Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 23:41:10 EST From: NCreed1 <> To: Subject: Comp 319 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Subj: Halifax Co, Va Turners Date: 98-01-02 22:21:30 EST From: (june b.) Records of Turners, hopefully connected to John Turner who died 1764 in Halifax Co. - June 1748 Apr 27 - Land Entry Record Book - (p.73) by Marian Dodson Chiarito (1984) JOHN TURNER entered 400 acres.. Beginning at the Mouth of Goblintown Creek, thence up both sides. Also 200 acres beginning at the lower end of Peach Tree Bottom on the north side of IRWIN RIVER 1748 Oct 7 - Land Entry Records - p.82 Surveyed for James Gray.. 400 acres on north side of IRWIN RIVER beginning 400 yards above a cabin wherein JOHN TURNER LIVED.. Thence down. 1753 Feb 19 - Land Entry Records - p.176 SHADRACK TURNER entered 400 acres.. Beg. where Edmund Gray began his survey on Burtons line on Great Cherrystone thence on both sides.. Also 400 acres on Broad Run, Beg. where Jeremiah Scafe cross with his line, thence down the said Run on the said Scafes lines... 1753 Jul 6 - Land Entry Record - p.194 MESHECK TURNER enters 400 acres of land joining the lands of John Gillenton & Matthew Talbot on Stanton River. 1755 Nov 19 - Halifax Co, Va - At a Vestry held at Halifax Courthouse - p.20: "Pursuant to an Order of the County Court of Halifax bearing date the 17th of July last past (1755) for this Vestry to appoint Processioners accord-ing to law, whereupon it is ordered that JOHN TURNER and Daniel Ryon do procession the bounds of every particular Persons lands from the HEAD OF SMITH RIVER DOWN TO LEATHERWOOD and all the Lands up the said LEATHERWOOD to the head thereof and up the ridge to the beginning..." 1756 June 24 - Land Entry Records - p.190 JOHN TURNER entered 400 acres on the north side of IRWIN RIVER, about 12 miles above the mouth of GOBLINTOWN CREEK to begin at a poplar branded "T" thence up & down the River.. 1757 Jan 20 - Halifax Co, Va - Deed Bk 1:247 - Recorded: 17 Mar 1757 David Haley of Halifax to JOHN TURNER of same.. 25 lbs for 40 acres and is the land granted to said Haley by Patent dated 10 Sep 1755 bounded as by the patent is mentioned & expressed. All Houses, yards, gardens, fences, woods... Wit: Robert Hutchinson, Wm. Cox, Sacheveral Whitehead, Wm. Wright. 1757 Nov 17 - Halifax Co, Va - Deed Bk 1:326 - Recorded: 17 Nov 1757 William Byrd, Esq. Of Charles City Co to Roger Cason of Halifax.. 3 lbs for 250 acres beg. at POINTERS IN JOHN TURNERS line & thence south.. All trees, woods, etc. David Chadwell by power of atty for Wm. Byrd. 1757 Nov 20 - Halifax Co, Va - Deed Bk 1:372 - Recorded: 20 Nov 1757 John Watson of Halifax to Thomas Watson of same.. 40 lbs for 100 acres beginning ON SHADRACK TURNER'S line.. The old line, across the creek.. All woods.. Wit: Thomas Dillard Jr, Edward Polley, Jo. Laws, Joseph Polley. Memorandum of Livery & Seizure and Receipt Wit: Thomas Townsen (sic), Robert Adams Proved by the witnesses: Thomas Dillard Jr, Edward Polly Sr, Jo. Polly & Jo. Laws May 18 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 1:432 - Recorded: 18 May 1758 Thomas Finney of Halifax to JOHN TURNER of same.. 40 lbs for 115 acres beginning at a poplar on the north side of IRWIN RIVER, thence new lines north, west side of TOWN CREEK, crossing the mouth of MILL CREEK to a mulberry on said river, thence up the river to the beginning. No witnesses 1758 Nov __ - Halifax Co, Va - At a Vestry held for Antrim Parish - p.34 - (Levy laid 1758) Present: John Foulis Clerk, Richard Brown, Thomas Dillard, James Terry, Robert Gooding, James Dillard & Robert Wade Jr.: "To SHADRACK TURNER for one levy over paid...............30 lbs tobacco" 1759 Jan 22 - Halifax Co, Va - Deed Bk 1:518 - Recorded: 17 May 1759 Charles Talbot (son and heir at law of Matthew Talbor, dec'd of Bedford Co) To MESHECK TURNER of Halifax Co.. 30 lbs for 264 