Date: Sun, 24 Nov 1996 16:00:34 -0500 (EST)
From: ncreed <>
Subject: Compilation #67 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

24 Nov 1996

Greetings to All,
     A special thanks to everyone who shared information this
weekend.  My disclaimer is at the end of this message.

Date: Thu, 21 Nov 1996 12:51:53 -0500
From: Allen Richmond <>
Organization: Scioto Publishing Ltd.
Subject: Compliation Mailing List Change

Hi Nyla:

Just wanted to let you know of a change of address:    <--- is being phased out (hopefully by
12/31)  <--- is the new address (currently in use)

Allen   (Scioto County Genealogy)

Comments: Authenticated sender is <>
From: "Gilbert Murray" <>
To: ncreed <>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 16:04:41 +0000
Subject: Re: TURNER
Priority: normal

This in an extract from one of my notes.  I will try to find time
to do the same for others.


The subject of the sketch, Joseph Thrasher Turner, is my
GGGrandfather.  To summarize descent: Joseph's daughter Nancy
married John Murray in 1854 in Franklin Co., Ark.; their son
Herbert L. Murray married Caroline Melinda White in Cooke Co.,
Tx.; their son Leonidas Murray, my grandfather, married Margaret
Desiree Paralee Gunn.  Leonidas and Paralee Murray had twelve
children who peopled northeast Texas; the oldest, Gilbert L. Sr.,
m. Lucy Emmalyn Miller of Tom Bean, Tx.  These were my parents.


Joseph Thrasher Turner, a Hopkins Co. pioneer, came of pioneering
stock.  In 1784 his great-grandfather, Henry Turner, was in
Rutherford Co., N.C.; Henry and his wife Jemima became members of
the Sandy Run Baptist Church, where their son John Turner was
baptised in 1796.  In 1797-8 the Turners, with other church
members and neighbors, migrated to Warren and Barren Co., Ky.  In
1805 Alexander Davidson, a minister ordained by the Sandy Run
Church, married John Turner to Ebby (Isobel) Bishop in Barren
Co., Ky.  In 1809 Henry and Jemima Turner sold their land in
Warren Co. and removed to Tn.; Goodspeed shows John Turner
settled in Perry Co. c. 1818.  Perry Co. Surveyor's Book A shows
land was surveyed for John Turner in 1822. 

John and Ebby Bishop Turner had children John, Henry, Joseph
Thrasher, Phoebe, Betty, Susie, Elias T., and William R.  Court
and census records substantiate the sons; the names of the
daughters are family tradition.  Ebby died before 1820; John
appears as a widower in the 1820 census.  Later, he remarried to
Elizabeth Russell.  After he died, Elizabeth remarried to Lorenzo
Dow Hill.

By 1832 Joseph Thrasher Turner had married Rhoda ---?--; their
first child, John, was born in Tenn. in 1833.  Between 1833 and
1835 they migrated to Franklin Co., Ark, where he built the 
first store at Cass.  His brother Henry was already there; Henry 
appears in the 1830 census of Crawford Co., Ark., in Mulberry
Township, which became part of Franklin County.  Henry married
Mary "Polly" Russell, a daughter of Lewis Russell and his wife
Hester or Esther, and a granddaughter of George Russell, who is
said to have been killed by Indians in Kentucky while exploring
with Daniel Boone.  Lewis and Joseph Russell were living next to
Henry Turner in the 1830 census.  Elias T. and William R. Turner
followed their brothers Henry and Joseph T. to Franklin Co. ca.

In 1854, Joseph Thrasher and Rhoda --?-- Turner's daughter Nancy
married John Murray, son of Thomas and Margaret (Whitwell?)
Murray, grandson of John and Nancy (Davidson) Murray who married
in Barren Co., Ky in 1805, great-grandson of Thomas and Elizabeth
(--?--) Murray and of James and (--?--) Davidson, and GG-grandson
of Alexander Davidson, the Baptist minister who married John
Turner to Ebby Bishop in 1804.  John and Nancy (Turner) Murray
had one child, Herbert Lafayette Murray; John died c. 1856; in
1859 Nancy remarried to John Donaldson, a potter.

Joseph T. and Rhoda Turner moved to Texas c. 1744, joining the
Peters Colony and settling in the Cross Timbers area of old
Fannin Co. near Joseph's brothers, Henry and William R. Turner. 
Lewis Russell were there, too.  This may have been in the area of
Dexter.  Henry Turner died there in 1846.  No  lawyers
accompanied the settlers into the wilderness, but courts were
needed; it appears that Joseph T. had a reputation for integrity
and common sense, as the colonists elected him Chief Justice.  In
1848 - why? - Joseph T. Turner brought his family back to
Franklin Co., Ark., where they were enumerated in the 1850
census.  By May 1866 they had "gone to Texas" for good, settling
in Hopkins County.  Their son Joseph A. married Nancy J.
Donaldson (John Donaldson's sister?) in Hopkins Co. 28 May 1866;
their daughter Malinda (Linnie) married G. T. Plumer 3 Nov. 1870. 
Other children may have married in Hopkins Co., also.

