Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 19:50:31 -0500

Hello Cousins:

Just wanted to send one more compilation before I put everything in one file
to send to Chris Gaunt.  Your response has really been great.   Thanks so

>From 20 Jan - 3 Feb, I'll most likely not be reading my mail.  However, if
you have more findings you wish to share with everyone, feel free to send
them to me.  I'll keep compiling the info as long as interest is shown.

Would enjoy hearing your comments about the compilation.


Another new name is on the list.  Welcome to everyone!

Subj:     Where born
Date:     96-01-14 20:17:51 EST
From:     N4JED
To:  NCreed

   I would like to offer a suggestion as to the confusion on
where John TURNER was born; Lunenberg or Halifax Co.   I would
say it is one and the same as Halifax officially became a county
in 1752 after being formed from Lunenberg County - a process that
took ?year or more? as I understand the history.  With a birth
year so close to '52, I would guess a researcher just wasn't
careful.  I keep finding this problem with Patrick and Henry
Counties where people have listed births in Patrick before it was
formed from Henry County in 1790.
David Jones     Architect

Subj:     Civil War Ancestors
Date:     96-01-14 17:37:18 EST
From:     N4JED
To:  NCreed

Received this from Mary Jo (see end) after reviewing roster of
51st. Virginia Infantry CSA she maintains.  I believe this is
from the military discharge papers.  I went through the list and
picked family names that are on our lists. Don't know if you have
seen this before but you might want to put it in the next

BURNETT - Jeremiah - Born Patrick Co., April 24, 1842. Pvt Co D
6/14/61 Elamville; Died Floyd Co., Sept 22, 1927.

BURNETT - John A. - 2 Lieut., Co D; 3 Lieut to 2 Lieut. by
12/31/62; demoted to 1st Sgt. date unknown; 1st Sgt to 2nd Lieut
by 1/7/65 (note: actual date not listed, but roster dated 1/7/65
has 1st Sgt. at heading and promotion to 2nd Lieut. in remarks).
POW Winchester 9/19/64 Harpers Ferry to Ft. Delaware 9/27/64;
released there 6/17/65; res Patrick Co.; light complexion; light
hair; blue eyes; 6'0".

BURNETT - Samuel Henry - Born 8/14/46; Pvt Co E 3/27/62 Nelson
C.H.; absent sick 12/20/62 to muster roll dated 4/30/63; POW
Waynesboro 3/2/65; Harpers Ferry to Winchester to Ft. Del
3/12/65; released there 6/19/65; res Nelson Co.; fair complexion;
brown hair; blue eyes; 5'5". Died 7/3/1927 Lynchburg; buried Old
Methodist Cemetery, Lynchburg.

CORN - Peter - Corp'l Co D 6/14/61 Elamville

CORN - Richard - Pvt Co D 2/20/63 Giles Co.

ROSS - C. P. - Pvt Co C 6/14/61 Patrick medical discharge 5/9/62
debility from measles, fever; born Patrick Co age 30, dk
complexion, dk eyes, blk hair; farmer

ROSS - Charles Foster - b: Patrick Co 2/9/43; 2 Lieut Co D 2/1/62
Giles Co; dropped 5/26/62 down to Pvt; died: Franklin Co.

ROSS - David Lee - b: Patrick Co 1/8/31; Capt Co C; dropped
5/26/62; died: Patrick Co. 7/16/1927

ROSS - James W. - Pvt Co D 2/1/63 Giles Co; died: 7/7/64
Chimborazo Hosp of ruebella and diarrhoea

ROSS - John T. - Corp'l Co D 5/1/62 Elamsville; detailed as
shoemaker 11/10/62 sent to Salem, Va. POW Roanoke Co., Va
12/19/63; Atheneum Prison, Wheeling to Camp Chase 1/1/64 to Ft.
Del 3/17/64; released there 6/15/65; res Patrick; lt complexion;
dk hair; dk eyes; 6'0"; age 25; shoemaker

ROSS - Joseph W. - Pvt Co D 2/1/63 Giles Co; killed 5/30/64 at
Totopotomoy Creek

ROSS - Samuel Anderson - Pvt Co C/D 6/14/61; medical discharge
5/9/62, chronic rheumatism; born Patrick Co; age 44; 5'9"; fair
complexion; blue eyes; lt hair; farmer

ROSS - William T. - Pvt Co D; POW Waynesboro 3/2/65; Harpers
Ferry to Win. to Ft. Del
3/12/65; released there 6/21/65; res Patrick; lt complexion, dk
hair, gray eyes, 5'7"

VIA - Doctor Green - Born 12/6/42; Pvt Co D 6/14/61 Elamsville;
died 6/2/64 Patrick Co., of typhoid.

