Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1997 22:52:38 -0500 From: ncreed <> Subject: Compilation #93 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 10 Feb 1997 Dear Cousins, If you had difficulty connecting to Chris Gaunt's homepage during the past few days, it should be working okay now. I checked it out yesterday. All our compilations can be obtained from Chris or from her link to Kevin. I still can't connect to Kevin K. Stephenson's homepage. I get so far and I get an error. So, I guess I need to ask Kevin what I need to do to check out his home page. KEVIN, what am I doing wrong? We have several new folks this time. A big welcome to each of them. Please continue to share information on your families as you get time. Waddie Salmon has been working hard on his homepage. It is definitely worth checking out. The address is further down in this message. Terri has been working on her Terisha Turner Newsletter, too. Just received one big volume tonight. If you're not a subscriber, here's her mailing list: Looking forward to spring. Nyla --------------------------------------------------- From: "Kevin K. Stephenson" <> To: <> Subject: Homepage and compilations zipfile. Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 17:51:35 -0600 X-Msmail-Priority: Normal Nyla--- I sent the following message to Chris concerning my website and the provisions I've made for folks to download the compilations zipfile there...hope this helps! If you need anything else, let me know! Kevin Chris--- I have my homepage up and running, and the compilations zipfile is set up and downloadable through a link on my homepage. If you put a link on your homepage to: then people can go immediately to the Burnett-Turner-Via-Ross, etc., family history research page on my site. There is a picture of my grandfather, Ralph Burnett, a couple of paragraphs about the group, and direct links to the download file, as well as links to the websites for PKZip and WinZip. This should do it for the newcomers, and I can update this webpage whenever I update the zipfile. I also took the liberty of putting links on this page to your e-mail, Nyla's e-mail, and your homepage... Anyone wishing to see my entire website can browse to: and look over the whole thing. There is a link on every page of my site to the Burnett-Turner page...I'm going to be adding family tree stuff and some more OLD pictures, so stay tuned... If anyone has any questions, comments, or problems, please contact me...there are e-mail links on my homepage as well. Thanks, Kevin Stephenson ================================================== Kevin, Put the zip file on your site, as it will be easiest for you to update it there, and I'll change where the link points. Just let me know what the URL is. Many thanks! Chris ================================================== Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 08:17:15 -0500 From: "P. Light" <> To: Subject: Burnett Family Hello Nyla, I have been told by several people that you are THE person to contact about Burnett family information. My Burnett connections are in Patrick Co., Va. and I have not