Joseph Thrasher Turner was a Renaissance man: a farmer,
storekeeper, and blacksmith who studied law in middle age and
became a lawyer.  He had an office on the square facing Hopkins
Co. Courthouse.  He appears in the 1870 census of Hopkins Co., p.
190, house 76 family 76: 
TURNER, JOSEPH,      56 m lawyer,     $1,000, $300, b. Tn
   "    RHODA,       54 f keeps house               b. Tn
   "    MARY,        19 f at home                   b. Ark
   "    MALINDA,     17 f     "                        "
   "    SAMUEL,      14 m                              "
   "    JOSEPHINE,   12 f                              "
ANDERSON, MARY       12 f                              "


TURNER, JOSEPH,      28 m $100, $300                b. Tn
   "    NANCY,       22 f                           b. Mo.
   "    PATRIA,       3 f                           b. Tx.
   "    PERRY,        1 m                              "

Note:  Perry, aged 1, was uncle to Henry Felix Murray (aged 93 in
1995, living Wake Village, Texarkana, Tx.).  Henry sent us a
photograph of Uncle Joe Turner, Mr. Hodge, and Henry as a small
boy outside the pottery at Winnfield where the men worked.  Uncle
Joe Turner, he said, had three children, two boys and a girl. 
Uncle Perry died in 1930.  Aunt Sis Turner married a Brock. 
"They were Papa's aunts and uncles."  (Henry Felix' Papa was
Herbert Lafayette Murray, son of John Murray and Nancy Turner,
dau of Joseph Thrasher and Rhoda (--?--) Turner.


TURNER, JOHN,       37, m, Blacksmith, $150         b. Tn.
   "    WILLIAM T.J.15, m,                          b. Ark.
   "    MARGARET M.,13, f,                             "
   "    JOSEPH,     11, m,                             "
   "    GEORGE W.,  10, m,                             "
   "    HIRAM W.,    9, m,                             "

It seems likely that Joseph and John were Joseph T. and Rhoda
Turner's sons.  Other Turners enumerated in the area in 1870 may
also be related.  Land records show Joseph (110-110) as Joseph A.
and John (134-134) as John L.  John (134-134) was a blacksmith;
Joseph Thrasher Turner was a blacksmith before he studied law; 
descendants say Joseph's grandfather, Henry, was a blacksmith who
made swords and guns for Washington's army.

     Apparently Joseph Thrasher Turner died in the fall of 1871;
an inventory of his estate, dated Dec 5, 1871, appears in Book 9,
p. 110, and the following year Rhoda sold land as his widow.  No
will or administration has been found.  The earliest packet
number in the probate boxes labeled T in the Hopkins Co. 
Courthouse is 784.  There is a ceiling-high stack of boxes in a
dimly lit corner, with no chair or stepladder to provide access;
the clerks do not know what these boxes contain.  A locked box,
key apparently missing, is labeled "old wills."  One of these
boxes may hold records of J. T. Turner's estate and name his

Where is Joseph buried?  He apparently died in Hopkins Co., and
had a substantial estate, but there is no marker for him in the
city cemetery.

Joseph's widow, Rhoda Turner, was enumerated in 1880 in Denton
Co. Tx. with her daughter Linnie, by then also a widow.  Linnie
remarried to Jerry Hogue in Denton Co.; both are buried in
Winfield Cemetery, Titus Co., Tx.  Their tombstone shows Linnie
died in 1920; Jerry died in 1926.  A death record might
give Linnie's mother's (Rhoda's) maiden name, but no record was
found at the Titus Co. or Franklin Co. courthouse.

Clyde Murray of Mesquite, Tx. is a GG-grandson of Joseph T. and
Rhoda Turner.  Clyde's great-grandparents were Nancy Turner and
John Murray, his grandparents were Herbert L. Murray and Caroline
Melinda White, and his parents were Leonidas Murray/Margaret
Desiree Paralee Gunn.  In Sep 1989 (after the history was
submitted to the Hopkins Co. Genealogical Society), Clyde sent us
a letter containing the following information:

"The lawyer I use Al(?) Jefferson told me that one reason that
Turner's estate at Sulphur Springs would have been probated in
District Court was a law suit of some kind was involved.  The
courthouse at Mt. Pleasant burnt in 1895.

"A History of Sulphur Springs Lodge No. 221 AF  AM (Mason), from
1856-1921" shows that a J. T. Turner affiliated 5-7-68 and died

Note that this death date fits our Joseph Thrasher Turner, whose
estate was inventoried 5 Dec 1871.

Note:  Wrote the Hopkins Co. Gene. Soc. 10 July 1990 notifying
them of our
changed house number.


Confed. pensions, Tx.: Turner, Joseph, Freestone Co.
                          "       "    San Saba   "

William Fitzhugh's Co., personnel recruited primarily in Grayson
Co. Tx., Feb 2 1847 - Feb 2 1848.  Private, #60, Turner, Joseph,
26.  Same co., second service, Feb 2 1848 - Feb 1 1849, original
noncoms: Joseph Turner, 4th Sgt, 28.

The Joseph Turner above, 26 in 1847 and 28 in 1848/9, would
havebeen born ca. 1820-21.  Our Joseph Turner was born ca. 1814. 
The two men are not the same person.

(The above came from a book at the Anderson Library, not noted.)

Date: Sat, 23 Nov 1996 21:08:52 -0800
From: R/P Turner <>
To: ncreed <>
Subject: [Fwd: Announcement]

Thought you might like to pass this on!

Polli (Jost) Turner
Central Point, OR
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(please forward this to researchers of our surnames or 
variant spelling)
TURNER. A mailing list for the discussion and sharing of
information regarding any TURNER or variant surnames in any place
at any time.  Locales by similar names & name origins, changes,
genetics included.  Mailing address for genealogy (begin Subject:
TURNER year state etc):
Mail To:
To subscribe, send subscribe command in the body of the Maiser

Mail To:


           please start Subject: TURNER  (you may add year &
           only 2 lines in the message body +leave a line blank
at end
           e-mail questions to list owner:H Helm
family list -TURNER & TURNEY surnames & locales any place at any
TURNER first, then key YEAR, then key STATE here please for posts
to list

Date: Wed, 20 Nov 1996 14:02:17 -0500
Subject: Burnet


Does this group include the surname of BURNET?  (I joined the
group to find my Turner ancestors but have found that my husband
is a Burnet descendant.)  If it does, please pass the following
information/query to the group.

