Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 02:03:04 EST From: NCreed1 <> To: Subject: Comp #339 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 14 January 1997 Hello: More wonderful eMails. Chris Dawson has sent us another Packwood chapter. Be sure to check out all our compilations on Chris Gaunt's homepage: Nyla CREED DePauk San Diego, CA ========================== Subj: Letter concerning Richard Turner son of Shadrack Turner and Margaret Hill Date: 98-01-14 09:38:24 EST From: (Nancy) Reply-to: To: NCreed1@AOL.COM Nyla, I have a hand transcribed copy of the following letter sent to me by a Turner researcher, who is now deceased. I do not know where the original letter is today. Consider the date it was written and realize how much progress the family has made in determining its ancestors. There is speculation in this letter that does not conform to contemporary data. I have placed a note into the letter at the place where this is obvious. The letter primarily concerns descendents of Meshack S. Turner's son Shadrack II b 1752 VA who married Margaret Hill. The letter appears to be from a descendent of Nancy Turner m Elisha Gilliam Crawford concerning the family of Richard Turner b 1779 m Mary Henderson. I think the Civil War information contained therein is particularly interesting. ------------------------------------------------------- Copy of a letter written to Judge P. A. Turner of Texarkana, Texas [NTG NOTE-probably Pleasant Asbury Turner b April 2,1850 Jasper Co. Ga] from J. A. Crawford Nashville, Tenn-June 11, 1925. My dear Sir: I wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter of recent date and to thank you for the information it contained. I am very anxious to discover some branch of the family which has preserved the records of the family way back, but I have so far been unsuccessful in that endeavor. Cousin Nancy Warren of whom I told you in my other letter sometime ago gave me a record she had of Uncle Dick Turner's family, but she knew little regarding what became of any of them, as she was the youngest child in her parents family, and her mother's cousin Lizzie Freeman was close to the youngest child in Uncle Dick's family. Assuming that you are not very much unlike most your age and also a great many much younger, that is, that it is quite entertaining to write, talk and think of the old folks in the days gone by, I will take pleasure in giving you herewith the record given me by cousin Nancy Warren. Richard Turner, b. Nov 17, 1779, Married Mary Henderson in 1799. Their children: James N. b June 29, 1800; Margaret b Dec. 29, 1801; John C. b Feb. 21 1804; Shadrack b July 9, 1806; Robertson Hill b Nov. 1, 1808; Cebron B. b Jan 23, 1811; Nancy F. b May 1, 1813; Martin H. born Dec. 7, 1815; Abednego G. b. Jan 31, 1817; Jane B. born _____25, 1820; Elizabeth b Jan. 27, 1823; Mary Ann b. Mar. 17, 1825; Francis L. b Oct 13, 1827. That makes 13 children, the land record of Jasper co. would indicate that Uncle Dick moved to Jasper Co. GA about the fall of 1815 and Mr. Duke informs me that he died in what is now Newton Co. GA which was at one time a part of Jasper Co. but the date is unknown. Another branch of the family, that is a descendent of Meshack Turner, brother of Uncle Dick's brothers and sisters, but no dates of birth, deaths, etc. could be furnished and I am a little dubius as to its accuracy. Richard; Margaret; Nancy; James F.; Shadrack; Meshack; Sally; Abednego; Mary called Polly; Stephen; William; Susan; Louis; Elizabeth. The party that gave me the next above record said she thought the parents were Meshack Turner and Margaret Hill, but I am inclined to the belief that it was Shadrack and Margaret Hill. I have deligently searched, or rather have had searches made of the court records of Va.