inches of snow for giving me time to do this) David R. Jones, Jr. Architect P.O. Box 647 Vinton, VA 24179 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == Descendants of Richard TURNER-19331 First Generation 1. Richard TURNER-19331 d. about 1742. Richard is listed in the Caroline County Virginia Order Book as giving property to his four sons in the late 1730's. Apparently sons John and Richard died before their father as son James inherits Richard's remaining estate as eldest son with son Lewis and daughter Margaret acting as executors. Under English law, a woman would not have been executor if there was another living son. He had the following children: + 2 M i. John TURNER-818 was b. about 1690 and d. about 1742. 3 M ii. Richard TURNER-19332 d. before 1742. + 4 M iii. James TURNER-19333 was b. about 1670. 5 M iv. Lewis TURNER-19334. 6 F v. Margaret TURNER-19335. Second Generation 2. John TURNER-818 was b. about 1690 in Lands End, Cornwall, England. He d. about 1742 in Caroline Co., VA, Royal Colony. John married (1) Elizabeth ___-819 on 1 Jul 1718 in Queen Anne's, Parish, Prince Georges C, MD. Elizabeth d. about 1744. Whether Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego were actually sons of John Turner or were even born in Caroline County, Virginia is still unsubstantiated. What is known however is that Shadrack and Meshack were brothers. Some people claim to have extended the family line further. Researchers making the connection to Richard and to the children below base their work on information taken from the Caroline County, Virginia Order Book from 1744. Based on the asumption that John died before the 1742 probate of Richard Turner's estate, the death of his wife around 1744 resulted in their children being assigned to a guardian. The 1744 Order Book lists Meshack, Abednego, Sarah, Elizabeth and Ann with guardianships. It is supposed that Shadrach would already have been 16 at the time and no longer needing a guardian. They had the following children: + 7 M i. Shadrack TURNER-357 was b. about 1728 and d. about 1783. + 8 M ii. Meshack S. TURNER-516 was b. about 1729 and d. 28 Jan 1794. 9 M iii. Abednego TURNER-515 was b. after 1729 in Caroline Co., VA, Royal Colony. There is a family tradition of the existance of a third brother, Abednego; but no documented record has been found for a wife or family. Several family listings say Abednego moved to South Carolina. 10 F iv. Elizabeth TURNER-19337 was b. after 1729 in Caroline Co., VA, Royal Colony. 11 F v. Sarah TURNER-19336 was b. after 1729 in Caroline Co., VA, Royal Colony. 12 F vi. Ann TURNER-19338 was b. after 1729 in Caroline Co., VA, Royal Colony. 4. James TURNER-19333 was b. about 1670. James moved to the Bedford County, Virginia area. The connection of James of Bedford County, Virginia to Richard Turner of Caroline County, Virginia is based on review of the Caroline County Order Books by several researchers. This research has led some to connect James and John as sons of the same Richard. This is the family link shown herein. Other researchers claim these as two distinct lines, one from England the other Scotland. I have included the connected family here as the families seem to remain together through their movements. All of these Turners moved west. This moved located James' and John's families in the adjacent counties of Bedford and Henry. He had the following children: + 13 M i. James TURNER-7820 was b. 1710 and d. 1793. Third Generation 7. Shadrack TURNER-357 was b. about 1728 in Caroline Co., VA, Royal Colony. He d. about 1783 in Henry County, VA. Shadrack may have been a land owner in Halifax County (later Pittsylvania Co.) before coming to Henry County Virginia. The last Will and Testament of Shadrack Turner... In the Name of God, Amen. October 25th One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty-Three. I, Shadrack Turner of Henry County, being in sound memory at present, thanks to Almighty God for it, and knowing the uncertainty of life, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in the following manner.Info Item: I give to my sons Larkin Turner and Jeremiah Turner, the Land and Plantation thatI now live upon as far as the right hand Branch and up the Branch to the Creek above the Road thenceup the said Branch Sick is as faras the Road, also one horse and one saddle to each of them. from source #5: Item: I give my son William Turner the Land over the right hand Branch and up the branch to the Dreen. Thence up the Dreen to the Road. Thence along the road to the line of the final survey, thence along the line till it comes to Daniel Smith's corner, thence a straight line below the Mess place, thence a straight line to the Waggon ford by the Apple Orchard, thence along the Creek to the mouth of the right hand branch, thence up the Branch to the beginning. Item: I give to my daughter Excony Turner, One Horse and Saddle and tow cows and calves and a Ewe and Lamb and one Sow and Piggs and the land upon the Turkey Penn Branch and up to my son William's on both sides of the creek, thence a straight line to the corner tree in the gap of the hill, thence along the Ridge to the back line, the remaining part to Larkin and Jeremiah Turner to them and heirs forever. Item: I also give to my daughter, Excony Turner, One Feather Bed and Furniture to her and her