Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 18:36:40 -0500 (EST) From: ncreed <> Subject: Compilation #68 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 25 Nov 1996 Greetings to Everyone, The response to my plea for additional family information has been fantastic. Never could I have imagined such a tremendous response. Thank you. I apologize for not acknowledging every response personally. I trust you understand and know how much this sharing can help someone else. Actually, we have had some success stories as a result of our sharing family info. Be sure to let us know about your family. If you have a question, ask. Someone will have the answer, I'm convinced. Remember, you may be the next success story. If you don't play, you can't win. Nyla P.S. Remember, if you haven't sent your information, it's not too late. =========================================================== From: "Evelyn Alexander" <> To: <> Subject: Turner/Ross Date: Sun, 24 Nov 1996 14:26:12 -0800 Nyla, I love what you are doing. Have made one sure connection, and one that is a probable. I have searched for years for descendants of Jubal and wife Milley (Ross) Turner. He was youngest son of Admire Turner. He emigrated with his sons before the start of the Civil War, in order to avoid fighting friends and neighbors. Originally the family started for Oregon, but spent about a year in Kentucky, where his son Whitfield Ross and wife Martha Jane (King) Turner's second daughter Elizabeth was born. Their first Amanda was born before they left Virginia. They never reached Oregon. They were tired of travel, and Iowa was a free state. They settled in Monroe Co., Iowa, with one son, Whitfield Ross Turner. The other sons supposedly moved on to Kansas. His brother Richard died in Franklin Co., Kansas, and his will was probated in Monroe Co., Iowa by Whitfield Ross Turner. Another brother Robert L. fought in the Civil War, dying in Keokuk, Iowa from inflamation of the brain. That still left Washington Turner and Jeffery C. Turner, also sons of Jubal. A descendant of Jubal through Washington Turner, had a message on your compilations. Robert Hobson, I felt as though I had struck gold in a gold mine. The other connection was in your compilation #64, on the Ross family, from David Jones. I'm not sure, but at least there is a name. When Jubal Turner and Milly Ross married, Sutherland Ross was Milly's surety. There has to be a connection. I hope. I have found from sad experience that the archives in Salt Lake City are not mistake free. I feel they have the wrong Ross as her father. They list her husband as John Ross and herself and the same birthdate, with the same children, including herself as one of the children. They also list her as the only child in this family that was born in Virginia, the rest were born in Adair Co., Kentucky. Not a great input, from someone. Oh Well! Had to thank you again, and let you know how much we all appreciate this type of compilations, as it lets us browse through, and make connections. Evelyn Alexander ======================================================= X-Sender: Date: Sun, 24 Nov 1996 19:40:34 -0600 To: From: (Pat Chesney) Subject: More Turners! Here is my Turner line and you can find out more about this family by going to the Terisha Turner newsletter stored on Chris Gaunts homepage. Additions and corrections welcome. The numbers after things are reference numbers to inserted quotes that I haven't posted. Looking hard for Terisha's parents. Any help out there? I think his folks migrated from Maine to VA. Could have lived in Essex Co. VA or Southhampton Co. VA. in late 1600's to early 1700's. The records were burned in Essex Co. early unfortunately. This is near where George Washington was born and Robert E Lee. Appreciate any one with books on any famiilies in that area taking a look in index for a Terisha or Wimpey family entry. Or looking for a connection to the James Turner governor of NC or any Turner connection to descendants of Mayflower families. Descendants of Humphrey Turner and William Brewster's combined line - wife lines