Date: Wed, 31 Dec 1997 15:14:00 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: Comp 292 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

31 Dec 1997
Subj:	Turner family Generation 6 Part A...
Date:	97-12-30 21:56:46 EST
From:	N4JED
To:	NCreed1

This begins Generation 6 of the TURNER family as I have assembled it. It
consists of 7 parts labeled A thru G.  Here is part A.

...TURNER Family GENERATION 6 Part A...

Sixth Generation

206.      Nancy B. TURNER-853 was b. about 1807 in Henry Co., VA.
She d. Jul 1897. Nancy married (1) William Simpson THOMASSON
-855, son of ___ THOMASSON-17021 on 26 Nov 1838 in Henry Co.,
VA. William was b. in VA. They had the following children:
    +      548      M      i.      Wilson Owen THOMASSON-858.
            549      F      ii.      Martha THOMASSON-859. Martha married
(1) Benjamin STRULTZ-1229.
            550      F      iii.      Nancy THOMASSON-860. Nancy married
(1) Joseph HARDY-1230.
            551      M      iv.      Albert Henry "Alked" THOMASSON-861.
Albert married (1) Elizabeth BROWN-1231.
            552      F      v.      Elvira THOMASSON-862.
            553      F      vi.      Emma THOMASSON-1232. Emma married
(1) Joseph NUNN-1234.
            554      F      vii.      Elizabeth Jane THOMASSON-1233.
Elizabeth married (1) William Coleman DYER-17741.
    +      555      F      viii.      Adelphia Ann THOMASSON-17011 was b.
1842 and d. 1910.

209.      Elizabeth TURNER-481 was b. 22 Dec 1813 in Elamsville,
Patrick Co., VA. She d. 5 Dec 1900 in Patrick Co., VA and was buried in
Shadrach Turner Cemetery, Elamsville, Patrick Co., VA. Elizabeth
married (1) David Jefferson ROSS-478, son of David ROSS-439 and
Sarah "Sally" ANDERSON-427 on 14 Feb 1833 in Patrick Co., VA.
David was b. 12 Apr 1806 in Elamsville, Patrick Co., VA. He d. 9 Jul
1853 in Patrick Co., VA. David was a blacksmith. David and Elizabeth
had the following children:
            556      M      i.      Charles Peyton ROSS-798 was b. Dec 1833 in
Patrick Co., VA. Charles is listed as C.P. Ross, Private in Company C,
51st. Virginia Infantry Regiment, CSA during the War of Northern
Aggression. He enlisted 6/14/1861 in Patrick County, Virginia. He
received a medical discharge 5/9/1862 for disability from measles and
fever. Charles was listed in military records as b. Patrick County,
Virginia, age 30, dark complexion, dark eyes, black hair; occupation
farmer.  Charles married (1) Dicea "Dicy" CORN-794, daughter of Jesse
CORN Jr-362 and Elizabeth BURNETT-361.
    +      557      M      ii.      Lewis T. ROSS-6728 was b. 1835.
            558      M      iii.      John T. ROSS-6729 was b. about 1839 in
Patrick Co., VA.  John enlisted 5/1/1862 at Elamsville, Virginia as a
Corporal in Company D, 51st Virginia Infantry, Confederate States of
America during the War of Northern Aggression.  He was detailed as 
a shoemaker and sent to Salem, Virginia 11/10/1862.  Taken prisoner
Roanoke County, Virginia 12/19/1863. John was sent to Atheneum
Prison, Wheeling, West Virginia then forwarded to Camp Chase
1/1/1864 and on to Ft. Delaware 3/17/1864. John was released
6/15/1865. John was listed in military records as light complexion, dark
hair, dark eyes, height 6'-0", age 25; occupation shoemaker.
            559      F      iv.      Judy Amanda ROSS-6730 was b. 15 Aug
1842 in Patrick Co., VA. She d. 15 May 1906 and was buried in David
Ross Cem., Patrick Co., VA.
            560      M      v.      David C. ROSS-6731 was b. about 1844 in
Patrick Co., VA. He d. 24 Mar 1858 in Patrick Co., VA and was buried
in Shadrack Turner Cem., Elamsville, Patrick Co., VA.
            561      F      vi.      Sarah Ann ROSS-6732 was b. about 1845 in
Patrick Co., VA. Sarah married (1) John R. NOLEN-6739, son of
Alexander NOLEN-479 and Mary Ann TURNER-482 on 20 Jan 1870 in
Patrick Co., VA, Military District #1.  John was b. 19 Jul 1847 in
Franklin Co., VA.
    +      562      F      vii.      Elizabeth A. "Bettie" ROSS-6734 was b. 19
Dec 1848 and d. 13 Jun 1932.
    +      563      M      viii.      Elmer Ampoda ROSS-352 was b. 13 Jan
1850 and d. 30 Jul 1923.
            564      M      ix.      Joseph J. ROSS-6735 was b. 25 Apr 1853 in
Patrick Co., VA.
            565      M      x.      William D. "Buck" ROSS-6733 was b. 1854
in Patrick Co., VA.  William married (1) Mary T. VIA-6740, daughter of
Fleming "Flemon" VIA-787 and Mary "Polly" CORN-786 on 22 Jan
1873 in Patrick Co., VA. Mary was b. 2 Jan 1854 in Patrick Co., VA.

