Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 23:13:05 -0500
Subject: BURNETT-TURNER-ROSS-VIA-/ETC/ETC - Compilation #9

Hello Everyone:  A special welcome to our all new folks.  

This is our ninth compilation cover messages received during the the period
17 March thru 4 April 1996.  Hope you have a lovely Easter Holiday.  Nyla

If you haven't done so already, please check Chris Gaunt's home page where
the archives are stored:


Hope you have a lovely Easter Holiday.  Nyla

Subj:     family name Via
Date:     96-03-17 20:01:26 EST
From:     CW1210
To:  NCreed

I asked to join your mailing because of interest in family name
of Burnett.  However I notice the name Via listed in your
compilation.  I am also looking for anyone with information
concern the marriage/families of Charles (Chas) E. Powell  and
Willie C. Via in Albemarle County, Va. December 24, 1884.

Date:     96-03-21 19:49:03 EST
To:  NCreed

Would you tell exactly how to get the info from the Internet.  Do
I go into Web Crawler or Gopher or what?  Do I put in that whole
http: etc. and after cgaunt/ do I put etc or what do I put?  I'm
not very familiar with the Internet as you can tell.
Yes I would like to be on mailing list, but I am only on AOL till
the 27th, then Prodigy, at LNEM41A, Shirley Warren.
Also, do you know Pete Philpott on AOL?  He has lots of info on
Turners, Philpotts, etc. His address is
Thanks for your help. Shirley

Subj:     Turner family newsletter
Date:     96-03-25 16:36:42 EST
From: (Pat Chesney)

Hi, Nyla,

I got a copy in the mail from John Turner of a chapter out of his
book - A history of the Turner Family by William Roskey and out of it I
gleaned the family tree of James Turner - who is supposed to be related to my
William S.  Turner either as a cousin or as the grandfather.

I believe ' cousin' to be the more possible because of the dates
but I only know date wise that my William had a wife named Elizabeth Smith
and had a son Calvin b. in 1826 in Tenn.

 I have found a William S. Turner mar to an Elizabeth Smith in
Sumner Co. Tenn in 1813 and think that it is possibly my William but have no
proof yet.

 My William came to Tex in 1840 with four sons William, Calvin,
Hardin and John Turner and had two daughters Mary and Lucinda. Mary married
Asa Sowell and her son Andrew Jackson Sowell wrote books about early Tex
history. In one book he mentions his mother Mary said they were related to
this James Turner the govern of NC and also to a Calvin Smith, a Goodlow
Smith and a Jack E. Turner of Nashville Tenn.  Besides the fact that William
was in the battles of Talladega, Tallahasse, Horseshoe Bend and New Orleans
and served under Gen Jackson that is all I know at point of his history
before he came to Tex. He lived in Tex up until at least the civil war as he
helped guard the home front with other older men - he could have been in his
70's  by then.

If anyone is working on any of these Turner families or wants me
to look for a Turner in the material I have on the Mass line of Turners I
will help as I can. There is not an index. If you have an unusual Turner
name that helps. They are  listed  by number and you have to look back to
find the earlier generations by number. This is my arrangement of the
family line.

Family Tree of James Turner governor of NC

First generation

Humphrey Turner mar Lydia Gamer
b. 1594 Devonshire Eng >Plym. 1628>Scituate Mass 1633
d. 1673 Tanner by trade
1) John   b. 1623 d. 1697
2) John    b. 1628 d. 1687
3) THOMAS b. 1634 d. 1688
4) Joseph baptized 1 Jan 1637 possibly mar Bathsheba Hobart
5) Mary baptized 25 Jan 1634 mar William Parker
6) Daniel mar Hannah Randall
7) Lydia mar James Doughtey
8) Nathaniel baptized 10 March 1638 d. 31 Jan 1715

Second generation

THOMAS Turner b.1634  mar Sarah Hiland on 6 Jan 1652
his children
1) Nathan b. 1 March 1654
2) Humphrey b. Sept 1663
3) THOMAS Jr. b. Dec 1670 d. Jan 1720
4) Josiah b. Jan 1672
5) Charles b. 3 may 1675
6) Elizabeth b. July 1656
7) Eunice b. 10 April 1661 mar Isaac Buck
8) Ephrain b. June 1667-68
9) Mary b 15 Sept 1658 mar Thomas Buck
10) Grace b. 1665 mar Benjamin Stetson 22 Jan 1690