early on -Randall, Issac Prince, James family, Barrell, Green, Pickles, Holdbrook, Rigby, Hyland, Vining,Oldham, Keeny, Dennison, Stockbridge, Allen Weymouth, Hudson, Besbedge, Hobart. (There is a spot on the map near Turner, Maine that Humphrey Turners children settled that is called Keene. And there is a small town named Keene a few miles from where Terisha lived in albemarle Co Va.) (there is a town named Oldham on the coast area of VA not far from Essex Co.) I dont' know why this program draws a line after the person's name and then gives the info. Hope it doesn't confuse you. What comes after the line under Terisha is his family info and then it starts with his son James and draws a line again and what comes after is James family info. With the 1 meaning son of Terisha and another 1 meaning his first child. (1) 1. Terisha Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 1705 Death Date: 1801/1802 Spouse: Sarah Wimpey Burial Place: Amherst Co. VA Spouse Father: John Wimpey (-1761) Spouse Mother: Mary (-1756) Children: James Stephen Reuben 21 John Mary George Sarah William Henry 23 William Terisha (2) 1.1 James Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 1745 Death Date: 1806 20 Spouse: Rebecca Hamner Spouse Father: William Hamner Spouse Mother: Elizabeth Henley Children: Stephen James Terisha John L. William Sarah Rebecca Mary Elizabeth Judith Lucy Susanna Patsy Nancy Mildred (3) 1.1.1 Stephen Turner --------------------------------------------- Death Date: 1794 (3) 1.1.2 James Turner --------------------------------------------- Death Place: Sumner Co. Tenn Spouse: Lucy Ham Marriage Date: 25 Nov 1795 Children: Elizabeth (4) Elizabeth Turner --------------------------------------------- Spouse: Simpson Payne Spouse Father: John Payne Spouse Mother: Elizabeth Litt Children: Lucy Ham (5) Lucy Ham Payne --------------------------------------------- (3) 1.1.3 Terisha Turner --------------------------------------------- Spouse: Christine Foster Marriage Date: 6 Jan 1814 (3) 1.1.4 John L. Turner --------------------------------------------- Children: Nelson Bailey James H. Frances Sally Rebecca Elizabeth Eliza Mary Ann (4) Nelson Bailey Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 1797 Death Date: 1875 Spouse: Elizabeth Burton (4) James H. Turner --------------------------------------------- (4) Frances Turner --------------------------------------------- Spouse: Richard C. Johns(t)on (4) Sally Turner --------------------------------------------- Spouse: Mr. Hamner (4) Rebecca Turner --------------------------------------------- Spouse: Benjamin Johns(t)on (4) Elizabeth Turner --------------------------------------------- Spouse: Mr. Burton (4) Eliza Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 1803 Death Date: 1854 Spouse: William Nelson Carter (4) Mary Ann Turner --------------------------------------------- Spouse: John Henley (3) 1.1.5 William Turner --------------------------------------------- Death Date: 1817 (3) 1.1.6 Sarah Turner --------------------------------------------- Spouse: Pleasant Dawson Marriage Date: 6 Feb 1786 (3) 1.1.7 Rebecca Turner --------------------------------------------- Spouse: Thomas Austin, John Jopling Marriage Date: 1798/1816 (3) 1.1.8 Mary Turner --------------------------------------------- Spouse: Terisha Turner Marriage Date: 4 Jun 1803 (3) 1.1.9 Elizabeth Turner --------------------------------------------- Spouse: Leonard Phillips Marriage Date: 1793 (3) 1.1.10 Judith Turner --------------------------------------------- Spouse: Thomas Graves Marriage Date: 1816 (3) 1.1.11 Lucy Turner --------------------------------------------- Spouse: John Graves Marriage Date: 1816 (3) 1.1.12 Susanna Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 1784 Death Date: 1850 Spouse: Littlepage Dameron Marriage Date: 1802 (3) 1.1.13 Patsy Turner --------------------------------------------- Spouse: Henry Rittenhouse Marriage Date: 21 Dec 1807 (3) 1.1.14 Nancy Turner --------------------------------------------- Spouse: John Thurmond (3) 1.1.15 Mildred Turner --------------------------------------------- (2) 