Date: Mon, 2 Dec 1996 21:51:31 -0500 (EST) From: ncreed <> Subject: Compilation #73 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 2 Dec 1996 Hello to Everyone, More information. Nyla ==================================================== Date: Sun, 01 Dec 1996 18:00:18 -0500 From: Ann Avery Hunter <> To: ncreed <> Subject: Re: Compilation #72 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc References: <> <<Karen: Don't give up on us. There's bound to be someone else out <<there who descends from the Henrico Co. TURNERs. --- Nyla Yes indeed there is, and I was very happy to find Karen. Ann -- Ann Avery Hunter Richmond, Virginia ======================================================= From: Date: Sun, 1 Dec 1996 19:57:11 -0500 To: Subject: North of the border.... Nyla, How could you play such a cruel trick on me..... Tell me I have a Pearisburg, Giles County, WV and not tell me where !!!!!!! Slap my hands though, especially since that is where I was born ! As far as the 1863 conversion of land, I was only trying to be politically correct. Especially since many of our ancestors there at the time considered themselves Virginians up til 1865 (and in Mercer County, they still do and keep asking to be taken back!). But, it is all in fun..Thanks for all you are doing.. David ======================================================= David, Okay. I'll tell you: 220 M ii. William B. PEDIGO. William was a Dentist in Pearisburg, WV in the 1930's. William married (1) Eva TINSLEY. Pearisburg is where all the folks from Southern WV go to get married. There's no waiting period. Well, I'll be. So Mercer county wants to go back to VA? Never heard that before. I worked at Bluefield, WV, once, for a very short time. Isn't that in Mercer County? Yes, all in fun. And thanks to you for all you're doing. Nyla ========================================================== From: "Ann N. Hughes" <> To: "ncreed" <> Subject: Re: Compilation #72 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Date: Mon, 2 Dec 1996 14:09:42 -0500 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal Nyla, I like your system just as it is. If I miss a compilation I can download from the net. I have plenty of storage space, but also have the facility to zip if I want to. I have no interest in having a zipped file to download. As for Jefferson Turner, he is my gggrandfather. There were 4 children--John Francis and Judy A [my ggmother and since she lived to be 103, I knew her well. She traveled to be with my mother and help out after I was born.]--2 died in infancy. Jefferson was the son of Francis Turner, Jr., son of Francis Turner, Sr. Judy and Isaac had 10 children. I have the documented data on these lines, but I don't have the time just now to get it ready to send. Ann ---------- =========================================================== > KEVIN: > >Maybe some of the new folks would like a copy of your file. It >can be expensive for folks paying by the minute to read those >files. Thank goodness for those providers who have unlimited >ccess. > Nyla > =========================================================== > Under you listing on Descendants of Jefferson TURNER, I have >not been satisfied with the connection I believe. Can you >expand on Isaac Alexander > Nolens descendants? Specifically, I have an Isaac married to >Judith Ann Turner with no ancestors for either and one child >listed - Susana Mae Nolen born 1879... Is this the same >family??? > > Am adding the others into my list. Thanks, > David ========================================================= From: "Ann N. Hughes" <> To: "Nyla Creed DePauk" <> Subject: Correction to my Addition to Comp 72 Date: Mon, 2 Dec 1996 15:47:14 -0500 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal I left out Adam Turner!!! Jefferson Turner was the son of Francis Turner, Jr., son of Adam Turner, son of Francis Turner, Sr. Sorry, Ann ========================================================== From: "Kevin K. Stephenson" <> To: "'Nyla Creed DePauk'" <> Subject: James Burnett Line Date: Mon, 2 Dec 1996 01:02:59 -0600 Nyla--- Let me know if you got my last send on the Thomas Burnet/George Burnet/James Cunningham Burnett family line. It was a good-sized file, but it should download ok from your server. If it doesn't come through this time, let me know and I'll reformat the text, away from "rich-text format". It sent Ok, so I can't imagine why you wouldn't get it Ok. I'm going to send a message to the people who asked you about this line, and ask for their help in filling