acres on south side of Stanton River, beginning at Joseph Collins corner on the river thence south, joseph law's line & bounded by said river on the north, granted to said Matthew Talbot by Patent dated 9 Dec 1758.. All houses, orchards, fences, woods... Wit: Paul Carrington, JOHN WARD, Clement Read Jr. 1759 Dec 21 - Halifax Co, Va - At a Vestry held for Antrim Parish - p.50 "In obedience to an Order of Vestry dated 19 Sep1759: "...MESHECK TURNERS back line not no one to shew the line..." 1760 Feb 6 - Halifax Co, Va Marriages MESHECK TURNER m. REBECCA ROBERTSON 1760 Feb 21 - Land Entry Records - p.253 SHADRICK TURNER enters 400 acres lying on the south side of Bearskin, beginning at a poplar marked "ST"... 1760 May 15 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 2:161 - Recorded: 15 May 1760 Wm. Byrd of Charles City Co to JOSEPH TURNER of Halifax Co.. 2 lbs for 220 acres on Lawsons Creek beg. at JAMES TURNER'S corner post oak thence on his line north.. David Caldwell by power of atty for Wm. Byrd.. /s/ WByrd. No Witnesses 1760 Jul 17 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 2:195 - Recorded 20 Aug 1760 James Shepard of Halifax Co to James Blackwell of same.. 15 lbs for 113 acres on south side of Hico Creek on Bold Branch Beg. near the branch thence south & bounded by the branches & the creek, part of a larger tract which said Shepard bought of WILLIAM BYRD, Esq. By deed dated 17 Nov 1752, relation thereto had may more fully appear. All appurtenances. /s/ James (J) Shepard Wit: JOHN TURNER, John Warren, JAMES TURNER 1760 Sep 18 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 2:209 - Recorded: 18 Sep 1760 Wm. Byrd of Charles City Co to WILLIAM TURNER of Halifax Co 50 shillings for 212 acres Beg. at a pine thence south.. to JAMES TURNERS corner.. All trees, woods, etc. David Chadwell by power of atty for Wm. Byrd. No witnesses. 1760 Oct 4 - Land Entry Records - p.257 SHADRECK TURNER enters 400 acres on north side of Green Rock Creek adjoining his own land beginning at a W.O. running up both sides for quantity... 1761 Apr 20 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 3:139 - Recorded 16 Jul 1761 William Byrd, Esq. Of Charles City Co to JOHN TURNER of Halifax Co, planter.. 7 lbs for 351 acres on Evans Creek, beg. at William Evans corner pine.. All trees, woods... David Caldwell by power of attorney for Wm. Byrd /s/ Wm. Byrd. Wit: Micajah Watkins, George Boyd Jr, Wm. Lawson, John Armstrong 1762 Mar 5 - Land Entry Records - p.222 Levi Shockley enters 400 acres on Town Creek adjoining SHADRACK TURNERS line on the south side.. 1762 Mar 18 - Halif ax Co, Va - DB 3:309 - Recorded 20 May 1762 WILLIAM BYRD, Esqr of Charles City Co to NATHAN TURNER of Halifax.. 6 lbs for 700 acres on the Mayo, beg. At Jones' corner poplar on Mayo thence south.. All woods, underwoods... David Chadwell by power of atty for William Byrd.. /s/ WByrd; No Witness. 1762 Mar 26 - Land Entry Book - p.225 JOHN TURNER enters 400 acres begining at the mouth of Runnet Bag Creek, thence up the creek on both sides 1762 Apr 20 - Land Entry Book - p.227 SHADRACK TURNER entered 400 acres on the town fork adjoining his upper line beginning at a white oak, thence up both sides... 1762 May 19 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 3:293 - Recorded 20 May 1762 Abraham Rogers of Halifax Co to Francis Nash of same.. 250 lbs for 418 acres on the south side of DAN RIVER whereon said Abraham now lives.. Beg. at a scaley barked hickory on Chapmans Branch.. Thence north.. /s/ Abraham Rogers Wit: Jonathan Gibson, Peter Rogers, David Lawson, JOSEPH TURNER 1762 May 20 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 3:316 - Recorded: 20 May 1762 Wm. Byrd of Charles City Co to NATHAN TURNER of Halifax Co.. 2 lbs, 16 shillings for 250 acres on Winns Creek.. Beg. on Watkins line thence north.. David Chadwell by power of atty for Wm. Byrd. No