had great luck. My great-Grandfather was John Burnett, b1873, d1937 in Patrick Co. He was married to Orpha McGrady. John's Mother was Martha Burnett, she was never married. I am searching for information about her parents, any help you could give would be appreciated. Thanks, Peggy Light ====================================================== From: Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 04:43:59 -0800 (PST) X-Sender: To: ncreed@EROLS.COM Subject: BURNETT UPDATE Hi Nyla and all my other cuzins! I've been VERY busy on my home page trying to update ALL the info I have on each and every BURNETT I have. It is very time consuming but well worth the effort to be able for yall to make a connection. I'll be adding more and more each week or so as I make the time. Just wanted yall to know what I've just completed. As much detail on EACH person I have added to their name. IF ANYONE can fill in even ONE date or fact or even a TINY piece of info here would you please send it to me so I can add it on. It would be of great benefit to ALL our kith and kin. THANK YOU CUZINS! WADDIE HOME PAGE is: =============================================== To: Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 23:06:03 PST Subject: Thomas Turner of Warrenton,NC X-Juno-Line-Breaks: 0-1,4-7 From: (CHARLES F. TURNER) Nyla, I have a lot of information about the Turner family which includes Thomas of Warrenton, NC from whom came Gov.James (1802-5) and Sen. Daniel and will share that with anyone interested in that line. Charles Turner Amherst,NH ====================================================== Charles, Would you like to send some information that I can include in the next compilation. I'm sure folks would be interested. Thank you. Nyla CREED DePauk Vienna VA =============================================== To: Date: Sun, 9 Feb 1997 21:02:22 PST Subject: Re: Thomas Turner of Warrenton,NC References: <> X-Juno-Line-Breaks: 2-126,128-473 From: (CHARLES F. TURNER) Here's what I have on this line of Turners ( and I'd like to get more.) The record numbers are mine (RN=) and the ID numbers are the generation in America. ......................................................... Desc. of Humphrey Turner: Property of Chas.F.Turner,Amherst,NH THOMAS TURNER (RN=175) Born: 31 Mar 1699 At: Scituate,MA^3 NUMBER OF MARRIAGES: 1 Married to: Rebecca (No Record) Died: ?? ??? 1788^4 At: Warren Co.,NC? FATHER: THOMAS TURNER Esq. (RN=45) MOTHER: HANNAH JENKINS TURNER (RN=171) NUMBER OF CHILDREN: 8 1: JOSEPH TURNER (RN=396) 2: JACOB TURNER Capt. (RN=397) 3: JOHN TURNER (RN=398) 4: HENRY TURNER (RN=399) 5: JAMES TURNER Gov. (RN=400) 6: NANCY TURNER (RN=401) 7: HANNAH TURNER DAVIS (RN=402) 8: POLLY TURNER MAYFIELD (RN=403) SEX: M LAST UPDATED: 24 Dec 1996 Notes (1: 1760:Moved to Southampton,VA) (2: then moved to N.C.) (3: S.M.V.R.) (4: Willed 1444A and many slaves to Rebecca(Warren Co.,1788)) Source: Cora Turner,Hawks ID: 4 JOSEPH TURNER (RN=396) Died: ?? ?? 