Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 18:14:07 EST From: NCreed1 <> To: Subject: comp #343 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 18 Jan 1998 Greetings to Everyone: More eMails for you to enjoy. We've had several responses to Kevin's inquiry about a TREE Project. Just hold on to your files until Kevin lets us know what type of information he's wanting sent to him. This will be another way for us to share information. Thanks, Kevin. Chris is working on the automation process. Thanks, Chris. So, until she gives us the word, send your eMails to me. Nyla CREED DePauk San Diego CA =================== Subj: Re: automated list Date: 01/18/98 To: GSubyak CC: , In a message dated 98-01-18 09:52:51 EST, you write: << Nyla, why are you excited about this list being automated? then it will be just like all the other rootsweb list. I had thought this list was special, because it was different more personable. The other rootsweb list the owners tell you, you can't send your generation info. they are very boring. Glenda >> Glenda: Your message really touched me. The past two years has been such a wonderful experience for me. I agree this group of cousins is special and personable. When I think about the personal accomplishments I made in my lifetime, I would put this near the top of the list. We were together as a group for two years and had absolutely no rules. We started off with 17 folks. We have 221 at this moment. Whatever anyone wants to share on their family has always been accepted. The group is truly interested in sharing family history. Folks give so generously. This is indeed a group effort. As a result of the generosity of our group, I spend many hours every day trying to compile the eMails and respond to folks. I try to make this special because everyone on the list is special. As a result, there is never any time for me to work on my own genealogy. I have not been to a library since I arrived in San Diego in June. I am neglecting everything around me (especially, my housekeeping duties) <smile> just to keep on top of the eMails. Please don't take this as complaining, I loved every second of it; but I need to move on to other projects, too. Chris once asked me how I was holding up. I didn't want to admit that I was barely hanging on, so I kept doing it. Finally, I realized I couldn't keep compiling the eMails much longer since we had outgrown my capabilities. I then asked Chris and Kevin to come up with a plan to bail me out from under all the eMails. Chris volunteered immediately and begain working on the transition. Once we completely switch to the automated system, you'll receive a welcome message telling you all the basic information. It also mentions that there is a an ftp site where files can be sent. This will allow folks to continue to share their gedcoms and research notes, or whatever. Chris is planning to handle larger files, too. There will also be a link back to her homepage where some files already reside and where all our "old compilations" live. Kevin is working on a plan so we can share our trees. I don't know the details of his plan just yet. I do know this is something he and Chris have discussed in the past, and Kevin recently mentioned it to me again. I think this will aid the group tremendously, as it has such wonderful potential for all of us. I'll still be around. I'm trusting you and the rest of the group will still be available to help folks with their lines. And, maybe, I can work on my genealogy and take advantage of all the wonderful information that folks have shared already. Thank you for writing and letting me know about your concerns. I hope you can understand why it is now time to automate and expand our capabilities. We still have the same opportunity to keep the group personable and not allow it to get boring. After all, this group is NOT at all like all the other groups. We are special and personable--never boring. Nyla ================== Subj: need help Date: 98-01-18 14:36:07 EST From: (Jerry Baker) Reply-to: To: First I think the whole tree thing is good. I have not heard from any one on the name of the place were John Burnett landed. But what I want to know is I have a good friend of the family that would like to know what country his name is from he is a Reed. If anyone has this information or knows were I can look on the internet please tell me. Thank you. -- Jerry Baker nWo 4-Life CEO nWo MotorSports Sim Racing's most winning team ever! nWo's Main Pages nWo Fan Club SRA Member Team Sponsors Hitz Baker Design's ===================== Subj: Burnette tree Date: 98-01-18 15:35:24 EST From: (Julie and Mike Burnette) Reply-to: To: CC: Hi Nyla and Kevin, I'm very new to the list, but I'd be happy to send you a .GED file for my husband's Burnette line. Unfortunately, I only have three generations of Burnettes in my database! But hopefully it will connect up with someone and then I'll have more. Just let me know when you're ready for the file, and I'll send it along. Thanks for all this hard work! Julie Matthews Burnette ======================= Subj: Samuel Corn Date: 98-01-18 15:57:47 EST From: (Taylor Whisonant) To: Nyla, I have a correction and a question for you. Samuel Corn who married Mary and Susan Slaughter was the daughter of John Slaughter and Mary Handy not Hanby. Mary Handy's parents were John and Elizabeth Handy. Speaking of John Slaughter. He had 10 children, I have 9 of them now, I did not have Mary Slaughter. Could it be Elizabeth Slaughter? Taylor ====================== Subj: Re: Comp #340 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Mailing List Date: 98-01-18 16:27:25 EST From: RogerH4667 To: NCreed1 I am looking for a Stephen Turner son of Constantine and Mary Lavinder Turner. He was born in Franklin Co, VA in 1845. He and brother Joseph Thomas were in the 54th Infantry, Co. I from Floyd Co, VA in the Civil War. They were captured and were either prisoners in Ohio or PA. After the war they came back home to Floyd Co. Stephen left there and supposedly was working on the Ohio River and was never heard from again. Does anyone know of a Stephen Turner who might fit this scenario?? Beckie Hammons, Houston, TX =================== Subj: Re: Comp #342 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Mailing List Date: 98-01-18 16:29:15 EST From: CarBurCo To: NCreed1 In a message dated 98-01-18 13:44:34 EST, you write: << Any one interested in being on one of our many needed welcoming committee? I need a lot of volunteers. The sign up list is being passed around now. Let me know if you want to be a Greeter. All you do is read the messages and when you find someone also interested in your surname or the same county where your ancestors lived, just drop them a note of welcome. >> Nyla, Sure, I'll be glad to greet people for any BURNETT descendants and others who went from Virginia to middle Tennessee. Especially if they went on from middle Tennessee to Jefferson County, Alabama. You have done a great job with this list, and I know Chris and Kevin will do so as well. I'll be glad to do what I can. Cousin Caroline Burnett ====================== Subj: Turner- James Turner b c1735 VA>Union Dist SC>Hancock Co. GA Date: 98-01-18 16:31:59 EST From: (Nancy) Reply-to: To: Nyla, Looks like I need to post my "I" mark query again. I must not have made my request clear ao I will try again: David, who responded in the last post, must have misunderstood what I was requesting so there is a possibility that others did also, and I really need some help and other eyes out there looking, if you will forgive the pun. I am asking if anyone has seen a mark resembling a ROMAN NUMERAL "ONE" written in Roman Type or a CAPITAL LETTER (eye as I) with a horizontal slash across the middle used as a signature mark by a James Turner in deeds in VA, NC, or South Carolina between the dates of abt 1750 and 1796 when this mark is found on deeds in Hancock County GA? It is obvious to me that James could not write his name, but it also appears that he made an attempt to create a distinctive mark rather that the usual X or + seen on many deeds, recorded by clerks in the county records for those who were unable to sign their names in their own handwriting. I hope this clears up any possible confusion. Thank you, Nancy Turner Grogan ===================== Subj: Re: THE TREE! Date: 98-01-18 16:36:36 EST From: VFTurner2 To: NCreed1 I would like to participate in creating the TREE. What do I need to do? I use The Master Genealogist (TMG). I think that I can create any type of file that would be helpful. My line is (1) Bedford James Turner; (2) Elijah Turner, Sr.; (3) Meador Turner; (4) Albert Turner. Do you want it to include any living descendents? I personally do not have a problem with my name being included. Vern Turner Menlo Park, CA ======================= Subj: Re: Comp #342 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Mailing List Date: 98-01-18 16:37:29 EST From: JJKALI To: NCreed1 Hi Nyla: Although, I am of the northern Turner's (smile) I have seen several names that tne to run in my Turner line. Just recently found a second Joseph Louis Turner, served in the Civil War 3 terms of duty, was in Fl. KY, LA, VA, later moved to MO from about 1876 to 1896 moved to Ill. in 1896 d. about 1915 ? m. Isabel Salisbury, Vt in 4 Oct. 1869, they both died in Greenville, Ill. This was my gf. name, he was named for him Joseph Louis Turner both born in Middlebury, VT. If anyone comes acorss this name would appreciate any information. This line begins in MA, Ct and VT Elisha, Elisha, Elisha, Willaim, George, Joseph, Louis, Joseph Louis, Louis, etc. Lydia, Lucretia, Adelaide, Malissa, etc. These names come down from the Humphrey Turner line which I havd been unable to connect. June Turner Kalipolites in Nh ====================== Subj: Re: Comp #341 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Mailing List Date: 98-01-18 16:45:59 EST From: CarBurCo To: NCreed1 I'm writing to CORRECT a mistake in the following family: JEAN BLEWETT was the daughter of WILLIAM BLEWETT (not James as stated). Probably makes no difference to the BOSWELL AND ABNER TURNER DESCENDANTS, but we should be exact.....sorry...slip of the keyboard...or the mind! Caroline In a message dated 98-01-17 23:53:04 EST, you write: << ABNER and BOSWELL TURNER caught my attention because these have to be the same ones who married sisters of my LOVE ancestor in Greensboro, Green County, Ga.: LT. COL. DAVID LOVE b.1740 Anson Co, NC d. 1798 (DAR Marker on his grave) married (1772)JEAN BLEWETT(1756-1817) dau of James Blewett and Sarah Garten of SC/NC. The Blewetts and the Loves were strict Scottish Presbyterians and named all their children either Biblical or classical names: ROBERTUS LOVE JOSEPHUS LOVE AKSHAH LOVE m. Thomas Sparks VIRTUOUS MAY/MARY LOVE m. BOSWELL TURNER BELOVED LOVE (male) CHASTE EASTER/ESTHER LOVE m. ABNER TURNER ALLELUIAH LOVE(my ggggrandmother) 1791-1859 m. Henry Rogers * FRIEND OVID LOVE (male) >> ================= The end of this compilation.