Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 00:38:48 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: Com #318 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

2 Jan 1998

Greetings to Everyone:

A lot of eMails have been sent recently.   The VIA list is growing and doing
well, and I encourage anyone on this list who is researching the VIA surname
to consider joining this group.    See message from Judy below.

Nyla CREED DePauk

Subj:	 1998 research
Date:	98-01-02 01:16:26 EST
From: (Jlmaupin)

The Via list now has 72 members.  I hope through the efforts of the last few
months that some of you have learned more about your Via ancestors.  In 1998 I
will continue to collect wills, war records, census data, etc. (And to add to
the Via database).  I am hoping to be able to meet Sandy this spring in Salt
Lake City to do some more Via research.

I would really like to see the various Via lines that are being researched by
members of our group.  Please post your VIA lines.

I have two Via lines.  The first one is:

Margaret Via baptized 3 Aug 1701 St. Peter's Parsh m. ca 1719 Daniel Maupin.
Margaret died 1789 Albemarle Co., Va.  Margaret was the daughter of Amer &
Margaret ___ Via.

Second line:

Amer & Margaret ___ Via
William Via & ___
Micajah Via & ___ Burnett  (Phillipi Burnett?)
Jane Via & Daniel Maupin

Unfortunately I have not been able to prove the lineage for Jane Via.  This is
of course one of the areas I will be working on this year.

For this list to be effective we need to hear from you.  Post your Via
lines...PLEASE.  Let us know if the list and the Via web page is helping, what
you like, don't like or would like to see added to the web page.  We need your

Thanks to all of you for being part of our group and for helping the Via
family research efforts.


Subj:	 Take me off your e-mail list
Date:	97-12-31 19:15:28 EST
To:	NCreed1@AOL.COM


I've read through hundreds of Turner files that has nothing to do with my
Burnett-Johnson-Gatewood-Newbill  family.   

Plz let me know when you address my Burnett line.

Patti Rochette, 816-942-0727
1001 West 101 Terr, Apt B
Kansas City, MO 64114

Subj:	Re: Comp 316 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	98-01-02 01:49:22 EST
From:	Bervi
To:	NCreed1


While I'm not that thick into the early Turner line, I'm wondering if anyone
on the list has contacted the library at Bassett, VA which I understand is as
good as or better than Roanoke in resources. The librarian, Pat Ross is a gem
and quite knowledgeable. 

Bassett Library Address: <>

Happy Hunting.
Pete Ramsey <Blair Ramsey<<Eva Moore<<<Bettie Mary McGhee<<<<Victoria Minerva
"Sis" Ross<<<<<Lucinda Turner<<<<<<Meshack Turner m 1822 Nancy Martin.

Subj:	Which Shadrack
Date:	98-01-02 09:07:13 EST
From:	N4JED
CC:	NCreed1

Hey Kathe,

Happy New Years to you and yours...
Thanks for the  comments.  Let me just say it is not my theory.  Someone else
posted it along with their documentation last month.  Sounded pretty good and
I thought they addressed the Shadrack issue in their post.

Soooo, won't hurt my feelings to be proven right or wrong, I'm just compiling
what I read.  Wish I had more time to spend in the library, but won't happen
anytime soon (maybe when I retire in 20 years..HA, HA).

Let us know what you find out.


Subj:	 Goblintown/Elamsville
Date:	98-01-02 09:29:02 EST
From: (Eunice B. Kirkman)
To:	ncreed1@aol.Com (Nyla Creed)

I seem to have misplaced David Jone's address so I'll address this to the
list. In answer to David question: in Patrick county, VA, Goblintown is
still Goblintown, has been since the early 1700s.  Elamsville is still
Elamsville, has been for almost as long.  They are two separate places(as I
thought).  If one had been changed, it was news to me, but then that
wouldn't be that unusual since much of the world goes right by me.
Goblintown, so the story goes, was settled early on by a group of German
Emigrants who for some reason, pulled up stakes and moved on.  Some say
Moravians, but no one seems to know and there are some that disbelieve the
story.  O.E. Pilson tells me that land developers owned the land at that
time and in order to hold it, had to have people on it.  Historically,
during the French-Indian war, a detachment of soldiers from Fort Mayo camped
there for some time.   The Goblintown Baptist Church, founded many years ago
is still active.  I can remember my grandmother talking about hitching up
the buggy and "going to meeting" at Goblintown when she was a girl(about
1870).  They would put up a shelter for the preachers, there would be picnic
baskets by the dozens, tables and tables of food, and folks would socialize
all day while the preachers would harangue them about their sins. "Brother
so-and-so sure was filled by the spirit."  It is no longer even a community
with only scattered dwellings along the road.
Elamsville, however, is still much the same and is a community.  Certainly
can't be called a town, no longer has a post office, but is more thickly
populated and at least shares a spot on the map.
Now, for those interested in the photo that hangs in the Old Center
Primitive Baptist in Bassett(Henry County), it is that of Austin Cassell who
was an early minister there.
As you can see, I am definitely not a Historian.  Have to dig for my info,
but I hope this has helped.

