Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 00:34:05 -0500 From: ncreed <> Subject: Compilation #89 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 18 January 1997 Hello to Everyone, This is a short compilation, but interesting. All our compilations are on Chris Gaunt's homepage: Nyla =================================================== Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 09:47:58 -0600 From: Allen Richmond <> Reply-To: Organization: Scioto Publishing Ltd. [] To: Subject: TURNER query Howdy Nyla: Another query to add to the next comp. from a Turner seeker with an Ohio ancestor (Pike County OH). (Gotta keep us Buckeyes in the running, doncha know!) :-) Forwarding for them in hopes of helping find a(ny) connection(s). -*"*-.,_,.-*"*-*"*-.,_,.-*"*-*"*-.,_,.-*"*-*"*-.,_,.-*"*-*"*-.,_, JOHN B. ARMSTRONG bca 1827-1828 in Pike Co according to his Civil War records. Sometime bef 1847 he moved to Delaware Co. IN where he married Fanny TURNER. In 1867, he moved to Richland Co WI. -*"*-.,_,.-*"*-*"*-.,_,.-*"*-*"*-.,_,.-*"*-*"*-.,_,.-*"*-*"*-.,_, Can anyone fill in some info here? 'Preciate your time! Thanks! Allen Stop by for a spell; coffee and donuts are FREE! Scioto County Genealogy Hotspot Pike County Genealogy Hotspot Ross County Genealogy Hotspot Scioto Trails: Paths From A Different Time and Place Wild Wonderful Wyoming County West Virginia! Researching: BAKER, BATES, BUTLER, COOK, COTTLE, DAVIS, FLEMING, GOODE, HALTERMAN, HATFIELD, JONES, LAIR, LOWE, MITCHELL, MULLENS, RICHMOND, STACY, THOMAS, UTZLER, VANHOOK, WALTZ, WELCH, WHALEY, WYATT (What do you mean my birth certificate has EXPIRED?!? What LATE charge?!?) --------------------------------------------------------- From: Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 18:00:08 -0500 (EST) To: Subject: Burnett and Turner mailing list Hi Nyla - Just got off the web site for Burnetts and Turners and would like to be put on your mailing list. My wife's paternal line goes through the Burnetts and my father's maternal line goes through the Turners. Have been dead ended and about to give up on them until finding the web site. But, what is a compilation? I've got the room for a half meg, but do I need it or want it? Thanks, John ===================================== From: Date: Sat, 18 Jan 1997 11:43:17 -0500 (EST) To: Subject: Re: Burnett and Turner mailing list Searching for information on parents, possible siblings or other ancestors on: Bessie TURNER b. 13-Oct-1864 TN d. 23-Nov-1941 Abilene, TX m. Thomas A. Price 19-Sep-1883 in TN b. 26-Apr-1862 Russellville, Logan Co., KY d. 01-Mar-1943 Abilene, TX One son: John E. Price, Sr. One daughter: Eddie Q. (Mrs. Charles) Robinson Since Thomas came from one of the southern tier of KY counties, Bessie may have come from one of the northern tier of TN counties. No family histories and nothing in census or LDS CD-ROMs that give any hint of parents, siblings, etc. Will be glad to share, but there's not much more than this, except for later generations. ===================================================== John E. Price Jr. ========================================= From: Date: Sat, 18 Jan 1997 19:42:55 -0800 (PST) X-Sender: To: Subject: MY BURNETT LINE HI NYLA and CUZINS! I have compiled and linked all my BURNETT line information on my home page. As of this date I have input all I have. I think there is a bit more here somewhere. As soon as I find my shovel and clean off my desk I'll be adding to it. The line runs from my Grandmother Augusta Burnett back to John Burnett I. If you find a mistake, have a question, or can add to this, PLEASE let me know. Home page is at: Thanks everyone! Waddie ============================================== The end of this compilation.