Subject: btrvetc-d Digest V98 #1
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btrvetc-d Digest				Volume 98 : Issue 1

Today's Topics:
	 Indexing and Archiving Suggestions
	 TURNER Connection to Gen Robert E Lee
	 R. TURNER - NC to Benton Co, ARK
	 Thanks Everyone!
	 TURNERs in Perquimans Co NC
	 PEREGORY web site
	 BURNETTs of the South
	  Automated List, Etc & Tree Project
	 JOHN RAY TURNER born Springfield MO in 1859
	 R. TURNER and wife Caroline

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Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 00:20:44 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: BTRVETC-L List
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19 Jan 1998

Hello to Everyone:

We are now automated.  Thank you Chris.

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Working with each of you these past two years has been awesome.  You're the
greatest!  Please keep sharing information on your family.  

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA


Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 00:21:13 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: Another JOHN TURNER
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Subj:	 Another John Turner
Date:	98-01-19 12:20:50 EST
From: (Yvonne Bice)

I have been a subscriber of the Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via., etc. 
compilations since the summer.  I have read all the past compilations on 
Chris Gaunt's page, but so far haven't found anyone working on my line.  
It is possible that my family ties into the Shadrack Turner family, but 
it doesn't seem likely.  I decided it was time that I posted some of my 
family information, hoping that someone else might be researching the 
same family.  I'll admit that I have many empty spaces in my family's 
genealogy, but my Turners have been very elusive.  I thought that I knew 
alot about my Turners, but I have definitely hit a wall.  Any help would 
certainly be appreciated. 

I will be as brief as possible, but still try to give as many facts as 
possible.  I will not be doing my whole family tree, just the highlights. 
 This is the first time that I have sent anything to any mailing list, 
and I must admit that I am just a wee bit nervous.  I hope that my facts 
are clear.  Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained.  Here goes:  We start 
with the my fourth great-grandfather, John Turner.  (Of course, what else 
would he be named, after all every other Turner descendant seems to have 
a John Turner in their past.)

John Turner---born about 1750-1755-this is purely a guess on my part.  I 
thought that he was probably in his  
                       twenties when he served in the Revolutionary War.  
He enlisted on August 1, 1777 in the State of 
                       North Carolina--for the term of the War.  He 
served as a private and Sergeant in the North Carolina
                       Regiment.  He was discharged at the close of the 
war in 1783.  About 1780/1781 he married Mary 
                       Cloud in Stokes County, N.C.  (no record has been 
found of this marriage)  Shortly after the Rev. War
                       John Turner and his family moved through Knox 
County, KY, and then onto Claiborne Co. 
                       Tennessee.  He died in 1825 in Claiborne Co. Tenn. 
 His wife joined his children in Knox Co. KY, 
                       where she died in 1844.  Their children were one 
of the original settlers of Yellow Creek, Middlesboro
                       Knox, then Harlan, then Bell County, KY.  

These are their known children (still living in 1852).  
Benjamin Turner (1781) married to Elizabeth  ?
Nancy A. Turner (1784)  (I think she was married to Rev. Thomas 
Marsee--no real proof)
John Turner (1788) married to Elizabeth Marsee
Joseph Turner (1792) married to Mary Marsee
William Turner (1793)
Mary Turner (1793)

Most of his children remained in Bell County, Kentucky and many of their 
descendants.  I have more on the descendants, but don't really feel that 
it is necessary to list all of them at this time.  

If anyone out there knows anything about this family, I would certainly 
appreciate any help.  Any little tidbit will help!
Thanks for letting me enter this information into the compilations.  
Hopefully, something great will come from it.  Good luck to all you other 
Turner researchers.  I've enjoyed reading all the information that you 
have send to Nyla.  


Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 00:21:03 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
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Subj:	 Turner: Richard1 d. 1744, John2 wife Elizabeth & brother James2,
Date:	98-01-19 11:16:30 EST
From: (DeCody Brad Marble)

More on lineage from Richard Turner:

Subject:  another letter from M. Jeanette O'Boyle
   Date:  Sun, 18 Jan 1998 20:58:29 -0800
Organization:  InfiNet

Hello Mr. Marble,

I am going through all of my files, documents, and letters to insert any
sources that I neglected to put in to verify where I came across my
information.  I have been getting some conflicting information on the
Turners and have been going nuts figuring out who to believe.  Anyway, I
finally got all of your info loaded, thank you.  I was wondering if you
have reached Kay Peterson yet.  I wish she was on-line.  She is a
die-hard Turner researcher.  I have not been.  I have just picked this
up after a year or more of laying low.  I mainly like to find living
descendents or relatives that I can obtain records for.  I came across a
couple of letters you may or may not be interested in.  I have not
written to these people in years, unfortunately.  I hope to do so soon.

                                                1684 W. Fremont Ave.
                                                Fresno., CA 93711

                                                July 24, 1995

Dear Mrs. McMillan,

     I saw your listing of Shadrack Turner in the "Roots" Cellar section
of the March-April issue of Genealogical Helper.
     This Shadrack was a brother of my 5th gr-grandfather, Meshack
Turner, who died some time before 28 Jan. 1794 in Wilkes County,
Georgia.  And by the way, Meshack named one of his sons Shadrack.
     Enclosed is a family group sheet which shows the very small of in-
formation I have been able to gather regarding the family of John
TURNER, the father of your Shadrack.  Do you have any information about
this family to add to this sheet?  My goal here, obviously, is to
eventually trace this family back into English records.
     Also, I would like very much to obtain any data you may have
pertaining to Shadrack's wife and children.


                                        signed  J.G. Tillery

(enclosed was a sheet with John Turner b. England married to Elizabeth ?
John                            b. England      died 1763, Henry Co., VA
Shadrack                        b. England      died 1783, Henry Co., VA
Meshack                 ca.1722 b. England      died Wilkes Co., GA
Abdenego                        b. England      
                        April 11, 1995

Dear Mrs. McMillan
 I noticed you inquiry in the Computerized "Roots" Cellar about Shadrack
Turner.  You probably (sic) that he had two brothers named Meshack and
Abednigo and several sisters.  You may or may not know this.  He was
originally from Caroline County, Virginia.  Many of the records of
Caroline County were burned in the Civil War and only the order book
Shadrack was the nephew of my ancestor, James Turner.  When the mother
of the children died Shadrack was already sixteen so no guardian was
named for him.  They were named for the other children in the family. 
All this time the father was already deceased or no guardian would have
been named.  He, the father, was apparently John Turner, brother of
James Turner, and son of Richard Turner, who died in 1744.  Shadrack's
mother was named Elizabeth.

All of the Turners moved west, James into Bedford County and Shadrack
into Henry, which was apparently cut from Bedford.  Descendents of James
also lived in Henry and Franklin Counties.


                                M. Jeanette O'Boyle


Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 00:21:36 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: TURNER Will
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Date:	98-01-19 14:02:10 EST
From: (Bennie Altom)
To: ('')
CC: (''),

Comp. #340 - Gail Blancett Request

Halifax County Virginia, WB2-132 (CHIARTO) Vol.2 -
....being sick & weak...To my son ARMISTEAD TURNER 260 ac. of land lying on
the West side of Lawsons Creek joining JAMES WILLIAMS & JOHN POWERS & WILLIAM
TURNERS lines, and the rest of my land lying on that side of the creek I
desire that it may be divided by my old line that is below the creek I desire
that it may be divided by my old line that is below the place where I now live
and my old place by continuing the sd old line west to the extremity of my
land and for my two sons BAZEL TURNER & ABNER TURNER to cast lots for choice
and also I give my son BAZEL TURNER & ABNER TURNER one horse & saddle each to
be delivered them out of my estate by my executor at the age of 21.  The land
lying on the eastside of the sd creek to be divided by the other end of my old
line running east till it comes to RICHARD DILLARDS line and the lower and
containing my old plantation I give to my son MASTAIN TURNER & the other end
which is whereon I now live I give to my son RANSOM TURNER &also I give a
Negro boy called SAM to be delivered to him at age of 21 years.   I give to my
dau. FANNY TURNER her choice of the rest of the young Negroes also a cow &
calf and feather bed.   I give to my dau. SUSANNAH TURNER the next choice of
sd young Negroes & feather bed & cow & calf & a womanize riding saddle.   I
give to my youngest daughter ELIZABETH TURNER the other young Negro & a
feather bed & cow & calf & a riding saddle to be delivered to her by my
executors at the age of 21 or day of marriage, and if either of my children
should die without heir I desire that their parts should be divided between
the living children, and the rest of my estate I desire should be kept
together by the care of my executors for the support of my small children &
the rest if they will live together and if there should be any left when my
youngest child comes fit to do for himself that it should be sold and equally
divided between my then living children.  
Exr. loving brother WILLIAM TURNER loving friend MOSES TURNER also my friend
wd 8 July 1785       S/ JAMES (+) TURNER