210.      Mary Ann TURNER-482 was b. 1814 in Patrick Co., VA. She d.
after 1860 in Franklin Co., VA. Mary married (1) Alexander NOLEN
-479, son of John NOWLIN-1669 and Mary "Polly" THOMAS-1670 on
6 Aug 1832. Alexander was b. about 1810 in VA. Last name spelling of
NOWLIN also found.  Alexander and Mary had the following children:
    +      566      M      i.      Charles N. NOLEN-6744 was b. 4 Jan 1833
and d. 1899.
            567      M      ii.      John R. NOLEN-6739 was b. 19 Jul 1847 in
Franklin Co., VA. John married (1) Sarah Ann ROSS-6732, daughter of
David Jefferson ROSS-478 and Elizabeth TURNER-481 on 20 Jan 1870
in Patrick Co., VA, Military District #1. Sarah was b. about 1845 in
Patrick Co., VA.

211.      Amanda Burnett TURNER-863 was b. 17 Mar 1819 in Patrick
Co., VA. She d. 16 Oct 1899 in Monroe Co., KY. The following letter
from Amanda Burnettt Turner to her parents Shadrack and Judith Burnett
Turner is typed in the same layout and spelling as the original hand
written letter...

Monroe County Ky  August the 11th 1856
Dear Father and Mother Sisters and Brother I take my pen 
in hand to write you a few line to let you know that 
we are in common health at this time  hoping thes lines 
may find you all enjoying the same blefsing
I have nothing of much importance to write  
it is very healthy here  so far, we have had a very
dry hot summer here  corn crops is sorryier than ever 
was known here  there will be no tobacco raised if 
it dont rain shortly  we will almost loose seed
of all kinds of vegitables  I have not has a mefs
of corn field beens this summer  The ground has
not binto wet to plow since may and verry
few showers since, there was good crops of oats
and wheat made here, so there will be no danger
of people suffering though I fear stock will suffer 
We have raised 50 bushels of wheat this summer
and Carter 25, Joseph raised none though it
wont take much to do them for Rachael can make
a little do  She can cook as good as aunt Nancy
Turner  Jo is doing well  he has two likely mares
and a mule colt a good stock of hogs and
cattle  Carter will have a bad chance this year
he is gettin along prety well a fixing abut his
house  he has made him a loomand two new

(page two)
bed steads a set of chairs and a wheel  Robert has 
twenty two acres in corn  If it had bin seasonable 
he would of raised 210 barrels  he thinks he wont
raise more than fifty  we have some old corn we have 
40 hogs to fatten and as many to winter  we have
five head of horses and five mule colts a good stock 
of cattle and sheep, we can rub through by buying
some corn with our oats  Our children go to school 
Jo J is steadying the arithmetic  Cafs learns very fast 
Sam runs away and goes every day  the school house 
is not more than two hundred yds of Permelias
two oldest children goes, I have not heard from any 
of you this summer we are getting uneasy  Permelia 
and myself has both wrote and have received no
answers, I want you to write as soon as you get
this letter  write how you are doing  tell sister
Betsy I want her to write and let me know how
she is doing  I oftenen think her and the children 
and want to see them  I want to see you all once
more  I think we will come next summer if we
all live, Bennett Stone and his wife come up
to see us last week and said uncle A Wm and
all the ballance was well  uncle Benjamin
was not very well when we heard from thare
and marinda morris was verry low withe
dropsy, If you and motherwould come and see
us it would be more satisfaction to me than any
else on earth  I want Sam and Tiny to come