Ralph Burnet m. Magdalen Fox
     Elizabeth Burnet, born in 1613, died in 1653, m. William
(Treasurer of      
     the Merchant's Adventures at Rotterdam, Holland, in 1635.)
          Elizabeth Cockroft, m. William Hancock  

This is all l have on Ralph, Magdalen, and Elizabeth.  I would
like to add more and find my husband's 12th Great-Grandparents.  

Hoping for 52!!!

Rebekah Shelton  (
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 1996 22:38:06 -0500
Subject: Re: Burnett family


Thanks very much for the few short lines you sent me....THEY WERE
GREAT !!!   I have been able to tie them into my master listing
of families by the LEFTWICH, HURT, and James Jr. listings.....
You would not believe the loose strings you brought together. 

I kept wondering how the James TURNER Sr. line tied in to my
info. I had Jr. all along and his wife Mary. Also had Augustine
Leftwich Jr. dangling out there waiting for his father.

In the next couple of days, I will put this info into my program
and spit out a new listing. Will send it your way for review.

Again thanks

David Jones
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 1996 10:04:57 -0500
Subject: INGRAM Family listing

Here is the INGRAM families of Patrick and Henry Counties....
again, let me say these are brief as I have not pursued them. 
Most of my info comes from Patrick Henry Allied Families and what
others have posted to the internet...

************* Begin INGRAM *********************

Descendants of James I. INGRAM

First Generation

1.   James I. INGRAM died 1816 in Patrick Co., VA. James married
(1) Martha "Patsy" ___.  They had the following children:
     +    2    F    i.   Nancy INGRAM died Apr 1822.
          3    F    ii.  Exoney INGRAM was born about 1776. She
died about 1830. Exoney married (1) Isaac C. ADAMS on 13 Oct 1809
in Patrick Co., VA.
     +    4    M    iii. Alexander INGRAM was born 9 Dec 1778 and
died 20 Mar 1849.
     +    5    F    iv.  Sarah Elizabeth "Sallie" INGRAM was born
Apr 1787 and died Apr 1842.
     +    6    M    v.   James INGRAM Jr. was born about 1790 and
died about 1865.

Second Generation

2.   Nancy INGRAM died Apr 1822 in Patrick Co., VA. Nancy married
(1) Daniel ROSS Jr, son of Daniel ROSS Sr. and Betty GARTH on 24
Jul 1798. Daniel was born 1777. He died 1861.  They had the
following children:

4.   Alexander INGRAM was born 9 Dec 1778 in VA. He died 20 Mar
1849. Alexander married (1) Elizabeth E. TURNER, daughter of
William TURNER and Jane HUNTER about 1800. Elizabeth was born 25
Jan 1783 in VA. She died about 1873.  They had the following
          16   M    i.   Pleasant INGRAM was born 6 Jan 1805 in
VA. Pleasant married (1) Nancy WELCH on 14 Dec 1826 in Franklin
Co., VA. Nancy was born about 1810 in VA.
          17   F    ii.  Martha INGRAM was born 20 Jan 1808 in
VA. Martha married (1) John C. GRIFFITH on 28 Dec 1830 in
Franklin Co., VA. John was born 1810 in VA. John was a chair
          18   F    iii. Exoney INGRAM was born 21 Feb 1809 in
VA. Exoney married (1) Granderson B. LESEUER on 19 Oct 1831 in
Franklin Co., VA. Granderson was born about 1800.
          19   F    iv.  Jane INGRAM was born 3 Feb 1811 in VA.
She died 21 Mar 1893 in Patrick Co., VA. Jane married (1) George
Prayant THOMPSON, son of Henry THOMPSON and Lucy HARRIS. George
was born 9 Apr 1794.
          20   F    v.   Orpah "Opie" INGRAM was born 26 Dec 1812
in VA. Orpah married (1) James John CANNADAY, son of William
CANNADAY and Patsy WRIGHT. James was born about 1810 in Patrick
Co., VA.
          21   M    vi.  Elkanah Turner INGRAM was born 19 Aug
1814 in VA. He died before 1870. Elkanah married (1) Matilda Ann
WILLIS on 19 Apr 1843 in Franklin Co., VA. Matilda was born about
1820 in VA.
          22   F    vii. Sarah "Sally" INGRAM was born 20 Mar
1816 in VA. Sarah married (1) Robert MCGRIFFIN.
          23   F    viii.     Nancy Adelphin INGRAM was born 19
Apr 1822 in VA. Nancy married (1) John C. CAHILL on 15 Nov 1841
in Franklin Co., VA. John was born about 1820 in VA.
          24   F    ix.  Mary Elizabeth INGRAM was born 19 Feb
1828 in VA.

