Date: Wed, 14 Jan 1998 00:24:10 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: Comp #338 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

13 Jan 1998

Hello To Everyone:

A big welcome to our new folks.  If anyone recognizes any of the families be
searched on this compilation, please write and let me know.  

If anyone wants to tell us about their homepage, just send me an eMail.  

All our compilations are on Chris Gaunt's homepage:  

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego, CA

Subj:	 Internet Message 
Date:	98-01-13 20:51:04 EST
To:	NCreed1@AOL.COM

Nyla, With all of the Turners that are turning up on your list, 
doesn't some one have anything on George Turner who died in 1815 in 
Culpeper Co., Va.  After his death, his widow and children moved to 
Harrison Co., KY.  The Children are:
  William b 1785 m. Rachel King
  Ezekiel  m. Elizabeth King in 1805 in Harrison Co., KY
  Daniel m. Millie Bryant on Apr 13, 1815
  Mary "Polly" m George Rodgers on Dec 22, 1811 in Culpeper Co., Va
  Rachel Turner m. James Bryant on July 27, 1852 in Harrison Co., Ky
  Lavina m. D. Kinman
  Thornton b 1803 m. Elizabeth VanDeren died 1859 in Harrison Co., KY.



Folks:  Adelene sounds "desperate" to learn about her Turner line.  Please
check your records for her.  Nyla

Subj:	Re Shadrack Turner
Date:	98-01-13 20:26:28 EST
From:	BKOOP1
To:	NCreed1


Thanks for the information, we would like for you to add us to your mailing
list. As I am very new to the internet I still have trouble finding web pages
even when I have the address. Therefore I still have not figured out how to
get to Chris Gaunt's homepage. 

We do have information on some of the Shadrack Turners decendants,  his son
Jerimiah and Rachel Ross Turner are Jeannes ancestors, they moved from Va to
Cumberland Co. Kentucky. Do you have the Cumberland Co. Turners, Jeanne was
born there and still has lots of family there. We will be happy to share this
Turner family information.

Jeanne & Bud Koopman

Date:	98-01-13 18:28:20 EST
From:	BekahAnn
To:	NCreed1, N4JED

In Compliation #315, David wrote:

>>>Here it is, the last of my TURNER listing....

...TURNER Family GENERATION 8 Part H...

2005.      Richard Fleming RAKES-8718 was b. 25 Jul 1874 in Patrick
Co., VA. Richard married (1) Rochelle Arminda "Minnie" WOOD-8707,
daughter of Sparrell WOOD-6793 and Nancy Ida Belle RAKES-6806 on
13 Feb 1902 in Patrick Co., VA. They had the following children:
             2990      F      i.      Eura RAKES-8719 is printed as #2787.
             2991      M      ii.      Glen RAKES-8720 is printed as #2788.
             2992      M      iii.      Chester RAKES-8721 is printed as
             2993      M      iv.      Richard RAKES-8722 is printed as #2790.

The names sounded familiar ..... not finding them in my side of the family, I
searched my husband's side (Shelton) and found names that "sounded the same".
Are these the same people?

-------- Richard Flemond Rakes, Jr. born Sept. 23, 1914, died Dec. 7, 1979 m.
Mildred Leotta Shelton.  Richard is the son of Richard Flemond Rakes (Sr.) and
Rachel Amanda Wood.  (I do not have a list of Richard Jr.'s siblings so I have
nothing else to go on but the name of Mildred Leotta Shelton.) ------------

Thanks for the help,
Rebekah Shelton

*****Still looking for Wilbur Turner of Kanawha County WV and his daughter
Nellie/Nella Mae Turner b. August 1892 in Winifrede, Kanawha Co. WV. ********

Folks:  Rebecca is still looking for her Kanawhat Co WV ancestor.  Can anyone
help.  Nyla

Subj:	 James Turner of VA
Date:	98-01-13 18:11:00 EST
From: (Nancy)


Please post this:

Would any of you Turner deed or Will researchers be able to tell me if
you have seen evidence of a James Turner b c 1730-1735 in Va that might
have a signature mark resembling a "I" with a horizontal slash through
the center. He moved through NC into Union Dist SC by 1773 and on into
Green/Hancock Co. Ga by 1783 where that mark is found. He is known as
James Sr. by that time. That mark could be on early VA or NC or SC

Nancy Turner Grogan

Subj:	Burnett Items
Date:	98-01-13 21:13:45 EST
To:	NCreed1

Hi Nyla,

Was browsing the web when I found this and thought some list members might be
interested. The website address:

see final line for who to contact.


I have 

1.Missouri Death Certificate for WILLIAM ROBERT BURNETT,b.Sept.15,1906.
Father's name Sandusky Burnett, Mother's name Martha Hurt.
2.Pontotoc Co. OK Birth Certificate for Cora Ann BURNETT b.Dec.9,1922 to C.L.
and Lilly Perry Burnett. 
3.Pontotoc Co. OK Birth Certificate for Virginia BURNETT b.Mar.31.1921
to John and Allene Boardman Burnett.
4. Pension Application for John J. BURNETT, born in Bedford Co. VA.
Application filed in Guymon, Texas Co. Oklahoma in 1929. Co.D, 28th VA. Inf.

