Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 23:53:04 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: Comp #341 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Mailing List

17 January 1998

Greetings to Everyone:  

I have some wonderful news to share with you.  

In the very near future, our list will be completely automated.  Chris Gaunt
is working on this as we speak (unless she has called it a night).  Once the
new system is ready for our use, we will let you know the details on
subscribing and unsubscribing.  Chris is working as fast as she can to get us
automated, but it is a little too early to project the exact date this will

I am really excited about this since each of us will have the option of
deciding whether we want to receive the eMails as they are posted or receive
them as a digest.   Since Chris will be the list owner, I will eventually
"retire" from my position in the "cutting and pasting department".  <smile>
In the meantime, just keep sending me those eMails' and I'll keep sending out
the compilations.    Stay tuned for status reports.

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA

Subj:	McGlasson-Turner
Date:	98-01-16 06:11:01 EST
From:	MKelley345
To:	NCreed1

Hi Nyla,

Does anyone have information on Joseph Allen Turner, b. 1801 in Adair Co. KY,
married Susan or Susannah McGlasson in 1826. If so, I'd be very interested in
anything about the McGlasson family.  I believe Joseph is the son of  Thomas
Turner and Hannah Myers.

Thanks and keep up the good work.


Subj:	 Add to the list --
Date:	98-01-16 06:36:33 EST
From: (Ann D. Scott)

Thanks for all your work, I'm relatively new to this -- on the internet,
I have been searching dusty old library shelves and graveyards for years
!! The Turners are my late husband's line and the heart went out when he
died, but now I'm back in the Turner mood!!  Thanks again, Ann

Subj:	 Foley - Lackey
Date:	98-01-16 08:13:50 EST
From: (Janice Smith)
Reply-to: (Janice Smith)
To: (Nyla D. Creed)

                                                      16 JAN 1998

Prepared by: Janice Kinsler Smith

                                FIRST GENERATION

1.    James Anderson[1] Foley, son of Jeremiah Foley and Nancy Foley. Born,
circa 1823, in Virginia[1]. Birth(2) in Patrick Co., Va.[2].
      He married, first, Letitia Foley, daughter of James Patrick Foley and
Judith Thomas, 19 Nov 1849, in Patrick Co., Va.[3]. Born, 1829, in Patrick
Co., Va.[4]. Died, 17 Mar 1868, in Patrick Co., Va.[5]. Birth(2): circa 1832,
      Died in childbirth. Children:
            i.  Alverda[2] Foley. Born, circa 1850, in Virginia[1].
           ii.  William P. Foley. Born, circa 1851, in Virginia[1].
                Birth(2): circa 1852, in Patrick Co., Va.[6]. He married,
                Isabell Witt, daughter of Adam H. Witt and ?Maxey Permelia
Foley, 13
                Mar 1879, in Henry Co., Va.[6]. He married, second, Mahala
                Elizabeth "Betty" Foley, daughter of Peyton Foley and Mahala
                Hall, 19 Jun 1917, in Patrick Co., Va.[2].
          iii.  George W. Foley. Born, 1853, in Patrick Co., Va.[7]. Died, Sep
                1855, in Smith River, Patrick Co., Va.[4]. Birth(2): Mar 1854,
                in Patrick Co., Va.[4].
           iv.  Judith A. Foley. Born, 11 May 1857, in Patrick Co., Va.[7].
                      Judith is apparently the boarder in the two person
                household of Elizabeth Bryant of Smith River in 1900. Judity
                listed as single.
            v.  Parris Chapman Foley. Born, 11 Apr 1860, in Patrick Co.,
           vi.  Nancy Foley. Born, circa 1864.
          vii.  female (??L.V.) Foley. Born, 20 Aug 1868, in Patrick Co.,
                Va.[7]. She married W.H. Chapman, 7 Jun 1887, in Patrick Co.,
                Va.[2]. Marriage(2): 9 Jun 1887, in Patrick Co., Va.[8].
                This is possibly L.V. Foley, age 21, daughter of Jas and
                L. Foley, who married W.H. Chapman.

