Date: Tue, 24 Dec 1996 17:20:14 -0500 (EST)
From: ncreed <>
Subject: Compilation #83 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

24 Dec 1996

Dear One and All,

     Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  May
1997 be a great year for genealogy for all of us.

     Nyla Creed DePauk
     Vienna VA

If you haven't done so already check out our compilations and
other information on Chris Gaunt's homepage:

From: "Kevin K. Stephenson" <>
To: "'Christine Gaunt'" <>
Cc: "'Nyla Creed DePauk'" <>
Subject: Burnett/Turner Compilations
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 1996 01:28:43 -0600

Hi guys!

   I thought I'd let you know that I've zipped Compilations 1-81
and uploaded them to the temp directory at the
website...if you want to replace the current link to with a link to this one, it's got all the stuff up
to now.  Chris-I removed the gresinet file from the zip, and also
deleted all the e-mail addresses so the zipped file is still
about the same size as the first one was.  Should be pretty easy
to download for any newbies...
   I'm still doing research on the James Burnett land/will, etc.,
in Pittsylvania County...may have more info soon.
                              Thanks....Kevin Stephenson

KEVIN:  Thank you.   Nyla

Subject: Submission for TURNER 
X-Juno-Line-Breaks: 0-5,13-17
From: (Ted Walker)
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 12:03:05 EST

Alexander TURNER was born 25 Jul 1741 in Stafford County,
Virginia.  His parents were Edward TURNER and Jean.  I would like
to find Alexander's siblings, his parents' marriage date, and the
ancestry of his parents.  Did they migrate to Stafford County
from other Virginia counties further east, or did they come from

Alexander TURNER married Chloe BRANHAM abt 1765 and settled in
Fauquier Co., VA.  where they had four sons, one of whom is John
TURNER, my 3g grandfather.  The family subsequently moved to
Woodford County, KY where John married to Sarah Holman in 1804. 
Their first daughter was Paulina born in 1805--she is my 2g
grandmother.  Shortly thereafter John and Sarah moved to Wayne 
County, Indiana where John TURNER became the first Sheriff. 
Paulina married Fielding GARR and that is where my TURNER
ancestry begins.

Ted Walker
Mesa, Arizona

Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 09:14:44 -0800
From: Yolanda Olsen <>
Organization: IOS Product Marketing
Subject: Mailing List

Hello Nyla:
I am researching Burnetts in Estille CO KY 1800 - 1850 and in 
Bartholomeu CO IN 1840 - 1860. If your group is researching this
name, locations and timeframe, please add me to the list. Can I
post a query?

Yolanda in California

Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 21:56:42 -0600
From: Carole Spencer <>

     I was reading the Packwood information which you compile,
and I have a couple of questions.  On compilation #31 Larkin
Packwood m. Esther Ann Berry 1834.  Would you have anymore info
on the Berry family or know anyone who could help me?
     I found on WFT that a Jeff Oehlerich of Olympia, WA
submitted quite a lot of Packwood info to WFT.  Apparently his
address and phone number have changed, and he now has an unlisted
number.  Do you know this person?
Look forward to hearing from you.  Thanks.

        I don't have any additional info on the Berry family. 
And I don't know Jeff Oehlerich.  
        Have you tried to track him down through Switchboard?


        I've had some luck there.
        Have you shared your Packwood information with us? 
Would love to include whatever you care to share with us.

        Merry Christmas.
The end of this compilation.  This also ends our first year.