(page three)
and see us this fall if they can  Albina is grown and 
can do any kind of businefs  She is weaving coverlids 
now, I believe I wrote everthing I can
think of  tell Lewis Turner that Susan Carter
is very low with her breast, Robert and the
children joins in sending our love to all our
connections and friends, I remain your affectional 
daughter until death    Amanda B Rofs

Shadrack Turner
Judith Turner
Samuel and Clemantine

(added to the bottom of the letter)
August the 12th  We had a fine shower of rain
this morning  tobacco is not so far
spent to make pretty good crops yet
we have 10 thousand plants growing
and Jo and carter 8 thousan each  Jo and
Carter will both make plenty of coin to do them
I weigh 150 Robert 147 Albina 121 Jo 89
I forgot what Cafs and Sam weighs,
Jo and Rachael both look verry healthy  Carters
family looks as well as they did when they left
thare  I believe I will quit     A B Rofs

Amanda married (1) Robert Anderson ROSS-864, son of David 
ROSS-439 and Sarah "Sally" ANDERSON-427 on 28 May 1837 in
Patrick Co., VA. Robert was b. 29 Nov 1808 in Patrick Co., VA. He d.
23 Apr 1875 in Monroe Co., KY. They had the following children:
            568      F      i.      Mary ROSS-865 was b. about 1842 in KY.
    +      569      M      ii.      Joseph Jefferson "Joe J" ROSS-866 was b. 2
Feb 1846 and d. before 1900.
            570      M      iii.      James B. "Buck" ROSS-867 was b. about
1848 in Monroe Co., KY.
    +      571      M      iv.      Lewis Cass ROSS-868 was b. 1 Mar 1851.
    +      572      M      v.      Samuel Houston ROSS-869 was b. 19 Nov
1852 and d. 3 Sep 1913.
            573      F      vi.      Sarah E. ROSS-871 was b. 17 Apr 1855.

212.      Mahala A. TURNER-872 was b. 2 Jan 1821 in Patrick Co., VA.
She d. 28 Jan 1859 and was buried in Shadrach Turner Cemetery,
Elamsville, Patrick Co., VA. Mahala married (1) Peyton Rufus
ROSS-873, son of David ROSS-439 and Sarah "Sally" ANDERSON
-427 on 12 Oct 1843 in Patrick Co., VA. Peyton was b. 30 Nov 1813 in
Patrick Co., VA. He d. 15 Aug 1885 in VA. They had the following
    +      574      F      i.      Ruth Permelia ROSS-1423 was b. Feb 1846.
            575      F      ii.      Nancy J. "Pencie" ROSS-4464 was b. about
1849 in Elamsville, Patrick Co., VA. Nancy married (1) Charles
PRESTON-4468. Nancy also married (2) Green MCGHEE-4474.
            576      F      iii.      Louisa Annie ROSS-4465 was b. about 1851
in Elamsville, Patrick Co., VA. Louisa married (1) Washington
WRIGHT-4475 in VA.
            577      F      iv.      Augusta R. ROSS-4466 was b. about 1853 in
Elamsville, Patrick Co., VA. Augusta married (1) Joseph Peter
            578      F      v.      Mahala Delancy ROSS-4463 was b. about
1856 in Elamsville, Patrick Co., VA. Mahala married (1) Green
            579      M      vi.      Joseph G. ROSS-4467 was b. in Elamsville,
Patrick Co., VA.

215.      Permelia Corn TURNER-877 was b. 1825 in Patrick Co., VA.
She d. after 1870 in Monroe Co., KY. The following letter from Permelia
Corn Turner and John Hampton Hin to Permelia's brother Samuel C.
Turner is typed directly from the hand written original. I have attempted
to keep the same spelling and format as appears on the original letter.  The
 letter is on a 12 inch by 15 inch piece of paper that was folded to
mail size, sealed with a red wax and addressed as follows...

