Date: Sat, 1 Feb 1997 22:19:36 -0500 From: ncreed <> Subject: Compilation #92 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 1 Feb 1997 Hello to Everyone, A special welcome to the new folks. If you haven't done so already, check all the compilations for your ancestors. Kevin has zipped compilations 1-91. (See below for details.) That should make it easy to download. Thank you Kevin and Chris. Be sure to check out Chris Gaunt's homepage where all our compilations are stored: Have a Happy Ground Hog's Day. Nyla Creed DePauk Vienna VA ==================================================== X-Sender: Date: Fri, 24 Jan 1997 20:26:20 -0700 To: From: Steve Zedney <> Subject: TURNER Hi Nyla. I understand you accept TURNER queries and forward them to your list. I hope you can help me. My g-grandfather was Elijah M. Barnes. August 4, 1866 he married Jane Turner (McDowell County, NC marriage index). Two of their children's death certificates list the mother as Jane Turner, born in McDowell County, NC. Elijah & Jane are listed on the census for Dysartsville, McDowell County for 1870 and 1880. Elijah died about 1891 and Jane is listed in the 1900 census in Caroleen, Rutherford County, NC. Elijah and Jane sold property in Burke & McDowell counties in 1875, 1884, 1886, and 1887. In these property records she is identified as Neroa, Nervy, Manervy, and Manervy Jane. I assume her name to be Manerva Jane Turner. From the census records she was born about 1846/47. My problem is this is all the information I can find on her. I have no idea who her parents are. I cannot find any record of a Turner family in McDowell or the surrounding counties with a daughter that might be my Jane. This mystery woman is a real puzzler to me. Perhaps someone will recognize her, especially if she was in another state. ================================================= Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 20:24:06 +0700 From: Walter Clark <> Reply-To: To: Subject: Turner I was advised another Internet user that I should contact you with regards to my Turner relatives. My great grandmother was Sarah Turner, and she was born in Tennessee (probably either Knox or Jefferson Co.) in 1821. She was married in Knox County in 1842 to Dempsey Fielden. She had a sister, Sylvania Turner, known as "Vaney", who was born in 1829. Sarah and Vaney were almost certainly half Cherokee. I would very much like to determine who their parents were. Do you have any suggestions as to how I should proceed? Thanks for your time. ======================================================== Date: Sat, 1 Feb 1997 08:03:50 -0500 (EST) From: "Christine E. Gaunt" <> X-Sender: To: "Kevin K. Stephenson" <> cc: "'Nyla Creed DePauk'" <> Subject: Re: Homepage, zipfile On Thu, 30 Jan 1997, Kevin K. Stephenson wrote: Dear Nyla, Chris and all the gang... I've zipped compilations 1-91 for downloading for anyone who wants them... Chris, if you'll let me know where to upload the file to, I'd be happy to oblige...or... I now have a homepage of my own! If it would be handier for you all, I can probably put the file on the server at KU, and you can put a link on the Burnett-Turner page to my homepage...I intend to publish some family tree stuff on my page along with other things. Let me know if this would work, and I'll make the arrangements. For those interested, my homepage is at: Let me know if you have any feedback for me, and I'd be happy to add links if anyone needs anything! Kevin Stephenson Kevin, Put the zip file on your site, as it will be easiest for you to update it there, and I'll change where the link points. Just let me know what the URL is. Many thanks! Chris ================================================== From: Date: Sat, 1 Feb 1997 14:35:23 -0500 (EST) To: Subject: BURNETT info Quest - Request Dear Nyla, I may have already been in contact with you as the message below about your mail list is a little old. I was told, by your cousin that you publish a BURNETT, et. al. newsletter. I am looking for the parents of my ggg Grandfather William Burnett.... b. Nov 1790 in way later became the town of Red Hook, Duthcess Co., NY He married Mary Couchman in Rensselearville, Albany Co. NY and they lived in Boome, Schoharie Co., NY from approximately the time of marriage, 1815 until sometime in the 1830s. They had eight or nine children in Schoharie Co. and later moved to New Hartford, Oneida Co. NY and have an additional one or two girls there. In total 10 children. They moved again about 1842 to Seneca or Wayne County, NY and lived for a time in each of those Counties, eventually living in Junius, Seneca Co and finally in Phelps, Ontario Co.,, whew they moved around a lot. William Burnett died Sept 15, 1870 and is buried in MelvinHill Cemetery, Phelps, NY. Would appreciate any information on them or a post to you newsletter. Thanks Mike Burnett I read your posting on Roots-L. I don't know if you are aware of it or not but there is a Burnett/Turner/Via list that is published by my cousin, Nyla. If you haven't already inquired on that list you might write her at: I'm sure that she would be happy to post your request. Janet Cox Sacramento, CA =================================================== Date: Sat, 01 Feb 1997 19:36:17 -0500 From: Ed Wojtowicz <> Reply-To: To: Subject: VIA Looking for information on Elizabeth VIA married Lewis RADFORD, marriage bond dated 6-24-1850, Franklin Co. VA. Am most interested in the RADFORD line. From the mountains, looking into the New River Gorge. Ed W. ========================================================= The end of this compilation.