heirs forever, if she dies without heirs, her part to be Divided amongst the rest of my children. Item: The House to be finished out of the estate. Item: I give to my beloved wife Ann Turner the Plantation I now live upon and all the movable Estate, after my debts are paid, during her life time, then to be Divided between all my children, and my Grand daughter, Elizabeth, John, Josiah, William, Mary, Larkin, Jeremiah, Excony, Mary Hunter, if any of the above mentioned children should die without an heir, then parts to be returned to the remainder part of the children. I appoint my two sons John Turner and Wm. to be executors to the within Written Will. In Witness thereof I have set my hand and seal, the Day and year above Written. Shadrack Turner Sr. PostScript: I expected I had finished the Will but since the other children I give my Executors power at time of marriage Lucia Robb have a cow and a calf and other necessaries as my Executors may think needful, but if Lucia or Sally die without issue Lawfully begotten, may their part to return to the Estate. Item: I desire my children may have learning as far as may do County (that is the boys). The girls to read-out of the Estate. In witness their of I set my hand and seal. Shadrack Turner Sr. Tes. Sam I Critchfield John Hunter Richard Stone (X his mark) Shadrack married (1) Ann HILL-358 about 1745 in King & Queen Co, or Hanover Co, VA. Ann d. after 1784 in Henry Co., VA. They had the following children: + 14 M i. John M. TURNER-355 was b. 1747 and d. 17 Mar 1812. + 15 F ii. Elizabeth P. TURNER-494 was b. 1750 and d. 2 Aug 1845. + 16 M iii. Josiah TURNER-500 was b. about 1751 and d. 11 Dec 1838. + 17 M iv. William TURNER-499 was b. 20 Jan 1753 and d. 11 Dec 1845. + 18 F v. Mary TURNER-498 was b. 1760 and d. 1810. + 19 F vi. ___ TURNER-929 was b. before 1763 and d. before 1783. + 20 M vii. Larkington "Larkin" TURNER-497 was b. 1764/1765 and d. 1825. + 21 F viii. Exony TURNER-495 was b. 1771 and d. 1820/1830. + 22 M ix. Jeremiah TURNER-429 was b. 1765 and d. 1825/1830. 8. Meshack S. TURNER-516 was b. about 1729 in Caroline Co., VA, Royal Colony. He d. 28 Jan 1794 in Wilkes Co., GA. Meshack was living in Pittsylvania Co. VA in 1784 and moved to Georgia about 1785. He is believed to have married twice with the three children listed below by his first wife. Meshack married (1) ___-7042. They had the following children: + 23 M i. Shadrack TURNER-514 was b. 1752 and d. 1820. 24 F ii. Elizabeth TURNER-7043 was b. about 1754 in VA, Royal Colony. She d. 2 Nov 1807 in Wilkes Co., GA. Elizabeth married (1) ___ LACY-7069. ___ was b. about 1754. Elizabeth also married (2) Elisha PRUITT-7070 before 1794. Elisha was b. about 1754 in VA, Royal Colony. He d. before 1893. 25 M iii. Abednego "Ab" TURNER-513 was b. 1754 in VA, Royal Colony. He d. 1802 in Abbeville, SC. An Abednego is listed in the 1800 census of Abbeville, SC. He was previously associated with 1770 Henry County, Virginia land records and Wilkes County, Georgia records according to those records in SC. Abednego married (1) ___ COLLIER-7071 about 1774 in VA, Royal Colony . She was b. about 1754. Abednego also married (2) Phoebe WALLER-506, daughter of John WALLER-7142 and Elizabeth ___-7143 on 1801 in Abbeville, SC. Meshack also married (2) Rebekah ROBERTSON-511, daughter of James ROBERTSON-7132 on 6 Feb 1760 in Halifax Co., VA, Royal Colony. Rebekah was b. about 1730 in VA, Royal Colony. She d. 4 Jan 1797 in Wilkes Co., GA. They had the following children: + 26 M iv. John H. TURNER-7072 was b. about 1762 and d. 28 Apr 1825. + 27 F v. Rebeccah TURNER-7073 was b. 1766 and d. 5 Jul 1824. + 28 M vi. Meshack S. TURNER Jr.-512 was b. 1765 and d. 15 May 1810. + 29 M vii. James TURNER-7074 was b. before 1772. 30 F viii. Sarah "Sally" TURNER-7075 was b. 16 Mar 1776 in VA, Royal Colony. Sarah married (1) William BILLINGSLEA -7124, son of Francis BILLINGSLEA-7135 and Asenath HOWELL -7136. William was b. before 1784. + 31 F ix. Sussanah TURNER-7076 was b. 1778. 32 F x. Polly TURNER-7077 was b. about 1780 in VA. Polly married (1) Owen HOLLOWAY-7131, son of ___ HOLLOWAY -7140 and Nancy MILLS-7141 on 25 Nov 1799 in Wilkes Co., GA. 13. James TURNER-7820 was b. 1710 in Caroline Co., VA, Royal Colony. He d. 1793 in Bedford Co., VA. According to a published genealogy cira 1940 by Walter Hopkins of Richmond, VA and others at about the same time, James' line came from England and apparently was not related to the John/Shadrack line of Patrick and Henry Counties, Virginia which were believed from Scotland. However, more recent research in the Caroline County Order Books leads several researchers to connect the families. James married (1) Mary ADMIRE (?)-7821 about 1730. They had the following children: + 33 M i. Richard TURNER-7822 was b. about 1728 and d. 1769. + 34 M ii. Isaiah TURNER-7823 was b. about 1730. + 35 M iii. Francis TURNER-7816 was b. about 1740 and d. 1803. 36 M iv. James TURNER-7824 was b. about 1745 in Bedford Co., VA, Royal Colony. + 37 M v. Adam TURNER-7825 was b. 1747. + 38 F vi. Ruth TURNER-1763 was b. about 1730. + 39 F vii. Mary TURNER-1784. + 40 M viii. Admire TURNER-1786 was b. 1745 and d. 1818. + 41 M ix. Elijah TURNER-1787. 42 M x. Nathan TURNER-1788 was b. in Bedford Co., VA. Nathan married (1) Agnes ___-1833. ...END GENERATION 3 ... Continued next email....