Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 09:36:49 -0500 From: ncreed <> Subject: Compilation #95 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 21 March 1997 Dear Cousins, Welcome to all the new folks. If you haven't done so already, check out Chris Gaunt's home page where all our compilations are filed. Be sure to let us know how you are related to the Burnetts, Turners, Rosses, and Vias, etc., etc. If you have information to share or have a query, be sure to send it to me so I can add it to the next compilation. More and more of our folks have their own homepage. See below for some new ones. If you have one that we don't know about, tell us all about it. Hope everyone is enjoying Spring. It is beautiful today in Northern Virginia. Nyla CREED DePauk Vienna VA P.S. Is anyone on the mailing list currently living in San Diego, CA? ============================================================== Date: Sat, 08 Mar 1997 21:46:10 -0800 From: Ricky L Burnett <> Reply-To: To: CC: Nyla Creed <> Subject: Burnett info Gloria, What we do to get information on our families is to post all of the information you have or post a query asking for help with a certain person or line. Others can't just send you information for most of it is in books and other records collected over the years. My personal information on Burnetts covers thousands of pages and weighs over 150 pounds. If you send me or the Burnett - Ross - Via - etc - etc homepage (Nyla) a request we will try to help you with your quest for family information. Ricky Lane Burnett ================================================= Date: Sat, 08 Mar 1997 21:49:39 -0800 From: Ricky L Burnett <> Reply-To: To: Nyla Creed <> Subject: My Home Page Nyla, I now have a homepage to share with all. Ricky lane Burnett ========================================================== From: "Kevin K. Stephenson" <> To: "'ncreed'" <ncreed@EROLS.COM> Subject: RE: Compilation #93 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Date: Mon, 10 Mar 1997 02:28:29 -0600 Encoding: 398 TEXT Nyla- Haven't done too much on the Burnett tree lately, but...I've stumbled across a big pile of old Burnett pictures, all in my part of the tree. I'm going to revise my homepage, take a bunch of stuff off that I had on there for the GRADE, and devote more of it to family tree stuff. Tell the cousins to check out my page for the file (soon to include comps 92 and 93), the utilities, a nice bunch of Burnett pics, and some info on my granddad Burnett. I'm also gonna put a picture of my uncle Milton on the site, standing at the tombstone of James C. Burnett (born 1814, married Permelia Shepard), in the Kentucky cemetery we had to uncover with a weedwhacker. Please encourage anyone who has Burnett pics (or Turner or Ross or Via or whatever) and has a scanner to scan them and send me the file, or e-mail me so I can make arrangements to borrow them, and we'll put together a little 'photo gallery' for the group's edification. I also got an e-mail recently from someone who is descended from the same line as Sharon Burnett Crawford's Cornelius Burnett...I forwarded it to her, I believe it was the Jerry Lou who just signed on! Anyway, I hope she and Sharon get some good info swapped. Note to Waddie: Have you found a link between your Burnett's and mine? I see several James Burnett's in the last batch of stuff you put close is Bedford to Pittsylvania County? More later... Kevin K. Stephenson 1114 Mississippi St. #4 Lawrence, KS 66044-3188 (913)865-1586 homepage: ====================================================== From: Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 20:49:45 -0800 (PST) X-Sender: To: ncreed <> Subject: BURNETT HOME PAGES Hi Cuzins! I'm still at it. On my home page if you click on BURNETT you will see on that cover page "Burnett Home Pages." I am creating a link for each Burnett home page I can find. I'll be doing this for my other surnames soon. So far I have Burnett and Mason done. If you have one and would like me to create a link to it please just let me know and I'll add it as quickly as possible. Thanks cuzins! Waddie Salmon Family Genealogy ================================================== From: Date: Thu, 13 Mar 1997 18:52:28 -0500 (EST) To: Subject: Re: Burnett Hello again, Nyla! Thanks for your letter! My BURNETT information: I am searching for ancestors and siblings of Thomas BURNETT b. ca 1780 in England, according to the 1880 census of his daughter. He was married to Mary Jane DUVALL on January 21, 1805 in Henry Co., KY and died in June 1826 in Oldham Co., KY. He and Mary Jane had 3 children: 1)Stephen BURNETT b. ca 1806 who married Polly Hancock on October 14, 1823 in Henry Co., KY and died before 1860 (my direct line) 2)Keziah BURNETT b. August 1, 1807 in KY, married Peter J. ROWLETT in March 1825 in Oldham Co., KY and died on March 20, 1886 in Harrison Co., MO 3) Thomas BURNETT b. ca 1808, married a Sarah unknown, and died after 1850. Thanks for the other web information. I am looking forward to being a part of this! Kyra Hatke :-) ================================================= From: Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997 22:43:03 -0800 (PST) X-Sender: To: Subject: BURNETT UPDATE #3 Hi Cuzins, >From this point on I'm going to try as much as possible to give as much detailed information as I can on who/what I find on the Burnett line I research. Any additions, corrections, questions. Please feel free to ask. IMPORTANT: Do you have a Burnett web page? If so I'd like to create a link from mine to yours. It will be placed on the Burnett cover page of my home page. Take a look. Send me an e-mail