VIA - Elijah Dehart - Born 1830; 1Lieut Co H; date of appointment
as 1 Lieut 5/23/62; resigned as
1 Lieut 6/4/63; POW Waynesboro 3/2/65 Harpers Ferry to Winchester
to Ft. Deleware 3/12/65;
released these 6/21/65; res Patrick Co; lt complexion, fair hair,
blue eyes; 5'11"; died in Patrick

VIA - James Ellyson - Born 8/21/36 Patrick Co; Pvt Co C 6/1/61
for Serofula; age 26; ruddy
complexion, lt hair, blue eyes; 5'11"; farmer

VIA - James R. - Pvt Co D 6/14/61 Elamsville; medical disabilty
discharge 6/6/62, general
debility with phihisis pulmonalis; born Patrick Co.; age 22; fair
complexion, lt hair, blue eyes;
5'7"; farmer; married Martha E. Koger and had 11 children.

VIA - William Dennis - Born 9/12/38; Pvt Co D 6/14/61 Elamsville;
disabilty discharge 6/17/62,
general debility from the effects of fever and pneumonia; born
Patrick Co.; age 23; fair
complexion, lt hair, blue eyes; 5'9"; farmer; died 3/15/1915
Stuart, Va.; buried in Stuart Town

Here is the source-
Mary Jo Loyd  email:                            
Home of my Genealogy Lines and the 51st Va. Inf. Regt. Roster
Genealogical Research Society of Northeastern Pa. Home Page 
Hise Family Association 

David Jones
Subj:     Turner
Date:     95-10-19 10:52:50 EDT
From:     Majie A
To:  NCreed

     I saw your reply on the Message Boards to a Turner query. I
have Turners in NC: Hannah Turner married Shadrack Barnes
(ca1752-1844) in, I think, Rowan Co., NC. Two of her sisters,
Rebecca and Rachel, married two of Shadrack's brothers. Hannah
and Shadrack later moved to KY, then to MO. I find Turners living
near them in MO and wonder if they might have been related.
     Any connection?
     I'm closing my AOL account. You can reach me at
          Mary Alley

