Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 22:58:41 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: Comp #344 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

18 Jan 1998

Greetings to Everyone:

Chris Gaunt explains a digest in this issue and sends us a sample of her
Campbell digest.  From the sample she has sent us, it will be very important
to use a subject line that will catch other's attention.

More eMails for you to read.  

Nyla CREED DePauk

Subj:	 What a digest is
Date:	98-01-18 21:01:17 EST
From: (Christine E. Gaunt)
To: (NCreed1)

On Sun, 18 Jan 1998, NCreed1 wrote:
> Chris:  Can you answer Bette's question?  Thanks.  Nyla
><< In a message dated 98-01-18 11:40:41 EST, writes:
> Nyla -- I'm glad to hear that the list will be automated -- as I'm sure
> this will mean that you can enjoy the list a little bit more.  But I
> have a question about what a digest is?  I see this term and I'm not
> sure what the difference would be in subscribing to the list in that
> manner.  Thanks, Bette
>   >>

Bette (and others who might wonder the same thing):

A digest is very similar to the compilations that Nyla has been sending
out.  Messages sent to the list are gathered into a file which is then
sent out to subscribers who wish one larger email as opposed to receiving
the emails as they arrive on the list.  Here's an example of one of the
Campbell-L digests:

campbell-d Digest                               Volume 97 : Issue 109

Today's Topics:
         CAMPBELL / GRAHAM, Knapdale, ARGYLL, SCT
         Re: Washington co.,Pa.
         Relations Benoni
         Adoption in Scotland: JAMES CAMPBELL
         Re: Campbell relatives

Please send messages to if you wish to 
post to the list.  To unsubscribe, email with the SUBJECT:  UNSUBSCRIBE.


Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 07:05:27, -0500
Message-Id: <>

Hi John,

The Scots women have always kept their maiden names in some way.  On many
documents in Scottish records you'd find them listed as "Margaret Campbell
or Graham," on their tombstones "Margaret Campbell wife of John Graham."
Their families often would call them "Margaret

Campbell" to help keep all the Margarets in the family sorted out.

This is one of the reasons it is a blessing to chase Scottish
ancestors, you can usually find the maiden names buried somewhere!

Bobbie (Madison) Hall
(The 5th Barbara Hall in my husband's family)


Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 09:01:01 -0700
From: "Donna Endicott" <>
To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Washington co.,Pa.
Message-ID: <01bcfa84$7e44dac0$74a1cece@Pdonna>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hi Margie, I have this stray Archibald, I have bo real dates and no spouse
or kids for him but look this over and see what you think. Donna
Descendants of William Campbell

Generation No. 1

in of Glenfalloch, Perthshire, Scotland. He married (1) EFFIE MCNICOL. He
married (2) SUSAN Abt. 1743 in of Glenfalloch, Perthshire, Scotland.

Children of WILLIAM CAMPBELL and SUSAN are:

i. DUNCAN6 CAMPBELL, b. Abt. 1744, of Glenfalloch, Perthshire, Scotland.


As you can see, the digest has a sort of Table of Contents, which is nice
because if the Subject headers are descriptive, you can tell if you want
to read the message.  The digest is also labeled as being a Campbell
digest so you can tell what it is before you open the mail (the Subject
line is campbell-d digest V97 #109, if I recall correctly.) 

If you were on the regular list, the messages would arrive in your mail
box one at a time.  The messages are not usually labeled as coming from
any particular list in the subject line.  (Some lists have a listname
added at the beginning of each Subject line, but I've discovered this
label is also inserted into the Subject lines in the digest, which looks
rather silly.)

One thing I don't like about the digests that are sent out from Genealogy
Online is that they are mime digests, meaning that at least for my email
program, they arrive as attachments.  I haven't had too many complaints
about them from subscribers, but am hoping to have a non-mime option
available as soon as I figure out how to set it up.  The advantage to mime
digests is that you can save some attachments without saving the whole
digest - you can pick and choose the messages you want.

The best way to think of a digest is as a compilation. :-)  

Hope that explanation helps. :-)


Thanks, Chris.