with "BURNETT HOME PAGE" in the subject line so I don't miss it, please. Send it to: My home page is: Thanks and good hunting, Cuzin Waddie Sarah Burnett daughter of John Burnett I and Lucretia ??? Married Thomas Bell in June 1609. Source: Index to Marriages of Old Rappahonock and Essex County, Virginia. F232-E7-W5. James Hooper Burnett son of Williamson Burnett and Priscilla Carter married Nancy Phelps on 16 October 1809. Source: General Index to Marriage Registers - Bedford, Virginia, from 1754. John Phelps was surety. Bond and marriage recorded in canvas book. William Burnett son of Williamson Burnett married Katherine Hall daughter of Elisha Hall on 25 December 1826 in Bedford, Virginia. Source: General Index to Marriage Registers - Bedford, Virginia, from 1754. John Phelps was surety. Bond and marriage recorded in burlap book. Christopher Ammon Burnett son of Williamson Burnett and Pricilla Carter married Orphy Jane Leftwich daughter of William Leftwich and Ruth Ayers on 26 December 1829 in Bedford, Virginia. Source: General Index to Marriage Registers, Bedford County, Virginia from 1754. Joseph Burnett son of Williamson Burnett and Pricilla Carter married Elizabeth Johnson daughter of John Johnson, Jr. and Mary Ann "Polly" Carter. Married on 20 December 1830 in Bedford, Virginia. Source: Source: General Index to Marriage Registers - Bedford, Virginia, from 1754. Williamson Burnett Jr., son of James Hooper Burnett married Nancy Phelps daughter of John Nance on 11 November 1843 in Bedford, Virginia. Source: General Index to Marriage Registers - Bedford, Virginia, from 1754. James Burnett, Jr. son of James Hooper Burnett married Lavinia Saunders daughter of Danial Saunders on 26 June 1848 in Bedford, Virginia. Source: General Index to Marriage Registers - Bedford, Virginia, from 1754. William W. Burnett son of William Burnett and Katherine Hall married Margaret Martin daughter of Elisha Hall on 17 November 1852 in Bedford, Virginia. Source: General Index to Marriage Registers - Bedford, Virginia, from 1754. Ministers return. Elisha Callahill son of William Burnett and Katherine Hall married Sarah Ann Martin daughter of John Martin and Elizabeth Woodford on 06 December 1852 in Bedford, Virginia. Source: General Index to Marriage Registers - Bedford, Virginia, from 1754. Ministers Return, license and consent. William A. Burnett son of Christopher Ammon Burnett and Orphy Jane Leftwich married Elizabeth E. Newman, daughter of Bailey Newman and Zelpha ??? married on 17 December 1854 in Bedford, Virginia. Source: Source: General Index to Marriage Registers - Bedford, Virginia, from 1754. Ministers Return, license and consent. Sarah Burnett, daughter of John Burnett I and Lucretia ??? married Thomas Bell in June 1609. Source: Index to Marriage Registers of Old Rappahonock and Essex County, Virginia. F232-E7-W5. D & C 13. 156-255. SALMON FAMILY GENEALOGY http://www.geocities/Heartland/3348/ SALMON - BURNETT - MASON - CARWILE - HUDSON - SPROUSE - MINNICK - SOWELL - REYNOLDS ======================================================= From: Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 04:42:26 -0500 (EST) To: Subject: Joseph TURNER, GA Nyla, I'm stuck on my ancestor, Joseph TURNER, d. 1812 / 1813, Putnam Co., GA. I'm sending along the information below in the hope it might look familiar to someone who may have a clue where Joseph was before GA and the surname of his wife. Name: Joseph TURNER Death Date: 1812/1813 Death Place: Putnam Co., GA. A Joseph TURNER living in Hancock Co., GA, drew land in the 1805 GA land lottery; I believe it's the same Joseph. Spouse: Susanna [I have no last name for Susannah] Children: 1. Joseph: m. (1) Unknown [I'm trying to find the name of the first wife], (2) Rebecca HARRIS (Rebecca was first m. to Joel REESE). Joseph, Jr., d. 1852 / 1853, Putnam Co., GA 2. John 3. Tilman 4. Elizabeth: m. ___ STUDEVANT 5. Mary: m. ___ MOORE 6. Susanna, d. 1813, Putnam Co., GA -- unmarried 7. Martha: m. ___ HUNT 8. Hollona (Hollandbury): m. ___ HOLT 9. Ann: m. ___ MOORE 10. Tabetha Dixon: m. Thomas NAPIER, 1815, Putnam Co., GA 11. (F) UNNAMED: m. ___ SPILLERS 12. Jane: m. ___ MORELAND I'll gladly share what I have on this family (which isn't much at this point). Thank you. Regards, Sarah Sharpless ============================================================= Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 09:59:02 -0600 (CST) X-Sender: To: From: Bob and Ann Royal <> Subject: Woolwines in Virginia Nyla - Eunice Kirkman suggested that I write to you and ask to be added to your list on the early citizens of SW Virginia. I am researching the Woolwine surname. She thought that there were others on this list researching this name that you could supply their names and email addresses (where possible) to me. I am very willing to share all my information with others. Ann T. Royal 9300 Zyle Road Austin, Texas 78737-3425 ================================================================= From: Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 20:56:26 +0000 Reply-To: Organization: Personal To: Nyla Creed <> Subject: Mayflower Nyla, I checked out the Mayflower site and discovered that there was a John Turner and two children aboard. Would you know if anyone has traced that line of Turner's? There are numerous John Turner's throughout my family genealogy. Thanks for any help or info. Johnny Turner ================================================================= NOTE: Will our "expert" on the Mayflower Turners give us a answer for the above question? Nyla ================================================================= The end of this compilation.