1.2 Stephen Reuben Turner 21 --------------------------------------------- Death Date: 1799 Death Place: Warren Co. NC Spouse: Susanna Hamner 22 Spouse Father: William Hamner Spouse Mother: Elizabeth Henley Marriage Date: 1764 Children: Terisha Mary William Stephen James Hamner Hendley Susannah Elizabeth Sarah Rhoda Rebecca (3) 1.2.1 Terisha Turner --------------------------------------------- Death Date: 1834 (3) 1.2.2 Mary Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 13 Mar 1771 Spouse: William McGuffie Rives Marriage Date: 5 Jan 1778 (3) 1.2.3 William Turner --------------------------------------------- (3) 1.2.4 Stephen Turner --------------------------------------------- Death Date: 1842 Spouse: Martha S (Gr?)anderson Children: Harriet Rebecca Susan Charles S(Gr?)anderson (4) Harriet Turner --------------------------------------------- Spouse: William BUrroughs (4) Rebecca Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 1806 Death Date: 1892 Spouse: Basil Burroughs Marriage Date: 1828 (4) Susan Turner --------------------------------------------- Spouse: Edwin Fowler Marriage Date: 1832 (4) Charles S(Gr?)anderson Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 1817 Death Date: 1880 Spouse: Sarah Rainey Marriage Date: 1840 Children: Benjamin Franklin Stephen Williamson (5) Benjamin Franklin Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 1841 Death Date: 1875 (5) Stephen Williamson Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 1842 Death Date: 1916 Spouse: Mrs James B. Long Marriage Date: 1874 (3) 1.2.5 James Turner --------------------------------------------- Spouse: Molly Allen Marriage Date: 1799 (3) 1.2.6 Hamner Turner --------------------------------------------- Spouse: Barbara Sims (3) 1.2.7 Hendley Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 1787 (3) 1.2.8 Susannah Turner --------------------------------------------- Spouse: Terry Johns(t)on Marriage Date: 1790 (3) 1.2.9 Elizabeth Turner --------------------------------------------- Spouse: Rowland Thornton Marriage Date: 1797 (3) 1.2.10 Sarah Turner --------------------------------------------- (3) 1.2.11 Rhoda Turner --------------------------------------------- Spouse: Jacob Davis Marriage Date: 1808 (3) 1.2.12 Rebecca Turner --------------------------------------------- Spouse: Robert Wright Marriage Date: 1810 (2) 1.3 John Turner * --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 1750 Birth Place: Amherst Co.,Virginia Christen Date: 216 Death Date: 1817276 Death Place: Sumner Co. Rocky Creek, Tenn Spouse: Mildred "Milley" Suddarth Birth Place: Va Death Place: Sumner Co., Rocky Creek, Tenn Spouse Father: James Suddarth (1720-1800) Spouse Mother: Patience Sumpter (1736-1805) Marriage Date: 1770 Marriage Place: Va Children: Terisha Tarachy John E. male James S. Sarah "Sally" Mary Ann Polly Elizabeth T. "Betsey" William Suddarth Eliza (3) 1.3.1 Terisha Tarachy Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 1775278 Birth Place: Va Christen Date: 277 Death Date: 1835 Spouse: Mary "Polly" Dalton,Rachel Dickenson Birth Date: 216 Marriage Date: 16 Mar 1796 Marriage Place: Albemarle, Va Children: Adam John WIlliam Sumpter Frances "Fannie" Verdelia Wilson D. Mildred S. Samuel Stone Mary D. Virginia Msuper Nicy D. Maloma F. Handsbury UNNAMED (4) Adam Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 21 Dec 1796 (4) John Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 30 Apr 1798 (4) WIlliam Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 30 Jun 1800 Birth Place: Sumner, Tn Death Place: LA Spouse: Rachel Dalton Birth Date: 7 Jan 1824 (4) Sumpter Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 3 Mar 1802 Death Date: 1865 Death Place: New Orleans, LA Children: James Sumter 212 UNNAMED (5) James Sumter Turner 212 --------------------------------------------- (5) UNNAMED --------------------------------------------- Spouse: UNNAMED (4) Frances "Fannie" Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 31 Jan 1804 Birth Place: Rocky Cr., Sumner Tn Death Date: 1845 Spouse: Livingston Dickerson Birth