Date: Sun, 1 Dec 1996 17:06:07 -0500 (EST) From: ncreed <> Subject: Compilation #72 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 1 Dec 1996 Greetings to Everyone: Hope everyone is enjoying all the compilations. Must admit we had about three folks to "unsubscribe" as a result of all the sharing. But we continue to add new folks all the time. If you haven't sent information on your family lines, maybe you can do that soon. Our compilations are stored on Chris Gaunt's homepage: Happy December. Nyla ============================================================= From: Date: Sat, 30 Nov 1996 03:03:14 -0500 To: Subject: My Burnetts ... and Turners Dear Nyla, In my, so far, frustrating search for Arkansas Turners, I forgot that this is a Burnett list, too! And I have two Burnett women, cousins of each other, who are direct ancestors of mine. There's a third Burnett woman who's a cousin or aunt of mine. All three Burnett women married Fithian men! Area of origination of all three probably is New Jersey: 1. My 8th great granny is Miriam Burnett (1656-1717) who married Enoch Fithian (1646-1727). One of their children was Jonathan Fithian. 2. My 7th great granny, Sarah Burnett (abt 1680-1745) married that same Jonathan Fithian (1675-1737). Miriam and Sarah were cousins, according to one source. That meant Miriam also was Sarah's mother-in-law. 3. The third Burnett girl is Priscilla (probably Miriam's sister) (1160-1725) who married Samuel Fithian (1655-1720) who was Enoch's brother. I really would love to link my Burnetts up. If these folks ring one of your ancestral bells, give me a jingle. Genealogy's a blast, ain't it! One reminder: Desperately seeking Arkansas Turners with a possible Native American connection. Known so far: 1. Jimmy D. Turner (me) b. 1948 in Salinas, Calif. 2. Robert Ray Turner b. 1914 in Lavaca, Ark. 3. Hugh Turner, b. 1893 in Arkansas. That's it. That's all I know about my parental line. Ain't it pittiful? I have dozens of binders crammed full of stuff on my maternal side. My family tree is lopsided to say the least. Hope you folks can help. I know we've probably gotten into the deep roots of my Turner family. But I'm having trouble finding the missing link. So far census searches have been to no avail. But I'm still digging and I share what I find with my cousins. Thanks again, Jim ( ======================================================= From: Date: Sat, 30 Nov 1996 09:16:04 -0500 To: Subject: Lewis TURNER A bit of lore for fellow TURNER hunters. The following is from "The Heritage of Virginia" by James Hagemann. It contains the stories of place names in the state of Virginia and at $9.95 is well worth having... TURNERS Caroline County On a crown grant of 2,765 acres on the Mattaponi River, Richard Johnson built his home in 1711. His kinsman, Thomas Johnson (probably his son) operated a tavern in the old house as late as 1747. He sold it to Lewis Turner in 1756 with the lawyer Edmund Pendleton acting as the agent. During the following years, the little community became known as Turner's Store Post Office, one of the first in the country. After 1800, it was purchased by the Wright family who discarded the earlier name and called it Green Fall. David ================================================================== Date: Sat, 30 Nov 1996 23:20:13 -0500 (EST) From: "Christine E. Gaunt" <> X-Sender: To: "Kevin K. Stephenson" <> cc: Nyla Creed <> Subject: Re: Zipfile of compilations Hi, Kevin, > I apologize for not contacting you about that zipfile, before I sent it, > or at least warning you in advance. It didn't occur to me until it was > too late that the compilations, the message, and the winzip program > would amount to a 1 megabyte message. I know what kind of havoc that can > create, I just didn't think about it in time. I've been spending hours > and hours working on the Burnett line for Nyla, and I guess I was tired. Apology accepted - I know how it goes when you finally get something finished and are tired! > As to your question about whether or not the compilations should be on > the net, or distributed through e-mail, I guess I'm not understanding > your concern. How I got them all in the first place was by opening them > on your homepage, and then saving them to a file on my computer. I > assume anyone can do this, so if there's a security issue there, I don't > see it. I did each one individually, and I thought, for someone who is > just coming on with us, it would save online time to download the whole > batch at once, and then browse them offline. I also guess I made a > faulty assumption that everyone would want or have the room to store all > of them. I have 5.3 GB of storage on my computer, so for me it isn't an > issue. I guess I worded my question wrong. What I meant to ask you was if you thought there should be email *and* web access, similar to mailing lists. I run the Campbell-L mailing list, and the archives are retrievable via email (also searchable) as well as via web and ftp. They currently are all text files, although at some point I'll have to compress them to make room on the server. I'll probably have to compress the Burnett/Turner/ Via/Ross/Etc files at some point, too, or else get another 5 megs of home directory space. Currently my use is not costing me a penny, but might in the future. Actually web pages can be