Eunice B. Kirkman --------
   -=| Virginia - The cradle of the nation |=-

Subj:	 #247 Charles Ross
Date:	98-01-02 09:30:45 EST
From: (Janice Smith)
Reply-to: (Janice Smith)
To: (Nyla D. Creed)

The #247 comp. had a message from DAllen5178 re fwd: John Coop.  There was
no address to which to send the following requested material.  He asked for
the following family.  I don't know why he asked about Lee County.  Is that
where the family went?

CHARLES ROSS                                           2 JAN 1998

Prepared by: Janice Kinsler Smith

                                FIRST GENERATION

1.    Charles[1] Ross, son of Daniel Ross Jr. and Nancy Ingram. Born, 17 Jan
1810[1]. Died, 22 Feb 1896, in Patrick Co., Va.[2]. Birth(2) in Patrick Co.,
Va.[2]. Burial in Akers etc. Cem., Patrick Co., Va.[1].
      He married Louvinia Penn Foster, 20 Dec 1838, in Patrick Co., Va.[3].
Marr bonds, 13 Dec 1838, in Patrick Co., Va.[4]. Born, 13 Jun 1813[1]. Died,
Apr 1885, in Patrick Co., Va.[2]. Birth(2) in Patrick Co., Va.[2]. Burial in
Akers etc. Cem., Patrick Co., Va.[1]. Children:
            i.  James[2] Ross. Born, circa 1841, in Virginia[5]. Died, 20
                1861, in army[6]. Birth(2): Aug 1841, in Patrick Co.,
    2      ii.  Charles Foster Ross.
    3     iii.  Lucinda J. Ross.
           iv.  William L. Ross. Born, circa 1845, in Virginia[5].
    4       v.  Martha E. Ross.
           vi.  George Ross. Born, circa 1853, in Virginia[7].
          vii.  John J. or A. Ross. Born, 29 Dec 1855, in Patrick Co.,
CHARLES ROSS                                           2 JAN 1998

                                SECOND GENERATION

2.    Charles Foster[2] Ross (Charles, 1). Born, circa 1842, in Virginia[5].
Died, 26 Jun 1922, in Franklin Co., Va.[9]. Birth(2): 9 Feb 1843, in Patrick
Co., Va.[9].
      He married Fannie Jane Jamison, daughter of Lewis Jamison and Barbara
Prillaman. Born, 24 Mar 1850[9]. Died, circa 1945. Children:
            i.  ?Susan C.[3] Ross. Born, 18 Dec 1870, in Patrick Co.,
           ii.  Walter L. Ross. Born, 26 Mar 1873, in Patrick Co., Va.[8].
                      A Walter Lee Ross, born 1873, is buried at the Burnett
                Cemetery, Franklin Co., VA.

3.    Lucinda J.[2] Ross (Charles, 1). Born, 23 Mar 1843, in Patrick Co.,
Va.[10]. Died, 5 Apr 1902[1]. Burial in Akers etc. Cem., Patrick Co.,
      She married Samuel R. "Sam" Akers, 10 Dec 1868, in Patrick Co.,
Born, 25 Nov 1843, in Patrick Co., Va.[10]. Died, 17 Oct 1923[1]. Burial in
Akers etc. Cem., Patrick Co., Va.[1]. Children:
            i.  Alice Lee[3] Akers. Born, circa 1870, in Virginia[11].
           ii.  Mary Lou Akers. Born, 7 Mar 1871[1]. Died, 7 Jan 1940[1].
                Birth(2) in Virginia[12]. Burial in Akers etc. Cem., Patrick
                Co., Va.[1].
          iii.  Charles W. Akers. Born, Sep 1875, in Virginia[12]. Burial in
                Sycamore Baptist, Ch. Cem., Patrick Co., Va[13].
           iv.  Lillie E. Akers. Born, Jan 1879, in Virginia[12].

