Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 22:34:04 -0500 From: ncreed <> Subject: Compilation #97 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 2 April 1997 Dear Cousins, It's time to send another compilation. Be sure to send me any new information you want to share with the group. All our compilations can be found on Chris Gaunt's homepage: Thanks to Kevin all previous compilations have been zipped for downloading. A big warm welcome to all our new cousins. Nyla =========================================================== Date: Fri, 28 Mar 1997 10:38:26 -0500 From: Gerald Burnett <> To: ncreed@POP.EROLS.COM Subject: Mailing List X-URL: Please add me to your mailing list re: Burnett Genealogy Gerald H. Burnett 653 Gilbert Rd. Ruckersville, VA 22968 Found you through Waddie Salmon of Lynchburg. I have some information and willing to share. I am in branch of Burnett family descended from Williamson. Gerald ================================================= X-Sender: Date: Fri, 28 Mar 1997 16:21:32 -0600 To: From: (Pat Chesney) Subject: Turners in Buckinghamshire, Eng From: "Nat P. Turner" <> To: "''" <> Subject: FW: Marriage witness query Date: Fri, 28 Mar 1997 13:23:37 -0600 Mime-Version: 1.0 Hi Terri, Could you pls forward this to the mailing list. I find that I do not have it on my office computer. Thx. Nat ---------- From: Hugh Winters[] Sent: Friday, 28 March, 1997 2:44 AM To: Nathaniel Parker Turner Subject: Re: Marriage witness query A reply to your email of Fri, 28 Mar 1997 02:02:25 GMT.... * Surname: WIMPEY County: Bucks * Surname: TURNER County: Bucks * Country:England * The UK Marriage Witness Index Report Witness: James TURNER Parish Church Groom: John BRAZELL Quainton Bride: Sarah BAYLEY BKM 02Jul1843 CURRY Jane-3 Alleyne Ct,Upper Hutt, 6401, NZ Witness: Kitty TURNER Parish Church Groom: Joseph HARDING Adstock Bride: Sarah KENT BKM 30Mar1826 CURRY Jane-3 Alleyne Ct,Upper Hutt, 6401, NZ Witness: Fra TURNER Groom: John EATON Weston Turville Bride: Anne QUAINTON BKM 26Jan1765 BORN Sharon, 74 Kanangra St, Redbank Plains,QLD,4301,AUS Witness: Fra TURNER Groom: Thomas DEANE Weston Turville Bride: Elizabeth NEIGHBOUR BKM 14Feb1765 BORN Sharon, 74 Kanangra St, Redbank Plains,QLD,4301,AUS Witness: Francis TURNER Groom: Joseph INGRAM Weston Turville Bride: Mary PURSSELL BKM 30Mar1767 BORN Sharon, 74 Kanangra St, Redbank Plains,QLD,4301,AUS Witness: Francis TURNER Groom: Richard INGRAM Weston Turville Bride: Jane PURSSELL BKM 26Feb1777 BORN Sharon, 74 Kanangra St, Redbank Plains,QLD,4301,AUS Witness: James Leonard WOODRUFF Parish Church Groom: Charles TURNER Great Missenden Bride: Margaret Jane WOODRUFF BKM 09Nov1959 KOLLE Barbara- 16 Parsons St, Mordialloc 3195, Australia Witness: Sarah Ann WOODRUFF Parish Church Groom: Charles TURNER Great Missenden Bride: Margaret Jane WOODRUFF BKM 09Nov1959 KOLLE Barbara- 16 Parsons St, Mordialloc 3195, Australia When writing to any of the people who submitted these details please say you found their name and address in the UK Marriage Witness Index. And please quote the full entry you are interested in so that the genealogist can find the marriage in their records. Submissions to the indexes can be made through: Queries to the indexes can be made through: Hugh Winters 31 Park Ave, Auckland, New Zealand, 1701 ===================================================== From: Date: Sat, 29 Mar 1997 10:52:09 -0500 (EST) To: Subject: Turner I am descended from Shadrack Turner, fa. of Josiah Turner. His son was Constantine Turner who was married to Mary Lavinder. They had three children: Joseph Thomas, Steven and Emily. My line is Joseph Thomas Turner. He fought in the Civil War in Company I, 54th Infantry out of Floyd County. He was married to Nancy Mary Kelley of Floyd, dau. of James L. Kelley and Sarah Lester. He was a Primitive Baptist preacher. The old homeplace is gone but the family cemetery is still there. I live in Houston, Texas but my heart will always remain in Virginia! Beckie Hammons, 6006 Hoover, Houston, TX 77092 ===================================================== From: Date: Sat, 29 Mar 1997 12:50:30 -0500 (EST) To: cc:, Subject: Constantine Turner Hi, my name is Beckie Hammons