accessed via email: 89. WWW by Email. To get a Web page (text form with a list of documents referenced within for further requests) send email to with the following message: send URL_you_want You can also get a Web page (text form with coding included followed by a uuencoded version without the coding), if the desired Web page is less than 32,786 bytes, by sending email to with the following message: go URL_you_want (This is the last item in Genealogy Resources on the Internet, and is from the Email section.) I could add that to the web page, or we could have a "welcome" file that is sent out when someone asks to join our little group. Actually, I don't think it's so little anymore! > I am willing to provide the zipfile directly to anyone who asks for it, > if you and Nyla have no objections, or I thought you could post it as an > additional entry on your homepage for download. I don't care how or if > you do it, I was just trying to help. Your search engine on the > homepage is really great for searching the files, but, it can cost a > bunch for someone who's paying Compuserve or AOL. I'm hooked in direct > to UKans, as I assume you are to UMich, but not everyone's lucky enough > to have the connection that way. Helping is great! :-) I don't really want to have both the text and zipped files on my site, although I could put them on a different server, the same one I use for my Campbell-L mailing list. I have no problem if you want to distribute the zip files (except for using the correct filename for Genealogy Resources on the Internet). I will add a link to from the Burnett/Turner/Etc page, as that file is already on my site. I'm not sure I want to have winzip or pkunzip available for download, but I will put in links to places that have them. I do realize that speed and convenience are valuable -- I've still got my Compuserve account although I've never used it for internet access because of the cost. Uploads are free to CIS, so if anyone wants to upload the compilations to the CIS Roots Forum library, that would make it easier on CIS subscribers. I don't know if uploads are free on AOL. > Again, I apologize for any headaches I may have caused you, and I look > forward to your reply. Fortunately I only skipped reading my email for a day (Thanksgiving), and didn't miss any mail that I know of. My site administrators hold email for a certain length of time, after which it starts bouncing. I think they give us a month -- I've never let it go that long! :-) So I didn't have any headaches (hope Nyla didn't, either!). The important point is that you're trying to help, which we (and future list members) appreciate! You can upload the zipped compilations to the following ftp site: cd pub/genealogy/surnames/CAMPBELL/upload I'll move them to the same site that I've put Anthony Turner's wonderful Tennessee land transaction files, and put in a link to them from the main web page. Please don't upload the zipped gresinet.txt file, or the winzip -- I'll put in links to where folks can find them on the internet. Thanks! Chris =========================================================== KEVIN: Maybe some of the new folks would like a copy of your file. It can be expensive for folks paying by the minute to read those files. Thank goodness for those providers who have unlimited access. Nyla =============================================================================== From: "Karen Turner" <> To: "Nylatalk" <> Subject: Turner/Blankinship etal Date: Sat, 30 Nov 1996 08:54:00 -0800 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal Dear Nyla, I'm researching Turners, like most of the people on your list. I've done some preliminary checking, and most of your correspondents seem to be interested a patriarch other than mine, unfortunately. My Turners are reputed to be descendants of 3 French Huguenots in the 1600's, but so far I have no documentation beyond William Turner (b 1729),of Henrico county. The area where he owned a plantation became Chesterfield county in 1749, and I've just lately learned it was in Manchester parish. I'm sending an alphabetical list of the Turners in my husband's line to date, hoping someone will recognize an ancestor and give me my next clues. Thank you for what's obviously a labor of love! Karen King Turner The TURNER Family Name Birth date Birth location Spouse TURNER, Ann TURNER, Ashley Marie 10 04 1995 Tracy, CA TURNER, Benjamin TURNER, Benjamin Kerr 2 24 1852 Orange Co, NC Hopkins, Lucy Ellen TURNER, Bernice Jacquelin 12 25 1905 Jonesboro, Craighead, AR Carling, Harrington Flavel TURNER, Byrd TURNER, Christian Arthur 6 24 1976 TURNER, Edward Reese 4 12 1910 Jonesboro, Craighead, AR Haubrich,Helen Bertha TURNER, Elizabeth Ann 2 17 1936 Cahoon, Gary Carter TURNER, Elsie Jane 7 30 1930 TURNER, Emma Jane 10 11 1856 TURNER, Florence Louise 2 18 1925 TURNER, Geoffrey David 7 23 1974 San Francisco, CA TURNER, Geoffrey Lee 3 13 1940 Portland, OR King, Karen Lucille TURNER, Hannah Chesterfield Cty, VA TURNER, Henry TURNER, James Albert 7 08 1816 Chesterfield Cty, VA Minnis, Elizabeth Elden TURNER, James Burton 7 14 1928 Marianna AR TURNER, James N 8 21 1859 Union Co, KY TURNER, James Puvall 10 14 1847 Union co, KY Cromwell, Mary Ann TURNER, John Young 6 07 1861 Union Co, KY TURNER, Julia Ann 7 02 1854 Orange Co, NC TURNER, Katherine TURNER, Leslie 5 04 1884 