  Samuel C. Turner
     Elamsville Patrick Co.
(across the top of the address face in another handwriting it says)
Centre point  Ky        paid 3

(page one)
Monroe Cty  Kentucky
Dec 30 1855
   Dear Sam and Tiny  I
will write you as few lines to
let you now something of Kentucky
you have both perused shooting
creek and this is as fair a
sample as I can come at though
not quite as god a looking a
place as that on the account
of dry creeks choise mills and
people in general  the ladys
hear all wear yarn dresses striped
in the filfen  shorter than any
little children ther and no pa___
lets  square handkerchiefs round
the neck with the dirtest bon
nets i ever seen on all the
tim  white yarn stockings well
soled and coars peged shoes
no maner of politeness about
them  I have been trying ever since
I came hear to get one to sit
down longenoughto set up to
her  though have give it up
as a bad jod  as tha apear
so wild and savage I have travel
ed over seven countys in the
State but I dont think she
hear  So far as the geantlemen
is concerned if I must call them
geantlemen drinking and gambling

(second page)
is there ocupation  Sam mee
and Jo is just in one noch
waying 100 and 90 and Joes wife
is a small woman waying 100
and 66 lbs  tell Margaret Ferguson
i have been to Sanfords and
found them all well and doing
well a pearenty  Say to mr
IS_dams I received his leter on
the 25 and was glad to hear
they was all well  I will
write to him soon  Sam
you must write to mee and
give the news generally as
ther is nothing hear to write
about  be shore to write whether
Mat Roberson is dead or not
and how you come on at wits
spur since you got your dith
coat  Tiny tell mee who is
your bea since the old wons
is all dead  give my respects
to unkle Shady and Aunt
Judy and Dicy Corn  tell her
to write to mee and give me
the news from goblintown
give my respects to Haty Ann
and the widow  allso I must
come to a close by saying
             John H. Hin

(page three)
   Sam I will write you
and Tiny a few lines as Hampton
cant fill up a sheet  I promist
to write what sort of a look
ing woman joes wife was  she
is fair skined blue eyed light
hair white eye brows rezembly
lithe helton moor than any
body els I ever saw though very
kind and friendly  I like her
tolerable well for the acquaintence
She had a good bed frog  bedstead
and a few bed quilts is all I now
of in the way of beding  4 chairs
a pair of fire dogs and aunt rachels
saddle  is all she had that I know
of  tha hav two beds a good table
and a box for a cubboard  a house
a bout the sise of the lewry  nailed
boards plank lath and dirt chimney
a nother little house for a kitchen
and smokehouse  we want you to write
whether Mr and old Betsy is maried
or not  I will deseribe Bobs folks
in the next letter as I hav no
rom this time  Mary is to be
maried wednes day to Eaf willia
ms  She will marry at old
Smiths makes  no weding pleas
if you rite any thing you dont
wish all to no put it in hamps
letter  I must come to a close by
saying fare well Sam and Tiny
         Permelia Carter

This letter From Permelia Corn Turner to her parents Shadrack and
Judith Burnett Turner is typed directly from the handwritten original
with the style and spelling as in the original...

               Monroe Cty Kentucky
                  June the 28 1856
Dear Father Mother Brothers and
Sisters  I will now in form you we
are all well and have enjoyed as good
health hear as we did there  Amanda
is complaining som  Jos and Rachel is
well  Jo received your letter  I received
Tinys and would of answerd it long
a go though had nothing to write
worth sending and if I wait for something
you wont hear from mee  so you shall
hear from mee if it is only to say
howdy  we had a cool spring  at this
time the wether is warm and very dry
weve made 25 bushels of good wheat
and have a very good crop of oats
corn and 4 thousand plants of to bacco
planted  we are not quite half done
planting  if it rains by the middle
of July I have a promising flax and
cotton patch a good many vegetables
though they ar sorry on the account
of the drouth  we have a very pretty
young orchard coming on and some
froot on them and some peaches  our
gray filly provd to be a splendid nag
we keep her yet  we bought a cow and
yearlin calf this spring for 15$  the
foxes have deprived mee of many cicanes
I have 4 goslins  I have white washed
my house and got a high post bedstid
and a cup board  my house looks quite
(page two)
grand for kentucky  the water geting
very sorry generally though our spring
never fails and is as good water as i ever
drank  Jo sais tell you all he has forgot
how to write  you must excuse him for
not writing  Mr Hin is hear and well
he has had some work to do thoug
finds it scearce  J has not desided whet
her he will come to Va this fall
or not  if he does it will be lat
he wants you all to write to him
and give him the news ginerally
Tiny you accused us of making
fun of your letter  not so  it just
such as I want to hear all of
you  pleas write to mee often
I would be glad to hear every
weak  the children has growed so
you would hardle no them  Merit
can walk good  I recon I would
way a hundred lbs  I must come
to a close for the want fo something
to write
                 Permelia Carter

Permelia married (1) George Lewis CARTER-878 on 9 May 1848.
They had the following children:
            580      M      i.      Merit CARTER-1435.