witnesses 1762 May 20 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 3:336 - Recorded: 20 May 1762 William Byrd of Charles City Co to RICHARD TURNER of Halifax 3 lbs for 306 acres on the branches of Wynnes Creek & Evans Creek.. Beg. at a white oak thence south.. On Watkins line.. David Chadwell by power of atty for Wm. Byrd. /s/ WByrd. No witnesses. *[Note see reference to DAVID CHADWELL in Henry Co below] 1762 May 20 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 3:361 - Recorded: 20 May 1762 Wm. Byrd of Charles City Co to Peter Rogers of Halifax Co. 3 lbs for 410 acres on the Stone House Branch.. Beg. at Sanders corner.. JOHN TURNER'S CORNER.. James Caldwell's line.. Wiley's corner.. David Chadwell, by power of atty for Wm. Byrd. No witnesses 1762 May 20 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 3:364 - Recorded: 20 May 1762 Wm. Byrd of Charles City Co to WILLIAM TURNER of Halifax Co.. 3 lbs, 15 shillings for 375 acres on branches of Lawsons Creek.. Beg. at JAMES TURNER'S corner.. Link's line.. Giles Rogers line.. David Chadwell by power of atty for Wm. Byrd. No witnesses 1762 Nov 1 - Halifax Co, Va - Will Bk O:180 - Proved: 21 Jun 1764 Will of JOHN TURNER written; Proved: 21 June 1764. I, JOHN TURNER, sick & weak in body... #1 - To my wife, 6 head of horse creatures, 3 cows, 2 calves & 1 heifer & � of: hogs, household goods & chattles, peace of land at PERTOMUCK on GOOSE CREEK & 4 sheep whom I likewise appt my Executrix.. #2 - To my son JAMES TURNER - 6 horse creatures & a piece of land on SMITH RIVER BETWEEN ANGELS FALLS & NICHELLASES CREEK #3 - To my daughters, ELIZABETH TURNER & JESSIE TURNER a piece of land called BUTRAMTOWN to be equally divided between them... #4 - The other half of my household goods & chattles & half my cattle & hogs to be divided between my 6 CHILDREN I HAD BY MY FIRST WIFE.. #5 - To my other TWO DAUGHTERS, JEMIMA TURNER & MARY TURNER a piece of land on SMITH RIVER WHERE I DID FORMERLY LIVE ON SOUTH SIDE OF RIVER about one mile below the MOUTH OF GOBLINTOWN CREEK.. #6 - To my son JOHN TURNER & MY SON ISREAL TURNER one NEGRO BOB to be divided between them when they come of age 18.. If they cannot agree for one to keep him & pay the other or sold & money divided.. #7 - To son ISREAL TURNER, a peace of land on GBLINTOWN CREEK at the MOUTH OF SHOL BRANCH.. #8 - To son JOHN, 1 rifle gun and labour of the NEGRO I devised to be for to raise the 6 CHILDREN as I had BY MY FIRST WIFE TILL ONE OF THE BOYS IS 18 YEARS OLD. Wit: Archibald Thompson, Samuel Crowley, James Strong. Exec: wife (2nd) ELIZABETH. Security Bond: Merry Webb & Samuel Crowley 1764 Jun 21 - Last will of JOHN TURNER dec'd presented by ELIZABETH TURNER one of the Exec.. Security Bond by Merry Webb & Samuel Crowley [Children: Son: JAMES TURNER, land on Smith River Dau: Elizabeth Turner, land on Butramtown Creek Dau: Jessie Turner, land on Butramtown Creek Dau: Jemima Turner, land on Smith River below Goblintown Creek Dau: Mary Turner, land on Smith River below Goblintown Creek Son: JOHN TURNER, under 18 in 1762 (b.1744-1762) * Son: ISRAEL TURNER, land on Goblintown Creek; NEGRO: BOB; Israel under age 18 (b.1744-1762). Inventory: 25 Feb 1765 - Appraised by John Talbot, Patrick Sheilds, Samuel Shields. * [Note: see Israel Turner's will in Henry Co - names � brother WILLIAM TURNER] 1762 Nov 15 - Land Entry Book - p.236 SHADRACK TURNER entered 400 acres on waters of Cherrystone Creek adjoining the lower lines of his last entry when surveyed on Green rock Creek.. thence down joining Burtons Order line. John Watson entered 400 acres on the south branches of Cherrystone Creek adjoining the lower lines of SHADRACK TURNERS last entry when run. 1762 Dec 10 - Land Entry Book - p.238 SHADRICK TURNER entered 400 acres adjoining Burtons Order Line & Winfreys & Walkers lower liness... 