Date: Tue, 3 Dec 1996 20:45:25 -0500 (EST) From: ncreed <> Subject: Compilation #77 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 3 Dec 1996 Greetings, More info. Nyla ========================================================= From: "Kevin K. Stephenson" <> To: "'Nyla Creed DePauk'" <> Subject: James Burnett Line Date: Tue, 3 Dec 1996 01:57:23 -0600 Nyla--- Long string of data, huh!!! A couple of minor corrections that I found myself... (1) Additional notes on Pryor Burnett---the same text appears for the Pryor Burnett born in 1805 as the one born in applies only to the one born in 1805. (2) didn't get two families sorted by birth order...shouldn't be a problem, since the birth dates are supplied, if known.... Informational------The numbers intermixed with the names are generation numbers, appeared in my original version as superscripts...done with Genealogy report wizard, Family Tree Maker version 3.40 If anyone has trouble reading the listing, and wants to have a copy in Family Tree Maker format, let me know. Thanks again to all those who made it possible for me to make the connections!!!! I'm still digging...I'll let you know if anything else surfaces. =========================================================== Kevin: It was obvious you spent a lot of time getting your information up to date. Thank you for sharing so much information. -- Nyla ============================================================= X-Sender: Date: Mon, 02 Dec 1996 23:14:43 -0500 To: From: "Eunice B. Kirkman" <> Subject: Book List First, I can see why some folks unsubscribed. I had to reset my mailer in order to download some of the Compilations as they ran over 45,000 bytes. #74, 75, and 76 were over 48,000. That's a little more than a lot of mail servers like to handle. If you're getting a lot of mail, as I do, it takes a long time to download with a 14.4 modem. Not criticizing, Nyla, just thought I'd mention it. Perhaps they could be shaved a bit? Someone expressed an interest in Genealogy books. Thought you might want to run this by them. ---------------------------- Patrick County Publications ---------------------------- 1860 PATRICK COUNTY, VA CENSUS, by Rhonda S. Roberson NOTE: Available from compiler-1046 Spruce St., Norton, VA 24273 1850 PATRICK COUNTY, VA CENSUS, by June B. Bork - $20.00 + postage, etc. NOTE: Available from compiler - 9375 Bella Vista Rd, Apple Valley, CA 92308 (1-619-3790) 1810 PATRICK COUNTY, VA CENSUS, by Nettie Schreiner-Yantis, $2.50 PATRICK COUNTY, VA DEATH REGISTER, 1853-1870, Anne W. James $25.00 Both books are available from: Mountain Press, P.O. Box 400, signal Mountain, TN 37377-0400 (615-886-6369) MARRIAGES OF PATRICK COUNTY, VA 1791-1850, by Lela C. Adams $20.00 PATRICK COUNTY, VA, 1791-1823, ABSTRACTS OF WILLS, INVENTORIES & ACCOUNTS, by Lela C. Adams $18.50 plus postage and handling. Both books are available from: Byron Sistler & Assoc., P.O. Box 120934, Nashville, TN 37212 PATRICK COUNTY, VA 1791-August 1800, ABSTRACTS OF ORDER BOOK NO "0", by Lela C. Adams. Availability is uncertain. PATRICK COUNTY, VA MARRIAGES, 1854-1874, Jimmie Martin-Steele Available from compiler, 1830 Carter Rd., SE, Roanoke, VA 24105 PATRICK COUNTY, VA MARRIAGES, 1875-1900, by Eunice B. Kirkman Order from: Frank Roundy, 1902 Bancroft Drive, Hampton, VA 23663 $20.00 postpaid. TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS OF CEMETERIES OF PATRICK COUNTY, VA, by O.E. Pilson. $27.50 postpaid, Available from: O.E. Pilson, Route 4, Box 317, Ridgeway, VA 24148 and the Patrick County Historical Society, P.O. Box 1045, Stuart, VA 24171 HISTORY OF PATRICK AND HENRY COUNTIES, VA, 1933 by Va. & Lewis Pedigo HISTORY OF HENRY COUNTY, VA by Judith Parks America Hill Both books available from: Clearfield Publishing Co., 200 East Eager St. Baltimore, MD 21202 (410) 625-9004 DAN RIVER BOOK, ODYSSEY, EPIC, AND GUIDE, Star Square Press $20 + pstg Available Patrick County Historical Society Some publications may be available from other sources such as: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1001 No. Calvert St., Baltiomore, MD 21202 Southern Historical Press, P.O. Box 1267, Greenville, SC 29602 ---------------------------------------------------- Unpublished reference materials are available in the Patrick County Histrical Society files for research. These include compilations of many of the early families of Patrick County, unpublished census records for 1820,1830, 1840, 1870, and Patrick County Death Records, 1871-1896. Staff members will research on a limited basis without charge. Materials will be copied for mailing at cost of $0.15/page plus postage expense. Anyone wishing staff research should be very specific in search requests in order to save time and money. Queries may be addressed to Virginia C. Collins, Curator, Patrick County Historical Society, P.O. Box 1045, Stuart, VA 24171, or by e-mail to Barbara Baughan, (> Open: Tuesday thru Saturday, 10am to 2pm, and by appointment. Phone: (540) 694-2840 ----------------------------------------- Eunice B. Kirkman ****/\^/\^/\^/\^/\**** In the Blue Ridge Mountains of Southwest Virginia ======================================================= From: Date: Mon, 2 Dec 1996 23:34:44 -0500 To: Subject: Re: Compilation #73 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc I feel right at home tonight. I was born and raised in Mercer County (Princeton and Matoaka) West Virginia, got married in Pearisburg, Virginia, and have Turner ancestors in Virginia and North Carolina. :) ================================================== Glad you're feeling at home. So where's home today? ==================================================== The end of this compilation.