Date: Sat, 8 Mar 1997 23:38:14 -0500 (EST)
From: ncreed <>
Subject: Compilation #94 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

8 March 1997

Dear Cousins,
     It's been several weeks since Compilation #93 was sent to
everyone.  Since that time, we have added several new cousins to
our mailing list.  A special welcome to those who have joined us
since the last compilation.
     Normally, I respond to the new folks and let them know
they've been added to our mailing list.  However, since I am
behind with all my correspondence, I am using this opportunity to
say "Welcome".  
     If you haven't already done so, check out our compilations
on Chris Gaunt's homepage.

     All the compilations can be downloaded in one zip file
thanks to Kevin.  
     Be sure to send me any information you wish to share on your
Burnett-Turner-Via-Ross-Etc/Etc families.  

     Nyla CREED DePauk
     Vienna VA

From: Jlmaupin@AOL.COM
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 13:14:32 -0500 (EST)
To: ncreed@POP.EROLS.COM
Subject: Via

Hi Nyla,
     My connection to the Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via is through Amer
Via. Unfortunately there seems to be a lot of "speculation"
floating around on the Via line with little documentation.
Unfortunately I do not have much documentation on this line
either.  My line continues through Amer Via's daughter Margaret
who married Daniel Maupin.  I also have a second Via line with
the marriage of Daniel Maupin and Jane Via.  Her father is
reported to be Micajah Via and ___ Burnett.  I have no proof of
this.  Does anyone else?

     Three of Amer Via's children were baptized at St. Peter's. 
From:  The Parish Register of Saint Peter's, New Kent County, Va.
from 1680-1787, published by The National Society of the Colonial
Dames of America in the State of Virginia:

     Judith Daut of Amer Via baptiz. the 11 Aprill [sic], 1699.

     Margaret Dauter of Amer Via baptiz. the 3 Aug., 1701.  

     Mary Daut of Amer Via baptiz. ye 27 Febry., 1703/4

     On the same page (40) are Agnes Daughter of William Turner
Born December ye 10th 1715.  Elizabeth Daughter of Jn Turner Born
January ye 1st, 1715.

     I don't have the Turner line but included these in case
someone else is looking for this info.

     From:  Cavaliers and Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land
Patents and Grants, Abstracted by Nell Marion Nugent, Indexed by
Claudia B. Grundman, Volume Two: 1666-1695:

     John Webb & John Rea. 700 acs., in Up. part of New Kent Co.,
on S. side of land formerly taken up by andrew Davis on Machumps
Cr:---of---1677, p. 619 500 acs. belonging to sd. Webb & 200 to
sd. Rea.  Trans. of 14 pers:
     Thomas Davis, Charles Halsy, Abigall Neale, Rich. Davenport,
James the frenchman; Daniell Steere, Tho. Turpin, Tho. Barber,
Amor (or Amos) Via, Fr. Derige, Tho. Wallbrooke, Jo. Bird,
Morrice Thomas, Deborah Buncks.

     Thank you for any help on this very elusive family.


Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 10:19:35 -0800
From: Jerry Lou Patteson <>
Subject: Burnett

     My maiden name was Burnett.  I descended from John Burnett
and Amy Gatewood.  
     My E-Mail Address is or

Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 11:07:18 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Prillamans of Franklin

     I have a very good friend named Prillaman  who is from
Franklin Co. I worked with him for the past 25 years. after
reading your e-mail msg I called him and told him about it. He
said he would be glad to discuss the family with you if you
wanted to call him. He also said there is a Prillaman Family
reunion the last weekend in Sept. every other year in Franklin.
(I don't know if it will be this year or next) His phone number
is....(540) 310-4778 and his name is Wayne Prillaman.  

     He also said there is a book published about the family
titled "George Martell Prillaman Family History".  He is a good
person. As honest as the day is long. If all the Prillamans are
of his manner and personality then you should be proud of your
connection.  j.c.johnson of Virginia
J.C.  I am not a Prillaman descendant although the Burnett,
Turner, Ross, Via families from the Franklin Co area of VA are
very closely related through marriages.  It is always good to
hear kind words about the families that we are researching. 
Thank you for letting us know that there is a Prillaman Family
Reunion.  Nyla

Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 20:20:09 -0800 (PST)

Hi cuzins,

     I'm back with another update on Burnett.  Most of this is
NOT on my home page yet but soon will be.  This is what I
found in Bedford, Virginia Courthouse. 
     The following names are ALL in my family tree.  If you
connect, PLEASE let me know.
     In my next email BURNETT FAMILY - PART 2 I'm sending the
info on persons I CAN'T make a connection to.