it out, if they have info that I didn't get in there... I uploaded the first 68 comps in a zipfile to the location that Chris should be available soon. She's going to link Winzip95 to the homepage, so everybody new should be able to use the zipfile. I want to buy the Bork books and Burnett's and Their Connections...anybody got a source on B & TC? I'm also interested in the BBB book that details the Pryor Burnett line in Indiana, and Lillian Burnett's work...if anyone can hook me up, I'd appreciate it. I have some doubts about the CHB book...Corkill's found a lot of errors and discrepancies...can anyone comment on this? Please let me know what you think of the Thomas Burnett descendancy I sent you, and anyone with anything to add or correct...please do so!!!! I'd like to hear from any of the descendants of Lee Roy Burnett, Jim Burnett, and Pryor Burnett, who were brothers of Frank Burnett (Samuel Franklin Burnett) of Cataract, Indiana. Lots of dates to fill in there! Let me know if I can be of further help-----family-tree, techno-computer, or otherwise! Kevin Stephenson ====================================================== Kevin: All your information will be in the next three compilations. Thank you. Nyla ======================================================= From: Date: Mon, 2 Dec 1996 17:23:35 -0500 To: Subject: Fwd: Turner/Williamson-Southampton County Nyla, this may be a useful cross post... Gary --------------------- Forwarded message: From: (Eldon Jensen) Sender: Reply-to: To: (Multiple recipients of list) Date: 96-11-30 22:11:50 EST --Wills and Administrations of Southampton County, Virginia 1749-1800 by Blanche Adams Chapman 1980 ---Marraiges of Isle of Wight County, Virginia 1628-1800 by same 1976 ---Wills and Administrations of Isle of Wight County, Virginia 1647-1800 by same 1975 All available (hopefully) through the Genealogical Publishing Company 1-800-296-6687 address 1001 North Calvert Street/ Baltimore, MD 21202-3897 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- These wills are all from the Southampton Book ---page 111 "WILLIAMSON, Thomas. Of the Parish of Nottoway. Leg.-daughter Elizabeth Clements; grandson John Clements; grandchildren, Sarah Cocke, Elizabeth Clements, FRANCIS CLEMENTS; daughter Sarah Taylor, land in Northampton County, N.C., purchased of Anthony Armistead;-her husband, John TAylor Esp.; to Thomas Turner of Nottoway Parish the land on which he lives. Exs., son-in-law John Taylor, Esq. and friend William Urquhart and grandson John Clements. D. June 24, 1787. R. July 12, 1787. Wit. John Andrews, Mary Urquhart, Samuel Kello. original page 225. ---page 49 TURNER, Thomas. Leg. - son Thomas (under age); my three other sons. Exs., Capt. Nicholas Maget and William Kirby. D. Oct. 4, 1770. R. April 11, 1771. Wit. John Edwards Joseph Everett, John Taylor. original page 379. (notice that John Taylor is also in this will?) ---page 115 TURNER, Thomas (Jr??) Leg.-wife Ann; son Thomas; son Amies; to all my children, Thomas, Amos, Chacy, Holland, Nanny and Charlotte. D. Oct. 20, 1785. R. Sept. 11, 1788. Exs., wife and son Thomas Turner. Wit. Benjamin Crumpler, Arthur Turner, Arthur Crumpler. original will page 267 ---page 36 TURNER, William, Sr. Leg.-wife Elizabeth; son John; son William; son Simon; son Benjamin; son Mathew; son Thomas; daughter Mary; daughter Ann; Jesse son of Benjamin and Benjamin the son of Simon Turner. D. Sept. 6, 1763. R. Aug. 14, 1766.. Wit. John Barrow, John Barrow, Jr. original will page 152 ---page 145 TURNER, Willie. Leg-mother Lucy Turner, with reversion to John Westray Turner; if he should die under age to Lucy and John Little. Exs., friend Lews Depree. D. April 1, 1794. R. Sept. 11, 1794. Wit. Cordal Francis, John Winddom. (This is my family). Original will page 713. --------------------------------------------------------- Isle of Wight wills --- page 118 HARRIS, Edward: Of the Upper Parish. Leg. son Edward, land adjoining John Johnson and John Turner, being land which was granted to my father, Thomas Harris; son Jacob, land on the Flatt Swamp of the Meherrin River; sons Nathan and West Harris, the land granted me on the north side of Warwick Branch; son Daniel; daughter Ann; daughter Martha Williamson; son James; wife Mary. Ex., son Nathan Harris. D. April 27, 1733. R. March 25, 1734. Wit: Thomas Atkinson, John Harris original page 391 ---------------------------- much more family connections listed in the book Typed in and sent privately to a friend and thought I would post here for further knowledge (hopefully) on