Subj:	Re: comp #342 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 
Date:	98-01-18 18:37:39 EST
From:	SSpradling
To:	NCreed1

>>   Let me know if you want to be a Greeter.  All you do is read the messages
and when you find someone also interested in your surname or the same county
where your ancestors lived, just drop them a note of welcome.  >>

Good Afternoon Nyla,

I would be most happy to help with the VIA family.  Just let me know when and
where and I will be there <G>.  Take care and you deserve the rest.  You have
done a wonderful job.

Sandy Spradling
Author of the   <A HREF="">
VIA Home Page</A>

Thanks, Sandy.  When the next VIA researcher joins our group, just give them a
big welcome to the Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc group.  No fair taking anyone
away from us for your VIA group.  <smile>   

For those of you who may not already know, Sandy and Judy are working very
hard on researching the VIA family.   If you're interested in the VIA family,
be sure to check out Sandy's site and join Judy's mailing list.


Subj:	 Re: comp #343 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	98-01-18 19:04:56 EST
From: (Julie and Mike Burnette)
To: (NCreed1)


Could you please send me Caroline Burnett's e-mail address? In the
compilation, it just comes through as CarBurCo. She's looking for
Burnette's from Jefferson County, AL, which is where my husband's
Burnettes are from.

Maybe I'm getting somewhere after all!

Julie Matthews Burnette

Caroline is at
I hope you find all the information you need.  Nyla

Subj:	North Carolina Turners
Date:	98-01-18 19:06:06 EST
From:	N4JED
To:	NCreed1

For all those researching the North Carolina Turners,

While looking thru the Library of Virginia card catalog I came across the
following listing that might be of interest to those looking for the NC

"The Turner Family:  Discovering the father of Thomas Turner, John Turner and
Philip Turner of Rowan Co., North Carolina and Madison Co., Kentucky"
by, Virginia Darcey Slaughter  1992
Published Columbia, MO (8405 N. Wagon Trail Road, Columbia, 65202)

Apparently - if I read the listing correctly - the oldest person in the book
is William Wyndham Turner, died 1779.


Subj:	Packwoods
Date:	98-01-18 19:06:11 EST
From:	N4JED
To:	chrisdawson@hotmail.cpm
CC:	NCreed1


Finally got to start looking at your Packwood info and have a few comments on
the first part in Comp 326.

I am not sure how you go about listing counties for people as there appears to
be two schools of thought. Some people list the present county an event would
have physically taken place in today and some list the county the event
actually took place in when it occured. In your generation 2 and 3 listings
you keep refering to births in Patrick County. Patrick County was still 40
years in the future for some of these people. Actually 3 counties in the
future as Pittsylvania Co., then Henry Co. and finally Patrick had to form
before Samuel could even be in Patrick if he never moved.  I perfer listing
the original and commenting (later Patrick) to denote currrent location. Not
sure your intent - and I still make the mistake myself - but for everyone else
on the list I just want to point out that the counties listed did not exist

In generation 3 Larkin Packwood married to unknown Henderson you list two
William Henderson Packwood born 1832
Larkin Canaday Packwood     born 1803

I have been told by other Packwood researchers that William Henderson Packwood
is the son of Larkin Canaday Packwood - not his brother.  This also works out
better date wise.   And for those who asked earlier, this is the line to
former Senator Bob Packwood.

Under generation 3 ...Elisha Packwood married to Mary "Polly" Burnett, you
have listed:
4    Elizabeth Packwood   b. May 9, 1819
      + Spencer Hardy

I believe this is an error and is not Elizabeth's birth date or husband.  If
you continue through the listing you will find  far more data on  Elisha's
sister  ....3 [7]Elizabeth (2)Packwood b. 23 May 1791 married to Spencer Hardy
with a marriage date of May 9, 1819.

Also under Elisha, you have
4     Richard Packwood   b. 1848 in MO

This birth would have occured twenty years after his mother died.

Under generation 3 Samuel Packwood married to Judith Sneed born 1775. You list
her parents as John Sneed and Nancy Pedigo.  I have in my records a John Sneed
married 14 September 1807 to Nancy Pedigo b. 1789 with good info on Nancy.
Obviously this could not be the parents of Judith.  Was there another John and
Also under Samuel and Judith Sneed Packwood you have listed a child Larkin
Packwood married to Ester Ann Berry.  Any confusion here with son of Elisha
and Mary Burnett Packwood - Larkington Packwood who married Ester Ann Berry?