5.   Sarah Elizabeth "Sallie" INGRAM was born Apr 1787. She died
Apr 1842 in Patrick Co., VA. Sarah married (1) William VIA, son
of ___ VIA on 30 May 1800 in Patrick Co., VA. William was born 13
Apr 1779. He died 21 Feb 1839 in Patrick Co., VA. William came to
Patrick Co. from Amherst Co., VA along with his brother and 2
sisters.  William and Sarah had the following children:

6.   James INGRAM Jr. was born about 1790 in Patrick Co., VA. He
died about 1865 in Franklin Co., VA. James married (1) Elizabeth
HALL on 14 Nov 1816 in Patrick Co., VA.  They had the following
          32   F    i.   Rozinah INGRAM. Rozinah married (1)
Jonathon CONNER.
          33   M    ii.  Alexander INGRAM. Alexander married (1)
Harriet E. YOUNG, daughter of William D. YOUNG and Tarmesia
SHELTON on 29 Aug 1853 in Patrick Co., VA.
          34   F    iii. Malinda INGRAM. Malinda married (1)
Josiah Hunter TURNER Jr., son of Josiah Hunter TURNER and
Drucilla Pricey PHILPOTT on 1 Sep 1848 in Franklin Co., VA.
Josiah was born 11 Mar 1822 in Franklin Co., VA. He died 24
Apr 1900.
          35   M    iv.  Harden INGRAM was born 13 Oct 1825 in
Franklin Co., VA. He died 1 Aug 1907 in Franklin Co., VA. Harden
married (1) Sarah E. "Sally" CAHILL, daughter of John C. CAHILL
and Nancy Adelphin INGRAM on 15 Mar 1888 in Franklin Co., VA.
Sarah was born about 1847 in VA.

James also married (2) Jane TURNER, daughter of Obadiah TURNER
and Frances LAVENDER on 14 Apr 1859 in Franklin Co., VA. Jane was
born 4 Jun 1825 in Patrick Co., VA. She died 18 Feb 1865.
They had the following children:
          36   M    v.   Abraham Monroe INGRAM was born 31 Jan

************ End Ingram *************

Date: Sun, 24 Nov 1996 10:04:53 -0500
Subject: MARTIN Family Listing

Here is my information on the MARTIN family in Patrick and Henry
Counties. I sure hope nobody was on vacation over the weekend...I
am sure their mailboxes are overflowing if they were.... David.

*************** Begin MARTIN Listing *****************

Descendants of Joseph MARTIN

First Generation

1.   Joseph MARTIN. Joseph married (1) Susanna CHILDS.  They had
the following children:
     +    2    M    i.   Joseph MARTIN , Gen. was born 1740 and
died 1808.

Second Generation

2.   Joseph MARTIN , Gen. was born 1740 in Albemarle Co., VA. He
died 1808 in Henry Co., VA and was buried in Martin Cemetery,
Belmont, Henry Co., VA.  Joseph tried twice to settle Powell
Valley and the Cumberland Gap. Joseph married (1) Susan LUCAS.
Susan died 1782.  They had the following children:
          3    F    i.   Susanna MARTIN. Susanna married (1)
          4    M    ii.  William MARTIN , Col. was born 1765 in
Orange Co., VA. He died 1846. William went on the expedition
against the Indians in 1781. He and his wife moved to South
Carolina in 1791. William served in the War of 1812 and
fought against the Creeks - taking command after Gen. Pillow was
injured.  William married (1) Franky FARRIS. Franky died in SC.
          5    F    iii. Elizabeth MARTIN. Elizabeth married (1)
          6    F    iv.  Brice MARTIN was born 1770. She died
1846. Brice married (1) Malinda PERKINS.
          7    F    v.   Polly MARTIN. Polly married (1) Daniel
          8    F    vi.  Martha MARTIN.  Martha married (1)

Joseph also married (2) Susanna GRAVES on 1784.  They had the
following children:
     +    9    M    vii. Joseph MARTIN , Col. was born 1785.
     +    10   M    viii.     Jesse MARTIN.
          11   M    ix.  Thomas W. MARTIN was born in Henry Co.,
VA. Thomas married (1) ___ CARR. ___ was born in NC. She died in
          12   M    x.   Lewis MARTIN was born in Henry Co., VA.
He died in TN.
          13   M    xi.  Alexander MARTIN was born in Henry Co.,
VA. He died in MO. Alexander married (1) __ CARR. ___ died in MO.

Third Generation

9.   Joseph MARTIN , Col. was born 1785 in Belmont, Henry Co.,
VA. was buried in Martin Cemetery, Belmont, Henry Co., VA. Joseph
was a member of the Virginia legislature serving many years in
the House of Delegates and eight years in the Virginia Senate.
Joseph married (1) Sally HUGHES, daughter of Archilaus HUGHES ,
Col. and Mary DALTON.  They had the following children:
          14   F    i.   Susan MARTIN was born in Greenwood,
Henry Co., VA. Susan married (1) Robert COOK. Robert was born in
Pittsylvania Co., VA.
     +    15   F    ii.  Mary MARTIN.
     +    16   M    iii. William MARTIN , Col. was born 1814 and
died 1888.
     +    17   F    iv.  Sallie MARTIN.
     +    18   M    v.   Joseph MARTIN.
     +    19   F    vi.  Jane MARTIN.
          20   M    vii. Archelaus Hughes MARTIN was born in
Greenwood, Henry Co., VA.  Archelaus died in childhood.
          21   F    viii.     Ann MARTIN was born in Greenwood,
Henry Co., VA. Ann married (1) John DILLARD, Judge. John died in
          22   M    ix.  Thomas MARTIN , Capt. was born in
Greenwood, Henry Co., VA. He died 1861/1865 in Malvern Hill, VA.
Thomas was killed at Malvern Hill fighting for the CSA in the War
of Northern Aggression. Thomas married (1) ___ PANNELL. ___ was
born in Pittsylvania Co., VA.
     +    23   F    x.   Matilda MARTIN.
          24   F    xi.  Elizabeth MARTIN was born in Greenwood,
Henry Co., VA. Elizabeth married (1) Robert WILLIAMS, Capt.
Robert was born in Danville, VA.
          25   F    xii. Ella MARTIN was born in Greenwood, Henry
Co., VA. Ella married (1) John ROBERTSON , Dr.. John was born in
Pittsylvania Co., VA.