Date: 11 Jun 1823 Spouse Father: James Dickerson Spouse Mother: Mildred Watts Children: James Theresia (Twin) Terisha Turner (Twin) Samuel Turner Rachel Catherine Melissa William Sophia Adam (5) James Dickerson --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 1826 Birth Place: Castilian Springs, Sumner Tn (5) Theresia Dickerson --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 6 Jan 1828 Birth Place: Castilian Springs, Sumner, Tn (5) Terisha Turner Dickerson --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 6 Jan 1828 Birth Place: Castilian Springs, Sumner, Tn Christen Date: 279 Death Date: 28 Jun 1904 Death Place: Walla Walla, WA Spouse: 1)Tharington 2)Sanders3)Beamis (5) Samuel Turner Dickerson --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 19 Jan 1831 Birth Place: Nashville, Tn Death Date: 30 Oct 1894 Death Place: Portland, Multnamah, Or Spouse: Etta Parks Marriage Date: 9 Jun 1878 Marriage Place: Portland, Or (5) Rachel Dickerson --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 1833 Birth Place: Tn (5) Catherine Dickerson --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 1835 Birth Place: Tn (5) Melissa Dickerson --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 1841 Birth Place: Tn (5) William Dickerson --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 1843 Birth Place: Tn (5) Sophia Dickerson --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 1845 Birth Place: Tn (5) Adam Dickerson --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 1847 Birth Place: Tn (4) Verdelia Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 31 Jan 1806 Spouse: Negron Harper Marriage Date: 17 Jul 1821 Marriage Place: Sumner, Tn (4) Wilson D. Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 1 Jan 1808 Birth Place: Sumner, Tn Spouse: Martha Higgerson Martha Dickinson Marriage Date: 18 Oct 1831 Marriage Place: 2) Sumner, Tn (4) Mildred S. Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 6 Feb 1811 Birth Place: Sumner, TN Spouse: William D. Higgerson Birth Date: 1 Jan 1827 Birth Place: Sumner, Tn (4) Samuel Stone Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 10 Dec 1814 Birth Place: Sumner, Tn Spouse: 1)Martha Goodall 2) Maria Horton Marriage Date: 30 Apr 1833 Marriage Place: 2) Sumner, Tn (4) Mary D. Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 16 Apr 1816 Birth Place: Sumner, Tn (4) Virginia Msuper Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 8 Sep 1817 Birth Place: Sumner, Tn Death Date: 31 Mar 1840 (4) Nicy D. Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 27 Oct 1818 Birth Place: Sumner, Tn Spouse: James Hunt Marriage Date: 4 Oct 1834 Marriage Place: Sumner, Tn (4) Maloma F. Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 29 Jun 1820 Spouse: William N. Cloar (4) Handsbury Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 1823 Spouse: Malina Lavina Jane Calvert (4) UNNAMED --------------------------------------------- (3) 1.3.2 John E. Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 1771 Birth Place: Va Death Date: 1836 Spouse: Elizabeth Bailey Marriage Date: 14 Jun 1791 Marriage Place: Albermarle, Va Children: Bailey (4) Bailey Turner --------------------------------------------- Children: William John E. Jane H. Elizabeth Mary F. (5) William Turner --------------------------------------------- (5) John E. Turner --------------------------------------------- (5) Jane H. Turner --------------------------------------------- Spouse: Mr. Williams (5) Elizabeth Turner --------------------------------------------- Spouse: Mr. Jones (5) Mary F. Turner --------------------------------------------- Spouse: Mr. Fields (3) 1.3.3 male Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 1773 (3) 1.3.4 James S. Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 1777 Birth Place: Amherst, Va217 Death Date: 1835 Death Place: Brazoria, Tx Spouse: Nancy Goodrum Marriage Date: 11 Feb 1803 Marriage Place: Sumner, Tn Children: Louisa B. Mary Ann girl girl boy (4) Louisa B. Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 210 Birth Place: 214 Spouse: Locke (4) Mary Ann Turner* --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 215 Spouse: Issac Turner Tinsley 215 Other spouses: Issac Turner Tinsley (4) Mary Ann Turner* --------------------------------------------- (See above) Spouse: Issac Turner Tinsley Birth Date: 218 Spouse Father: Moses Tinsley Spouse Mother: Elizabeth T. "Betsey" Turner (1784-1809) Other spouses: Issac Turner Tinsley 215 (4) girl Turner --------------------------------------------- (4) girl Turner --------------------------------------------- (4) boy Turner --------------------------------------------- (3) 1.3.5 Sarah "Sally" Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 1779 Birth Place: Va Spouse: William Caffery Marriage Date: 10 Aug 1796 Marriage Place: Sumner, Tn (3) 1.3.6 Mary Ann Polly Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 1781 Birth Place: Amherst, Va Death Date: 4 Sep 1829 Death Place: Morgan Co. Alabama Spouse: William Reed, Issac T. Tinsley Marriage Date: 11 Feb 1803 Marriage Place: Sumner, Tenn (3) 1.3.7 Elizabeth T. "Betsey" Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 17 May 1784 Birth Place: Albemarle, Va Death Date: 1809 Death Place: Sumner, Tn Spouse: Moses Tinsley Marriage Date: 10 Mar 1798 Marriage Place: Sumner, Tn Children: Issac Turner John Turner (4) Issac Turner Tinsley --------------------------------------------- (See duplicate branch above) (4) John Turner Tinsley --------------------------------------------- Spouse: Sally Patterson (3) 1.3.8 William Suddarth Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 1787 Birth Place: Amherst Co., Virginia Death Date: 1871 Death Place: Guadalupe Co., Tx Burial Place: San Geronimo Cemetery,Seguin, Tx 227 Occupation: Major Spouse: Elizabeth Pearl Smith Birth Date: 1790 Birth Place: Amherst, Va Death Place: Guadalupe Co, Tx Spouse Father: George Smith (1763-) Spouse Mother: Mary Harden (1767-) Marriage Date: 12 Jan 1813 Marriage Place: Sumner, Tenn Children: Issac Hardin William R. Calvin Smith Lucinda Smith Mary Mildred John Preston George P.26 (4) Issac Hardin Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 10 May 1819 Birth Place: Sumner Co. Tn Death Date: 5 Mar 1859 Death Place: Guadalupe, Tx Spouse: Nancy Nichols,Mary Ann Barrow Birth Date: 209 Spouse Father: Barrow Marriage Date: 24 Mar 1843 Marriage Place: Gonzales, Guadalupe Co., Tx (4) William R. Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 12 Feb 1822 Birth Place: Sumner Co. Tn Death Date: 3 Mar 1908 Spouse: Martha Ann Allen Marriage Place: Tx (4) Calvin Smith Turner --------------------------------------------- Birth Date: 25 Dec 1826 Birth Place: Tenn Death Date: 10 Nov 1871 3 Death Place: Pleasanton, Atascosa, Tx Burial Place: San Ysidro Cem, Pleasanton, Atascosa, Tx Spouse: Amanda Ann Tucker Birth Date: 20 Jun 1826 Birth Place: Hays, Tx4 Christen Date: 81 Death Date: 17 Feb 1906 Spouse Father: Ezekiel5 Tucker (-1865) Spouse Mother: Ashbel Marriage Date: 16 Nov 1851 Marriage Place: Hays Co. Tx Children: Robert John (Twin) Gilbert Jackson (Twin) Sarah Dallas Thomas J. Marcus N. Albert Marion Annie Calvin Smith Eudora infant __________________ I'm looking for a connection between any of these Turners with my Terisha Turner in albemarle co. VA CD 4, 1st Edition Virginia, Southampton, VA Screen 15 of 233 ============================================================ >T656 s: TURNER, Arthur LEWIS, Nancy 26 Apr 1781 >T656 s: TURNER, Barden BRADSHAW, Elizabeth 26 Mar 1799 >T656 s: TURNER, Benjamin GRIFFIN, Mary 30 May 1781 >T656 s: TURNER, Benjamin BOYKIN, Eliza 10 Jan 1809 >T656 s: TURNER, Betsey MYRICK, John 20 May 1799 >T656 s: TURNER, Burden BRADSHAW, Elizabeth 26 Mar 1799 >T656 s: TURNER, Caleb TURNER, Pheriba 13 Apr 1791 >T656 s: TURNER, Caleb TURNER, Pheruby 13 Apr 1791 >T656 s: TURNER, Charlotte GILLIAM, Henry R 27 Aug 1806 >T656 s: TURNER, David JOYNER, Fanny 25 Sep 1783 >T656 s: TURNER, David HARRIS, Sally 20 Dec 1801 >T656 s: TURNER, David JOHNSON, Lucy 06 Nov 1806 >T656 s: TURNER, Edmund DAWSON, Rebecca 13 Nov 1787 >T656 s: TURNER, Elizabeth PORTER, Nathan 28 Feb 1791 >T656 s: TURNER, Elizabeth