4.    Martha E.[2] Ross (Charles, 1). Born, 30 Sep 1849, in Patrick Co.,
Va.[10]. Died, 31 Jan 1913[1]. Burial in Akers etc. Cem., Patrick Co.,
      She married John A. Nolen, son of Charles P. Nolen and Nancy (Nolen),
Feb 1871, in Patrick Co., Va.[3]. Born, 1 Aug 1847, in Patrick Co., Va.[10].
Died, 9 Feb 1932[1]. Burial in Akers etc. Cem., Patrick Co., Va.[1].
            i.  Thomas L.[3] Nolen. Born, circa 1872, in Virginia[11].
           ii.  Charles L. or K. Nolen. Born, 8 Mar 1873, in Patrick Co.,
          iii.  John A. Nolen. Born, circa 1876, in Virginia.
           iv.  Fanny May Nolen. Born, 19 Apr 1878, in Patrick Co., Va.[14].
            v.  Nancy L. Nolen. Born, Jun 1882, in Virginia[12].
           vi.  George C. Nolen. Born, Feb 1888, in Virginia[12]. Died, 15
                1936[15]. Burial in Akers etc. Cem., Patrick Co., Va.[1].

CHARLES ROSS                                           2 JAN 1998

                              NOTES AND REFERENCES
  [1]O.E. Pilson, Tombstone Inscriptions, of the Cemeteries of Patrick
     Virginia, 1987. p.256.
  [2]Bureau of Vital Statistics death register for Patrick County, Va.
  [3]Patrick County marriage register.
  [4]Lela C. Adams, Marriages of_Patrick County Va._1791-1850, Mrs. Roy,
     Sherwood Forest, Bassett Va., 24055, 1972,.
  [5]1850 Census, Patrick County, Virginia.
  [6]Patrick County death register.
  [7]1860 Census, Rock Castle, Patrick County, Va.
  [8]Patrick County birth register.
  [9]from Nyla Creed board.
 [10]O.E. Pilson, Tombstone Inscriptions, of the Cemeteries of Patrick
     Virginia, 1987. p.256 and Patrick County marriage register.
 [11]1880 Census, Smith River, Patrick County, Virginia.
 [12]1900 Census, Smith River, Patrick County, Virginia.
 [13]O.E. Pilson, Tombstone Inscriptions, of the Cemeteries of Patrick
     Virginia, 1987. p.183.
 [14]Bureau of Vital Statistics birth register for Patrick County, Va.
 [15]O.E. Pilson, Tombstone Inscriptions, of the Cemeteries of Patrick
     Virginia, 1987. p.156.
Janice Kinsler Smith

Janice:  Thanks for sharing that information with us.  Nyla

Subj:	Re: Comp 316 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	98-01-02 12:53:48 EST
From:	DotInWayne
To:	NCreed1


Thanks for all the Turner info sent to me.

I thought I was on a Packwood mailing list. I don't get any, except what comes
by way of the Turners.

I'm still looking for proof of Richard & Nancy Spaulding Packwood's
marriage(census records) and their children(especially Martha md.Johnson
Thompson). I am trying to file another supplement for DAR and my proof must be
factual, with tax, census, or wills, just prrof of any sort.

Would someone out there,IF you find proof, tell me where, so I can go purchase
a book or whatever to get this over with.

Thanks again!!

Dottie Tabor Blankenship
Wayne, WV

Subj:	Re: Comp 316 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	98-01-02 13:01:52 EST
To:	NCreed1

I just wanted to say a big thank you to Nettie and Eunice for the Wood
informaton, to David for the Turner information and to Nyla for making this
all available to us.

This represents years and years of work, not to mention the hours and hours
putting it all together!!