10.  Jesse MARTIN was born in Henry Co., VA. Jesse fought in the
War of 1812. Jesse married (1) Annie ARMISTEAD. Jesse also
married (2) Cecilia REID.  They had the following children:
          26   M    i.   Thomas King MARTIN , Capt. was born in
Henry Co., VA.

Fourth Generation

15.  Mary MARTIN was born in Greenwood, Henry Co., VA. Mary
married (1) John STAPLES , Col.. John was born in Patrick Co.,
VA.  They had the following children:
          27   M    i.   William STAPLES. William married (1)
Anne PENN.
          28   M    ii.  Abram STAPLES. Abram married (1) ___
          29   F    iii. Susan STAPLES. Susan married (1) ___
          30   F    iv.  Lucinda STAPLES. Lucinda married (1) ___
          31   M    v.   Martin STAPLES.
          32   M    vi.  John STAPLES.
          33   M    vii. Joseph STAPLES.
          34   M    viii.     Samuel STAPLES.

16.  William MARTIN , Col. was born 1814 in Greenwood, Henry Co.,
VA. He died 1888 in Henry Co., VA. William was educated at UVA
and practiced as an orator, lawyer, and statesman. He was a
member of the Constitutional Convention of 1850-51.  William was
a Colonel in the 42nd. VA Infantry, CSA.  William married (1)
Susan Maria HAIRSTON, daughter of George HAIRSTON and Louisa
HARDYMAN. Susan was born in Henry Co., VA.  They had the
following children:
          35   F    i.   Sallie Elizabeth MARTIN.  Sallie married
(1) William BRENGLE, Dr.  William was born in Ridgeway, VA.
          36   F    ii.  Louisa Hardyman MARTIN. Louisa married
(1) Samuel G. SHEFFIELD, son of Leonard SHEFFIELD and Lucy
WOOTTON. Samuel was born 1836 in Henry Co., VA. Samuel was a
Lieutenant, CSA during the War of Northern Aggression.
          37   F    iii. Jane MARTIN. Jane married (1) Samuel
WATKINS. Samuel was born in Henry Co., VA.
          38   F    iv.  Susan MARTIN. Susan married (1) William
          39   F    v.   Matilda MARTIN. Matilda married (1)
George HAIRSTON. George represented his district in congress for
several years.  He was the largest land and slave owner in this
part of Virginia.
          40   M    vi.  Samuel MARTIN.
          41   M    vii. Hughes MARTIN.
          42   M    viii.     George MARTIN.
          43   M    ix.  Joseph MARTIN.

17.  Sallie MARTIN was born in Greenwood, Henry Co., VA. Sallie
married (1) Overton DILLARD, Col. Overton was born in Henry Co.,
VA.  They had the following children:
          44   F    i.   Sallie Hughes DILLARD. Sallie married
(1) Frank GRAVELY, son of Lewis GRAVELY Jr. and Sarah SHERILL.
Frank was born in Danville, VA.
          45   F    ii.  Elizabeth Redd DILLARD.
          46   F    iii. Susan Janie DILLARD.
          47   F    iv.  Anne Marshall DILLARD. Anne married (1)
          48   F    v.   Ella Martin DILLARD.

18.  Joseph MARTIN was born in Greenwood, Henry Co., VA. was
buried in Martin Cemetery, Belmont, Henry Co., VA. Joseph married
(1) Susan PANNILL. They had the following children:
          49   M    i.   Joseph H. MARTIN was born in Greenwood,
Henry Co., VA. was buried in Martin Cemetery, Belmont, Henry Co.,

19.  Jane MARTIN was born in Greenwood, Henry Co., VA. Jane
married (1) John D. WATKINS.  They had the following children:
          50   F    i.   ___ WATKINS. She married (1) William

23.  Matilda MARTIN was born in Greenwood, Henry Co., VA. Matilda
married (1) George Stovall HAIRSTON, son of George HAIRSTON and
Louisa HARDYMAN. George was born in Henry Co., VA.  They had the
following children:
          51   F    i.   Sallie Louisa HAIRSTON was born in Henry
Co., VA. Sallie married (1) Fleming SAUNDERS, Col.
          52   F    ii.  Susan Jane HAIRSTON was born in Henry
Co., VA. Susan married (1) John DRAPER. John was born in Pulaski,
          53   F    iii. Elizabeth McLemore HAIRSTON was born in
Henry Co., VA. Elizabeth married (1) Samuel HALE, Maj. Elizabeth
also married (2) C. H. INGLES, Capt.
          54   M    iv.  George Stovall HAIRSTON was born in
Henry Co., VA. George married (1) Nannie Wilson WATKINS.
          55   F    v.   Matilda Martin HAIRSTON was born in
Henry Co., VA. Matilda married (1) Robert C. TATE. Robert was
born in Wythe Co., VA.
          56   M    vi.  Nicholas Hardyman HAIRSTON , Judge was
born in Henry Co., VA.  Nicholas married (1) Elizabeth S.

*************** End MARTIN Family Posting ***********

Date: Sun, 24 Nov 1996 10:04:44 -0500
Subject: PANNILL Family Listing

Here is another related family to the Patrick/Henry Counties

***************** Begin PANNILL Listing *************************
Descendants of Thomas PANNILL

First Generation

1.   Thomas PANNILL was born in England. He died in Rappahannock
River area, VA. Thomas left England with the accession of
Cromwell in England. His name spelling changed from Pannell to
Pannill. Thomas settled on the Rappahannock River in Virginia.
He had the following children:
     +    2    M    i.   William PANNILL.