somebody's line. These are not my personal family excepted as noted. :> her Terri X Jensen mark ============================================================ To: Subject: Re: Compilation #44 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc References: <> X-Juno-Line-Breaks: 1-7,9,11,13,15,17,19-31,33,35-42,44-47,49,51,53, 55-60,62,64,66-68,70,73,75-76,79,81,84,86,89,91,94,96,98,100, 103,105,107,109-111,113,115,117-118,120 From: (Carla M Cassell) Date: Mon, 02 Dec 1996 18:11:06 EST Here are my Turners in a nut shell (so to speak, haha). I hope someone can connect: Carla Cassell Descendants of Thomas David Turner 1 Thomas David Turner b: April 01, 1853 d: September 20, 1937 in prob. Allen Co., KY . +Mary E. Jent b: June 15, 1865 d: May 05, 1927 in prob. Allen Co., KY 2 John Frances Turner b: September 04, 1879 d: March 25, 1955 in KY (Allen Co.?) ... +Ada Ladora McElwain b: October 30, 1881 in Auburn, KY (Logan Co.) d: June 30, 1963 in KY (Allen Co.) 3 Annie Turner b: April 22, 1906 in prob. Allen Co., KY d: January 11, 1949 in prob. Allen Co., KY .... +William Hammock b: October 03, 1900 d: June 07, 1965 . 4 Hellen HAMMOCK b: Bef 1949 . 4 Lottie HAMMOCK b: Bef 1949 ..... +? JONES .. 5 ? JONES . 4 Jonelle HAMMOCK b: Bef 1949 . 4 Dillard HAMMOCK b: Bef 1949 . 4 Dorotha HAMMOCK b: Bef 1949 ..... +? GRIMES .. 5 Varilla GRIMES .. 5 ? GRIMES .. 5 Linda GRIMES . 4 ? HAMMOCK b: Bef 1949 3 Bettie Mae Turner b: December 05, 1908 in prob. Allen Co., KY d: February 16, 1986 in Franklin, KY .... +Carman Hammock b: August 17, 1903 d: June 02, 1937 m: 1925 . 4 Hillard HAMMOCK ..... +Fay .. 5 Betty HAMMOCK .. 5 ? HAMMOCK . 4 Willard HAMMOCK ..... +Myrtle SMITH .. 5 Willa HAMMOCK . 4 Derwood Hammock b: August 03, 1932 d: May 31, 1990 ..... +Hattie KING .. 5 Mike HAMMOCK .. 5 Mark HAMMOCK 3 Murl Thomas Turner b: May 17, 1911 in prob. Allen Co., KY d: October 24, 1911 in prob. Allen Co., KY 3 Clarence Odell Turner b: April 06, 1913 in Oak Forrest, KY d: February 27, 1989 in Indianapolis, IN (Marion Co.) .... +Pauline Gentry b: August 12, 1912 d: May 16, 1953 m: 1934 . 4 Patricia Ann Turner b: December 01, 1940 ..... +David Englert .. 5 David ? . 4 Percilla Turner b: February 04, 1944 ..... +Ronnie Manard *2nd Wife of Clarence Odell Turner: .... +Vergie Jones b: April 15, 1913 m: July 06, 1956 in Indianapolis, IN 3 Lucy Catherine Turner b: April 27, 1915 in prob. Allen Co., KY .... +Garley Bradley m: 1938 in prob. Allen Co., KY . 4 Kenneth Bradley . 4 Wayne Bradley . 4 Sara Sue Dola Bradley b: August 23, 1943 in prob. Allen Co., KY d: June 15, 1944 in prob. Allen Co., KY 3 Roxie Lee Turner b: April 04, 1917 in prob. Allen Co., KY d: September 23, 1979 in Indianapolis, IN (Marion Co.) .... +Gilbert Boucher m: in Scottsville, KY or Lafayette or Westmorlin TN *2nd Husband of Roxie Lee Turner: .... +[1] Walker Tom Gillock b: August 09, 1917 in Fountain Run, KY d: June 08, 1976 in KY (Allen Co.) m: November 1970 in prob. Allen Co., KY 3 Oma Allois Turner b: April 23, 1922 in prob. Allen Co., KY d: November 17, 1969 in KY (Allen Co.) .... +[1] Walker Tom Gillock b: August 09, 1917 in Fountain Run, KY d: June 08, 1976 in KY (Allen Co.) m: February 22, 1941 . 4 Shirley Ann Gillock b: July 27, 1942 in TN (Macon Co.) ..... +Bobby Douglas Russell b: May 05, 1935 in Scottsville, KY (Allen Co.) m: July 25, 1959 in Scottsville, KY (Allen Co. .. 5 Carla Machelle Russell b: March 25, 1962 in Scottsville, KY (Allen Co.) ...... +Timothy Wade Cassell b: July 12, 1962 in Indianapolis, IN (Marion Co.) m: October 15, 1985 in Brownsburg, IN (Hendricks Co.) ... 6 Nicolle Michelle Cassell b: October 31, 1985 in Danville, IN (Hendricks Co.) ... 6 Amanda Marie Cassell b: November 07, 1988 in Indianapolis, IN (Marion Co.) .. 5 Mark Ashley Russell b: April 15, 1970 in Indianapolis, IN (Marion Co.) ...... +Erika Diane Hall b: February 11, 1970 in Lexington, KY m: May 05, 1990 in Brownsburg, (Hendricks Co.), IN ... 6 Leigh Ashley Russell b: March 06, 1990 in Indianapolis, IN (Marion Co.) ... 6 Erik Douglas Franklin Russell b: December 27, 1993 in Indianapolis, IN (Marion Co.) .. 5 Angela Renee Russell b: June 26, 1974 in Indianapolis, IN (Marion Co.) 2 Ed Turner b: 1891 d: 1954 ... +Hattie b: 1898 d: 1971 2 Hardy E. Turner b: January 01, 1894 d: September 11, 1952 ... +Hattie Swindle b: July 16, 1899 d: August 04, 1972 2 Charlie J. Turner b: April 04, 1896 d: January 24, 1955 ... +Johnnie F. b: October 30, 1901 3 Charlie L. Turner b: March 23, 1919 d: July 13, 1919 ==================================================