Here is a Foley William Lackey connection.  I have only found information on
the death register for Elizabeth.   I have no marriage record for William
and Elizabeth.  Possibly this will help.  I don't know any of the other
people in your query.
         viii.  Elizabeth Foley. Born in Patrick Co., Va.[5]. Died, 5 May
1893, in Patrick Co., Va.[5]. She married[5] William E. Lackey.
The death register states that Elizabeth was 4 months and 24 years old when
she did from child birth. This is incorrect as Letitia was dead by then.
      He married, second, Nancy Bryant, 4 Jul 1869, in Patrick Co., Va.[2].
Born, circa 1837, in Virginia[9].
      Living with her son William A. in 1910.
      She is possibly the Nancy Foley age 41, head of household in 1880,
with only her son William A. living with her. Children:
           ix.  William Alexander Foley. Born, 30 Jun 1870, in Patrick Co.,
                Va.[7]. Died, 2 Jul 1931[10]. Birth(2): 28 Jun 1870[10].
                in Mt. Hermon Ch., of the Brethren, Bassett, Va.[10]. He
                married, first, Callie R. James. He married, second, Eliza
                              NOTES AND REFERENCES

  [1]1860 Census, Patrick County, Virginia.
  [2]Patrick County marriage register.
  [3]James and Martha Foley Families.
  [4]Patrick County death register.
  [5]Bureau of Vital Statistics death register for Patrick County, Va.
  [6]Henry County marriage register.
  [7]Patrick County birth register.
  [8]Bureau of Vital Statistics marriage register for Patrick County, Va.
  [9]1910 Census, Patrick County, Virginia.
 [10]O.E. Pilson, Tombstone Inscriptions, of the Cemeteries of Patrick
  County, Virginia, 1987. p.84.
Janice Kinsler Smith

Subj:	Re: Comp #340 - ABNER&BOSWELL TURNER in GA.
Date:	98-01-16 09:45:43 EST
From:	CarBurCo
To:	NCreed1

In a message dated 98-01-15 23:14:42 EST, you write:
 James Turner, Will dated 8 July 1785 in Halifax Co., VA named
 legatees:  sons Armstreet  (Armistead); Bozell (Boswell), Abner,
 Martin, Ransom; sons Fanny/Frances, Susannah, Elizabeth.  Executors
 brother William, friend Thomas Manfield, friend Moses Turner.
 Witnesses:  Thomas Turner, William Hold [Holt?], Barnett Turner, James
 [Descendants of this family say this is the James Turner who married
 Mary McMahaney on 17 Feb 1763.  Abner, Boswell and Martin removed to
 GA.  Martin married Sally Stanfield on 24 Dec 1798; Ransom may be the
 one who married Sally Link on 26 Oct 1801 in Halifax Co., VA]

 ANOTHER CONNECTION. I wasn't paying much attention to the TURNER
conversations, but ABNER and BOSWELL TURNER caught my attention because these
have to be the same ones who married sisters of my LOVE ancestor in
Greensboro, Green County, Ga.:

LT. COL. DAVID LOVE b.1740 Anson Co, NC d. 1798 (DAR Marker on his grave)
       married (1772)JEAN BLEWETT(1756-1817) dau of James Blewett and Sarah
Garten of SC/NC. The Blewetts and the Loves were strict Scottish Presbyterians
and named all their children either Biblical or classical names:
AKSHAH LOVE m. Thomas Sparks
ALLELUIAH LOVE(my ggggrandmother) 1791-1859 m. Henry Rogers *  

(I happened to have this information because the LOVES are on my maternal
side: the BURNETT line is on the Paternal side.)

Good luck, TURNERS,

Caroline BURNETT Cook

Subj:	Re: Comp #340 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Mailing List
Date:	98-01-16 09:46:27 EST
From:	Yoricat
To:	NCreed1

      Polly is indeed a nickname for Mary, reason unknown, just as Patsy is a
nickname for Martha, again reason unknown.  George referred to his Martha as
my dear Patsy in letters.
                                                       Jeanette O'Boyle

Subj:	 Join
Date:	98-01-16 21:53:38 EST
From: (Taylor Whisonant)


I would like to join your group. I have went over the comp. Somebody has been
doing a lot of research. I have only been researching the Handy line for a few
months. I don't have anyhthing to offer. I have found out the the Handys are
kin to the DeHart, Corn, etc. I have found a lot information on your site. 

The Handys are from Franklin county. The majority of the family settled in
Patrick County. 

Oh, My mother was Margaret Jeanette Handy. Her father was Samuel Ellis Handy.


Taylor:  A lot of very generous people have being done a lot of research for a
long time.   But,  please don't think you have nothing to offer.   Whatever
you share may be the missing link that someone else is hoping to find.    Nyla

Subj:	 mailing list
Date:	98-01-17 13:18:50 EST

Hello, Nyla

Yes, please include me on your mailing list.  Thank you and please let
me know the "rules".  


Tessy:  Welcome.  Just let folks know which line you are searching and send
whatever information you care to share.  Nyla

The end of this compilation.