Date: Thu, 31 Oct 1996 18:50:42 -0500 (EST)
From: ncreed <>
Subject: Compilation #41 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

31 October 1996

Hello to Everyone,

       Welcome to the new folks.  We continue to add new cousins to our
mailing list.  Just want to remind everyone to let me know if you have a
change in your eMail address.  If mail is returned "addressee unknown" I
delete the address from the mailing list since I have no idea how to find you.  
        Please keep sending me any information you want to share.

                        Nyla Creed DePauk
                        2832 Andiron Lane
                        Vienna VA  22180-7001


Date: Sun, 27 Oct 1996 00:55:27 +1100
From: Waddie B Salmon <>
To: ncreed <>
Subject: Burnett
References: <>

Hi Nyla and all my cuzins!,
   I have just started going back to the Bedford City/County
Museum in Bedford, Virginia this week.  They have obtained all
three volumes of Mrs. Borks books, "Burnett's and Their
Connections".  Compilation of 30 years of research on Burnett. 
If at all possible yall need to see if there are copies in your
area at your library, etc.  WELL worth looking at!  You'll be
amazed at the amount of information there!

Waddie Salmon


From: "Susan E. Smith" <>
To: "''" <>
Subject: Burnetts, et al
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 09:29:34 -0600


     In reference to my earlier message, I am looking at the
strong possibility of a link between the Burnett's of Shelby
County, Kentucky, and the Burnett's of Patrick/Henry Counties in
     I sent a query to "Ye Olde Genealogie Shoppe" in
Indianapolis concerning the Kentucky Burnetts, and among the
documents I was sent was a copy of a query someone else had
submitted, date unknown:
     1295  GRAHAM, BURNETT:  Shelby County, Kentucky, November
Court 1820.  Deed for 437 acres of land to William Dickson from
James Graham in his own right and as atty-in-fact for George
Burnett and William Burnett, heirs of James Burnett who d. 1797,
was proved by Joshua Richardson and John Burnett and certified to
Pittsylvania Co., Va., where the land lies.  Who is this James
Graham, and how is he heir to James Burnett? Mrs. Howard L.
Bulls, P.O. Box 542, Reedley, California  93654.
     My ancestor, James C. Burnett, died in 1839, so if he was
related, he could have been a son of the James Burnett mentioned
in the 1820 court documents.  There was a John Burnett who had a
will probated in Shelby County in 1831, and his administrator was
William Burnett.  William's wife was Elizabeth Richardson,
probably Joshua Richardson's sister.  There are four or five
generations of James Burnett's running through this family, and
James C. Burnett occurs five times.  It seems highly likely that
the Shelby County Burnett's were related back to the James
Burnett who died in Pittsylvania County, Virginia in 1797, and
left some land to James Graham, George Burnett, and William
Burnett.  Interestingly, after looking through the hard copies of
all 40 of your compilations, I only find one mention of a James
Burnett in Virginia.  It is in the replies to your December 7
inquiry, and was the response from David R. Jones, Jr., at
Vinton, Va. (, quoting the 1978 Allied Families
handout.  He lists the children of John Burnett Sr., and shows
James Burnett at 1g.)  The James Burnett mentioned in the 1820
court documents would've died when John, Sr. was about 70, and
since John Sr. lived to be a hundred, it's quite possible that
James could've died at 40-50 yrs.  Could it be that there is no
further mention of James Burnett, or any descendants, because
they all moved to Shelby County, Kentucky?
     This may seem like a stretch, but it looks like there is a
strong connection between Shelby County, Kentucky, and
Pittsylvania County, Virginia in that court document, and I'd
sure like to see if it's the connection I'm looking for.
     Let me know what you think about this, and whether any of
the group has anything further on John Sr.'s son.
     One of the newest "newbies"
     Kevin K. Stephenson

KEVIN:  I'm not the expert.  Can anyone help Kevin solve this
mystery?  Nyla

Date: Thu, 31 Oct 1996 00:05:41 -0800
From: Ricky L Burnett <>
To: ncreed <>
Subject: answer to kevin k stephenson

     This is what I could find out about James C Burnett.
     James Cunningham Burnett from Pittsylvania Co. Va. He may be
of the same line as Peter H. Burnett first Governor of
California. He purchased or sold land to John Mack and Polly
Burnett (Either his sister or daughter) married Margeret
Robinson. Catherine Gill was his third wife. He was mentioned in
the 1810 census as being in the 26 - 45 year old column.  He died
before 1838. there was also a mention of a James Burnett son of
George immigrated to the US and was in the pauper records for Va.
I hope this will help 
Ricky Burnett


From: "Kevin K. Stephenson" <>
To: "'Ricky L Burnett'" <>
Cc: "''" <>
Subject: RE: answer to kevin k stephenson
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 1996 13:30:44 -0600

     You got it!!  The James Cunningham Burnett you mention here
is my ancestor!  I have a copy of the deed from John and Polly
Mack to him conveying land on the waters of Beech Creek in Shelby
County, Kentucky in 1808.  You say he is possibly of the same
line as Peter H. Burnett of California.  Please send me all the
info you have about this!!!  Do you have some written evidence
that he was from Pittsylvania County?  And do you have any idea
whether or not he is a son of the James Burnett who is mentioned
in the 1979 Allied Families meeting handout as being a son of
John Sr. who married Elizabeth Tait?

     Ricky's info is correct about the land transaction with John
and Polly (Burnett) you know anything else about his
possible connection to Peter H. Burnett, or the James Burnett who
was possibly a son of John Sr.?
     This is getting exciting, and very interesting!!!
     My 96-year-old great uncle, Milton Burnett, and I travelled
in Indiana and Kentucky this summer investigating the Burnett
ancestry, and we discovered a lot in the Shelby County Court
House.  If this connection holds up, I can supply the entire line
from James C. Burnett on down through the generations that lived
in Indiana, Illinois, and Kansas. I have a copy of the deeds and
land description to the Burnett tobacco plantation in Shelby
County, Kentucky, and a listing from all the county cemeteries of
the Burnett's who are buried there.  By the way, there was a Tobe
Burnett, a former slave, buried in a cemetery not far from the
plantation, who was killed in a wagon accident in 1912.  Please
keep me posted on how this ties in to the Patrick/Henry county
Burnett family.

Date: Thu, 31 Oct 1996 17:33:28 -0500
Subject: Turner

Betsey Turner   b.1790  Va. possible daughter  Miriam  b.  1824 
living with Patterson family 1860 cen Madison Co., Ky.  If any
connection please E-mail

Please place me on your mailing list.

The end of this compilation.