1763 Feb 2 - Halifax Co, Va Marriages JAMES TURNER m. MARY McMAHANEY 1763 Feb 16 - At a Vestry held for Antrim Parish at Halifax Courthouse - p.64 Pursuant to an order of the County Court of Halifax bearing date 18 Aug last past for this Vestry to appt processions.. Ordered that John Pigg, Thomas Watson and SHADRICK TURNER do procession the Patent land in the following bounds: Beginning at the MOUTH OF LITTLE CHERRY STONE CREEK thence up BANISTER RIVER to the head thence down the Ridge to the head of Little Cherry stone and down the same to the Beginning..." 1763 Feb 16 - At a Vestry held for Antrim Parish at Halifax Courthouse for Laying the Parish Levie - p.69. Pursuant to an order of the County Court of Halifax dated 18 Aug last past for this vestry to appoint processioners according to law whereupon it is ordered that Edward Booker, Francis Luck, MESHECK TURNER, James Collins and William Collins do procession all the Patent Land in the following bounds, Beginning at Bookers Ferry thence up the Ferry Road to Dillards Road thence along the same to Straitstone Creek thence down the creek to the River thence down the River to the Beginning..." 1763 May 19 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 4:243 - Recorded: 19 May 1763 Wm. Byrd of Charles City Co to JOSEPH TURNER of Halifax Co.. 2 lbs for 210 acres on branches of Lawsons Creek.. on Abraham Rogers corner.. Link's corner.. Logan's corner, Youngs old line.. Martins line.. on JOSEPH TURNER'S POINTERS. All trees, woods... David Chadwell by power of atty for Wm. Byrd.. No Witnesses. 1764 May 1 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 5:187 - Recorded: 16 Aug 1764 NATHAN TURNER of Halifax Co to Valentine Nicks (?) of same.. 12 lbs for 100 acres on south side of Hico River Beg. at William Follas' [Foleys?] corner.. Thence north to Follas' line. All appurtenances thereunto belonging.. /s/ NATHAN TURNER . Wit: Wm. Stokes, James McDaniel, Daniel (2) Dean, Edward Wade 1764 May 14 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 5:112 - Recorded: 21 Jun 1764 Richard Parsons of Halifax to George Parsons of same.. 10 lbs for 100 acres, part of a greater quantity. Beg. at Currie's Order line on the south side of Little Cherrystone Creek.. Sutherton's Branch.. It being the land said George Parson lives on.. All houses, buildings, gardens.. /s/ Richard Parsons. Wit: Thomas Townsend, SHADRACK TURNER, Christopher Gorman 1764 Jun 20 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 5:131 - Recorded: 21 Jun 1764 Christopher Gorman of Halifax to John Gorman of same.. 10 lbs for 100 acres on the branches of Mill Creek.. being the upper part of the land said Gorman lives on.. All houses, buildings.. /s/ Christopher (+) Gorman. Wit: SHADRACK TURNER, Richard Parsons, Thomas Townsend. 1764 Jul 20 - Halifax Co, Va - Will Bk O:186 Paul Chiles - Accounts Current. Pd: SHADRACK TURNER, John Denny, John Ward... By John Hanby, Thomas Dillard Jr, John Donelson... 1764 Jun 21 - Halifax Co, Va - Will Bk O:197 Last Will of JOHN TURNER, dec'd presented in Court by ELIZABETH TURNER, one of the Executors. Security Bond: Merry Webb & Samuel Crowley 1765 Feb 25 - Inventory & Appraisement - p.197 9 horses... Taken by John Talbot, Patrick Shields, Samuel Shields. 1764 Jul 19 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 5:149 - Recorded: 19 Jul 1764 Jacob Martin of Halifax to John Scrimsher [Scrimshaw] of same.. 2 lbs for 100 acres on Lawson's Creek.. Wm. Link's line.. WILLIAM TURNER'S line.. All trees, woods, underwoods.. /s/ Jacob (+) Martin. No witnesses 1764 Aug 16 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 5:173 - Recorded; 16 Aug 1764 William Byrd of Charles City Co to JAMES TURNER of Halifax Co.. 3 lbs for 290 acres on Evans Creek.. Beg. at James Watkins corner.. Lawsons Creek.. David Caldwell's corner.. All woods, underwoods, ways.. David Caldwell by power of atty for Wm. Byrd. No witnesses. 