Second Generation

2.   William PANNILL died in Richmond Co., VA. William married
(1) Frances MILLS.  They had the following children:
     +    3    M    i.   William PANNILL.

Third Generation

3.   William PANNILL was born in Richmond Co., VA. William
married (1) Sarah BAILEY. Sarah was born in Middlesex Co., VA.
They had the following children:
     +    4    M    i.   William PANNILL.

Fourth Generation

4.   William PANNILL. William married (1) Ann MORTON.
They had the following children:
     +    5    M    i.   Morton PANNILL.
          6    M    ii.  David PANNILL.
          7    M    iii. Samuel PANNILL. Samuel died unmarried.

Fifth Generation

5.   Morton PANNILL. Morton married (1) Mary JOHNS. Mary was born
in Lynchburg, VA.  They had the following children:
     +    8    M    i.   George PANNILL.
          9    M    ii.  Joseph PANNILL.
          10   M    iii. William PANNILL.
          11   F    iv.  Ann PANNILL.
          12   M    v.   Morton PANNILL.

Sixth Generation

8.   George PANNILL. George married (1) Bethenia Ruth CALLOWAY,
daughter of John CALLOWAY and America HAIRSTON.
They had the following children:
          13   M    i.   George PANNILL was born in Claremont,
Henry Co., VA. George died unmarried.
          14   M    ii.  Jack PANNILL was born in Claremont,
Henry Co., VA. Jack died unmarried.
     +    15   F    iii. America Hairston PANNILL.
     +    16   F    iv.  Mary PANNILL.
          17   F    v.   Bethenia Ruth PANNILL was born in
Claremont, Henry Co., VA.  Bethenia married (1) Martin PENN.
          18   M    vi.  Loula PANNILL was born in Claremont,
Henry Co., VA. Loula died unmarried.
     +    19   M    vii. Edmond J. PANNILL.
          20   M    viii.     William Hairston PANNILL was born
in Claremont, Henry Co., VA.  He died 25 Aug 1864 in Ream's
Station. William was in Company K, 10th.  Virginia Cavalry, CSA.
He was killed at Ream's Station 25 Aug 1864.
          21   M    ix.  Harden PANNILL was born in Claremont,
Henry Co., VA. Harden died unmarried.
          22   M    x.   John PANNILL was born in Claremont,
Henry Co., VA.
          23   F    xi.  S. Ann Katherine PANNILL was born in
Claremont, Henry Co., VA.  S. Ann Katherine PANNILL married (1)
William T. WOODLEY , Dr.. William was born in Charlotte, NC.

Seventh Generation

15.  America Hairston PANNILL was born in Claremont, Henry Co.,
VA. America married (1) William CAMPBELL.  They had the following
          24   F    i.   Bethenia CAMPBELL.
          25   M    ii.  William Pannill CAMPBELL.
          26   F    iii. Ruth Janet CAMPBELL.

16.  Mary PANNILL was born in Claremont, Henry Co., VA. Mary
married (1) John Henry DAVIS.  They had the following children:
          27   M    i.   George Evans DAVIS was born in Rocky
Hill, Henry Co., VA.
          28   M    ii.  John H. DAVIS was born in Rocky Hill,
Henry Co., VA.
          29   F    iii. Elizabeth Ruth DAVIS was born in Rocky
Hill, Henry Co., VA.
          30   M    iv.  Edmond Pannill DAVIS was born in Rocky
Hill, Henry Co., VA.
          31   M    v.   Ernest DAVIS was born in Rocky Hill,
Henry Co., VA.

19.  Edmond J. PANNILL was born in Claremont, Henry Co., VA.
Edmond married (1) Eliza REAMY, daughter of Peter R. REAMEY , Dr.
and Sallie WALLER. Eliza was born in Henry Co., VA.  They had the
following children:
          32   F    i.   Sallie Reamy PANNILL was born in Henry
Co., VA. Sallie married (1) John Redd SMITH.
          33   F    ii.  Maria Waller PANNILL was born in Henry
Co., VA. Maria married (1) William Brumfield READ, son of Taylor
P. READ and Royall LIZZIE.
          34   F    iii. Katherine Langhorn PANNILL was born in
Henry Co., VA.
          35   F    iv.  Bethenia Letcher PANNILL was born in
Henry Co., VA.
          36   F    v.   America Hairston PANNILL was born in
Henry Co., VA.
          37   F    vi.  Ruth Calloway PANNILL was born in Henry
Co., VA.
          38   F    vii. Mary Elizabeth PANNILL was born in Henry
Co., VA.
          39   M    viii.     George Edmond PANNILL was born in
Henry Co., VA. He died 18 Jul 1918 in Chateau-Thierry, France.
George enlisted in 2nd. Division, Company K, 9th. Infantry,
A.E.F. during WWI and was killed in action at Chateau-Thierry.
          40   M    ix.  J. E. B. Stuart PANNILL was born in
Henry Co., VA. He died 4 Aug 1918 in Chateau-Thierry, France.
Stuart enlisted in 2nd. Division, Company K, 9th. Infantry,
A.E.F. during WWI and was wounded in action at Chateau-Thierry
July 1918 and died the next month.

******************* End Panill Listing ******************

Date: Sun, 24 Nov 1996 10:04:38 -0500
Subject: REAMEY Family Listing

Here is a posting for the REAMEY Family in Patrick and Henry

*************** Begin REAMEY List ****************

Descendants of Jean DE REMI

First Generation

1.   Jean DE REMI. Jean was a Huguenot refugee who came to
Charleston, SC in 1690.  He had the following children:
     +    2    M    i.   Pierre DE REMI.