1796? FATHER: THOMAS TURNER (RN=175) MOTHER: Rebecca (No Record) SEX: M LAST UPDATED: 28 Dec 1996 Notes (1: 1790 census:39 slaves) (2: Will of Thomas gave him slaves and land (Southampton,VA and Northampton,NC)) Source: CoraTurner ID: 5 JACOB TURNER Capt. (RN=397) Marital Status: Single FATHER: THOMAS TURNER (RN=175) MOTHER: Rebecca (No Record) No Children SEX: M LAST UPDATED: 28 Dec 1996 Notes (1: Fell at the battle of Germantown) Occupation: Captain in Army Source: CoraTurner ID: 5 JOHN TURNER (RN=398) Marital Status: Single FATHER: THOMAS TURNER (RN=175) MOTHER: Rebecca (No Record) No Children SEX: M LAST UPDATED: 25 May 1993 Notes 1: Died intestate.His extensive estate was 1796 by James.) Source: CoraTurner ID: 5 HENRY TURNER (RN=399) Marital Status: Single FATHER: THOMAS TURNER (RN=175) MOTHER: Rebecca (No Record) No Children SEX: M LAST UPDATED: 07 Mar 1995 Source: CoraTurner ID: 5 JAMES TURNER Gov. (RN=400) Born: 20 Dec 1766? At: Southampton Co.,VA NUMBER OF MARRIAGES: 3 Married to: POLLY ANDERSON TURNER (RN=741) On: ?? ??? 1793 Status: (Widowed) Remarried to: ANN COCKRAN TURNER (RN=742) On: 06 Oct 1803 At: Portland,ME^3 Status: (Widowed) Remarried to: ELIZABETH PARKS JOHNSTON TURNER (RN=743) On: 21 Jul 1810 At: Tho.B.Gloster,bm Died: 15 Aug 1824 At: Bloomsbury,NC^4 FATHER: THOMAS TURNER (RN=175) MOTHER: Rebecca (No Record) NUMBER OF CHILDREN: 6 1: REBECCA TURNER BADGER (RN=744) 2: MARY TURNER (RN=745) 3: THOMAS TURNER (RN=746) 4: SALLY TURNER ALEXANDER (RN=747) 5: ANN TURNER COLEMAN (RN=748) 6: DANIEL TURNER Hon. (RN=749) SEX: M LAST UPDATED: 24 Dec 1996 Notes (1: 'Horse breeder of reknown') (2: 12th Governor, 1802-1805) (3: Eastern Argus of Portland,ME) (4: Bloomsbury may be estate, not town) Occupation: Governor,N.C Burial: Warrenton,NC Source: Cora. Visit to Warrenton in 1994 ID: 5 James was a soldier at the end of the Revolution though only 15 or 16 years old. He was in the state legislature 1798-1800, a state senator 1801-1802, 12th governor in 1802-1805 and a US senator 1805-16. He supported Madison's war policy. He retired from the senate due to poor health. He was regarded as a man of great integrity and trust. His home "Oakland" (1790) is an historic site in Warrenton, Warren Co.,NC. REBECCA TURNER BADGER (RN=744) NUMBER OF MARRIAGES: 1 Married to: George Badger (No Record) FATHER: JAMES TURNER Gov. (RN=400) MOTHER: POLLY ANDERSON TURNER (RN=741) SEX: F LAST UPDATED: 01 Oct 1996 Notes (1: 1850 Census: See Raleigh,NC for Badger) Source: CoraTurner ID: 6 MARY TURNER (RN=745) FATHER: JAMES TURNER Gov. (RN=400) MOTHER: POLLY ANDERSON TURNER (RN=741) SEX: F LAST UPDATED: 26 Dec 1989 Source: CoraTurner ID: 6 THOMAS TURNER (RN=746) NUMBER OF MARRIAGES: 2 Married to: NANCY BASKERVILLE (No Record) Remarried to: Sara Patillo (No Record) On: 16 Feb 1822 FATHER: JAMES TURNER Gov. (RN=400) MOTHER: POLLY ANDERSON TURNER (RN=741) NUMBER OF CHILDREN: 7 1: MARY TURNER HAMILTON (RN=1499) 2: JAMES TURNER (RN=1500) 3: NANCY TURNER (No Record) 4: WILLIAM TURNER (No Record) 5: GEORGE TURNER (No Record) 6: EMMA TURNER (No Record) 7: SALLY TURNER (No Record) SEX: M LAST UPDATED: 01 May 1993 Notes (1: Marriage 2 from Warrenton records) Source: CoraTurner ID: 6 MARY TURNER HAMILTON (RN=1499) NUMBER OF MARRIAGES: 1 Married to: WILLIAM HAMILTON (No Record) FATHER: THOMAS TURNER (RN=746) MOTHER: NANCY BASKERVILLE (No Record) SEX: F LAST UPDATED: 21 Jan 1990 Source: CoraTurner ID: 7 JAMES TURNER (RN=1500) NUMBER OF MARRIAGES: 1 Married to: ANN HAWKINS (No Record) On: 10 Dec 1842 FATHER: THOMAS TURNER (RN=746) MOTHER: NANCY BASKERVILLE (No Record) SEX: M LAST UPDATED: 01 May 1993 Notes (1: Daniel was b.m. at wedding (Warrenton records)) Source: CoraTurner ID: 7 SALLY TURNER ALEXANDER (RN=747) NUMBER OF MARRIAGES: 1 Married to: Mark Alexander of VA (No Record) FATHER: JAMES TURNER Gov. (RN=400) MOTHER: POLLY ANDERSON TURNER (RN=741) SEX: F LAST UPDATED: 01 Oct 1996 Notes (1: Will of mother gave horse and carriage) (2: 1850 Census: See Mecklenburg Co., 98th Regiment) Source: CoraTurner ID: 6 ANN TURNER COLEMAN (RN=748) NUMBER OF MARRIAGES: 1 Married to: Henry Coleman,Esq. of VA (No Record) On: ?? ??? 1832 FATHER: JAMES TURNER Gov. (RN=400) MOTHER: POLLY ANDERSON TURNER (RN=741) SEX: F LAST UPDATED: 01 Oct 1996 Notes (1: Will of mother gave horse and carriage) (2: 1850 Census:See Amherst Co;Appotomax Co;Mecklenburg Co, 98thReg.) Source: CoraTurner ID: 6 DANIEL TURNER Hon. (RN=749) Born: ?? ??? 1796 NUMBER OF MARRIAGES: 1 Married to: ANN ARNOLD KEY TURNER (RN=1506) FATHER: JAMES TURNER Gov. (RN=400) MOTHER: POLLY ANDERSON TURNER (RN=741) NUMBER OF CHILDREN: 10 1: ALICE TURNER (RN=1507) 2: DANIEL TURNER (RN=1508) 3: REBECCA TURNER (RN=1509) 4: FRANK TURNER (RN=1510) 5: EMILY TURNER (RN=1511) 6: MARY TURNER (RN=1512) 7: JANET TURNER (RN=1513) 8: ANNA TURNER (RN=1514) 9: ELLEN TURNER (RN=1515) 10: ELIZABETH TURNER (RN=1516) SEX: M LAST UPDATED: 16 Apr 1996 Notes (1: Lived at Warrenton Dist.,NC:1850 Census) (2: 1813-1814:Grad. West Point) (3: Vet.(artillery) of NY and PA campaigns) (4: Wm.&Mary College) Occupation: U.S.Congressman,Lawyer Source: CoraTurner ID: 6 ALICE TURNER (RN=1507) FATHER: DANIEL TURNER Hon. (RN=749) MOTHER: ANN ARNOLD KEY TURNER (RN=1506) SEX: F LAST UPDATED: 21 Jan 1990 Source: CoraTurner ID: 7 DANIEL TURNER (RN=1508) FATHER: DANIEL TURNER Hon. (RN=749) MOTHER: ANN ARNOLD KEY TURNER (RN=1506) SEX: M LAST UPDATED: 21 Jan 1990 Source: CoraTurner ID: 7 REBECCA TURNER (RN=1509) FATHER: DANIEL TURNER Hon. (RN=749) MOTHER: ANN ARNOLD KEY TURNER (RN=1506) SEX: F LAST UPDATED: 21 Jan 1990 Source: CoraTurner ID: 7 FRANK TURNER (RN=1510) FATHER: DANIEL TURNER Hon. (RN=749) MOTHER: ANN ARNOLD KEY TURNER (RN=1506) SEX: M LAST UPDATED: 21 Jan 1990 Source: CoraTurner ID: 7 EMILY TURNER (RN=1511) FATHER: DANIEL TURNER Hon. (RN=749) MOTHER: ANN ARNOLD KEY TURNER (RN=1506) SEX: F LAST UPDATED: 21 Jan 1990 Source: CoraTurner ID: 7 MARY TURNER (RN=1512) FATHER: DANIEL TURNER Hon. (RN=749) MOTHER: ANN ARNOLD KEY TURNER (RN=1506) SEX: F LAST UPDATED: 21 Jan 1990 Source: CoraTurner ID: 7 JANET TURNER (RN=1513) FATHER: DANIEL TURNER Hon. (RN=749) MOTHER: ANN ARNOLD KEY TURNER (RN=1506) SEX: F LAST UPDATED: 21 Jan 1990 Source: CoraTurner ID: 7 ANNA TURNER (RN=1514) FATHER: DANIEL TURNER Hon. (RN=749) MOTHER: ANN ARNOLD KEY TURNER (RN=1506) SEX: F LAST UPDATED: 21 Jan 1990 Source: CoraTurner ID: 7 ELLEN TURNER (RN=1515) FATHER: DANIEL TURNER Hon. (RN=749) MOTHER: ANN ARNOLD KEY TURNER (RN=1506) SEX: F LAST UPDATED: 21 Jan 1990 Source: CoraTurner ID: 7 ELIZABETH TURNER (RN=1516) FATHER: DANIEL TURNER Hon. (RN=749) MOTHER: ANN ARNOLD KEY TURNER (RN=1506) SEX: F LAST UPDATED: 21 Jan 1990 Source: CoraTurner ID: 7 NANCY TURNER (RN=401) FATHER: THOMAS TURNER (RN=175) MOTHER: Rebecca (No Record) SEX: F LAST UPDATED: 07 Mar 1995 Source: CORA TURNER ID: 5 HANNAH TURNER DAVIS (RN=402) Born: ?? ??? 