Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 21:00:39 -0500 (EST)
From: ncreed <>
Subject: Compilation #78 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

4 Dec 1996

Dear Cousins,

     Was looking at one of the Roots-L digests that arrived
today.  Someone was asking about half-cousins.  Never thought
about half-cousins before.  I just pick and choose my cousins. 
If I choose to be related, I say, "This is my cousin."  If I
prefer not to be related, I just say, "Oh, they're from that
other bunch of Turners and Burnetts."  ;)  

     I've received a lot of mail over the past few weeks.  I
apologize for not answering each one personally.  I trust you
understand.  Please keep sending me your information so we can
continue sharing information on our families.

     Just want to caution everyone again that it is important to
verify information you find in these compilations.  It is so easy
to make a typo or incorrectly place an individual with the wrong
family.  Some of our ancestors weren't very original when it came
to naming their children.  It is not unusual to find several
individuals with the same name in the same community.  So, check
and recheck the information you find here.  I have said this
before, but will repeat it.  I am not an expert on any of these
families.  My role has been to compile the eMails and send them
to everyone on the list.  I have made no attempt to verify the
accuracy of any of the information unless it pertained to my own
family lines.  

     Thank yous are extended to everyone who has already sent
information on their family.  A special thanks to Chris Gaunt for
making all our compilations available.  If you're missing a
compilation, it can be found on:

     There's 21 days left 'til Christmas, but it came early to
Bette Smith.  See her comments below.  

     An apology is extended to everyone whose mailbox was put in
overload as a result of all the compilations.  I'll try not to
make them so large in the future.

     Have a joyous holiday season.


Date: Tue, 3 Dec 1996 18:58:43 -0800
Subject: Re: Turner

On 12/01/96 16:34:12 you wrote:

>At 06:07 AM 11/30/96 -0800, you wrote:
>        I've added you to the mailing list.  Any info on your
>families that you care to share would be appreciated.

>        If you haven't done so already, check out our
compilations on Chris Gaunt's homepage:
>Nyla CREED DePauk
>Vienna VA
Thank you for adding me to the mailing list. I don't have much on
my surname of Turner. However, here it goes. 

My ggGrandfather was James H Turner born about 1870. I beleve he
was born in Crawford Co. Indiana. He married Amelia Stroud. They
had one son, Clyde William Turner. James died sometime in 1894 at
the age of 24 of TB. My aunt tells me he was buried in Old
Marango Cemetery in Marango Indiana, with out a head stone. I
have been unable to confirm this in the church records. 

James father, my ggg Grandfather, was James Hardin Turner. I
beleve he was born in Crawford Co. Indiana also. He was the
sheriff of Crawford Co. Indiana from 1860 to 1864. I have been
unable to locate a date of birth or who he married.  However
James Hardin Turner had Three sons. James H, John and Jess. 

Living in Omaha Ne has really  slowed my ability to research as
much as I would like. If any one has any information regaring the
above please email me. I will be happy to furnish any information
I may have. Well Thanks again. Hope everyone enjoys the holidays  

Ron T 

Date: Tue, 3 Dec 1996 21:10:43 PST
Subject: Burnett
X-Juno-Line-Breaks: 4-5
From: (Sharon E Crawford)

Just wanted to say that Kevin's compilations were too much for my
e-mail program and thought I would have to wait to read them, but
figured out although I couldn't see them, they would still print 
<strange>.  Love watching all those BURNETTS printing out. THANKS
Kevin for sharing all your work.
Sharon Burnett Crawford

From: PMcMillion@AOL.COM
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 1996 23:40:23 -0500
Subject: Re: Compilation #77 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc


Date: Tue, 3 Dec 1996 23:37:30 -0600
To: ncreed <>
From: (Bette Smith)
Subject: Re: Compilation #77 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

Thank you so much Kevin and Nyla for the information.  I feel
like I have an excellent map and information to share with
relatives.  I also want to say thanks to all the people who were
perhaps inconvenienced by so much information.  Just know that
this really made my day -- I feel like Christmas came early.  


From: "Kevin K. Stephenson" <>
To: "'ncreed'" <>
Subject: RE: James Burnett Line
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 01:16:43 -0600

Nyla:     Kevin, Wow!   It's obvious you were working days and
nights to get everything in Family Tree Maker. I use that, also. 
But you guys have kept me so busy that I haven't progressed
beyond "cutting & pasting" eMails.  I feel like you and David are
part of a conspiracy to bring Nyla to her knees.

