Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 21:46:35 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: Comp #336 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

11 Jan 1998

Greetings to Everyone:

Welcome to the new folks.  If you haven't done so already, check out all our
compilations on Chris Gaunt's home page:  http://www-

Any information you care to share on your family will be appreciated.  

Compilations #326 through #335 are from Chris Dawson.  She has additional
information on Packwood/Turner descendants still living that is not included
in the above-mentioned compilations.  Thanks Chris for sharing that
information with us.

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA

Subj:	Foley family
Date:	98-01-10 09:11:39 EST
From:	HarrisSEM
To:	NCreed1

Would anybody happen to have any information on the following Foleys?  

P. Mary Foley b. abt 1825-1833 in VA.  Died after 1880 in Patrick Co., Va.
She married Samuel Sneed Jr.  I noticed in the 1850 Pat. Co. census that
Samuel and Mary were family 95, and that Samuel's father, Samuel Sr, was
family 103, and then there is a James Foley Sr., and  wife Judith who are
family 104. Would anybody know if they would be Mary's parents and have more
information about them?

Also would Salley Foley, who married John T. Sneed ,son of Samuel Sneed Sr.,
be P. Mary Foley's sister?

Thanks a lot for any help!


Subj:	Re: Comp #325 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	98-01-10 10:46:01 EST
From:	CarBurCo
To:	NCreed1

This is just one of those wild-hair questions, but here goes:

   In the TURNER family: does anyone know of two brothers named

BOSWELL TURNER and ABNER TURNER who lived in Green County, Georgia?
They would have been born in the 1770's or so and they married sisters whose
last name was LOVE, daughters of COL. DAVID LOVE (1740 Anson Co. NC-1798
Greensboro, Ga) and his wife JEAN BLEWETT. 

Please let me know if anyone has them.

Caroline Burnett Cook 

Folks:  The following message was forwarded to me.   Anyone recognize RANSOM

Forwarded Message: 
Date:	98-01-10 15:41:02 EST
From: (Jim Turner)
To: (Multiple recipients of list)

We're seeking info on our ancestor RANSOM TURNER, supposedly born in
Isle of Wight circa 1774. Possibly migrated to TN, or maybe that was
one of his sons, also RANSOM.
Any info or leads would be greatly appreciated.

Subj:	Re: Comp #325 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	98-01-10 19:54:56 EST
From:	Yoricat
To:	NCreed1

     I imagine it was me that talked about Caroline County and Richard Turner.
I sent copies to those who sent emails asking me personally to send copies.  I
will be glad to send copies to those who desire copies.  I sent both a copy of
the 1704 King & Queen tax list and copies from the Caroline County Order Book.
I will also send dates for those who wish to do their own research.

                                                        Jeanette O'Boyle
Subj:	Re: Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	98-01-10 19:56:55 EST
From:	EMason2372
To:	NCreed1

Yes I am still interested.  Still trying to find info on Solomon Turner.  
Thanks,  Elizabeth Mason

Folks:  Does anyone recognize SOLOMON TURNER?  njd

Subj:	 Joining the group
Date:	98-01-11 15:48:29 EST
From: (Jim Hickman)

I am a Burnett on my mother's side.

I would like to join the group.  Please see my Genealogy Site at:

Jim Hickman

Subj:	 Turner family
Date:	98-01-11 17:11:01 EST
From: (Larry & Barb Thomas)
To:	NCreed1@AOL.COM


Can you help me with the Turner family page.  I signed up for the rootsweb
page and I have been slowly going through the Turner archive pages.  But
I'm confused if this info, like David's major listing of Turners in on the
rootsweb letter, or is sent to you.  If I want to add something, should I
send it to you, or the rootsweb letter??  I appreciate your help.  And if
not rootsweb, how do I start getting on the mailing list? Thanks.  

[Larry:  I've added you to our mailing list.  Thanks for the additional info
on Ruth TURNER Hurt.  Nyla}

I am going ahead and add one generation of info to the list, if I'm sending
it to the wrong place I'll do it again.  Let me know.  And feel free to
edit to size.

@ #38 - Ruth TURNER- 1763 was b. about 1730 in Bedford Co., VA  Ruth
married (1) Moses HURT-1762
#174- i.  James Hurt -1764 was b. 1749 probably in Caroline Co., VA.  He
was named in a deed of gift along with his parents, Moses and Ruth Turner
Hurt, from his maternal grandfather,  #13-James TURNER-7820 for 200 acres
on Mobberly's Creek recorded March 23, 1761 Bedford Co. VA. He enlisted as
a private in the Virginia line and fought in the battles of Camden,
Guilford Court House and others.  On Dec 20, 1819 he appeared in Maury Co.
Tn court to apply for a pension.  He appeared again on June 21, 1821 where
he said he was a tiller of the earth and was in his 73d year.  He died
about 1822 in TN.  James married Ann Phelps??.  His children are 1. James,
2. Tempe m. Thomas Campbell, 3. Obedience m Lewis Dearen (Dearing), 4.
Millicent m. Samuel Fields, 5. Anna m. John Fields, 6. Nancy m. Littleberry
Stone, 7. Elijah m. Polly Overstreet, 8. Colby? m. Sarah or Senah Wray.

While I'm at it, let me throw out my Turner on my father's side.  I've
never researched it, but if anyone has ever ran across them I would love to
hear from them as you can see, I don't know much.  

Mary Jane Turner married James Thomas, had a son Lawrence Washington Thomas
b. Oct 12, 1881 Sulpher Springs, TX.

Thanks a lot and keep up the good work.

Larry Thomas
Stanton, MO

Subj:	Retirement???
Date:	98-01-11 20:29:07 EST

Hi All,
This was sent to me by my husband's uncle.  Hope everyone enjoys it!

After a Christmas break, a  teacher asked her young pupils how they spent
their     holidays.  One small boy wrote the following:

 We always used to spend Christmas with grandpa
 and grandma.  They used to live here in a big brick home, but grandpa got
 retarded and they moved to Florida.  Now they live in a place with a lot
 of other retarded people.  They all live in little tin boxes.  They ride
 on big three-wheeled tricycles and they all wear name tags because they
 don't know who they are.  They go to a big building called a wrecked
 hall, but if it was wrecked, they got it fixed, because it's alright now.
  They play games and do exercises there, but they don't do them very
 good.  There is a swimming pool there.  They go into it and just stand
 there with their hats on.  I guess they don't how to swim. As you go into
 their park, there is a little doll house with a little man sitting in it.
  He watches all day so they can't get out without him seeing them.  When
 they sneak out they go to the beach and pick up shells.My grandma used to
 bake cookies and stuff, but I guess she forgot how.  Nobody cooks, they
 just eat out.  They eat the same thing every night-early birds.  Some of
 the people are so retarded that they don't know how to cook at all, so my
 grandma and grandpa bring food into the wrecked hall and they call it
 "Pot Luck".  My grandma says that grandpa worked hard all his life and
 earned his retardment.  I wish they would move back up here, but I guess
 the little man in the doll house won't let them out.

Thanks, Cindy.  

The end of this compilation.