Of course you all realize the e-mails may be a bit slow for quite some time.
It may take all of us YEARS to read it <grin>

Subj:	 Obituary
Date:	98-01-02 20:21:32 EST
From: (Nettie S. Clifton)
To:	ncreed1@AOL.COM (Creed, Nyla)


											From The Sun, Baltimore MD published 2 Jan 1998

On December 30, 1997, HARRY MARVIN TURNER JR. , devoted husband of Joan 
G. Turner, loving father of Gary and Tracy Turner and Kenneth Turner. 
cherished grandfather of Tiffani, Alexander and Tyler. Also survived by 
sister, Barbara Ann Turner McCartin.

Friends may call at the Ambrose Funeral Home of Landsdowne, 2719 
Hammonds Ferry Road on Friday 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 pm where funeral will be 
held on Saturday at 11 am. Interment Lakeview Memorial Park. 
Contributions may be made to the American Heart Association.

Subj:	Where people were born..
Date:	98-01-02 20:45:48 EST
From:	N4JED
CC:	NCreed1


I pick on Nyla about Virginia/West Virginia counties all the time, but I will
go easy on you ....:-)

I finally had a chance to look through part of the info you posted to Comp 275
and 276. While I am not sure of your source of this, I wish to suggest you
take a look at  the birth counties listed for people versus when the counties
were formed. Particularly in the early Packwoods. Patrick County, I believe
was formed in 1790.


Subj:	Children of William TURNER
Date:	98-01-02 21:22:17 EST
From:	N4JED
CC:	NCreed1


There appears to be a significant difference in your data (Comp 276) on the
children of William TURNER (Shadrack3, John2, Richard1) and that I have found
in a variety of sources.  In particular, the info you have listed for
William's son James is listed by most researchers for William's grandson by

All that I have seen lists James, son of William as married to Elizabeth KOGER
on 2 Nov 1801 in Patrick Co., VA  and they list George's son James Marshall
TURNER married to (1) Mary Anne JAMES on 24 Nov 1853, (2)Susan E. PHILPOTT on
2 Dec 1858 in Henry Co., VA., and (3) Virginia M. WOODS.  Note James M. TURNER
is also listed in George's will as his son and one of his executors.

Here is the info as I have it compiled.   ...David

Descendants of William TURNER

First Generation

1.	William TURNER was born 20 Jan 1753 in Halifax Co., VA, Royal Colony. He
died 11 Dec 1845 in Franklin Co., VA. William married (1) Jane HUNTER,
daughter of William HUNTER and Charity LOFTIS on 17 Apr 1773 in Pittsylvania
Co., VA. Jane was born 4 May 1758 in Louisa Co., VA, Royal Colony. She died 20
May 1851 in Franklin Co., VA.
They had the following children:
	+	2    M   	i.   George Wilson TURNER , Capt. was born 17 Oct 1776 and died
13 Aug 1854.
		3    M	 ii.	James TURNER was born 23 Apr 1778 in Henry Co., (later
Franklin), VA. He died Jul 1852 in Patrick Co., VA. James married (1)
Elizabeth KOGER on 2 Nov 1801 in Patrick Co., VA.
	+	4	M	iii.	John TURNER , Rev. was born 20 Sep 1789 and died 20 May 1874.
	+	5	F	iv.	Martha TURNER was born 7 May 1781 and died 30 Jun 1835.
	+	6	F	v.	Elizabeth E. TURNER was born 25 Jan 1783 and died 9 Feb 1873.
	+	7	M	vi.	Josiah Hunter TURNER was born 7 Dec 1784 and died 22 Feb 1866.
	+	8	F	vii.	Adelphia TURNER was born 4 Feb 1787 and died 19 Oct 1879.
	+	9	F	viii.	Sarah "Sally" TURNER was born 21 Dec 1788 and died 27 Apr 1874.
	+	10	M	ix.	William A. TURNER was born 1 Jan 1791 and died about 1859.
		11	F	x.	Jane TURNER was born 3 Oct 1792. She died 15 Aug 1880 in Henry Co.,
VA.  Jane married (1) Berty STONE.  Jane also married (2) James PHIFER on 10
May 1813 in Henry Co., VA. James was born about 1790 in VA.  James was a
veteran of the War of 1812.
	+	12	M	xi.	Andrew H. TURNER was born 27 May 1797 and died 3 Dec 1887.
	+	13	M	xii.	Meshack TURNER was born 16 Aug 1799 and died before 5 Aug 1878.
	+	14	M	xiii.	Elkanah B. TURNER was born 14 Aug 1801 and died 20 Jul 1887.

