Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 00:40:00 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: Comp #337 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

12 Jan 1998

Greetings to Everyone:

A big welcome to our new folks.  Any information you care to share on your
family will be greatly appreciated.  Be sure to check out all our compilations
on Chris Gaunt's home page:

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego, CA

Subj:	 P. Mary Foley
Date:	98-01-12 07:46:40 EST
From: (Eunice B. Kirkman)
To:	ncreed1@Aol.Com (Nyla Creed)

For: HarrisSEM


I don't have a P. Mary Foley who married Samuel Sneed, Jr. in my data base,
although I have Samuel listed.

Samuel Sneed, b. 20-Nov-1826, s/o Samuel Sneed and Easter Turner.
m. Elizabeth Moran, 5-Sep-1849

This doesn't mean that he didn't mary Mary Foley.  I just don't have a
record of it.

This is what I have on the James Foley, Jr. family:

12-Jan-1998                  Family Group Sheet                      Page 1
 Husband: James Patrick Foley, Sr.
    Born: 1794            in: Virginia
    Died: 12-May-1859     in: Mercer Co., WVa.
  Father: Bartholomew Foley
  Mother: Barbara (Barberry) Hundley
    Wife: Judith Thomas
 Married:                 in:
Marr. Ceremony? Y/N: Y
    Born: 1798            in:
    Died:                 in:
M Child 1 Richard Barnet Foley
    Born: abt 1825        in: Virginia
    Died:                 in:
  Spouse: Parshandatha McAlexander
 Married: 28-Feb-1848     in: Patrick Co., VA
Marr. Ceremony? Y/N: Y
M Child 2 Alfred Foley
    Born: 1826            in: Patrick Co., VA
    Died:                 in:
  Spouse: Sally Ann Wilkes
 Married: 21-Jan-1853     in: Patrick Co., VA
Marr. Ceremony? Y/N: Y
F Child 3 Maxey Permelia Foley
    Born: abt 1828        in: Patrick Co., VA
    Died:                 in:
  Spouse: Adam H. J. Witt
 Married:  4-May-1843     in: Patrick Co., VA
Marr. Ceremony? Y/N: Y
F Child 4 Jane F. Foley
    Born: 1830            in: Patrick Co., VA
    Died:                 in:
F Child 5 Letitia Foley
    Born: 1831            in: Patrick Co., VA
    Died: abt 1865        in: Patrick Co., VA
  Spouse: James Anderson Foley
 Married: 19-Nov-1849     in: Patrick Co., VA
Marr. Ceremony? Y/N: Y
Age listed as 20 on the 1850 census of Patrick Co., VA
(Family of James Patrick Foley, Sr. - Continued)                 Page 2
M Child 6 James Toliver Foley
    Born: 1832            in: Patrick Co., VA
    Died:                 in:
  Spouse: Susan White
 Married:  8-May-1859     in: Virginia
Marr. Ceremony? Y/N: Y
F Child 7 Emeline Adeline Foley
    Born: 1833            in: Patrick Co., VA
    Died:                 in:
  Spouse: Samuel J. Foley
 Married: 14-May-1850     in: Patrick Co., VA
Marr. Ceremony? Y/N: Y
M Child 8 Marshall Foley
    Born: 1837            in: Patrick Co., VA
    Died:                 in:
F Child 9 Elizabeth Foley
    Born: 1840            in: Patrick Co., VA
    Died:                 in:
F Child 10 Louisa Foley
    Born: 1842            in: Patrick Co., VA
    Died:                 in:
I hope this helps.

Eunice B. Kirkman --------
   -=| Virginia - The cradle of the nation |=-

Subj:	Re: Unsubscribe
Date:	98-01-12 08:43:56 EST
From:	BSpadea102
To:	NCreed1


Sorry I will have to ask to unsubscribe. As I am receiving TOO MUCH email at
present and I had to decide what lists to delete. 

It is fairly obvious that my Gloucester County NJ Turner family is not
connected to any other Turner groups. I have downloaded a lot of your info in
case at some time I connect. I will also check on Chris's page once in a while
to double check

Would like to say however that I admire the way your page is organized and
wish all of you a lot of luck. 


Barbara Turner Spadea

Subj:	Re: Comp #326 - (Packwood1) Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 
Date:	98-01-12 10:37:35 EST
From:	DotInWayne
To:	NCreed1

Richard Packwood -d-Barthlomew Co,In, s/o Samuel * ann Pollard Hill Packwood,
m- Nancy Spaulding.

Question: Where did this data come from that Richard die there? I always
thought he died in Lawrence Co.Ky, but I've ran across stories where he'd
deserted Nancy. 

Can this be proven?

Dottie Tabor Blankenship
Rt.2,Box 2470
Wayne,WV 25570

Subj:	 Solomon Turner
Date:	98-01-12 12:32:09 EST
From: (Jesse M. Lawrence)
To:	NCreed1@AOL.COM

Elizabeth Mason

I have a number of (10) Solomon Turners in my file. Can you give me anymore
info to identify which one you are searching.?