Second Generation

2.   Pierre DE REMI died in VA.  He had the following children:
     +    3    M    i.   Daniel REAMEY (REMIE) , Col..

Third Generation

3.   Daniel REAMEY (REMIE) , Col.. Daniel was a mamber of the
Augusta County Militia and served with Washington at Valley
Forge.  He was promoted to Colonel.  He had the following
          4    M    i.   John REAMEY. John married (1) ___ PACE.
     +    5    M    ii.  Daniel REAMEY.
     +    6    F    iii. Elizabeth REAMEY was born 1756 and died
          7    F    iv.  Samuel REAMEY.

Fourth Generation

5.   Daniel REAMEY. Daniel married (1) Susanna STARLING, daughter
of Thomas STARLING and Annie REDD. Susanna was born in Henry Co.,
VA.  They had the following children:
     +    8    M    i.   Mary A. REAMEY was born 15 Jun 1834 and
died 1910.
     +    9    M    ii.  Peter R. REAMEY , Dr..
          10   F    iii. Kate REAMEY was born in Henry Co., VA.
Kate married (1) James SEMPLE, Dr.
          11   M    iv.  Overton Redd REAMEY was born in Henry
Co., VA. Overton married (1) ___ SMITH.
          12   M    v.   Henry Clay REAMEY was born in Henry Co.,
VA. He died 1861/1865.
          13   F    vi.  Lucy REAMEY was born in Henry Co., VA.
Lucy married (1) James SMITH. James was born in OH.
     +    14   M    vii. John REAMEY.
     +    15   M    viii.     Daniel Webster REAMEY.

6.   Elizabeth REAMEY was born 1756. She died 1856 in Henry Co.,
VA and was buried in Oaklawn Cemetery, Martinsville, Henry Co.,
VA. Elizabeth married (1) Benjamin JONES, Dr., son of Joshua
JONES and Isabel NORMAN on Sep 1776 in Prince William, Co., VA.
Benjamin was born 25 Apr 1752 in Culpeper Co., VA. He died 1843
in Henry Co., VA. Benjamin enlisted July 1776 as a Culpeper
Minuteman serving with the 3rd. Regiment under Colonel Taylor. 
He assisted Dr. White, a surgeon, during the war laying the
foundation for his future practice of medicine.  enjamin and
family moved to Rockingham Co., NC and lived there for two years
operating "Troublesome Iron Works" General Washington recorded in
his diary visiting and eating with the Jones family there. In
1792 they moved to Henry County Virginia near Elizabeth's
brothers Daniel and Samuel. Benjamin was active in politics and
represented Henry County in the Virginia legislature.  Benjamin
and Elizabeth had the following children:
          16   M    i.   Thomas JONES.
          17   M    ii.  Sanford JONES. After his marriage,
Sanford lived in Pittsylvania County, Virginia. Sanford married
(1) ___ HODGES.
          18   M    iii. Gabriel Remi JONES.
          19   M    iv.  Bartlett JONES, Dr.
          20   M    v.   George Washington JONES.
          21   F    vi.  Pamela JONES.
          22   M    vii. Benjamin Churchill JONES , Dr. died in
Lancaster, SC.  Benjamin married (1) ___ DAVIS, daughter of ___
DAVIS, Gen. She died in SC.
          23   F    viii.     Elizabeth JONES.
          24   F    ix.  Nannie JONES. Nannie married (1) John
ANTHONY. John was born in Axton, VA.
          25   M    x.   Decatur JONES.

Fifth Generation

8.   Mary A. REAMEY was born 15 Jun 1834 in Henry Co., VA. He
died 1910. Mary married (1) C. Y. THOMAS, daughter of ___ THOMAS.
C. Y. THOMAS was born in Henry Co., VA. C.Y., though a union
preservationist, served as Henry County Virginia Commonwealth
Attorney during the War of Northern Aggression and was
responsible for providing food to Confederate widows.  After the
war, he was appointed military governor of Virginia but declined
the position. He served at the Virginia constitutional convention
and later became an intimate friend of President Grant.  Mary and
C. Y. THOMAS had the following children:
          26   M    i.   Lyne Starling THOMAS.
          27   F    ii.  Hope THOMAS.
          28   F    iii. Faith THOMAS. Faith married (1) ___
          29   F    iv.  Jane THOMAS.
          30   F    v.   Susan THOMAS.
          31   F    vi.  Katherine THOMAS.
          32   M    vii. Frank THOMAS. Frank married (1) Bessie
CARSON. Bessie was born in Salem, VA.
          33   M    viii.     John Y. THOMAS.

9.   Peter R. REAMEY, Dr. was born in Henry Co., VA. Peter
married (1) Sallie WALLER.  They had the following children:
     +    34   F    i.   Eliza REAMY.
          35   M    ii.  Henry REAMEY was born in Henry Co., VA.
Henry married (1) Elsie GRAVELY.
          36   F    iii. Sallie REAMEY was born in Henry Co., VA.
          37   F    iv.  Florence REAMEY was born in Henry Co.,
          38   M    v.   Jack REAMEY was born in Henry Co., VA.
          39   F    vi.  Starling REAMEY was born in Henry Co.,
     +    40   M    vii. George REAMEY.