1764 Nov 4 - Land Entry Book - p.266 SHADRICK TURNER entered 400 acres beginning at the head of Green Rock Creek where the old road crosses it.. Thence down on both sides and extending towards Bearskin... 1765 Feb 21 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 5:261 - Recorded: 21 Feb 1765 SHADRACK TURNER of Halifax Co to Joseph Byrde of same.. 12 lbs for 400 acres.. Beg. on north side of Pigg River, thence new lines south.. over the Broad Run.. All appurtenances thereunto belonging. /s/ SHADRACK TURNER. No witnesses 1765 May 16 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 5:323 - Recorded: 16 May 1765 Peter Rogers of Halifax to Nathaniel Chapman of same.. 9 lbs for 295 acres Beg. at a pine thence south.. to JOHN TURNER'S corner.. James Caldwell's corner.. All appurtenances.. /s/ Peter Rogers. No witnesses 1765 May 16 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 5:336 NATHAN TURNER of Halifax to Roger Atkinson of Dinwiddie.. [Roger was a real estate merchant buying up large tracts of land in Halifax, etc.] 30 lbs for 31 acres near Hico River adjoining said Adkisson's own line. All appurtenances. /s/ NATHAN TURNER; No witnesses 1765 May 16 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 5:341 - Recorded: 16 May 1765 NATHAN TURNER of Halifax Co to JOHN WARD of Bedford Co.. 18 lbs for 280 acres on Wynns Creek. Beg. at a white oak joining RICHARD TURNER'S land, James Watkins land.. Hugh Kellys land & Thweet's land.. All woods, etc. /s/ NATHAN TURNER; No witnesses 1765 Jul 24 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 5:473 - Recorded: 20 Sep 1765 NATHAN TURNER of Halifax Co to Roger Atkinson of Dinwiddie Co, Merchant.. 22 lbs, 10 shillings for 569 acres on west side of MAYO on Sugar Tree Creek part of a tract of 700 acres granted said TURNER on 20 May 1762 from WILLIAM BYRD, Esq.. Reference to said deed may more fully describe; Beg. at Thomas Jones' corner on Mayo or Sugar Tree aforesaid, thence south.. Valentine Nicks line.. Said Atkinson's corner, Thomas Jones corner near Hico... /s/ NATHAN TURNER. Wit: Wm. Stokes, John Portars, John Leek, John (x) Taylor 1765 Sep 18 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 5:494 - Recorded: 19 Sep 1765 Daniel Dean of Halifax Co to John Gordon of same.. 30 lbs for 630 acres on both sides of Evans Creek.. Beg. at JOHN TURNER'S CORNER.. William Evans line.. Thence north. All trees, woods, ways.. /s/ Daniel (2) Dean. Wit: Wm. Stokes, David Lawson, John Lawson 1765 Oct 16 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 5:546 William Coper (sic) of Halifax Co to John Williamson of same.. The said John (sic?) Coper for 5 lbs.. 160 acres on the head of Deep Botim (sic) Creek.. Lawsons line. All appurtenances thereunto belonging.. "Unto the said William Stokes & the said NATHAN TURNER grant said John Williamson" that the said John Coper to said John Williamson... /s/ John (x) Coper. Wit: G. Watkins, John Sanders Sr, William Logen. Wife of John Coper relinquished dower rights. (Note: there was no explanation for the wording of the above deed). 1765 Oct 25 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 6:16 - Recorded: 17 Jul 1766 Charles Mullins Sr of Halifax Co to Roger Atkinson of Dinwiddie Co.. 30 lbs for 500 acres on the Halfway Creek.. joining the lines of Wm. Borum, Wm. Lawson, Edward Gidion. All woods, underwoods... /s/ Charles (x) Mullins. Wit: Jonathan Gibson, JOHN (J) TURNER, Wm. Lawson, Mary (M) Gibson 1766 Apr 3 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 2:343 - Recorded 21 Aug 1766. John Caldwell wife wife Barbery of Halifax Co to Peter Rogers of same.. 10 lbs for 160 acres on waters of Lawsons Creek.. beg. at Lawson's corner pine; thence south.. All woods, underwoods, etc. /s/ John (X) Caldwell, Barbra (B) Caldwell. Wit: JOSEPH TURNER, Wm. Harding, Thomas Cason, Thomas Guterey Barbary relinquished dower rights. 