Date: Mon, 18 Nov 1996 20:02:08 -0500 (EST)
From: ncreed <>
Subject: Compilation #44 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

18 November 1996

Greetings to Everyone, especially the new folks.

I have a request.  How many of you can send me at least one page
of information on your Burnett-Turner-Via-Ross-Etc/Etc families. 
That would amount to at least 81 pages of information that we can
share and then have for our archive.  This compilation will be 
#44.  I'd like to see 52 compilations by 25 December.  That would
average one a week for the first year.   How many of you will
agree to send one page of new information, questions, census
info, marriage records, etc.?  Would like to have them by 1
December.  Come on, folks, this shouldn't take more than 5-10 minutes to do.

Nyla Creed DePauk
Vienna VA

Date: Thu, 14 Nov 1996 21:53:11 -0500
From: (Betty C Banks)

        Please add me to your mailing list.   I am interested in
the Moran/Agee/Washington/Clifton and Cassell families.


        I've added you to our list.  Do any of your families tie
into the Burnetts, Turners, Vias, Rosses?  Or families from
Patrick, Henry, Franklin Counties, VA?

        I will send you the compilation I sent out last night. 
Check out Chris Gaunt's homepage for all the compilations:


Nyla CREED DePauk
Vienna VA

Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 05:57:35 -0500 (EST)
From: "Christine E. Gaunt" <>
cc: Nyla Creed <>
Subject: Re: Subscribe

On Thu, 14 Nov 1996 wrote:

Hi Chris: I would like to be added to your mailing list.
I have a lot of info on Turner's that I will submit. I am looking
to make a connection to John H. Turner b: 1827 in S.C. Thanks,
Johnny Turner

Hi, Johnny,

I'm replying to your message and copying also to Nyla as she is
the one who maintains the list.  (I just archive it.)  I'm sure
she will add your name to the list of participants.

We look forward to hearing from you on your Turners. :-)


Christine Gaunt,
Campbell-L listowner (
Co-compiler of Genealogy Resources on the Internet (web pages and


File (550K):  via autoreply from


Date: Sat, 16 Nov 1996 02:20:34 PST
Subject: Burnett
X-Juno-Line-Breaks: 5-6,9,11-30,32,34,43,45-47
From: (Sharon E Crawford)

When I first join Burnett/Turner/Via/Ross I sent in a listing of
my g.g.grandfather, Cornelius S. Burnett and his family.  Also I
ask if anybody had any information on the two Cornelius Burnett's
that died in Trigg Co. KY.  After reading several of the
compilations I realized that I should have put in more of my
family line that I had collected over the years.

1. John Burnett, abt. 1611-1686, Scotland
 +Lucretia, (for anyone researching this family and by chance
hasn't read the will of Lucretia Burnett, I would be more than
happy to send them a copy) 

2. John Burnett 11, abt. 1660-1717-8  Essex Co. VA (also have
John's will)
 +Amey Gatewood

3. Jeremiah Burnett, abt 1718-1773 Essex Co. VA.
 +Mary McDaniel

4. Issac Burnett, abt 1738-1803 Hanover Co. VA.
 +Sarah Small    Children;

     5. John Burnett, Sr., abt 1761-1827
     +Elizabeth Tate

     5. Isaac Burnett, Jr.  b. abt 1762
     +Mary Moore

     5. Richard Burnett, abt. 1763-1833
     +Margaret Hughes

     5. Cornelius Burnett, Sr. abt. 1768-1833
     +Lucretia Hood
      +2nd Elizabeth Bishop

     5. George Burnett,  abt. 1769- aft.1832
     +Unknown Wicker

     5. Unknown Burnett (son)

     5. Unknown Burnett (son)

The two Burnetts I'm interested in are John Burnett, Sr. and
Cornelius Burnett, Sr..

In the Burnetts and Their Connections it show both having a son
named Cornelius.  

John Burnett, Sr. son, Cornelius, married Margaret Turner and
also Mildred (Milly) Stone. Cornelius Burnett, Sr. son,
Cornelius, married Jane Dawson. In the Burnett book  it has my
Cornelius S. Burnett married Nancy A. Wallis as the son of
Cornelius and Jane Dawson Burnett. But in researching Cornelius
S. Burnett everything I find points to  Cornelius and Mildred
(Milly) Stone Burnett as the parents of Cornelius S. Burnett.
Because of this I have kept two separate files until I'm sure
which is my Cornelius S. Burnett true parents. 

If you have any information on this line I would truly love to
hear from you.  My Burnett line moved on from VA>KY>KA>AR>OK.  
so I would also like to hear from anyone that had Burnett's in

Sharon Burnett Crawford, -

Date: Sat, 16 Nov 1996 15:01:37 -0800
From: (Ronald L Turner)
Subject: Subscribe

Please add me to your mailing list   Ron Turner

Date: Sat, 16 Nov 1996 08:12:15 +0100
From: "Nettie S. Clifton" <>
To: Sharon E Crawford <>
CC: Nyla Creed <>
Subject: Re: Burnett/Corn correction
References: <>

Dear Sharon,

You are right.  The marriage date fo Jesse corn & Elizabeth
Burnett is 15 Mar 1810 Patrick Co 
VA, not the 13th as I mentioned in Comp #43.  My typo or mistake
in copying.  My apoligies.

Will get back to you later on additional Burnett information.

Nettie S. Clifton, Catonsville MD

Date: Sat, 16 Nov 1996 15:01:37 -0800
From: (Ronald L Turner)
Subject: Subscribe

Please add me to your mailing list   Ron Turner

Date: Sun, 17 Nov 1996 12:05:35 -0500
Subject: Re: James Nowlin and Ursula

In a message dated 96-11-16 15:46:18 EST, you write:

>Hello Kurt, this is Lynne Bernard, a fellow rooter.
>I noticed in your posting you had a Burnett in Patrick Co., VA. 
I have a
>Burnett in my tree -- Elizabeth Burnett, no info re parents or
birthdate or
>place; m. Jesse Corn, Jr., 3 Mar 1810, no place given; their
child, Nancy
>Corn, was b. 25 Dec 1810, Patrick Co., VA.  The family later
moved to Saline
>Co., Missouri.  (There were Nowlins in Saline Co. in 1829.)
>If my Burnett fits in anywhere with yours, please let me know. 
Good hunting,
>Lynne Bernard

Hello Lynne,

I saw the below posting in Nyla Creed's Burnett group- it looks
like a connection to me!



Date: Sat, 09 Nov 1996 08:56:13 +0100
From: "Nettie S. Clifton" <>
CC: Nyla Creed <>
Subject: Turner Comp. #42

Your #41 Cornelius "Neely" BURNETT m(2) 19 Nov 1809 Patrick Co VA
Mildred "Milly" 
STONE. Ref  #92.

Your #42 Nancy BURNETT d 19 Nov 1872, age 84 years 8 months 4
days.  Ref #95 Cem. #408.  I figure the birth date to be 15 Mar

Your #42 Rev. John TURNER d 20 May 1874, age 84 years, 8 months.
Ref #95 Cem #408.  I figure the birth date to be 20 Oct 1789.

Your #43.  Elizabeth BURNETT m 13 Mar 1810 PCVA Jesse Corn Jr.
Ref #92.

Nettie S. Clifton
Catonsville MD


The end of this compilation.