Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 13:44:34 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: Comp #342 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Mailing List

18 Jan 1998

Greetings to Everyone:

Kevin has asked that I poll the group to see if there is interested in posting
our entire TREE to date on his site.  His request is the first eMail in this
compilation.  If you're interested in working with Kevin on this, now is the
time to respond.  You can respond to me or directly to Kevin.  This is another
opportunity for our group to move ahead.  

Chris is still working on getting us fully automated.  I know there are some
concrns that we'll start looking like all the other lists.  I'm convinced
we'll never be just another boring list.  

Maybe we need to form some committes.  Like a "Welcome to the Group - Burnett
Committe" and similar committes for each of the other families.  Maybe someone
would chair "Welcome to the Group - Patrick Co Committee", etc.  When we
receive mail from a new member, if their area of interest is also your area of
interest, maybe you could write the new member a note of welcome.  Any one
interested in being on one of our many needed welcoming committee?   I need a
lot of volunteers.  The sign up list is being passed around now.   Let me know
if you want to be a Greeter.  All you do is read the messages and when you
find someone also interested in your surname or the same county where your
ancestors lived, just drop them a note of welcome.   

Nyla CREED DePauk

Date:	98-01-10 23:43:34 EST
From: (Kevin K. Stephenson)
To:	ncreed1@AOL.COM ('Nyla Creed DePauk')

I've converted the compilation files on my website back to straight zip 
files since a couple of people had trouble accessing them.  The links to 
WinZip and PKZip are back on there, so you can get whatever utilities you 
need to work with them.

Would you poll the group and see if there would be an interest in posting 
our entire tree (to date) on the site, so people can look at it?  Chris and 
I talked about this at one time, and we were going to investigate the 
protocols required to do this, but I got busy with school and she's 
probably been plenty busy trying to stay up with everything as well.

If there is interest, I would like to request that several of the group 
who have the most complete records send me Family Tree Maker or .ged files 
that I can link together, and I'll try to get it up on the site.

I'm a little behind archiving the zip files, but should catch up in the 
next few days, so all the latest ones will be available for download.

I'm also open to suggestions on a different format, if someone has any 
ideas.  I've thought about combining all the compilations into three or 
four big text files, to make them easier to search...someone else suggested 
an index...we can probably come up with an index from our files if we agree 
on a numbering system for who's who.  If anyone has a suggestion for a 
system that would make it easier, I'm all ears!  If you know of something 
in use on other sites, tell me about it!

Kevin K. Stephenson
1600 Kentucky St. #2
Lawrence, KS  66044
Fax/Data (785)865-2555

Kevin,  Thanks for all you do for the group.  Nyla

Subj:	 Turner mailing list
Date:	98-01-17 23:57:59 EST
From: (Donald R Fleming)

I have been told that you issue a Turner mailing list.  What are the
requirements for obtaining it?

Don Fleming

Don:  You're on our mailing list now.  Nyla

Subj:	 Turner
Date:	98-01-18 03:30:28 EST
From: (Ann D. Scott)

I just received a question about one of my entries : children of Meshack
(915) and Nancy Martin (931) Turner -- I have the name to be Hershey, it
is in other places as "Tereshey",(1247) -- "Families of Franklin Co.,
VA" have Hershey, late husband's ggrandmother was Mary Frances Turner
(Goode)(1270), her sister, the family called her Hershey, but could have
been a knickname.  Any ideas??

Subj:	 RE: Comp #341 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Mailing List
Date:	98-01-18 10:00:53 EST
From: (David Conner)
To: (NCreed1)


I must say, you have done an awesome job of maintaining this
list. I really appreciate the effort you have put forward over
the past couple of years to help us connect our ancestors
and learn more about the ones we knew about.

David Conner


It's been fun.  You're a charter member of our group and have had the
opportunity to watch us grow from 17 to 221  It's time for us to move ahead
and automate the process.  I'm counting on the group to main the same helpful
attitude that we've had from the beginning.  Thanks for your kind comments.