Subj:     Re: Turner
Date:     10/21/95

     You ask about Hannah Turner, Rebecca Turner, and Rachel
Turner who married Shadrack Turner and two of his brothers.  You
think they were in Rowan Co NC, then Ky, then MO.
     Someone (?), many years ago, sent me some copies of pages
from "TURNER NEWSLETTERs".  I did not get the complete
newsletter, just some pages.  I suspect whomever made the
original copies, just made copies of pages specifically of 
interest to them or its possible that the complete Newsletters
were not available to them.  I've looked through all the pages
that I have and find nothing on Rowan or Ashe counties.   I don't
know what other counties to check for you.
     These TURNER NEWSLETTERs were published by Genealogical
Reference Builders, P.O. Box 248, Post Falls, Idaho 83854. 
Elaine Walker was the Editor.  Vol I #1 was published in
September 1975.    Genealogical Reference Builders published
other publications.  The price of the publication was $5 per
year.  There were 10 issues (not in June or July) according to
"Notes from the Editor".  I have no idea how many she published
or for how long.  That's been 20 years ago.  So, I don't know if 
Ms. Walker is still living. 
     There's a lot of information on the Patrick/Henry/Franklin
Co VA Turners, which ties back to my line.  Descendants of
Shadrack Turner are included.  Turners from New York, Georgia,
Colorida, Maryland, Illinois, Kentucky, North Carolina (Bute,
Warren Co), West Virginia,  Massachusetts, California, Ireland,
South Carolina, Missouri, Illinois, New Hampshire, Arkansas, 
Maine, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, England, Texas,
Iowa, Indiana, and Tennessee.  I don't have an index to check so
it is quite time-consuming and easy to miss a specific location
or name.
     I find a group of Turners that moved to Boone and Clinton
Counties Indiana from possibly Clay Co or Hazard Co KY.  
     Reference is made to "A HISTORY OF THE TURNER FAMILY" by
William A. Roskey, published by the American Research Institute,
Washington D.C. (1972).  Pauline Turner Fake, 4911 Cambray, San
Antonio, Texas 78229 sent a copy of the book to the Editor. The
Editors says:  "I do not know the cost of this book, but I do
believe every Turner researcher should have one.  It is
hard-bound, with the Turner coat of arms on the cover."
     There's a page "Early Virginia Families" sent by Virginia T.
Harris, 4505 Caroline, Portsmouth, VA  23707.  This book by E
Ruth Pyrtle; pub. Claflin Printing Co, Lincoln, Nebraska.  The
author obtained a copy from Inst. of Amer. Genealogy, Jan. 1956.
"ANOTHER VIRGINIA FAMILY -- Turner History" mentions the Turner
Family Magazine Volumes 1 and 11 in the Congressional Library. 
This talks about Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego Turner. 
AND THEIR CONNECTIONS" by Walter Lee Hopkins, Virginia, 1931.
     "THE TURNER FAMILY MAGAZINE" was published in 1916 and 1917. 
Maybe longer.
     I realize I haven't been able to help with your specific
line.  But I know people have been interested in preserving
Turner family history for years and years.  It might be worth
looking for a copy of one of the books/magazines/newletters on
Turners.  If you live close enough to the Library of Congress or
the DAR Library, you might be fortunate enough to find all of


Subj:     Re: Turner
Date:     10/22/95

     I took another look at those TURNER NEWSLETTERs and realized
that most of the pages were numbered.  So I started sorting them
and discovered I actually have Vol I (issues 1-10) of the TURNER
NEWSLETTER, plus some odds and ends that didn't fit into Vol 1.
Most of these odd pages relate to VA Turners and appear to be my
line of Turners for the most part.  The TURNER FAMILY MAGAZINE
(1916-1917) appears to be complete. I roughly counted 225 pages
relating to Turners.  Once I put them in order (best I could
anyway),  I was surprised to find it was much easier to look at. 
There's even an index to the NEWSLETTERs.
     I found the following, which I think is interesting since it
mentions  KY and MO.

"James Turner (NC and KY) Rev. Soldier" by Mrs. H. M. Roensch)
      James Turner b VA 21 Nov 1755 moved with father at early
age to Rowan Co NC.  Died Boone Co MO 20 Sep 1834.  Married in NC
to Jemima Wells who died in Boone Co MO.
      James, son of Thomas Turner PATRIOT, who signed the Oath of
Allegiance, Rowan Co NC on 30 May 1778.  He moved to KY and was
there 'til 1817 and moved to Boone Co MO.  Lists several children
(which I'll provide if you'd like).  One child mentioned was
James who married Sally Barnes in Madison Co KY.  They had 7
children (names not listed).

     I can't believe I've had those copies all these years and
didn't realize exactly what a treasure I have.  I guess I just
picked out the stuff that was mine and ignored everything else. 
Glad to check again if you have any more specifics.

Subj:     Re: Turner
Date:     95-10-23 09:29:41 EDT
From: (Mary Alley)

     I'll bet dollars to doughnuts those Rowan Co. Turners are
mine! My Barnes line also served in the War, moved to Madison
Co., KY, and then to  MO--some went to Boone Co. This is very
     Please do send me the names of James Turner's children.
     Does anything you've found tie your line and this NC branch
together anywhere back in VA?
     I have several Barnes women named Sallie, but don't show any
marrying Turner men. However, my Shadrack Barnes had a couple of
brothers (who also fought in the Rev. War). One of them, Elias,
also married a Turner woman (Rebecca) and they moved to Madison
KY. One of their daughters  (also named Rebecca) married in
Madison Co. It seems to me that Sallie could easily have been
another of their daughters. 
     Thank you *so* much for this great information!!!
     Mary Alley

Subj:     Re: Turner
Date:     95-10-25 08:59:37 EDT
From: (Mary Alley)

Thanks *very* much for the Turner info. I can't begin tell you
how much 
help you have been. I truly appreciate it. 