BARROW, Henry 19 Nov 1798 >T656 s: TURNER, Elizabeth KIRBY, William 17 Dec 1798 >T656 s: TURNER, Elizabeth DOLES, Wiley 07 Nov 1807 >T656 s: TURNER, Etheldred JOHNSON, Cherry 09 Feb 1802 >T656 s: TURNER, Everitt DAVIS, Betsey 28 Feb 1799 >T656 s: TURNER, Harris GEE, Rebecca 08 Mar 1787 >T656 s: TURNER, Henry HARRIS, Willeathby 22 Dec 1778 >T656 s: TURNER, Henry BITTLE, Mille 03 May 1783 >T656 s: TURNER, Jacob BLUNT, Mary 02 Jun 1754 >T656 s: TURNER, Jacob SAPHEN, Margaret 14 Sep 1801 >T656 s: TURNER SR, Jacob CRUMPLER, Winney 08 Sep 1810 >T656 s: TURNER, James TURNER, Rebecca 14 Oct 1784 >T656 s: TURNER, James BETTS, Frances 14 Jan 1786 >T656 s: TURNER, John BLUNT, Priscilla 11 Feb 1762 >T656 s: TURNER, John POWELL, Mildred 1819 >T656 s: TURNER, Joseph WESTBROOK, Lucy 11 Feb 1790 >T656 s: TURNER, Joseph SMITH, Polley 09 Apr 1801 >T656 s: TURNER, Kinchen DREWRY, Frances 14 Oct 1790 >T656 s: TURNER, Kinchen DRURY, Frances 14 Oct 1790 >T656 s: TURNER, Kinchen DREWRY, Frances 14 Oct 1790 >T656 s: TURNER, Kissiah DRAKE JR, Barnabas 09 Dec 1789 >T656 s: TURNER, Lemuel JOINER, Elizabeth 21 Nov 1808 >T656 s: TURNER, Lydia HARREL, Francis 19 Nov 1784 >T656 s: TURNER, Mary CRAFFORD, John 08 Sep 1768 >T656 s: TURNER, Mary HARRIS, Nathan 14 Feb 1771 >T656 s: TURNER, Mary LUNDY, Capt Byrd 14 Jul 1804 >T656 s: TURNER, Mary BOYKIN, Brittain 17 Feb 1806 >T656 s: TURNER, Milley GILLIAM, Robert 17 Jan 1803 >T656 s: TURNER, Mildred EDWARDS, Etheldred 09 Jan 1804 >T656 s: TURNER, Mills BLYTHE, Charlotte 16 Jun 1806 >T656 s: TURNER, Mildred CORBET, Mills 15 Jan 1810 >T656 s: TURNER, Mildred CORBITT, Mills 15 Jan 1810 >T656 s: TURNER, Nancy JONES, John 27 Feb 1788 >T656 s: TURNER, Nancy BRYANT, John 03 Mar 1806 >T656 s: TURNER, Nancy G BARRETT, James 11 Mar 1809 >T656 s: TURNER, Nathan DREWRY, Sally 05 Feb 1800 >T656 s: TURNER, Patsey LANKFORD, Jonathan 21 Mar 1803 >T656 s: TURNER, Patsey JONES, Benjamin 16 Jan 1804 >T656 s: TURNER, Patsey JOHNSON, Joseph H 18 Dec 1818 >T656 s: TURNER, Pheby SLADE, Amos 03 Jan 1817 >T656 s: TURNER, Pierce POWELL, Betty 11 Sep 1787 >T656 s: TURNER, Polly NELSON, Gabriel 17 Jan 1801 >T656 s: TURNER, Polly DRAPER, Thomas 18 Dec 1809 >T656 s: TURNER, Rebecca HICKS, Lemuel 03 Oct 1801 >T656 s: TURNER, Rhody LANKFORD, Stephen 10 Dec 1785 >T656 s: TURNER, Sally HINES, Lewis 20 Feb 1809 >T656 s: TURNER, Samuel LEWIS, Sally 17 Feb 1784 >T656 s: TURNER, Samuel FRANCIS, Esther W 22 Sep 1806 >T656 s: TURNER, Simon LITTLE, Lucy 09 Oct 1766 >T656 s: TURNER, Simon WILLIAMSON, Ann 06 Dec 1767 >T656 s: TURNER,Solomon HOLMES, Polly 02 Jan 1798 >T656 s: TURNER, Thomas LEWIS, Mary 15 Jan 1773 >T656 s: TURNER, Thomas HARRIS, Charlotte 15 Apr 1777 >T656 s: TURNER, Thomas BETTS, Lucy 18 Feb 1793 >T656 s: TURNER, Thomas B HARRIS, Temperance 20 Nov 1809 >T656 s: TURNER, Willis POPE, Elizabeth 27 Jan 1794 >T656 s: TURNER, William TURNER, Mildred 10 Dec 1795 >W231 s: WESTBROOKE, Thomas TURNER, Nancy 21 Aug 1809 >W452 s: WILLIAMSON, Exum TURNER, Mille 01 Aug 1761 >W452 s: WILLIAMSON, Exum TURNER, Mille 06 Aug 1761 >W452 s: WILLIAMSON, Turner PARHAM, Betsey 06 Dec 1800 =============================================== Family Tree of James Turner governor of NC First generation Humphrey Turner mar Lydia Gamer b. 1594 Devonshire Eng >Plym. 1628>Scituate Mass 1633 d. 1673 Tanner by trade children 1) John b. 1623 d. 1697 2) John b. 1628 d. 1687 3) THOMAS b. 1634 d. 1688 4) Joseph baptized 1 Jan 1637 possibly mar Bathsheba Hobart 5) Mary baptized 25 Jan 1634 mar William Parker 6) Daniel mar Hannah Randall 7) Lydia mar James Doughtey 8) Nathaniel baptized 10 March 1638 d. 31 Jan 1715 Second generation THOMAS Turner b.1634 mar Sarah Hiland on 6 Jan 1652 his children 1) Nathan b. 1 March 1654 2) Humphrey b. Sept 1663 3) THOMAS Jr. b. Dec 1670 d. Jan 1720 4) Josiah b. Jan 1672 5) Charles b. 3 may 1675 6) Elizabeth b. July 1656 7) Eunice b. 10 April 1661 mar Isaac Buck 8) Ephrain b. June 1667-68 9) Mary b 15 Sept 1658 mar Thomas Buck 10) Grace b. 1665 mar Benjamin Stetson 22 Jan 1690 Third generation THOMAS Turner Jr. b. Dec 1670 mar Hannah Jenkens (he was a lawyer) his