from Houston, Texas. I grew up in Tazewell County, VA and my mother's folks were all mostly from around Franklin, Henry, and Patrick County. Her mother was a Turner. I saw from your query that you are wondering about the parentage of Constantine Turner. I can clear up your mystery. Before my grandmother, Eliza Turner, died, she sat down with my mother and gave her the Turner scoop on the family. Here goes: First of all, Shadrack is the Turner we are descended from and then through his son Josiah. The proof that Constantine is the son of Josiah Turner is found in Deed Book 11, Page 385. It is a deed between Josiah Turner and Constantine Turner dated July, 1820? (date hard to read). It specifically says that Constantine is Josiah's son. This deed can be found at the Franklin County courthouse. We were trying to obtain proof for my mother, Marie McCall, for the DAR. After five trips to the courthouse, on the fifth try we found it in the first book we looked at. We were very pleased!!! She was the first person to go in on the Josiah Turner line, DAR National Number 760446. If you are descended through Josiah, then you might want to get a copy of her papers. Constantine b. Patrick Co, VA on 1800, was married twice: He first married Ruth Pyrtle and had numerous children by her. (I have a list of those children.) He then later married Mary Lavinder on September 24, 1938 in Franklin Co, VA. They had 3 children: Joseph Thomas, Stephen and Emily. Joseph Thomas Turner was born on September 10, 1841 in Franklin Co, VA. Married Nancy Mary Kelley, dau. of James L. Kelley, on April 25, 1872 in Floyd Co, VA. He died on November 3, 1931 in Slab Fork, W VA. Pamelia (Emily) was born in 1839 in Franklin Co, VA. I have no other information on her at present. Stephen Turner was b. 1843 in Franklin Co, VA. He served in the Civil War with Joseph and they were in the 54th Infantry, Company I out of Floyd. The story goes is that they were captured during the war but we do not know where they were held. After the war they returned to Floyd. Stephen left for Ohio and the last anyone heard from him was he was working on the Ohio River and was getting married. (That was in a letter he wrote in December, not sure of the year.) Joseph Turner was a very devout Christian even in his younger years. We have a letter that he wrote to his mother when he was at Strawberry Plains, TN during the Civil War which alludes to his faith. He was Primitive Baptist preacher and was ordained the pastor at the Paynes Creek Baptist Church in Floyd, VA on October 6, 1886. The children of Joseph & Mary were: Laura Ann Turner who married Gabriel L. Underwood Mary Ann Turner b. 9 Jan 1876, d. 25 July 1887, buried in Turner Cemetery, Floyd. John Lee Turner m. Sarah "Eliza" Kelley. William Constant m. Ila Jane Lester Isaac Jones Turner b 5 June, 1889 d. October 7, 1902 buried in Turner Cemetery. James Wiley Turner m. Ella Nowlin. Eliza Turner m. Archie K. Smith Sally Mae Turner m. Artis L. Young. Joseph and Mary Turner are buried up the hill from the old home place there in Floyd County. What happened to Constantine and Mary Turner? Well, what we know is that a flood occurred around 1850 or so and it washed away the business that he owned, which was called the Rough and Ready Mill. I can't find anything on it though. Apparently, he got pneumonia and died. Mary Lavinder Turner, along with her children, went to live with her sister, Emily, who had married Byrd Huff in Copper Hill (Floyd Co) VA. The old house still is occupied today. There is a cemetery near the house and Mary Lavinder is buried there. I have a picture of her tombstone and the epitaph reads: Mary Turner Born April 1, 1803 Died June 14, 1894 Aged 91 yrs. 2 mos. 4 days She was a member of the Primitive Baptist 84 years. As you are standing passing by As you are now so once was I As I am now so you must be Prepare for death and follow me. Not many of us will reach 91 let alone the 84 years of being a Christian and church member!!! I hope this has been of some use to you. Should you want details such as dates, etc. let me know!! I would be more than happy to assist you!!! ======================================================== From: "Kevin K. Stephenson" <> To: "'Nyla Creed DePauk'" <> Subject: Zipfile, homepage additions Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 04:40:45 -0600 Encoding: 80 TEXT Nyla, Hi! Sorry I've been so long without checking in! I have much to report! 