Corydon, KY Corkran, Terah TURNER, Lovie Commizalle 9 13 1892 Corydon, Union Co, KY Moon, Roy Smith TURNER, Loys Elaine 9 04 1924 Aubrey, Lee co, AR TURNER, Lucy Horner, Benjamin TURNER, Mary Susan 10 31 1849 Orange Co, NC Yarbrough, DeWitt Clinton TURNER, Matthew, Jr 1774 Henrico Co, VA Farmer, Polly TURNER, Matthew, Sr 1750 Henrico Cty, VA Muse, Martha? TURNER, Mattie Ann 12 17 1920 Aubrey, Lee co, AR TURNER, Maxine Cecile 1 07 1937 TURNER, Minnie Belle Hetherington, Earl Stanley TURNER, Nancy Dee 9 19 1941 Patrick, Francis James TURNER, Nelson 1814 Chesterfield co, VA McKinney, Amanda TURNER, Patrick Sean 7 02 1956 Frost, Sandra TURNER, Paul Wayne 4 04 1922 Aubrey, Lee co, AR TURNER, Powell Arthur 3 17 1907 Jonesboro, Craighead, AR Manning, Gladys Elizabeth TURNER, Roy Leslie 2 08 1919 Aubrey, Lee co, AR TURNER, Ruby Inez 5 04 1917 LaGrange, Phillips co, AR Woosley, Joe TURNER, Tabitha 1757 Dale Parish, Henrico cty, VA Hatcher, ? TURNER, Thomas TURNER, Thomas Arthur 2 11 1878 Kentucky Powell, Cleopatra Jacquelin TURNER, Thomas Arthur 10 02 1942 San Diego, CA Le Gurche, Noel Renee Rathe TURNER, Thomas Bruce 4 25 1968 La Mesa, CAlifornia Aughinbaugh, Deborah Lynn TURNER, Thomas Michael 7 21 1937 TURNER, Thrissa Blance 6 06 1932 TURNER, Virgie Helen 3 04 1916 LaGrange, Phillips co, AR TURNER, William Hopkins TURNER, William, Jr Bowers, Nancy TURNER, William, Sr 1729 Henrico Co, VA Blankinship, Amey ============================================================== Karen: Don't give up on us. There's bound to be someone else out there who descends from the Henrico Co VA TURNERs. --- Nyla ============================================================== Date: Sat, 30 Nov 1996 14:49:51 -0500 From: Caseys <> Reply-To: To: Subject: Newsletter I signed up for a newsletter and this really nice person told me about yours. Boy was I ever surprised when I read all the archives. Then I read them again. I'm getting ready to start them a third time. My cousin in Texas is doing our family tree. He has put so much time in it, but I can't wait for him to see this. My maiden name is Turner. Thank you so much for this wonderful idea. I'm fairly new at the internet but this has definitely been the most exciting thing I have found. I know my relatives are in there somewhere and as soon as Billy Has time to go over this information I know he will find it. Definitely looking forward to finding the connections or starting a whole new branch for your readers to add to. Will be sending you our family information soon. Thanks again I need to get busy reading. Sherry Casey North Augusta, SC =================================================================== From: Date: Sat, 30 Nov 1996 19:06:51 -0500 To: Subject: Adding them in... Nyla, Finally got to start working on the info you sent me in between all the compilations. A few comments: Under Conrad Lewis Peters husband of Clara Snidow...he was born in VA not WV Under Rebbeca (is that spelled right?) Snidow Peters daughter of Conrad Lewis Peters...she was born in VA not WV Under Anderson Pack husband of Rebbeca Snidow Peters...he is born in VA not WV under Loammi Lewis Pack son of Anderson Pack...he was born in VA not WV under Rebecca Catherine Pack... she died in VA not WV Under you listing on Descendants of Jefferson TURNER, I have not been satisfied with the connection I believe. Can you expand on Isaac Alexander Nolens descendants? Specifically, I have an Isaac married to Judith Ann Turner with no ancestors for either and one child listed - Susana Mae Nolen born 1879... Is this the same family??? Am adding the others into my list. Thanks, David ====================================================================== From: Date: Sun, 1 Dec 1996 12:19:52 -0500 To: ncreed@EROLS.COM Subject: George BURNETT Nyla, In compilation #42 you responded to Kevin Stephenson with info on a George BURNETT born 26 Sep 1770. A comment and a question.... The listed birth county did not exist in 1770. Pittsylvania Co. came about in 1776. Could or is this George BURNETT the one and same as George BURNETT b. abt 1769 son of Isaac BURNETT and Sarah SMALL ? Thanks, David =================================================================== David: I DON'T HAVE THE ANSWER. CAN ANYONE HELP WITH THIS ONE? West Virginia became a state on 20 June 1863. Any event before that date should be listed as occurring in Virginia. I have not double-checked some of the information that I have received from GED.COM files or FTW. There many be other errors. 8( Since you caught me in an error, can I mention one to you? Pearisburg is in Giles County, Virginia (not WV). Nyla ================================================================== From: Date: Sun, 1 Dec 1996 16:22:42 -0500 To: Subject: Catherine Turner Hi Nyla, I am hoping someone can help me with my gggg grandmother, Her name was Catherine Turner, born Jan 7, 1804 and died Aug 24, 1849 in Grant County, married James Scroggin on Apr 4, 1821 in Grant County, Ky I'm not sure where she was born. The top of her and James' tombstone says "born in Culpeper Co, Va". James was born in Culpeper Co but I'm not sure about Catherine. Her parents may have been Alexander Turner and Elizabeth Sims, I have not been able to document that. Thanks, Jo Ann ===================================================================== The end of this compilation.