Kevin:  No conspiracy, 'cause David and I are acting
independently!!   Sorry you've been worked so hard on this stuff. 
I enjoy it, but it got pretty old when I was into the third day! 
I'm just glad I found what I did, and I wanted to share it with
the folks who helped me find it.  I'd like to buy the Bork Books,
the BBB book, and the one that covers Pryor's kin in
'ya s'pose someone has some out there they might be finished
with?  As a student, I've usually got too much month left at the
end of the money, so if I could 'relieve' someone of some copies
they don't want, or even just borrow them for awhile, I'd love

Nyla:  Don't be discouraged by us old folks who have handicapped
computers. Just as soon as I get rich I'm going to upgrade again. 

Kevin:  I know what 'ya mean about having to be rich to upgrade a
computer.  I in January to buy mine, and I ate a
lot of macaroni and cheese..........Since then I've put 32 mb of
RAM, and a second hard-drive in, to support picture files made
with a flatbed scanner. I've got scores of family pics on both
sides, a lot of Burnett stuff, but would love to borrow more from
anyone who has any on the relatives we just uncovered.  I can
scan 'em in and send people jpeg or tif or gif files of the
pictures.  anybody???

Don't bust too hard on yourself for being 'old'.  I'm a student,
but I'll be 41 on the 19th..........I'm in grad school now
working on an MBA and a law degree...glutton for punishment, I
guess.  Did 'ya notice how many lawyers and legislators were in
James Burnett's family line??  I'm gonna go into public service
when I get finished with school, so maybe I'll turn up in
Congress someday.

Nyla:  I hope you didn't mind that I just forwarded your eMails
rather than cut and paste to another document.  I had no problems
with your second try.  

Kevin:  I didn't mind that, but the format may have been
confusing to some folks, because the straight e-mail format took
the generation number superscripts and kinda mushed 'em in with
the names.  If someone has trouble with it, I can send you the
FTW file to work with directly, or send it to them.

The one thing I don't like about FTW is that you can't sort the
children by order of birth in the whole tree.  Ya gotta do it one
family at a time, and I missed one family when I sent you the
file.  Minor, I guess, but I'm kind of a perfectionist.

I'm still hoping that some of the folks out there who are related
to this line of Burnett's will get in touch with me and help me
fill in the missing info.  There are a lot of dates and details
missing even from what we do have.  I'm going to get in touch
with the County Clerk in Henry County, VA, and ask about James
Burnett's will, and if they have anything on George or Thomas
Burnet_.  I've also got to get ahold of the book on this line
that was printed in Scotland, to go back further, or at least
cement together what we've got.  I still think John Sr. and
George are related somehow...too coincidental that they all ended
up in the same area at about the same time!!

Sorry to be so long winded, just glad we accomplished so much,
and I want to keep goin'!!!!

Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 14:01:20 -0500
Subject: Re: Compilation #77 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

Hi Nyla!
   I've not downloaded or read all these fabulous compilations,
but decided I might as well join in the fun!  Here's what I've

    My gggrandmother Nancy TURNER m. Jonathan Rogers.  She was
born c. 1818 in Kentucky; he c. 1814 in Tennessee.  Their
children were Charles, Sally, Marley, Rebecca, Jackson, Jonathan,
and William.  My line is through Jonathan.  Now, what about
Nancy?  She seems to be the daughter of Charles C. TURNER b 1784
North Carolina, m. Rebecca __________, d. 22 Jan 1851 Crawford
County, Illinois.  His other children were Thomas C., Louisa,
Polly, Patzey (Martha Perline), Sarah Malinda, Charlotte, John,
and Jesse Mitchel (this according to will estate papers book F p.
199, Crawford County Courthouse, Robinson, IL).  Does anyone
        a.  Parents, etc., for Charles C. Turner b. 1784
        b.  Any info on Rebecca, like possibly her maiden name? 
I do have a Rebecca Turner who died late 1800's in Lawrence
County, IL (I think, I can't find that paper right now), but
whose grave I could not locate.

     Thanks!  I'll submit my Barnett/Burnett tomorrow!    

Date: Wed, 04 Dec 1996 18:11:29 -0500
Organization: Personal
To: Nyla Creed <>
Subject: Genealogy

Nyla, for years I had a PC. Eleven months ago I purchased a Power
MacIntosh. On the PC I used PAF from the Mormon Organization in
Salt Lake City. Now I want to purchased a program to record
family data for my Mac. Do you have any suggestions as to what
might be best? Thanks for all the great work you do with these
"Compilations". Johnnt Turner

PS  I don't have any trouble with the lengthy ones (at least not
as yet)

The end of this compilation.