1766 May 27 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 2:283 - Recorded: 21 Aug 1766 Peter Rogers of Halifax Co to Roger Atkinson of Dinwiddie Co.. 20 lbs for 100 acres on waters of Lawsons Creek. Beg. at a pine corner in William Link's line thence south. WILLIAM TURNER'S line.. All estate right, title, etc. /s/ Peter Rogers. Wit: Wm. Stokes, John Smith, Jonathan Gibson 1766 Jun 16 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 6:65 - Recorded: 17 Jul 1766 John Owen of Halifax Co, yeoman & Betty his wife to JAMES TURNER of Culpeper Co, planter.. 130 lbs for 400 acres, part of Nicholes' Order of Council which was conveyed to said Owen.. Beg. at a black jack thence north.. Crossing Courthouse Road, further crossing race paths & crossing the old road leading to Mann's.. All houses, buildings, gardens.. /s/ John Owen, Betty (+) Owen. Wit: Joseph Robards, Ambrose Nickolse, Abraham Legrand, Joshua Stone Jr, Christopher (CK) Kabler, Jesse Nickolse 1767 Tax List - Pittsylvania Co, Va - (Partial) List of tithes taken by Peter Perkins [of those who dwelt along the Sandy River]: SHADRACK TURNER - 3 tithes; 256 acres sons: JOHN TURNER & JOSIAH TURNER 1767 Apr 2 - Halifax Co, Va - At a Vestry held for Antrim Parish on Saturday - p.98 "Thomas Spencer, George Stubblefield, George Dardin and Moses Eckols returned a Report of Processioning by them performed since the 2nd day of Nov last past...A return of Processioning in the year of Lord 1768. TALMON HARBOUR processioned himself... JAMES TURNERS land processioned himself, >From Burches Creek to Millers Road & to Robards Road up the county line." 1767 Apr 2 - Halifax Co, Va - At a Vestry held for Antrim Parish on Saturday - p.96 JAMES TURNER JUNR., John Williams, Peter Hudson and Robert Hudson returned a report of Processioning by them since the 2nd day of Nov last. In obedience to an Order of Vestry held the 24th Aug 1767 we have processioned the following lands: ... JAMES TURNER SENR...." 1767 Aug 24 - Halifax Co, Va - At a Vestry held for Antrim Parish on Monday - p.20. "For reasons appearing to this Vestry JOHN TURNER is exempted from the payment of Parish Levys for the future.. Test: John Cox Clerk of Vestry." 1767 Aug 24 - Halifax Co, Va - At a Vestry held for Antrim Parish on Monday - p.87. "Pursuant to an Order of the County Court of Halifax bearing date 16 July last past for this Vestry to appt. processioners ..It is ordered that John Williams, Robert Hudson, Peter Hudson and JAMES TURNER, GENT do procession the bounds of every persons lands between DIFFICULT CREEK & BLANKES FERRY ROAD from Stanton River to Stewarts Ferry Road 1767 Aug 24 - Halifax Co, Va - At a Vestry held for Antrim Parish on Monday - p.88. Pursuant to an Order of the County Court of Halifax dated 16 July last past (1767) for this Vestry to appoint Processioners.. It is ordered that Joseph Collins, Spilsbee Trible, MESHECK TURNER, Charles Bostick, Peter Tribble and William Bays do procession every persons lands beginning at the mouth of Childree Creek thence up Stanton River to Bull Creek thence up the said Creek to Hickeys Road, thence up the said road to the Millstone Road, thence the same to Bookers Courthouse Road, thence down the same to Childree Creek, thence down the said Creek to the Beginning..." 1767 Apr 25 - Halifax Co, Va - DB 6:366 - Recorded: 21 May 1767 Peter Bays of Halifax Co to Thomas Yuille, James Murdock & Co of Halifax Co 80 lbs which said Bays is indebted to said Yuille, Murdock & Co & to secure payment.. 5 shillings like money to say Bays, 143 acres on the south side of Staunton River BOUNDED ON THE LOWER SIDE BY MESHACK TURNER'S LAND.. His own survey on the back part of a tract belonging to the orphans of Isaac Echols, dec'd on the upper side.. All appurtenances.. Upon trust nevertheless.. /s/ Peter Bays. Wit: John Hughes, John Smith, James Smith. 