1. I just became a Grandpa! Jordyn Paige Lininger, born January 23, 1997, as cute as her mom. 2. Comps 1-96 have now been compressed and are on my can get there from Chris's homepage, Waddie's homepage, or the address given below. 3. I've added some BURNETT FAMILY TREE PICTURES to the website, with more to follow when I get caught up a little bit more. Please encourage the cousins to send me pictures to put on there. I've still got some of my own to add, including a family picture of the younger Pryor Burnett, grandson of the Pryor Burnett who was born in Kentucky in the early 1800's. Already there are pictures of my great-uncle Milton, taken in 1900, 1903, 1908, 1918, and 1996!! 4. I got a very interesting letter which may set a new record for distant communication with a on! P.K. 222 Karakoy-Istanbul 80003 Turkey March 8, 1997 Dear Mr. Stephenson: I have been researching my family history for about seven years now, and have recently been writing to the Shelby County Clerk's office in Kentucky to request copies of old marriage records, etc. In the course of our correspondence, the very nice lady in the Archives Dept. there, Mrs. McGinnis, mentioned that "a Mr. Stephenson in Lawrence, Kansas" had been collecting data on James C. Burnett of Virginia in the late 1700s. I asked Mrs. McGinnis if she would be kind enough to send me your address, which she did. I was born in Montana in 1943, and have spent the past 25 years in Turkey, where I teach English. My father's parents were Polish immigrants(our family name was originally Matuszkiewicz). My mother's father was of German descent, but on my mother's mother's side I am a g-g-g-grandson of James C. Burnett. My mother's mother, Eva Lee Burnett, was a daughter of John Quincy Burnett, who was a son of Felix Grundy Burnett, who was a son of James C. Burnett. Are you also a descendant of James C. Burnett? I hope you do not mind my writing to you like this, but I am so interested in learning all I can about the Burnetts, and am frankly thrilled to discover another person researching this line. (boy, is he gonna be surprised) James C. Burnett was apparently married twice. His second wife was Catherine Gill (married in Shelby Co., 21 Nov. 1830). (Actually Catherine was his third wife) I have found a marriage record(in Pittsylvania Co., Va.) of a James C. Burnett and a Keziah Pulliam, married 7 Jan. 1799. Do you know if Keziah Pulliam was our James C. Burnett's first wife (yes, she was)? Have you been able to trace the Burnett line back any further than this? Do you know James C. Burnett's dates and who his parents were (thanks to the group, I sure do!)? And do you have any idea at all when and from where the Burnetts came to America? Were they Scots-Irish? If you are willing to share whatever information you have, I would certainly be very grateful to you(as I've been to the group). Have you been able to compile any family group sheets or descendancy charts? If so, I would be very happy to pay you for copies of them (no way, I'll send them to you the same way Sharon and Harold and Ricky sent them to me). I am herewith enclosing a stamped envelope addressed to me here in Istanbul, and would be so happy to hear from you. Sincerely yours, Ronald Matz Needless to say I was quite surprised and pleased to get this letter, and I am answering him with a raft of information which I was fortunate enough to get ahold of through the efforts of our 'little' group. I thought you and the group might enjoy seeing just how far our efforts are reaching!!! Thanks again to everyone for making this possible, and rest assured I'm still digging, right along with the rest of you! Kevin K. Stephenson 1114 Mississippi St. #4 Lawrence, KS 66044-3188 (913)865-1586 Fax:(913)865-2555 e-mail: homepage: ============================================================ KEVIN: How exciting. Nyla ============================================================ The end of this compilation.