BTRVETC-L Digest		Volume 00 : Issue 10
21 Mar 2000

Today's Topics:
	 RE: Peter H Burnett, 1st Gov. of CA
	 Re: Peter H Burnett, 1st Gov. of CA
	 Benjamin Gabriel BURNETT & Elizabeth Jordan?

for the Burnett/Turner/Ross/Via/Etc Mailing List  (BTRVETC-L)

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Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 23:44:39 -0600
From: "Kevin K. Stephenson" <>
To: "'BTRVETC-L'" <>
Cc: <>
Subject: RE: Peter H Burnett, 1st Gov. of CA

Nyla and Pete--
  I'm one of the few folks who is related to this line.  Peter H. was a
nephew of James Cunningham Burnett, from whom I am descended.  Two likely
candidates for the brother of Peter H. from whom Pete descended are James
White Burnett, and George William Burnett, both of whom settled in, and were
buried in, Oregon.  Glen Owen Burnett settled in Polk County, Oregon for a
time, and later went to California, so he should also be considered.  I have
nothing specific on a Marshal Phelps Burnett, but he's probably tied to this
line somehow.  If Pete will get in touch with me, maybe we can run it down.

Kevin Stephenson
Assistant Lyon County Attorney
Emporia, KS

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2000 7:16 PM
Subject: Peter H Burnett, 1st Gov. of CA

Hello to All:  I have suggested that Pete subscribe to the BTRVETC-List.  In
the mean time, can anyone help Pete with his Burnett line?  Best wishes to
all, Nyla

Subj:   Burnett/Turner, genealogy
Date:   03/16/2000 4:55:00 PM Pacific Standard Time
From:   <A HREF="mailto:Pete1USA">Pete1USA</A>
To: <A HREF="mailto:NCreed1">NCreed1</A>


My name is Peter C. Burnett, a direct descendant of one of the brothers of
Peter H. Burnett, 1st gov of CA.  My great grandfather was Marshal Phelps
Burnett, a rather famous Sheriff in Benton County Oregon, who busted up a
of moonshine stills in the early 1900's.  His father was one of Peter H.
Burnett's brothers as best we can determine.

 I found on the internet a news group with your name on it.  If you are the
same person here on AOL, I would like to get in touch with you and others to
find our roots and any distant relatives.  I was born in Long Beach CA and
stationed at Fort Bragg, NC in the Army.  Would like to hear from you if you
are the right person.  Thank you for any help.




Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 11:11:37 -0500
From: "Eunice B. Kirkman" <>
To: "BTRVETC-L" <>
Subject: Re: Peter H Burnett, 1st Gov. of CA

My contgratulations to Stephen... Get all the bad folks!!!


----- Original Message -----
From: Kevin K. Stephenson <>
To: 'BTRVETC-L' <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2000 12:44 AM
Subject: RE: Peter H Burnett, 1st Gov. of CA

> Nyla and Pete--
>   I'm one of the few folks who is related to this line.  Peter H. was a
> nephew of James Cunningham Burnett, from whom I am descended.  Two likely
> candidates for the brother of Peter H. from whom Pete descended are James
> White Burnett, and George William Burnett, both of whom settled in, and
> buried in, Oregon.  Glen Owen Burnett settled in Polk County, Oregon for a
> time, and later went to California, so he should also be considered.  I
> nothing specific on a Marshal Phelps Burnett, but he's probably tied to
> line somehow.  If Pete will get in touch with me, maybe we can run it
> Kevin Stephenson
> Assistant Lyon County Attorney
> Emporia, KS
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2000 7:16 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Peter H Burnett, 1st Gov. of CA
> Hello to All:  I have suggested that Pete subscribe to the BTRVETC-List.
> the mean time, can anyone help Pete with his Burnett line?  Best wishes to
> all, Nyla
> Subj:   Burnett/Turner, genealogy
> Date:   03/16/2000 4:55:00 PM Pacific Standard Time
> From:   <A HREF="mailto:Pete1USA">Pete1USA</A>
> To: <A HREF="mailto:NCreed1">NCreed1</A>
> Greetings!
> My name is Peter C. Burnett, a direct descendant of one of the brothers of
> Peter H. Burnett, 1st gov of CA.  My great grandfather was Marshal Phelps
> Burnett, a rather famous Sheriff in Benton County Oregon, who busted up a
> lot
> of moonshine stills in the early 1900's.  His father was one of Peter H.
> Burnett's brothers as best we can determine.
>  I found on the internet a news group with your name on it.  If you are
> same person here on AOL, I would like to get in touch with you and others
> find our roots and any distant relatives.  I was born in Long Beach CA and
> am
> stationed at Fort Bragg, NC in the Army.  Would like to hear from you if
> are the right person.  Thank you for any help.
> Sincerely,
> Pete


Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 11:12:55 -0500
From: "Eunice B. Kirkman" <>
To: <>
Subject: Oops!

My congrats to KEVIN!!!!



Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 16:58:42 EST
Subject: Benjamin Gabriel BURNETT & Elizabeth Jordan?


  Does anyone know about a BENJAMIN GABRIEL BURNETT who married an ELIZABETH 
JORDAN?  I have Vol 1 of BURNETTS AND THEIR CONNECTIONS, and the only one I 
can find is a GABRIEL BURNETT (without the Benjamin) on page 101 where it 
says GABRIEL BURNETT, son of RICHARD and MARY BURNETT was born by 1765 and 
that he is listed on the tax rolls in Dinwiddie County, Va in 1786. He was 
the brother of CARTER BURNETT.

  Anyone know more about this man?

Thanks so much,


Caroline Burnett Cook

End of btrvetc-d Digest V00 Issue #10