1771 Dec 13 - Halifax Co, Va - Will Bk 1:349 - Recorded: 17 May 1781 Last Will of JOHN TURNER written...being sick & weak of body but of perfect and disposing mind... To my wife ANN TURNER my whole estate of land horses cattle hogs sheep with all my household furniture & working tools during widowhood, but if she marries the same estate to be sold to the highest bidders & money equally divided among my LIVING CHILDREN that is at her marriage or decease. Exr: wife ANN TURNER & my loving friend, Marmaduke Standfield Wit: James Watts, Milley Stanfield, William Powell. Proved 17 May 1781 by Anne Turner, widow & also Exr. & proved by two witnesses. Security: John Irvine & WILLIAM TURNER 1781 Jun 4 - Inventory & Appraisment of JOHN TURNER, dec'd. Among items listed: horses, mares, cattle, hogs, sheep, geese, household goods, two guns, Dutch over & gridle, plantation tools, shewmakers & carpenter tools, 3 mens saddles, saddle bags, 7 bee hives, sheets, books, 30 plates, 29 spoons.. Total: 27660.0.0. By John Dickie, Phillip Day, William Watkins, John Salmon 1773 Jul 21 - Halifax Co, Va - Will Bk 1:45 - Recorded; 21 Oct 1773 Last will of JAMES TURNER.. Being low in body.. To my loving wife during her widowhood, 4 Negroes: Daniel, Sancho, Jeanny & Milly... To my son JAMES TURNER after my wifes marriage or decease, the 4 above Negroes... To my son in law, JAMES SMITH all my wearing cloaths.. The balance of my estate to be sold & equally divided amongst all my children. Exr: son James Turner & my wife KARENHAPPOCK TURNER.* Wit: Thomas Hope, William Drake, Abraham LeGrand. Security Bond: Nathaniel Terry, Gent. *[Note: Karenhappuck Turner remarried Robert Sanford who d. testate by June 1782 & left 1/3rd of his estate to children of James Turner & James Smith & David Flint...] 1774 March Court - Halifax Co, Va - Will Bk 1:67 Inventory and appraisement of ISAAC MARTIN'S estate taken by Joseph Collins, MESHECK TURNER, Wm. Guillentine. Among Items listed: Negro man BOB, girl Nan, girl Sue... Isaac Martin named children: Sons, Jacob, James, John, Isaac, Wm., Nathan, Giles Martin; Daus: Hannah, wife of Benjamin Hubbard Sarah Martin, Mary Martin (unmarried) & her dau, Lucy Martin, Rachel, wife of John Trible, Elizabeth, wife of John Dyer, Phillis Martin 1775 Jul 28 - Halifax Co, Va - Will Bk 1:126 Last will of Larkin Cason written. Wit: John Banks, JOHN (T) TURNER, LEWIS TURNER, Stephen Townes. Will recorded: 19 oct 1775 - Presented by witnesses Security Bond: Marmaduke Standfield, Joseph Talbot ======== Revolutionary War Service for men of Henry Co, Va. FRANCIS TURNER: 3rd Va Regt and Light Horse of Albemarle Co, Va ISRAEL TURNER: to be buried at discretion of Commanding officer at Ft. Patrick Henry; wages are due him for his service to the Commonwealth. 1777 Feb 18 - Henry Co, Va - Will Bk 1:1-2 - Recorded: no probate date * Will of ISRAEL TURNER [son of John Turner who died 1764 in Halifax Co, Va] To be buried at the discretion of the commanding officer at Ft. P. Henry. To my eldest brother [JAMES] that part of Negro BOB which is half the price of said Negro and all my cloathing which lays in possession of David Chadwell [sic, Caldwell] living in Pittsylvania County on Smith's River and likewise all my wages that is coming to me for my service in the Commonwealth of Virginia; Also to brother JOHN.. /s/ ISRAEL TURNER. My half brother WILLIAM TURNER have 1 cow and calf of David Chaswell [sic, Caldwell] valued to 45 shillings. Wit: G. Harttd [?], John Redd. 1778 Aug 24 - Marriage Bonds of Bedford Co, Va JAMES TURNER to SALLY LEFTWICH.. Robert Alexander, Bondsman. Certificate of John W. Holt saying that Majr. Leftwich has given his consent to the marriage of his daughter Sally. 