James Burnett married: Nancy Phelps - 16 October 1809
William Burnett married: Katherine Hall - 25 December 1826
Ammon Burnett married: Orphy (Jane) Leftwich - 26 December 1829
Joseph Burnett married: Elizabeth Johnson - 20 December 1830
Williamson Burnett married: Celia A. Nance - 11 November 1834
James Burnett, Jr. married: Lavinia Saunders - 26 June 1848
William W. Burnett married: Margaret S. Martin - 17 November 1852
Elisha C. Burnett married: Sarah A. Martin - 06 December 1852
William A. Burnett married: Eliza E. Newman - 17 December 1854
William Burnett married: Sarah J. Woodford - 03 December 1856

           Waddie B. Salmon           

            HUDSON - REYNOLDS       
WADDIE:  The last time I checked your homepage, I was impressed
by the amount of new information you've added.  Nyla              
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 1997 09:18:34 -0800 (PST)

Hi Cuzins!
     I've been busy in Bedford, VA. Courthouse and Museum doing
research got at lot added to my home page and a lot more to
input.  Here is a brief of what I added.  There is a LOT more
info included on my home page at:

JAMES HOOPER BURNETT - Son of Williamson Burnett & Pricilla

BORN: ??? - Buckingham County, Va.
MARRIED: Nancy Phelps
DATE: 16 October 1809
DIED: Aft 1850 - Bedford, Virginia

Their children:
Williamson Burnett, Jr.
Susan/Sarah Burnett
Sabre Burnett
Judith Burnett
Martha Burnett
Nancy Burnett
Mary Burnett
James Burnett, Jr.
David Burnett
Jemima Burnett
John H. Burnett

WILLIAMSON BURNETT, JR. - Son of James H. Burnett & Nancy Phelps
BORN: 12 August 1810 - Bedford, Va.
MARRIED: Celia Ann Nance
DATE: 11 November 1834 - Bedford, Va.
DIED: Aft 1860

Their Children:
Martha A. Burnett
Nancy L. Burnett
Thomas E. Burnett
John J. Burnett
Sara G. Burnett
Albert Burnett
C.E. Burnett
L.H. Burnett
Margaret V. Burnett

Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 09:40:10 -0800 (PST)
To: ncreed@EROLS.COM
Subject: BURNETT (???)

Hi Cuzins,
     Back again.  I'm working right now inputting info on my home
page for Burnett and will give you the update soon.  
     When I was in Bedford gathering dates, etc. I ran across a
lot of names and info that I can't connect to.  Maybe yall can.

No name male - Born: 23 Dec. 1857 - Patents John H. and Lovena

Joel Burnett - Born: 09 May 1858 - Parents William Burnett and
Nancy (Burhett) 

No name male - Born: 05 May 1858 - Parents Joseph J. and Joanna
F. ??? 

No name girl - Born: Aug. 1860 - Parents Joseph J. Burnett and
Jemmina ???

John J. Burnett - Born: 15 June 1864 - Parents John Burnett and
Mary A. ???

Alice Burnett - Born: 25 July 1866 - Parents James C. Burnett and
Mary ???

James A. Burnett - Born: March 1866 - Parents William S. Burnett
and Elizabeth ???

Waddie Salmon  

Comments: Authenticated sender is <>
From: (Jane Davis)
To: ncreed@EROLS.COM
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 12:05:11 +0000
Subject:  Shadrach Turner 
Priority: normal

Researching Shadrach Turner, who died in Henry County VA 1784. 
Need the maiden name of his wife Ann, and his parents and

Thanks for any help.     Jane

Date: Tue, 04 Mar 1997 11:55:17 -0600
From: Calvin Goforth <>
Subject: Burnett's

Dear Nyla,
          I am presently conducting research on the Burnett
Family. I was referred to you by Waddie, he said you had a large
amount of info. on the Burnett's. I am presently looking for
info. on Henry David Burnett, born Dec. 1872 in Mo. He married
Effie Mae Clark in Mo. ca. 1895. Around the turn of the century
he was transferred by the railroad to the Garvin Co. area.
He was a railroad man all his life. He had 15 children of which
10 survived to adulthood. He died in New Mexico ca. 1959-1962. If
you have any info. on this person I would like to hear from you.
           Thanks, Calvin
Calvin.  Glad Waddie suggested you join us.  There is a search
capability of our compilations.  Hope you find something helpful.
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 18:46:07 -0500 (EST)
To: ncreed@EROLS.COM
Subject: Still there?

Dear Cuz...

     Haven't heard anything from you in a while.  Did I get taken
off the list or did AOL screw up my mail receipt?  Have greatly
expanded my TURNER listing and some others.  As soon as I finish
inputting new info from several sources I will forward it to you.

DAVID:  The mail was slow for awhile.  Then I was out of town. 
But we're in business once again.  We'll be looking for your
updates.  Nyla

Date: Sat, 08 Mar 1997 20:35:06 -0600
Subject: Burnett

     Hi I was told you have something to do with Burnetts.  I
don't know what I am suppose to do.  Could you please send me
some info on what you are working with on the Burnetts?
     Thank you  Gloria
GLORIA:  I consolidate the eMails folks send me on the Burnett,
Turner, Via, Ross, Etc/Etc families.  I send the consolidated
eMails to everyone on our mailing list.  Chris Gaunt archives
them on her homepage so other folks can read them.  Then Kevin
zips the files for easy downloading.  Looking forward to
receiving any information you care to share on your Burnett
family.  Nyla

The end of this compilation.