Chris:  Can you answer Bette's question?  Thanks.  Nyla

In a message dated 98-01-18 11:40:41 EST, writes:
<< Subj:	 Re: Comp #341 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Mailing List
 Date:	98-01-18 11:40:41 EST
 From: (Elizabeth L. Smith)
 To: (NCreed1)
 Nyla -- I'm glad to hear that the list will be automated -- as I'm sure this
 mean that you can enjoy the list a little bit more.  But I have a question
 what a digest is?  I see this term and I'm not sure what the difference would
 in subscribing to the list in that manner.   Thanks,  Bette

Date:	98-01-18 12:27:01 EST
From: (Ethel Handley)

Dear Nyla,

Does anyone have a HANNAH TURNER married to John SCHOFIELD?

They were married Nov 7, 1774 at New Windsor, NY.  John was 
b. at Westchester Co., NY 1753 and died 1805.  John & 
Hannah's children were: Hugh, Benjamin, David, another son, 
(name unknown), and four daughters, (names unknown).  
Hannah had a brother, Hugh.  They first appeared, both 
unmarried, in New Windsor in 1774; no clue to their 
parentage, place of birth, or previous residence. 
If anyone can help me with any information about Hannah I 
would be most grateful.  Ethel  

Ethel Handley

Subj:	James + Turner
Date:	98-01-18 10:53:53 EST
From:	N4JED
CC:	NCreed1

In your post  of 1/13/98 you wrote:

>>have a signature mark resembling a "I" with a horizontal slash through
the center.<<

Let me make a possible suggestion. Quite frequently, clerks copying wills into
will books, etc  would come across signatures where the person actually could
not write but had his "mark" that he signed with.  Typically clerks would
transcribe these by writing the first name, what looked like a plus sign ,
then the last name of the person.  Some went as far as to write "his" above
the + and "mark" below  the + sign.  Thus I am wondering if this is what you
are reading.


Subj:	Senator Packwood
Date:	98-01-18 10:53:54 EST
From:	N4JED
To:	VFTurner2
CC:	NCreed1

Question:  Does the former U.S. Senator Robert Packwood, of Oregon, descend
from our Packwoods?  I was just wondering.



Subj:	Re: Family Histories of SW Virginia
Date:	01/18/98
To:	BAltice1

Hi Bill:

In a message dated 98-01-18 07:47:35 EST, you write:
<< Good Morning, Ms. Creed.

Welcome to the group.  My maiden name was Creed, but I've always used it as my
middle name.  

>> Yesterday, I met and corresponded with Mrs. Cindy Driscoll of Roanoke, VA.
As it turned out, she and I were able to determine that we are 4th cousins,
once removed.  She told me about your TURNER Compilation group and how you and
your 200 members share information.

That's us.  We also share information on Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
families.  The "Etc" covers just about anyone from Southwestern VA that is
related to the other four families.

>> A few months ago, I found some of your correspondence to your members.  It
led me to David Jones in Virginia, and he also has been extremely helpful to
me in obtaining family information.

David, is our resident database manager.  He keeps his database up to date
with all the new information folks share.   He's been in the group since day

>>My roots are in SW Virginia...Franklin, Wise, Floyd, Giles, etc.

My Williams and Whites were out of Giles Co.   The CREED and SPARKS
family was from Tazewell.  

>>In addition to the Altick/Altice family,  I am also interested in the
Austin, Robinette, Hughes, Sink, Fisher, Peters and Wysong families.

I believe I had a Sparks ancestor ancestor to marry a Robinette as his second

>> My existing data base is 13,000 plus, and I am willing to share whatever
knowledge I have with your group.

Sounds like an offer we can't refuse.

>> Do you have room for one more?

We always have room for another cousin.

>> Also, I noticed from your AOL profile that you have roots in Raleigh
County, WVA.  I grew up in Williamson, Mingo County, WVA, and my first wife,
Theodoris Ann (Teddy) Watkins was from Beckley.  Her uncle used to own the
drug store in town.

Oh, sure, Watkins Drug.  Small world isn't it?

>> Anyway, I hope  to hear from you about the possibility of joining your
group. Sincerely,
 Bill Altice
 Orlando, FL >>

Seeing your name Altice reminds me that I have Altizer ancestors.  Could that
have ever been the same family?

I've added you to our mailing list and will send you a copy of the eMail I
sent last night.  Check out our compilations on Chris Gaunt's home page:


Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA

The end of this compilation.