     I feel confident that James was a brother of my Hannah and
her known sisters, Rachel and Rebecca. There are several names
among his children that are the same as Hannah named her kids:
Elizabeth, Sarah, James, John, and Thomas. And since James named
a dau Rebecca, that ties in as well. Also, he was exactly the
right age to have been their bro; and he went to Madison Co., KY
which is where Hannah (Turner) and Shadrack Barnes went first in
about 1785. 
     Hannah and Shadrack went to Howard Co., MO in 1808, but
several of their 
children settled in Boone Co., and James Turner didn't come there
until some of them were already settled in Boone. (I'm pretty
sure Boone Co. is where I found Turners living very near
Barneses, but the book doesn't have an index, so I haven't gone
back to double check.)
     All that circumstantial evidence taken together tells me we
are definitely on the right track. So if you run across anything
else on that line, please let me know. I wish I had other clues
to feed you, but except for this: Samuel Barnes married Rachel
Turner in Rowan Co. on 20 Mar 1779. And, Elias Barnes married
Rebecca Turner in Rowan Co. (He, like Shadrack, was a
Revolutionary War soldier.) An Elias Barnes was counted 
in the 1790 census of Fayette, Robeson Co., North Carolina. He
was on the 1810 census in Rowan Co. They eventually moved to
Kentucky, where he died. They at least one daughter,  Rebecca,
who married William Taylor in Madison Co., Kentucky, I don't have
anything else on the Turners at all.
     I guess we are looking for their father, Thomas, who I think
you said signed the Oath of Allegiance, Rowan Co., North
Carolina, on 30 May 1778. 
     Thanks again!!!
     Mary Alley

Subj:     Re: Turner
Date:     10/25/95

     You are welcome; glad I can help.  I feel like I'm meeting
myself coming and going.  I've been busy looking thru this Turner
stuff again and find one more interesting piece of information. 
I will study your letter and get back to you over the weekend. 
Working full-time and doing genealogy full-time doesn't leave
much time, if you know what I mean.  I find this on-line stuff is
becoming addictive.  
     What do you make of this?

John Turner Sgt in NC Regiment d 1813 Madison Co KY md Rebecca
     Son Thomas Turner (1764-1849) b NC enlisted in Rowan Co, NC
d in KY md Annie Barry.
               Son James Turner md Mary Jane Tribble
                      Dau Amelia Turner md James Monroe Leer,
                         Bourbon, KY

     My first thought is John and James are possibly brothers. Or
could John and Thomas be brothers? 
     Were your Barnes and Turners related prior to the three
marriages of the siblings that you mentioned?  The reason I ask
is because of the name Shadrack.  Shadrack Turner has many

Subj:     Re: Turner
Date:     95-10-26 07:40:55 EDT
From: (Mary Alley)


     Have you met Steven Hauck, <>? He's a Turner
researcher who descends from Meshach Turner, the immigrant in his
line. He sent me this from a note in "Old Kentucky Entries and
Deeds" by Willard Rouse Jillson, 1926, pg. 366, that a Thomas
TURNER received 100 acres, warrant no. 4484, on 12-4-1789 for
serving three years as a soldier on the Virginia Line. I would
assume that Thomas isn't my Hannah's father, since the info you
sent on him said "Patriot" not "Soldier," and he was probably to
old to fight anyway. But that Thomas might have been yet another
son of his, don't you think?
     It looks to me as if the John Turner you just sent stuff on
could have been a bro of either Thomas or his son John--he fits
right between. He's obviously a family member. Thanks for the
info on him.
     I don't *think* my Barnes and Turners were related earlier,
but since I've seen some similar first names in both lines, I
don't know. I do know my Barnes line came from Carshalton,
England. Richard Barnes, of that location, had at least two sons,
Richard Jr., who may have immigrated to Leonardtown, St. Mary's
Co., MD; and Abraham (my ancestor), who came to St. Mary's Co.,
MD in about 1700. Richard may have also had a son, Charles, who
also immigrated. Abraham's descendants came to NC ca1744.  How
does that fit with the early Turners?
     Mary Alley