17?? NUMBER OF MARRIAGES: 1 Married to: PETER DAVIS (RN=4170) On: ?? ??? 17?? FATHER: THOMAS TURNER (RN=175) MOTHER: Rebecca (No Record) NUMBER OF CHILDREN: 5 1: JACOB DAVIS (RN=4171) 2: JOHN DAVIS (RN=4172) 3: WINNIFRED DAVIS (RN=4173) 4: TEMPERENCE DAVIS (RN=4174) 5: THOMAS DAVIS (RN=4175) SEX: F LAST UPDATED: 08 Jan 1997 Notes (1: Got slave in will of Thomas) (2: b.1731-1774? d.1765-1857?) Source: Cora Turner. FTM ID: 5 JACOB DAVIS (RN=4171) NUMBER OF MARRIAGES: 1 Married to: RHODA TURNER DAVIS (RN=4176) On: 19 Oct 1808 At: Warren Co.,NC Died: ?? ??? 1859 At: Warren Co.,NC FATHER: PETER DAVIS (RN=4170) MOTHER: HANNAH TURNER DAVIS (RN=402) NUMBER OF CHILDREN: 4 1: MARTHA (POLLY) DAVIS ROWLAND (RN=4177) 2: REBECCA DAVIS JOHNSON (RN=4178) 3: NANCY DAVIS FLEMING (RN=4179) 4: DYONICIE DAVIS (RN=4180) SEX: M LAST UPDATED: 11 Jan 1997 Notes (1: 1850 Census: Warren Co.,NC at Nutbush) (2: b.1774-1771?) Source: FTM ID: 6 MARTHA (POLLY) DAVIS ROWLAND (RN=4177) NUMBER OF MARRIAGES: 1 Married to: Thad Rowland (No Record) FATHER: JACOB DAVIS (RN=4171) MOTHER: RHODA TURNER DAVIS (RN=4176) SEX: F LAST UPDATED: 08 Jan 1997 Source: Hawks ID: 7 REBECCA DAVIS JOHNSON (RN=4178) NUMBER OF MARRIAGES: 1 Married to: Wesley Johnson (No Record) FATHER: JACOB DAVIS (RN=4171) MOTHER: RHODA TURNER DAVIS (RN=4176) SEX: F LAST UPDATED: 08 Jan 1997 Source: Hawks ID: 7 NANCY DAVIS FLEMING (RN=4179) NUMBER OF MARRIAGES: 1 Married to: John Fleming (No Record) FATHER: JACOB DAVIS (RN=4171) MOTHER: RHODA TURNER DAVIS (RN=4176) SEX: F LAST UPDATED: 08 Jan 1997 Source: Hawks ID: 7 DYONICIE DAVIS (RN=4180) FATHER: JACOB DAVIS (RN=4171) MOTHER: RHODA TURNER DAVIS (RN=4176) SEX: F LAST UPDATED: 08 Jan 1997 Source: Hawks ID: 7 JOHN DAVIS (RN=4172) FATHER: PETER DAVIS (RN=4170) MOTHER: HANNAH TURNER DAVIS (RN=402) SEX: M LAST UPDATED: 08 Jan 1997 Source: Hawks ID: 6 WINNIFRED DAVIS (RN=4173) FATHER: PETER DAVIS (RN=4170) MOTHER: HANNAH TURNER DAVIS (RN=402) SEX: F LAST UPDATED: 08 Jan 1997 Source: Hawks ID: 6 TEMPERENCE DAVIS (RN=4174) FATHER: PETER DAVIS (RN=4170) MOTHER: HANNAH TURNER DAVIS (RN=402) SEX: F LAST UPDATED: 08 Jan 1997 Source: Hawks ID: 6 THOMAS DAVIS (RN=4175) Born At: Warren CO.,NC? FATHER: PETER DAVIS (RN=4170) MOTHER: HANNAH TURNER DAVIS (RN=402) SEX: M LAST UPDATED: 08 Jan 1997 Notes (1: 1850 Census:Warren Co.,NC Land Creek Div.) (2: b.1755-1803? d.1773-1882?) Source: Hawks ID: 6 POLLY TURNER MAYFIELD (RN=403) NUMBER OF MARRIAGES: 1 Married to: Thomas Mayfield (No Record) FATHER: THOMAS TURNER (RN=175) MOTHER: Rebecca (No Record) SEX: F LAST UPDATED: 24 Dec 1996 Notes (1: Got slave in will of Thomas) Source: CORA TURNER ID: 5 =============================================== The end of this compilation.