1779 Tax List - Henry Co, Va JOHN TURNER WILLIAM TURNER SHADRACK TURNER JOSIAH TURNER JOHN TURNER (Smith River) 1779 Apr 22 - Henry Co, Va - Deed Bk 1:216-217 SHADRACK TURNER of Henry Co to WILLIAM TURNER of same.. 100 lbs for 20 acres more or less on the south side of Town Creek following the old line according to the Pattent to the Creek.. /s/ SHADRACK TURNER 1779 Nov 24 - Henry Co, Va - Deed Bk 1:295-6 Carr Bailey and MARY TURNER of Henry Co to DAVID CHADWELL of Pittsylvania Co.. 2400 pounds Virginia money do convey land and all that pertains to it containing 40 acres lying and being in said county of Henry beginning at a beech on the SOUTH SIDE OF SMITH RIVER.. Wit: Charles Barker, Edward Barker, William *[Note: Note the name of David Chadwell - see Halifax Co deeds: William Byrd to Turners, by David Chadwell, power of atty for Wm. Byrd]. 1780 Feb 20 - Henry Co Va - Tax List for raising a supply of money for the Service of the US: Nathaniel Tate JOSIAH TURNER WILLIAM TURNER SHADRICK TURNER JOHN TURNER GEORGE WALLER - Commissioner of Henry Co 1781 May 17 - Halifax Co, Va - Will Bk 1:349 Last will of JOHN TURNER, dec'd proved in Court - Written: 13 Dec 1771 (see above). Presented by ANNE TURNER, widow & relict. Security Bond: John Irvine & WILLIAM TURNER 1783 Oct 25 - Henry Co, Va - Will Bk 1:90-91 - Recorded: 22 Jul 1784. Will of SHADRACK TURNER. To my sons, LARKIN TURNER & JEREMIAH TURNER, the land and plantation that I NOW LIVE UPON as far as the right hand branch and up the branch to the dreen above the road, thence up the branch sides as far as the road. Also one horse and saddle to each. To my son WILLIAM TURNER the land over the right hand branch.. To the the road.. To Daniel Smith's corner.. To the Waggon Ford by the apple orchard. To my daughter EXEONY TURNER one hors and saddle and two cows and calves and a ewe and lamb and one sow and piggs and the land upon the TURKEY PENN BRANCH and up the creek to my son WILLIAM'S line on both sides of the creek. The remainder part to LARKIN & JEREMIAH TURNER. To my daughter EXEONY TURNER, one feather bed. The house is to be finished out of the estate. To my beloved wife ANN TURNER the plantation I now live on and all the movable estate during her life time then to be divided between ALL MY CHILDREN AND MY GRANDDAUGHTER ELIZABETH, JOHN, JOSIAH, WILLIAM, MARY, LARKIN, JEREMIAH EXEONY, MARY HUNTER. My two sons, JOHN TURNER and WILLIAM TURNER executors. /s/ SHADRACK TURNER I expected I had finished the will but cunsid the Alfem children I give my executors power ar the time of marriage LUCIA ROBBS have a cow and calf and other necessaries but if LUCIA or SALLY DIE without issue to return to my estate. I desire my children may have learning as far as may do country business (that is the boys). The girls to read out of the estate. /s/ SHADRACK TURNER. Wit: Saml. Critchfield, JOHN HUNTER, Richard (x) Stone. 1784 Jul 22 - Exhibited by JOHN and WILLIAM TURNER the executors who gave bond with Peter Saunders and Robert Stockden securitied. Proved by the witnesses. 1783 Nov 26 - Marriage Bonds of Bedford Co, Va JOSIAH TURNER of Henry Co, Va to MILLEY KEY. Bondsman, George Key 1784 Aug 17 - Henry Co, Va - Will Bk 1:91-92 - Proved: 28 Oct 1784 Will of William Stanley of Henry Co being very sick... Wit: JOHN TURNER, WILLIAM HUNTER, Wm. Mullins 1785 Apr 25 - Henry Co, Va - Will Bk 1:101 - Wm. Standly Inventory by JOHN TURNER, WILLIAM TURNER, JOHN HUNTER 1787 Apr 9 - Henry Co, Va - Will Bk 1:146-7 Inventory of Blackmore Hughes, dec'd. Appraised by Thomas Morrow, Francis Turner, Matthew Small & Joseph Herd, sworn before MR. ADAM LACKEY. 1789 Jun 29 - Henry Co, Va - Will Bk 1:175 ADAM LACKEY Inventory. Appraised by: FRANCIS TURNER, Jeremiah Burnett, James Morrow. Total: 213.16.0 1790 Oct 22 - Henry Co, Va - Will Bk 1:190 William Standley - Division of estate made by LARKIN TURNER, Daniel Smith, George Reeves - divided among 10 children. 1791 - Henry Co, Va - Will Bk 1:264-6 Mordecai Hord - Estate account. Payments made to ______ CHADWELL (for taking care of cattle in POWELL'S VALLEY) . A. HUNTER & WIFE, WILLIAM TURNER ====================== The end of this compilation.