Sharon Burnett Crawford

Thanks for sharing Sharon's website address with us.  Sharon is on our list,
too.   It's always nice to hear that folks are finding websites that our group
might like to check out.    

Several of the folks on our list have websites.  Please feel free to tell us
about your website.  If you'd like to send me your website address, I'll be
glad to send it to the group.   If you find a website that you think others
might find helpful, tell us about it.   I'm sure our members would like to
know that others cousins are enjoying their website.


Subj:	 Turner list
Date:	98-01-13 22:27:22 EST
From: (Joyce Bunch)

Please add me to your Turner list........

Joyce Bunch

Web pages:  (GENEALOGY)     (GENEALOGY)

Subj:	 Re: Comp #336 - Foley family
Date:	98-01-13 22:30:46 EST
From: (Eddie Vaden)
To:	NCreed1@AOL.COM (NCreed1)

For HarrisSEM

Sherry,   I am attaching a Family Group Sheet of the info I have for
Samuel Snead, Jr, son of Samuel Snead and Easter Turner.  There were
several Samuel Sneads in that area at that time, and I am having a hard
time sorting them all out.  For example, from "Marriages of Patrick
County" by Lela Adams, there is Samuel Sneed m.Easter Turner on
14-Sep-1815; Samuel Sneed m. Elizabeth Moran on 05-Sep-1849; Samuel
Sneed, son of Samuel Sneed, Sr and Jane Sneed m. Nancy Wright, dau of
John N. and Elizabeth Wright on 04-Aug-1853.

>From the Patrick Co. Death Records:  Poley Sneed d.15-Mar-1894;
informant and husband -Samuel Sneed.

We have a copy of a family group sheet on Samuel Sneed and Easter Turner
(my ancestors) that was prepared by O.E. Pilson.  He and some other
researchers show that the parents of this Samuel were John Turner and
Nancy Pedigo.  However, we don't believe this to be true because John
and Nancy were married 14 Sep 1807, and Samuel and Easter were married
14 Sep 1815 (both according to Marriages of Patrick Co. by Lela Adams).
Just noticed that both were married on 14 Sep....Hope I copied that

There is a Samuel Sneed with wife Nancy in 1850 census, so this has to
be a different Samuel than the one who married Nancy Wright in 1853.
All very confusing!  Hope someone can let us know the connection between
all these Samuels, and who married who!

I don't know if I've helped, or confused you more!


13-JAN-1998              Family Group Sheet
Husband: Samuel SNEAD, Jr  
    Born: 20-NOV-1826     in: Elamsville, Patrick Co., VA                1
    Died:                 in:                                           
     Ref:                     Occupation: Farmer                      
Father: Samuel SNEAD 
Mother: Easter TURNER 
Wife: Mary WRIGHT  died at age: 69 
Married:                 in:                                           
    Born: Abt 1825        in: VA                                         2
    Died: 15-MAR-1894     in: Patrick Co., VA                            3
SNEED, POLEY(POLLY?)       RACE & SEX: W/F AGE 54        DATE: 15 MAR 1894
       LOCATION:                    CAUSE: LAGRIPPE
       BIRTHPLACE:                            CONSORT: SAMUEL SNEED
County Death Records)
F Child 1  Judith SNEAD  
Born:     Abt 1847        in: Patrick Co., VA                            2
Died:                     in:                                           
M Child 2  Carroll SNEAD  
Born:     Abt 1848        in: Patrick Co., VA                            2
Died:                     in:                                           
F Child 3  Martha SNEAD  
Born:     NOV-1849        in: Patrick Co., VA                            2
Died:                     in:                                           

1 Abram W. HOUCHINS Family Bible (from O.E. Pilson) 

2 1850 Census - Patrick Co., VA 

3 Patrick County Death Register 

Eddie G.  Vaden
8908 Sawyer Brown Road
Nashville, TN 37221
(615) 662-4694

Subj:	Turner Mailing List
Date:	98-01-13 23:17:57 EST
To:	NCreed1

Hello Nyla,

First of all, I must say that you have quite the group of researchers
participating in you group.  I am amazed at the amount of information being
shared on you page!  For that reason, I was quite sure I could find some
reference to my Turner's, but after several evenings of reading I decided that
the best solution was to be added to you your list and to ask if anyone in you
group has info on the following Turner Family.

>From the 1850 census of Washington County, NC:

Thomas H. Turner , age 46 born in NC
Elizabeth Turner, age 44, born in NC
Mary E. Turner, age 21, born in NC
Martha E. Turner, age 13, born in NC
Rodolph (?) Turner, age 10, born in NC
Sampson Turner, age 6, born in NC

I believe that Martha E (Ellen) Turner was married to Thomas Alexander
Hathcock of Union County, NC.  I would welcome any information on this line of
Turners, and would also love to be a part of your group.

Also researching Hathcock, Young, Baucom, Bailey, Davis, Green, Walters,
Henson, Guy, and Kilgore.

Thank you very much and keep up the good work!

Karolyn Hathcock

Folks:  Can anyone help Karolyn with her Turner line?

The end of this compilation.