Best Regards And Have A Good Day,
Jesse M. Lawrence Jr. <>   Owner -Highland Oaks Ranch
5300 East McKinney Road             Home: 940-243-5068
Denton ,Texas   76208           Fax: 940-243-0198

I am researching family histories for Pittman, Lawrence, Copeland, Wheeler,
Neville, Turner and Harris.

I would  like to share info by  FTW or  GEDCOM files attached to email,
regular email or snail mail,whichever is most convenient and efficient for


THE ESSENCE OF SURVIVAL --- "Every morning in Africa, a Gazelle wakes
up.  It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be
killed . . . Every morning a Lion wakes up.  It knows it must outrun the
slowest Gazelle or it will starve to death.  It doesn't matter whether
you are a Lion or a Gazelle . . . when the sun comes up, you'd better be

Subj:	Re: TURNER
Date:	98-01-12 13:53:31 EST
From:	Yoricat
To:	LDRAM2058
CC:	NCreed1


     I have just reviewed your download file and want to give you my thoughts
on it.

     First, the statement that John Turner was born at Land's End, Cornwell,
England, came from the original Turner Newsletters.  About ten years ago I
called the fellow in Ohio that sent this statement to the Turner Newsletter.
He was in his 90s at the time and said that he had gotten the information from
the Library of Congress but had lost his notes and couldn't say where the
information came from.  I spent several days at the Library of Congress
genealogy room and could not find the same data.  I finally concluded that it
was unsubstantiated.  

The 1704 tax list in King & Queen County lists Richard Turner.  Caroline
County was cut out of King & Queen in the 1730s.  We find Richard Turner in
Caroline County with sons Richard, James, John and Lewis.  

There is no evidence that any of them had been in England and they all had
tobacco, etc., that they were selling and they also served on juries and on
road commissions.  At this time a trip to England would have taken several
years (at least two) and the records just do not indicate such.  For these
reasons I think John and Shadrack Turner were born in Virginia and not
Cornwall, England.

      I am descended through James Turner, not Shadrack, Meshack nor Abednego.
I simply came upon them in conjunction with my investigation of James Turner.

      I believe the Morman Library has microfilm of the original Turner

                                                   Jeanette O'Boyle

Subj:	 Searching for Burnett Info
Date:	98-01-12 16:40:41 EST
From: (portiaw)

Hi Nyla and all the "Burnett Cousins", searching for info on Henry A.
Burnett, b1867 in MS, and wife Martha Ann Burnett, b1872 in AL.  Thanks to
June Bork for having researched information for me, I have been able to
progress to the next generation.  Also, I'm curious as to why or how the
name "Burnett" is changed from one generation, to "Burnette" in the next
immediate generation?  Jeane Burnett Walsh

Subj:	 Burnett Family
Date:	98-01-12 19:50:13 EST
From: (Billie M. Sweat)

Hi - Waddie Salmon suggested I make contact with you since I am researching
the Burnett family.  He thought you might want to add me to your list.  Any
help or info will be appreciated.  Thanks.  
My FTM URL with my Burnett Family Descendency Outline is listed

Billie M. Sweat OR 

My FTM Home Page address is:

Subj:	 Fw: Shadrack Turner
Date:	98-01-12 21:25:17 EST
From: (Eunice B. Kirkman)
To:	ncreed1@AOL.COM (Nyla Creed)

-----Original Message-----
From: BKOOP1 <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, January 12, 1998 7:13 PM
Subject: Shadrack Turner

>Hello Eunice;
>You do not know me, but Pat Ross at the Bassett Branch Library gave me your
>address last week when my wife and I where there searching for information on
>Shadrack Turner and others. Jeanne ( my wife ) is a direct decendant of
>Shadrack via Jeremiah, George Pollard, Lewis and Mary Susan, we have been
>looking at this line for sometime and everything we have read ( allthough not
>documented ) says that Shadrack Meshack & Abendigo all came from
>Cornwall(shire), Lands End in England. Your information really is quite
>different. Do you have any documentation on the Scotland information?
>While we were in England a few years ago  we spent time at the records office
>in Turo,Cornwall we found an original church record (almost inpossible to
>read) that appeared to be a record for Shadrack, the dates where correct and
>it looked like his name. But as things seem to happen the office was
>closing and we could not get a copy.
>Also at the library in the Turner file is some informationon a manuscript
>of Grady Garrett, refers to three sister's of Shadrack. do you have any
>information that would confirm this data ?

>We would appreciate hearing from you via E MAIL, our address is
>Thanks Again
>Jeanne and Bud Koopman

Subj:	 Re: Comp #336 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	98-01-12 10:05:45 EST
From: (Ann N. Hughes)
To:	NCreed1@AOL.Com (NCreed1)

Re Compilation 336 To Sherry, re the Foley Family; You might be interested
in the book, The Foley Family compiled by the Foley Family Association in
1993, published by Gateway Press, Inc.  Copies are available from the Foley
Family Association c/o Betty Hall, Route 4, Box 416, Bassett, VA 24055.
There are several inidviduals by the name of Mary and James mentioned in
the book, but no Salley. 

My grandmother was Ada Foley, died when my dad was just 2. I am just
learning about the family myself.

The end of this compilation.