216.      Martha Jane TURNER-879 was b. 16 Apr 1829 in Patrick Co.,
VA. She d. 25 Dec 1915 in Patrick Co., VA and was buried in Jeremiah
Turner Cemetery, Patrick Co., VA. Martha married (1) Jeremiah
TURNER-880, son of Lewis TURNER-881 and Cynthia Ann
FOSTER-882 on 2 Nov 1854 in Patrick Co., VA. Jeremiah was b. 29
Nov 1826 in Patrick Co., VA. He d. 28 Jun 1896 in Patrick Co., VA.
The 1850 U.S. Census found 24 year old Jeremiah living at home with
his parents. Jeremiah and Martha had the following children:
            581      M      i.      Shadrack Lewis TURNER-883 was b. 19 Jan
1857 in Patrick Co., VA. He d. 7 Jan 1942 in Patrick Co., VA and was
buried in Jeremiah Turner Cemetery, Patrick Co., VA. Shadrack married
(1) Susan Pattie ROSS-934, daughter of Peyton Rufus ROSS-873 and
Judith V. "Judy" CORN-4469 on 25 Dec 1890 in Patrick Co., VA. Susan
was b. 1871 in Elamsville, Patrick Co., VA. She d. 12 Aug 1893 in
Patrick Co., VA.  Shadrack also married (2) Nancy Lou NOLEN-935,
daughter of Isaac Alexander NOLEN-6745 and Judith Ann Elizabeth
TURNER-6746 about 1900. Nancy was b. 2 Aug 1883 in VA. She d. 4
Oct 1964.
    +      582      M      ii.      Thomas Jefferson TURNER-936 was b. 8 Jan
1859 and d. 23 Jan 1950.
            583      F      iii.      Mahala Ann TURNER-938 was b. 10 Jan
1861 in Patrick Co., VA. She d. 18 Feb 1897 in Patrick Co., VA. Mahala
married (1) J. H. TURNER-939 on 3 Dec 1884 in Patrick Co., VA.
    +      584      M      iv.      Alvah Jeremiah TURNER-808 was b. 17 Feb
1863 and d. 14 Dec 1914.
    +      585      M      v.      John Bishop TURNER-807 was b. 10 Oct
1866 and d. 13 Jul 1946.
            586      F      vi.      Cynthia R. TURNER-6750 was b. 11 Apr
1869 in Patrick Co., VA, Military District #1. She d. 18 Jan 1871 and
was buried in Shadrach Turner Cemetery, Elamsville, Patrick Co., VA.
            587      F      vii.      Juda Jane "Jennie" TURNER-942 was b. 30
Jun 1871 in Patrick Co., VA. She d. 21 Apr 1964 in Roanoke,  VA and
was buried in Evergreen Cem., Roanoke, VA. Juda Jane was the name
listed in Patrick County, Virginia birth records and Jennie Jane was listed
in the 1850 U.S. Census by the census taker - her eldest brother
Shadrack. Juda married (1) James Benjamin ROBERSON-943, son of
Benjamin S. ROBERSON-6751 and Sarah Elizabeth VIA-6752 on 7 Feb
1894 in Patrick Co., VA. James was b. 1870 in Patrick Co., VA.
            588      F      viii.      Bettie Exonie TURNER-944 was b. 14 Aug
1876 in Patrick Co., VA. She d. 23 Mar 1960 in Patrick Co., VA and was
buried in Jeremiah Turner Cemetery, Patrick County, VA. Bettie married
(1) Isaac Edward "Ed" NOLEN-945, son of Isaac Alexander NOLEN
-6745 and Judith Ann Elizabeth TURNER-6746 on 2 Apr 1903 in
Patrick Co., VA. Isaac was b. 10 Feb 1877 in Patrick Co., VA. He d. 10 Jun

...End Generation 6, Part A.... Part B contained in next email

David R. Jones, Jr.
P.O. Box 647
Vinton, VA 24179