(many counties) and also many counties of east Ga. but I have so far failed to find a record of a will or an administration of an estate of Shadrack Turner. We have a tradition that Elisha G. Crawford (my great grandfather) married Nancy Turner in Lincoln County, Ga., and the court records of that county show they lived there and owned several hundred acres of land there and seemingly moved from there to Jasper co. about 1815, but I could not discover a record of their marriage in that county, hence it is possible they married in some adjoining county. I have a partial record of Uncle Dick's (Turner) family and descendents, and almost a full record of the descendents of Meshack Turner and of Abdednego Turner and a part record of the descendents of James F. Turner, but they are almost unknown to me. The Lincoln county Court records show that James Turner married Sally Turner dau. of Shadrack Turner on Sept. 9, 1906; Shadrack Turner m Unity Gillian in the same Co., April 14, 1808; Meshack Turner m Frances Tatom Sept. 28, 1809. It is said that Stephen Turner m but his wife is unknown; their dau m a Dr. James of Va.; William Turner did not marry; Louis Turner is said to have m Sally Farmer; Susan Turner is said to have m a Mr. Golden; Polly Turner is said to have m a Mr. Golden, brother to the husband of Susan and both families moved to somewhere in Kentucky. Elizabeth Turner m Samuel Wideman of Lincoln Co. Ga. Abdednego G. Turner m Cynthia Lassiter in Monroe Co. Ga in 1837. Elizabeth G. Turner m Henry Freeman, Nov. 12, 1840. Cousin Henry and Lizzie moved from Jasper Co. Ga to Cotton Valley, Macon Co. Ala., about 1845 and lived in Cotton Valley until the late fall of 1869 when they moved with their family and a great many other relatives to Johnson Co. Texas, where both died. Their oldest son Tom Freeman was about the same age as my father and they both enlisted in the same company in the Civil War. They were sent for a time to Tupelo, Miss. to be trained and while there during the summer of 1862 a few regiments of Louisiana soldiers were there and were known as the Louisiana Tigers. I have an old letter written by my father while he was in Tupelo and in it he speaks of he and Tom Freeman going over to visit Cousin Dick Turner who was a Lieut. Colonel of a Louisiana Regiment. I have looked up the record at the Library and find he was Lt. Col. of the 19th La. Regiment. I do not know whose Dick he was but I believe he was the son of Shadrack and Unity Gillium and that they moved from East Ga. to somepoint in Louisiana sometime during the 1840's or earlier. Tom Freeman was killed in the first battle he was in which was Perryville, KY. I visited that battlefield a few years ago when I was traveling in that vicinity. History records Lt. Col. Richard W. Turner as having been wounded in the battle of Chickamauga. Frances L. Turner, youngest dau of Uncle Dick Turner m Benjamin Freeman, brother of cousin Henry. I met their son LeRoy W. Freeman a Merchant at Newborn on the occassion of my visit there 3 years ago. [NTG note- in light of what is now known about this family, this next paragraph appears to be incorrect speculation of a family connection to James Turner m Karenhappuch Norman on Mr. Crawford's part due to their living in the same county in VA.] Now to go further back with the Turners: away back there they were related to the Normans, Meltons. Smith, Hills, Goodmans, and others. James Turner m Karenhappuch Norman, dau. of Issac Norman (& Frances Courtney) in Spotsylvania Co. Va in 1732. I have a spendid record of their line. They moved to Luenburg co. Va or what is now Pittsylvania Co. Va., sometimes during the 1730's. I have a copy of that James Turner's Will. I am not positive but I believe Shadrack Turner and Meshack Turner, James Turner, and John Turner were their sons. I know that James Turner was their son, and that he was Sheriff and also Captain of a company of Militia prior to and during the Rev. War. He and his mother later moved to S. C. sometime during the 1870's. Shadrack Turner and Meshack Turner lived in the same county. The clerk sent me several old deeds made by them in their own handwriting, one is dated in 1771, five years before the Declaration of Independence was signed; another in 1782 and another in 1784. All are yellow with