children 1) Ephraim b. 9 Feb 1694 2) David b. 5 May 1695 d. 9 Aug 1757 3) Hannah b. 15 June 1697 d. 1736 mar Barnabas Barker 4) THOMAS b. 31 March 1699 5) Relief b. 8 June 1701 mar Gershom Eewell 6) Ruth b. 26 March 1703 mar Mr. Titus 7) Sarah b. 19 Jan 1704-05 mar Mr. Burr 8) Jemima b. 7 Jan 1706 mar John Dogget on 5 Oct 1726 9) Ephraim b. 17 March 1708-09 10) Lettice b. 17 April 1711 mar Thomas Tilden 1727 11) Abigail b. 15 Aug 1714 12) Mary b. 2 July 1717 mar Joseph Tolman 13) Silas Fourth Generation THOMAS Turner b. 1699 mar Mary Bryant on 14 Feb 1732-33. Moved to Virginia/NC his children 1) JAMES b. 20 Dec 1766 d. 15 Jan 1824 2) Joseph 3) Jacob captain in the Rev. War killed Battle of Germantown 4) Henry 5) John 6) Hannah 7) Nancy 8) Polly 9) George 10) Thomas Fifth generation Gov. JAMES Turner b. 1766 mar 1) Polly Anderson 2) Ann Cochran 3) Elizabeth Johnston his children 1) Thomas mar Nancy Baskerville 1) Mary mar William Hamilton 2) James mar Ann Hawkins 3) Nancy 4) William 5) George 6) Emma 7) Sally 2) Daniel mar Anna Arnold Key 1) Alice 2) Daniel 3) Frank 4) Emily 5) Janet 6) Anna 7) Ellen 8) Rebecca 9) Mary 10) Elizabeth 3) Rebecca mar George Edmond Badger 4) Mary 5) Ann mar Henry Colman Some brief comments about this family tree - James was put at the head of his family of siblings but the mar dates of his parents and his birth date show his father to have been 66 or 67 when he was born. Maybe because he was an important person he was put at the head of the family line. His br that was a Capt in the army would have been born at least ten yrs earlier then James. My William Suddarth Turner was born about the time James Turner started having children. William probably served in the war with some of James children. My William said he was related to James -the story is "cousins" and William's descendants said even that James was their great grandfather. I have not found the connection yet. But only have the bare skeleton family line. If anyone can fill in this family in any way for me maybe that will help me find my Williams' tie in. Any help on getting him figured in this family tree!! Thanks a bunch! Terri ================================================== From: "Kevin K. Stephenson" <> To: "''" <>, "''" <> Cc: "''" <> Subject: Eureka!!!!!!!!!! Date: Thu, 21 Nov 1996 17:41:03 -0600 Dear Mr. Coffman, You have provided the missing piece of the puzzle I've been trying to solve since I joined the group!!! Your information has provided the missing link that connects my ancestor, James Cunningham Burnett, to his roots in Scotland back as far as 1685!!!!! Thanks to you, Nyla, Ricky Burnett, Sharon Crawford, and several others who provided clues, the mystery is solved!! I am very, repeat VERY interested in the information contained in the book to which you refer, "Cain-Burnett Kin". I would very much like to borrow the book from you to fill in the remaining gaps in my tree, and I would, of course, also share the info with the others in the group. I have a scanner and Optical Character Recognition Software, so it would be a small task to copy the information for distribution, provided we don't have a copyright problem we can't solve... I am going to insert the info in your letter in my tree, and ship the whole thing to Nyla for her compilation "race", so any of our other cousins who aren't feeling "connected" can get on board!!! I've already spoken to several others who are connected to this line, but don't know if they're connected to the John Sr. line or not. Maybe George was John Sr.'s uncle...who knows??? Thank you very much for sending this info along, even though you thought we might already have it...we didn't, and it helped me a BUNCH!!!! Looking forward to your response! :) Kevin K. Stephenson Nyla--- Below appears a copy of the message that solved the puzzle!! From: MR HAROLD R COFFMAN Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 1996 6:00 PM To:; Cc: Subject: Burnett Kevin and Ricky, pardon me for butting in, but maybe I can help some on your Burnett family -- that is if you still need help. I am a descendant of Sarah (Sally) Burnett (c1788 Pittsylvania, Va -- Sept 1852 in Platte Co. Mo.). She married 13 Dec 1808 in Shelby Co., Ky, David Ashby, son of Rev. Stephen Ashby and Susannah Foots. Sarah was the daughter of James Burnett born about 1720/35 in Ireland and Margaret Robinson, his third wife. James Cunningham was the 5 child of James and Mary Morrison, his first wife. George Burnett the second son of James and Mary, and who married 11 Feb 1802 Dorothy Hardeman, was the father of Peter Hardeman Burnett. Sarah Burnett Ashby was his aunt. Now, I am not a researcher of the Burnett family, but the beneficiary of the work of Eldon and Lauretta Corkill of Dallas who wrote a book, "Cain-Burnett Kin" in 1988. They are both deceased now, but I met them and have a copy of their book which includes information about my Ashby family. They lived fairly close to me and were neighbors of some of my friends. I don't know if any of these books are still available. I seriously doubt that there are any. Mrs. Corkill was the descendant of both the Cains and Burnetts. Sarah Burnett's sister, Jane Burnett, married Robert Cain who she met while visiting her Sarah and David Ashby in Kentucky. The Cains had nine children. Jane died and Robert Cain married Elizabeth Ann Burnett May, widow of Dr. Ware Stokes May. Elizabeth was a younger sister of Peter Hardeman Burnett. Now I'II not going any further not knowing what you need or might want. Eldon and Lauretta Corkill were well educated people and they seem to have done a good job of researching the Cains and Burnetts. They also had access to letters and much information. Their book seems well documented. I was able to visit with them several times before they died. They do have the family back to a George Burnett born about 1685 and Margaret Cunningham, daughter of George Randolph Cunningham. This George emigrated in 1755 from Scotland via of England and Ireland when he was 60 to 70 years old in 1755 settling in Halifax County. Why don't you let me know if this is "old hat" or whether I might be of some help. Harold R. Coffman or hcoffman@ix. ====================================================== HAROLD: I deleted your home address. If you want to share it with everyone, let me know. NYLA =================================================== Date: Sun, 24 Nov 1996 21:33:23 -0500 (EST) From: "Christine E. Gaunt" <> X-Sender: To: ncreed <> Subject: Re: Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc > Thanks so much for all you're doing for our group. You're welcome, although you're doing most of the work!!! :-) Chris =========================================== From: Date: Sun, 24 Nov 1996 18:45:10 -0500 To: Subject: Done and said... Dear Cousin, Politics......What does politics have to do with the facts of life....ha,ha Thanks for running the list and putting all this together. Over the last year and a half I was able to go from 900 people to 11,600 in my family listing. Most of this I can attribute directly and indirectly to your list. Thus, I hope everyone enjoys all I sent out and all you coordinated. Sure hope to see more from others so I can expand mine. Side note, have you a new address or email for Ross Chappell or heard from him lately? Have gotten no reply from his old email address or his previously posted mailing address. I have something he would want but cannot get in touch. Any help appreciated. By-the-way, I havent yet counted but did you get all 10 of the TURNER postings? David =================================================== DAVID: The success of this list depends on everyone. We've exchanged lots of info this past 11 months, especially this past weekend. Thanks for all your input. Really appreciate all your effort. Actualy, I appreciate everyone's participation. I do not have a current address for Ross Chappell. Not certain, why he's not on the mailing list any more. Usually, I remove addressess upon request or if I have mail returned 3 times. Maybe someone else has a current address. I think I got all 10 Turner postings. -- Nyla ================================================ The end of this compilation.