Third generation

THOMAS Turner Jr. b. Dec 1670 mar Hannah Jenkens (he was a
his children
1) Ephraim b. 9 Feb 1694
2) David b. 5 May 1695 d. 9 Aug 1757
3) Hannah b. 15 June 1697 d. 1736 mar Barnabas Barker
4) THOMAS b. 31 March 1699
5) Relief b. 8 June 1701 mar Gershom Eewell
6) Ruth b. 26 March 1703 mar Mr. Titus
7) Sarah b. 19 Jan 1704-05 mar Mr. Burr
8) Jemima b. 7 Jan 1706 mar John Dogget on 5 Oct 1726
9) Ephraim b. 17 March 1708-09
10) Lettice b. 17 April 1711 mar Thomas Tilden 1727
11) Abigail b. 15 Aug 1714
12) Mary b. 2 July 1717 mar Joseph Tolman
13) Silas

Fourth Generation

THOMAS Turner b. 1699  mar Mary Bryant on 14 Feb 1732-33. Moved
to Virginia/NC
his children
1) JAMES     b. 20 Dec 1766  d. 15 Jan 1824
2) Joseph
3) Jacob captain in the Rev. War killed Battle of Germantown
4) Henry
5) John
6) Hannah
7) Nancy
8) Polly
9) George
10) Thomas

Fifth generation

Gov. JAMES Turner b. 1766 mar 1) Polly Anderson 2) Ann Cochran 3)
his children
1) Thomas  mar Nancy Baskerville
    1) Mary mar William Hamilton
    2) James mar Ann Hawkins
    3) Nancy
    4) William
    5) George
    6) Emma
    7) Sally
2) Daniel mar Anna Arnold Key
    1) Alice
    2) Daniel
    3) Frank
    4) Emily
    5) Janet
    6) Anna
    7) Ellen
    8) Rebecca
    9) Mary
    10) Elizabeth
3) Rebecca mar George Edmond Badger
4) Mary
5) Ann mar Henry Colman

Some brief comments about this family tree - James was put at the
head of
his family of siblings but the mar dates of his parents and his
birth date
show his father to have been 66 or 67 when he was born. Maybe
because he
was an important person he was put at the head of the family
line. His br
that was a Capt in the army would have been born at least ten yrs
then James.

My William was  born about the time James started having
children.  William
probably served in the war with some of James children. He could
have been
cousins with them and shared the same grandfather - Thomas Turner
mar to
Mary Bryant. So if anyone is researching that family I'd like to
know the
children of the six brothers to see if there is a William S.
Turner among

Appreciate any help on these Turner lines.

P.S. also in an earlier letter John Turner sent me this - but in
stuff he sent he didn't copy the pages this was on. I didn't find
a William
Suddarth Turner mentioned in the 40 pages he sent me.  Can anyone
make a
connection for me between this following  info on William
Suddarth Turner
and the James Turner family information?

I found another William, This is William Suddarth
Turner married Elizabeth P. Smith and moved to Texas His father
was John
Turner Born in Virginia and died prior to 1820 and John father
Terisha Turner born 1705 probably England settled in Amherst
Virginia and married Sarah Wimpy.

Thanks, Terri Chesney
Date:     96-03-25 22:26:04 EST
From: (Philip A. Turner)

   I want to add a comment to what Terri Chesney said in the last
batch of 
   Terri said that she traces her ancestry to a Turner who came
over on the 
Mayflower.  Although it is true that there were people named
Turner on the 
Mayflower, they all died during the winter of 1620-21.  They
produced no 
   Terri mentions that there was a later Mayflower voyage that
brought some 
Turners to the Plymouth Colony, but this is not THE Mayflower
   I do have an ancestor who arrived on THE Mayflower, the
landing in 1620.  
He was not a Turner though.
   I hope that I have clarified this confusing issue.  In short:
YES there 
were Turners on the Mayflower; NONE of them survived or produced
BUT you can still have ancestors who came on the Mayflower even
though your 
name is Turner.  'Nuf said?    :-}

     Philip Turner

Subj:     Post Message to Mailing List
Date:     96-03-26 18:10:23 EST
From: (Yolanda Olsen)

Please post to the Burnett mailing list.
Isabela C Burnett married James R. Holeman in 1841 in Bartholomeu
Isabela was dead by 1873.  They had 3 children: Eliza, Nancy and
We are looking for family of Isabela and information about her


Subj:     Burnett
Date:     96-04-02 22:27:22 EST
From:     Knights5
To:  NCreed

Hello Nyla!