age, but quite well preserved and can easily be read, although the handwriting was somewhat different in those days from what it is now. They used the expression "ye" and spoke of money in terms of "pounds, shillings, and pence." I prize them quite highly as relics. I have a copy of the will of the above Shadrack Turner. His children were as follows: Elizabeth, John, Josiah, William, Mary, Larkin, Jeremiah, and Exeony (dau.) All family names of the Turners. The above Meshack Turner married Rebecca Robinson, in Halifax Co. VA in 1760. Their children were: Meshack, John, James, Rebecca, Susannah, Sally, Polly. They moved to Wilkes Co. Ga where both died. I have a copy of the administration of Meshack's estate in brief, and also a copy of the Will of Rebecca in brief, but have been unsuccessful in getting both in full. I have a copy of the will in full of their son Meshack Turner. Their son Meshack was born in late 1760 or early 1761. We have a tradition that Margaret Hill was quite wealthy and prominent. She is said to have had a brother named William Hill. The name Margaret Hill has come down through practically all branches even to the present day. Great Grandmother Nancy (Turner) Crawford named one of her daugs. Margaret Hill. My father was named Abel Hill Crawford. He died in Tuskegee, Ala. about a year and a half ago. He owned all the old estate lands down there, about 3,000 acres; also owned a store in Tuskeegee and was at the time of his death Mayor of the place. My father told me during his life time he remembered hearing his grandfather Elisha G. Crawford say he was a relative of William Harris Crawford the great Georgia Statesman. It is my intention to continue my efforts in learning if possible who the parents were of Uncle Dick and Grandma Nancy, etc. I have written quite a lengthy letter but I trust it will entertain you, and if you think of anything more that would be of interest, or if you have the name and address of any one whom you think might possibly give me some information regarding the Turners, I will thank you to give me thier names and addresses. With best Wishes, Most Sincerely, J. A. Crawford 1205 Stahlman Bldg, Nashville, Tenn. P.S. you will note that the name Greene Turner does not appear as a son in the list given me by cousin Nancy Freeman. Will you please advise me regarding this. ---------------------------------------------- Nancy Turner Grogan ========================= Subj: Re: Comp #338 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Date: 98-01-14 10:33:13 EST From: Missus B To: NCreed1 Dear Nyla, I, too, am researching Turners, although I'm sure not working very hard at it! Here's what I have, taken from the book Our Reeves by Reeves and Hoke: 1. Charles C. Turner b. 1784 NC (acc to 1850 IL census) m. Rebecca __________ He had 80 acres Crawford County IL (or more). d. 22 Jan 1851 Crawford County IL His children, according to Will-Estate Papers Bk.F, p. 199, Crawford County IL {our research indicates no such will book exists} at Robinson: 2. Thomas C. Turner b. c1816 TN or KY 3. Nancy Turner b. c 1818 KY m. Jonathan Rogers b. c1814 KY 4. Louisa Turner b. c 1824 KY m. Matthew Ward (conflicting info on birth) 5. Polly Turner b. c 1822 KY m. Jackson Rogers b. c1815-1820 TN 6. Martha Perline (Patzey) Turner b. c1828 KY m. FOUR times, including McGuire, Snoden, Conrad, and Myers 7. Sarah Malinda Turner b. c1832 KY m. George White, then John VanWinkle 8. Charlotte TTurner b. c1834 KY m. James McGuire b. c1818 KY 9. John C. Turner b. c1837 KY m. Ellen ___________ 10. Jesse Mitchel Turner b. c1839 KY m. Mary L. Van Winkle My line of descent is through Nancy Turner, who married Jonathan Rogers. Other sources indicate Nancy's middle initial was E, for Elliott. I wonder if that was her mother Rebecca's maiden name. We've found nothing about Rebecca, except a death record for an elderly Rebecca Turner (age 99+) who died in 1884 in Palestine IL. She was buried in the Palestine cemetery, but we did not find a stone for her there. Does anybody know anything about