Your thoughts on the above?


Subj:	 Re: Comp #341 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Mailing List
Date:	98-01-18 19:26:49 EST
From: (Janet Cox)
To: (NCreed1)

Congratulations on the prospect of retiring!! :D  SOOO, what do you think
you'll do in ALL your spare time? :)      Thanks for all the effort you've
gone to in order to hold things together for the list - we appreciate it.

Thanks, Janet.  

Subj:	 Re: Beckley
Date:	98-01-18 19:36:21 EST
From: (Russ Turner)
Reply-to: (Russ Turner)
To: (NCreed1)

    Hi Nyla,

    Just to show how small a world it really is, I was an announcer at
    WOAY-AM-FM-TV in 1960! I was born in Kanawha County, and live just North
    Houston, Texas.

    I am still looking for ancestors of Archibald Abraham Turner, b. 1806
    and his wife, Mary Susan Creasy, who were married in 1825 in Bedford

    I have lots of Creasy info, but am afraid my great grandpa had no

                Russ Turner
                The Woodlands, Texas

>>> Also, I noticed from your AOL profile that you have roots in Raleigh
>County, WVA.  I grew up in Williamson, Mingo County, WVA, and my first wife,
>Theodoris Ann (Teddy) Watkins was from Beckley.  Her uncle used to own the
>drug store in town.
>Oh, sure, Watkins Drug.  Small world isn't it?

Russ:  I'm beginning to wonder about all our ancestors who didn't seem to have
any ancestors of their own.  Nyla

Subj:	Re: comp #343 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 
Date:	98-01-18 19:48:30 EST
From:	Yoricat
To:	NCreed1

     I haven't forgotten that I need to send you material.   I put it in a
safe place last fall so I wouldn't lose it and don't you know, now I can't
find it.  I called the library where I found the information and they are
special mailing me the same material.  Will send it to you as soon as I
receive it.
     I would be glad to be on your welcoming committee.  Just let me know what
I should do.

                                                        Jeanette O'Boyle

Jeanette, Great.  Just send a little welcome message to anyone that seems to
be researching the same line that you are researching.   It's that easy.  Nyla

Subj:	 My vote
Date:	98-01-18 20:59:05 EST
From: (rangeley)

Hi Nyla,

I would love to see the entire tree posted.  Also, please accept my 
thanks to you, Chris, and everyone who helps make this list possible.  It 
is the most enjoyable of any I have seen.  Your hard work is appreciated.

Lynda Rangeley
Corpus Christi, Tx.

Lynda:  You're very welcome.  Your kind words are appreciated.  I don't think
the personality of our group will change just because we're automated.
Another vote for Kevin's TREE.  Nyla

Subj:	Re: comp #343 Keep the personal Touch  please  �
Date:	98-01-18 22:22:55 EST
From:	AACTchStan
To:	NCreed1

In a message dated 98-01-18 18:14:07 EST, you write:
<<  After all, this group is NOT at all like all the other groups.   We are
special and personable--never boring.
AMEN  and I agree, would like to clean house at some of the Newsgroups/usenets
which are so rigid that a comma instead of a semilcolon bounces /cancels your
I told one of their bosses that this was a hobby after all, he just about
broke out of his brown shirt   :)

All this means that the personal touch is great, your compassion with the
newbies is most rare and thus quite valuable :)

We all benefit from your generosity, Thanks

Stan in Toledo

Stan:  I remember so well when I was a newbie on a list.  Nothing like a
"flame" to kill a enthusiastic newbie.  Thanks for your kinds words.   This is
a generous and kind group.  Nyla

Excerts from a message from Chris Gaunt:

"I don't think there is another list like this.  You might be the
only one making compilations, but possibly not.  If I hadn't been in the
thick of it, I wouldn't have known about it, so I may be missing similar
groups mentioned on other mailing lists.  (John Fuller may know of some,
since he keeps track of the mailing lists.)

I really think that the specialness and group effort will continue if we
keep the tone the same.  And that depends on what people send as emails
rather than whether the list is automated or not.  :-)

The end of this compilation.