I continue to look for clues to Jeremiah Burnett Sr, as listed in
the outline below.




Descendants of Jeremiah Sr. Burnett
     1    Jeremiah Sr. Burnett                         
........  2    Mary Burnett                       
............   +Richard Nowlin          
               Father: James Nowlin     
               Mother: Ursula m: June 03, 1796 in Patrick Co. VA 
................... 3    Lucy Nowlin                        
.......................  +Adam Turner   Father:   Mother:        
................... 3    James Nowlin   b: October 23, 1796      
                              d: in Patrick County VA
.......................  +Nancy Shelton b: 1798   
                         Father: Archibald Shelton     
                         Mother: Rhoda Nolen m: October 17, 1821
                         in Virginia    
................... 3    Elizabeth Nowlin    b: 1802             
.......................  +Pleasant Nowlin
                         Father:   Mother:        
Subj:     New additions to my Turner Line
Date:     96-04-02 10:09:20 EST
From: (Allison)

        Recently I recieved some additions to my Turner line from
researcher. Look it over and if it is too long let me know. 

John Turner was born abt 1755 in Northern Ireland.  He came to
America as a
young man.  He married Elizabeth Dillard in 1779 in Halifax Co,
VA.  She was
born in 1755.  They had at least 7 children.  They went to NC
until about
1796 and went to TN from there. John died in 1823 in Dickson Co,
TN and
Elizabeth died after him.  
1. George Turner(1780 - 1862) m Susannah Adams(1782 - 1840) in
1799 Halifax
Co, VA    
2. William Dillard (1783-) m Priscilla Thomas. He died Humphreys
Co, TN
3. Frances Turner (1784-1867) m Martin Haliburton. She d in
Randolph, MO
4. Margaret (1786-bef 1860) m John Adams.  She d in Dickson Co,
5. John b 1788
6. Samuel C (1790-1859) m Elizabeth in 1810 Dickson Co, TN.  He
died in
Pittsburg, Ark
7. Howard Wm (1796-1861) m Nancy Bunch and he died in TN

George and Susannah had:
1. John B 1800-
2. Richard Dillard (1806-) m Sarah Finch in 1824 TN.  He died in
Co, TN
3. Elizabeth b 1808 m George Ridings
4. William b 1812
5. George b 1817
6. Isaac b 1820
7. Elijah b 1822
8. Susan E 1829- m Wm Chris Autry and Henry Matthews
9. Emily b 1835
10. James b 1837
Also 2 unknown year and sex
2 unknown females b 1811 and 1824
1 unknown male b 1811

Richard D. Turner and Sarah Finch had
1. Nancy E. Turner(1825 TN - Abt 1905 TN) m John Dameworth 
2. Hannah Turner(1826 TN -) m Samuel W Adams
3. Beretha Turner(1827 TN-) m Marshall Dotson
4. Susannah Turner(1829 TN-) m William McCollum   1801 - 1866    
5. Elizabeth J. Turner(1830 TN - 1909 TN)m TN James W. Curtis and
Carmack   6. Caroline D. Turner(1832 TN - 1869 TN) m TN Alfred
Trogdon and
John Trogdon   
7. Mary Ann Marable Turner(1833 TN-) m TN James E. Merritt and
Jackson Johnson          
8. Howard W. Turner(1835 TN - 1891) m TN Caroline Norman    
9. George W. Turner(1837 TN - 1909)m TN Sarah Anderson and
Fredonia Thomas     
10. Isaac N. Turner(1839 TN -) m TN Mary E ?? and Jane Hobbs     
11. James R. Turner(1841 TN - 1924 KY) m KY Winney Lawson   
12. Martha S. Turner(1842 TN - 1909) m TN Edward Matlock    
13. William Helen Turner(1844 TN -) m John L Hooper
14 Richard D (1847 TN - 1928) m TN Lydia Norman and Mary J White
and Mary G Gillmore 
                    Allison Stanhope

Seeking information on the following names:
Bennett, Brown, Burdick, Chesmore, Hudson,Lawson, Luttrell,
McMann, Snyder, Stanhope, Stark, Thomas, Turner
The end.