Rebecca? Or more about Charles? I do have some records for Thomas C. "Curts" Turner, if anybody's interested. Pam -- ============================ Subj: Re: Comp #338 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Date: 98-01-14 10:33:13 EST From: Missus B To: NCreed1 Dear Nyla, I, too, am researching Turners, although I'm sure not working very hard at it! Here's what I have, taken from the book Our Reeves by Reeves and Hoke: 1. Charles C. Turner b. 1784 NC (acc to 1850 IL census) m. Rebecca __________ He had 80 acres Crawford County IL (or more). d. 22 Jan 1851 Crawford County IL His children, according to Will-Estate Papers Bk.F, p. 199, Crawford County IL {our research indicates no such will book exists} at Robinson: 2. Thomas C. Turner b. c1816 TN or KY 3. Nancy Turner b. c 1818 KY m. Jonathan Rogers b. c1814 KY 4. Louisa Turner b. c 1824 KY m. Matthew Ward (conflicting info on birth) 5. Polly Turner b. c 1822 KY m. Jackson Rogers b. c1815-1820 TN 6. Martha Perline (Patzey) Turner b. c1828 KY m. FOUR times, including McGuire, Snoden, Conrad, and Myers 7. Sarah Malinda Turner b. c1832 KY m. George White, then John VanWinkle 8. Charlotte TTurner b. c1834 KY m. James McGuire b. c1818 KY 9. John C. Turner b. c1837 KY m. Ellen ___________ 10. Jesse Mitchel Turner b. c1839 KY m. Mary L. Van Winkle My line of descent is through Nancy Turner, who married Jonathan Rogers. Other sources indicate Nancy's middle initial was E, for Elliott. I wonder if that was her mother Rebecca's maiden name. We've found nothing about Rebecca, except a death record for an elderly Rebecca Turner (age 99+) who died in 1884 in Palestine IL. She was buried in the Palestine cemetery, but we did not find a stone for her there. Does anybody know anything about Rebecca? Or more about Charles? I do have some records for Thomas C. "Curts" Turner, if anybody's interested. Pam -- ======================= ubj: Packwood Date: 98-01-14 21:37:11 EST From: (chris dawson) To: Subject: Packwood Content-Type: text/plain Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 20:48:43 PST Packwood Continued Descendants of Edith (Ruth) Packwood 1 Edith (Ruth) Packwood b: August 10, 1788 in Patrick Co Va d: Abt. 1862 in Estill Springs Franklin or Coffee Co Tenn ... +John McCutchin (McCutchinson) m: February 10, 1813 in Patrick Co Va d: 1842 in near Estill Springs Franklin Co Tenn Father: James McCutchin Mother: .......... 2 Elizabeth McCrutchen b: 1815 .......... 2 George Turner McCrutchen b: 1816 in Va .............. +Catherine H Ragan m: 1843 Father: Mother: .......... 2 Ruth A McCutchen b: 1817 .............. +Felix Dodson Grundy Stamps Father: Mother: .......... 2 Gordon C McCrutchen b: 1821 in Ind d: 1906 .............. +Mary S Corn m: 1849 Father: Mother: .......... 2 Permelia McCrutchen .............. +John Hinton Jones Father: Mother: .......... 2 James McCutchen b: 1780 d: 1842 in TENN. .............. +Elizabeth Jamison Father: Mother: ..................... 3 John McCutchen ..................... 3 George McCutchen ..................... 3 Betsey McCutchen .......... 2 John Packwood McCutchen b: 1829 d: 1879 in Texas .............. +Mary Feeman m: Abt. 1870 b: 1843 in Tenn. d: 1901 in Oak Father: Mother: ..................... 3 John William McCutchen ..................... 3 Sam Bird McCutchen ..................... 3 James Robert McCutchen ..................... 3 George Lafayette McCutchen .......... 2 Sam L McCrutchen ====================== Subj: Cumberland Co Ky research Date: 98-01-14 22:48:44 EST From: (Joe Dawson) Reply-to: To: In compilation 338 Jeanne and Bud Koopman worte of Turners in Cumberland Co Ky. Please send me thie e mail address. All my research is in this county on Packwoods, Applebys and Turners Thanks Chris =========================== Chris: Try Be sure to let me know how you all are related. I just love it when someone makes a connection. Nyla P.S. Anytime you see an eMail address that doesn't have an extension, it probably because it is AOL. Just add "". ===================== The end of this compilation.