14.  John REAMEY was born in Henry Co., VA. John married (1)
Elizabeth HAIRSTON, daughter of Peter HAIRSTON and Ruth Stovall

15.  Daniel Webster REAMEY was born in Henry Co., VA. Daniel was
a member of the 10th. Virginia Cavalry CSA during the War of
Northern Aggression serving under Gen. William Henry Lee. Daniel
married (1) Elizabeth Redd DILLARD, daughter of Overton DILLARD ,
Col. and Sallie MARTIN.  They had the following children:
          41   M    i.   Overton REAMEY.
          42   M    ii.  James REAMEY.
          43   M    iii. Frank REAMEY.
          44   F    iv.  Daisy REAMEY. Daisy married (1) Hairston
MORRIS, son of John T. MORRIS and ___ MILES. Daisy also married
(2) James D. HODGES.
          45   F    v.   Annie REAMEY. Annie married (1) Wilcox
          46   F    vi.  Lyne REAMEY. Lyne married (1) Thomas

Sixth Generation

34.  Eliza REAMY was born in Henry Co., VA. Eliza married (1)
Edmond J. PANNILL, son of George PANNILL and Bethenia Ruth
CALLOWAY. Edmond was born in Claremont, Henry Co., VA.  They had
the following children:
          87   F    i.   Sallie Reamy PANNILL was born in Henry
Co., VA. Sallie married (1) John Redd SMITH.
          88   F    ii.  Maria Waller PANNILL was born in Henry
Co., VA. Maria married (1) William Brumfield READ, son of Taylor
P. READ and Royall LIZZIE.
          89   F    iii. Katherine Langhorn PANNILL was born in
Henry Co., VA.
          90   F    iv.  Bethenia Letcher PANNILL was born in
Henry Co., VA.
          91   F    v.   America Hairston PANNILL was born in
Henry Co., VA.
          92   F    vi.  Ruth Calloway PANNILL was born in Henry
Co., VA.
          93   F    vii. Mary Elizabeth PANNILL was born in Henry
Co., VA.
          94   M    viii.     George Edmond PANNILL was born in
Henry Co., VA. He died 18 Jul 1918 in Chateau-Thierry, France.
George enlisted in 2nd. Division, Company K, 9th. Infantry,
A.E.F. during WWI and was killed in action at Chateau-Thierry.
          95   M    ix.  J. E. B. Stuart PANNILL was born in
Henry Co., VA. He died 4 Aug 1918 in Chateau-Thierry, France.
Stuart enlisted in 2nd. Division, Company K, 9th. Infantry,
A.E.F. during WWI and was wounded in action at Chateau-Thierry
July 1918 and died the next month.

40.  George REAMEY was born in Henry Co., VA. George married (1)
Julia MCLENNAN.  They had the following children:
          96   F    i.   Grace L. REAMEY was born in Henry Co.,
          97   F    ii.  Lizzie REAMEY was born in Henry Co., VA.
Lizzie married (1) ___ POLLARD.
     +    98   F    iii. Mary Ryland REAMEY.

Seventh Generation

82.  Richard P. GRAVELY.  Richard married (1) Sadie MULLINS,
daughter of Henry Greene MULLINS and Annie Whitten MCCABE.
They had the following children:
          110  M    i.   Richard GRAVELY.
          111  F    ii.  Nancy GRAVELY.
          112  M    iii. Harry Reginald GRAVELY.
          113  F    iv.  Sadie Hay GRAVELY.
          114  M    v.   Frank GRAVELY.
          115  F    vi.  Virginia GRAVELY.
          116  F    vii. Bobbie GRAVELY.
          117  F    viii.     Betsey GRAVELY.

98.  Mary Ryland REAMEY was born in Henry Co., VA.  Mary married
(1) Howard S. HOLLAND.  They had the following children:
          118  M    i.   Jack HOLLAND.
          119  M    ii.  George HOLLAND.
          120  M    iii. Allen HOLLAND.

***********************End Reamey Listing ****************


Date: Sun, 24 Nov 1996 10:05:01 -0500
Subject: Thats All Folks....For NOW...

List Cousins,

Well, I think thats about all my fingers will let me post to the
group for this week. Am looking forward to incorporating everyone
elses information  into my lists. Please keep it flowing to Nyla
for posting. Even the most shortest info can tie together
families others have been searching for.

Now, if you want to see a lot of information, ask Nyla to post
all of hers to the list. Surely she has had the time to add
everyones info to her already bulging computer program ...HA HA

[David:  I don't do genealogy anymore.  I just "cut & paste" and
do compilations.  Nyla]

I wish to point out as a closing that my postings are not
definitive by any means. A lot of it is family legends and
hand-me-down stories from older relatives. The printouts by the
Patrick Henry Allied Families and the work done by my grandmother
and great grandmother for those booklets were another big source. 
Then finally, much of what you see, one or more of you have
posted to the group at an earlier date.

Use these as a guideline to do your own research .. a reference
of who and where to look.  I follow a philosophy of collecting
that Eunice Kirkman so eloquently stated to me... paraphrased it
is   'Add everyone to a family you come across until proven
otherwise. Just because a person is not listed in somebody's
book, does not mean they are not in the family.' So I encourage
you to check everything - both here and what you read.

Have fun putting all this information together and Happy Hunting
(Nyla, take a day off)...

David R. Jones, Jr.


EVERYONE --- I also agree with the philosophy mentioned above.  
Remember these words of wisdom.  "Just 'cause you read it in a
book, doesn't make it true.  Neither does reading it in this
compilation make it true (or untrue, if you don't find it here)." 
When in doubt, research, research, research.   Also, anything you
find here that is not politically correct is an oversight on
someone else's part.  I had nothing to do with it 'cause I took
the rest of the day off.  -  Nyla
The end of this compilation.