Second Generation

2.	George Wilson TURNER , Capt. was born 17 Oct 1776 in Henry Co., (later
Franklin), VA. He died 13 Aug 1854 in Franklin Co., VA.  George married (1)
Mildred "Milly" STONE, daughter of Stephen STONE and Bethseba HURT on 2 Nov
1801 in Henry Co., VA. Mildred was born 3 Mar 1780 in Franklin Co., VA. She
died 6 Mar 1864 in Henry Co., VA, CSA.
They had the following children:
		15	M	i.	Obadiah TURNER was born 24 Dec 1802 in Franklin Co., VA. Obadiah
married (1) Frances LAVINDER on 4 Nov 1822 in Franklin Co., VA. Frances was
born about 1802 in VA.
		16	F	ii.	Elizabeth "Betsy" TURNER was born 19 Aug 1804 in VA. She died 28
Nov 1894. Elizabeth married (1) Solomon KING on 6 Sep 1824 in Franklin Co.,
VA. Solomon was born about 1795 in Henry Co., VA. He died 1835.
		17	M	iii.	Stephen TURNER was born 6 Sep 1806 in Henry Co., VA. He died in
Henry Co., VA and was buried in family home, Henry Co., VA. Stephen married
(1) Ruth PRILLAMAN on 29 Nov 1832. Ruth was born 23 Dec 1813 in Franklin Co.,
VA. She died 5 Oct 1864 in Henry Co., VA, CSA.
		18	F	iv.	Jane Iona TURNER was born 3 Oct 1808 in VA. She died 29 Jan 1891 in
Patrick Co., VA and was buried in Shady Rest Cem., Patrick Co., VA. Jane
married (1) Daniel Prillaman HELMS, son of Thomas HELMS and Mary E. "Betsy"
PRILLAMAN on 21 Apr 1830 in Franklin Co., VA. Daniel was born 21 Apr 1809 in
Franklin Co., VA. He died 9 Mar 1896 in Patrick Co., VA.
		19	F	v.	Basheba TURNER was born 18 Oct 1810 in VA. She died 21 Sep 1885 in
Franklin Co., VA. Basheba married (1) Sampson J. DAVIS about 1836. Sampson was
born 28 Nov 1812 in VA. He died 9 Aug 1880.
		20	F	vi.	Ruth TURNER was born 6 Jul 1812 in Franklin Co., VA. She died 4 Oct
1884 in Franklin Co., VA. Ruth married (1) Samuel J. HOY on 21 Aug 1833 in
Franklin Co., VA. Samuel was born 18 Sep 1814 in Franklin Co., VA. He died 8
Dec 1860 in Franklin Co., VA.
		21	M	vii.	George Clinton TURNER was born 14 Dec 1814 in VA. George married
(1) Emeline MENEFEE on 2 Aug 1847 in Franklin Co., VA.	
 		22	F	viii.	Mildred Ann TURNER was born 6 Mar 1817 in VA. Mildred married
(1) Peter CANNADAY, son of James N. CANNADAY Jr and Sarah YOUNG. Peter was
born about 1813. He died about 1893.
		23	F	ix.	Martha TURNER was born 3 May 1819 in VA. Martha married (1) James
C. CANNADAY, son of James N. CANNADAY Jr and Sarah YOUNG. James was born 1815.
		24	M	x.	William Creed TURNER was born 1 Mar 1821 in VA.
		25	F	xi.	Sarah Hunt TURNER was born 30 Dec 1823 in VA. Sarah married (1)
James H. CANNADAY, son of Charles CANNADAY and Mary "Polly" INGRAM on 21 Nov
1843. James was born about 1827. He died about 1899 in TX.
		26	M	xii.	James Marshall TURNER was born 14 Apr 1827 in Franklin Co., VA. He
died 2 Oct 1872. James married (1) Mary Anne JAMES on 24 Nov 1853. Mary was
born 1834. She died 26 Aug 1856 in Franklin Co., VA. James also married (2)
Susan E. PHILPOTT, daughter of David Columbus PHILPOTT and Nancy Dianah CAHILL
on 2 Dec 1858 in Henry Co., VA. Susan was born 1839 in Henry Co., VA. She died
16 Jun 1862 in Franklin Co., VA. James also married (3) Virginia M. WOODS.
Virginia was born 1841. She died 1915.


The end of this compilation.