[NOTE; ARMISTEAD family was in Virginia as early as 1650.   MASTAIN family,
from which I descend was in Charles County Maryland since 1650. Bennie Altom.
There were Mastains in Halifax in 1785.]

p.165  JAMES TURNER  Inventory & appraisement  28 Oct 1785.   Negro woman
fillis, do. boy Sam, do. Abraham.  Among items:  cattle sheep, hogs, household
goods, plantation tools, pewter, 1 rifle gun, loom & geer, cotton wheels,
linen wheels, 3 feather beds, looking glass, a parcel of books, a razor, mans
saddle & saddle bags, 9 old chairs, geldings, mares & colt, 1 still & tub, 10
casks, 20 hogheads, cash due the estate.  Total 329/5/6 S/ PATRICK CORNEL,


Death of KERRENHAPPUCH NORMAN TURNER....Logan County Kentucky, Court
Records...Power of Attorney, Jan. 14, 1804, given by the children and son-in-
laws, heirs of Mary Morehead, decd., to Turner Morehead to settle the legacy
that was due Mary Morehead from her mother, Keren Turner, dec., late of North
Carolina.  S/Charles Morehead   Recorded by Logan County Clerk.  Armistead

This is not from my research but copied from someone else's.     Bennie Lou
Hook Altom   end  


Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 00:22:50 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: Indexing and Archiving Suggestions
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Subj:	 Index
Date:	98-01-19 10:49:23 EST
To:	NCreed1/ (Nyla Creed)

You might want to look at this site for ideas on indexing and other

The owner of this site is James Edenfield.  (Our GGreat Grandfathers
were brothers)

Sincerely, Johnny Turner


Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 00:22:07 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
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Subj:	Robert E. Lee
Date:	98-01-19 19:00:08 EST
From:	McBee49

Are OUR Turner's related to Robert E. Lee?  I have never seen this in any of
David's or Chris's research.  

I told my wife she was related to Senator Packwood.  I would love for a
Packwood descendant to pass that down to us as to where he fits into the
Turner-Packwood family.  

Nyla, if we do go computer automated, I, for one, will greatly miss you and
the life you brought into our family of 221.  [I feel like a Turner descendant
myself even though I am only married to one.  I have done so much research I
feel like I am one of you]. 

Danny McBee.


Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 00:20:52 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
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Subj:	Turners 
Date:	98-01-19 10:58:32 EST
From:	Ffjerry048

Does anyone have any info on Leonard Turner b.abt 1776 unknown where 
Married (1)Sally Campbell 21 Aug. 1801 in Culpepper Co. Virginia
Married (2)Matilda Brown b. 12 Aug. 1812 in Buckingham Co. Virginia 29 Dec.
Died 17 Sept. 1857 in Monroe Co. Virginia now West Virginia later to be
Summers Co. West Virginia
Children of Leonard and Matilda
William A. Turner b. 5 Dec. 1830 d. 28 Jan 1910 Summers Co. WV
Samual Preston Turner b. 4 Feb 1833 d. 26 Nov. 1882 Summers Co. Wv
Fredrick C. Turner b. Abt. 1837 d. 9 Jan 1893 Summers Co. WV
Sarah Turner b. abt 1838
Caroline M.b. abt 1840
Mary Turner b. abt. 1842 m. Martin Fleming 7 March 1866 Monroe Co. VA\WV
Julia Turner b. abt 1843
Tina Turner b. abt 1848


Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 00:22:38 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: TURNER Connection to Gen Robert E Lee
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Date:	98-01-19 17:44:41 EST
From:	Search4Kin
To:, NCreed1

Thomas Turner IV of 'Kinloch', Fauquier Co., Virginia was Robert E. Lee's
legal guardian.  Thomas Turner was married to Eliza Carter Randolph, Robert E.
Lee's first cousin.  I don't know if this is the relationship that you are
searching for, but it is a tie between the families.  Both Robert and Eliza
are granchildren of Charles Carter.  Robert is through Ann Hill Carter and
Eliza is through Elizabeth Hill Carter.  Though I don't have the General, I
only have his parents, you can see a lot of the relationship on my webpage at:
I hope this helps.

John Randolph Marshall


Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 00:21:52 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: R. TURNER - NC to Benton Co, ARK
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Subj:	Getting closer
Date:	98-01-19 16:17:01 EST
From:	Abinadab

        I made a discovery recently that, I think, brings me closer into
harmony with the list. I haven't yet seen any familial connections yet, but
I'm still hanging on!
        I have managed to move back my Turner research one generation. The
1850 census shows an R. Turner age 45 living in Benton Co., Ark, It gives his
birthplace as N.C. He is the first generation of my Turners to settle in
Arkansas. Since my next direct ancestor, James Turner, was born in 1833 in
Arkansas and was the eldest of R's children, I estimate R. arrived in Arkansas
around 1830.
        So now I am beginning to take some baby steps into the realm of North
Carolina Turners. My local FHC is very sparse in the North Carolina section.
My local public library had the  1790 NC census and I was overwhelmed by
Turners from all parts of the state. So my work is cut out for me.
        I'd appreciate any help or direction as I attempt my post-1830
Arkansas Turners to their pre-1830 North Carolina forebears. My first task: If
anyone has an 1840 or 1830 Arkansas census index, I'd appreciate a list of all
the Turners whose first names start with "R."
        Second, among the many Turners in the 1790 NC  census were several
families who, in the racial category, were counted among "other." I'd always
believed this applied to people of mixed black and white blood. Could this
also mean Indians? I know they were constitutionally protected from taxation
but, if "civilized" would they not be included as well?
        This may be crucial because Turner family lore than I'm familiar with
- I was adopted by another family and never knew my Turner blood kin  - there
is supposed to be a significant infusion of Native American blood. In my
unsealed adoption papers, my birth father Turner states his nationality as
Scotch/German/Indian. I've looked on the Dawes and other rolls and haven't
made any connection to my Indian past. (For that matter, I haven't found the
German link either!)
          My family's migration, what I know of it, seems to roughly coincide
in time and place with the force migrations of the Cherokees. And it could
also be that the Indian connection is not a Turner line, but one of the people
who married intothe line.
           Thanks to all; I'd appreciate any direction y'all can provide.
           Jim (


Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 00:22:58 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: Thanks Everyone!
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Date:	98-01-19 15:47:03 EST
From:	HarrisSEM

Thanks Everyone!

I just wanted to express my thanks to everyone in this group, but especially
to Nyla, David, Chris, and Kevin for all their hard work in making these
compilations work. I have said before that I belong to some other groups, but
this is the best one.  Not just because of the amount of information that is
so willingly shared by everyone, but because of HOW it is done.  Very friendly
and helpful.  Even though I am esentially a "cousin-in-law" to most of the
groups members, all of the information that I have learned about is part of my
children's heritage, and for that I will always be grateful.  I am excited for
Nyla that  she can now have more time for her own research, and I look forward
to continuing to participate in this group in its new format.  I will be glad
to help out and be a "Greeter".   Sherry

Nyla, David, Chris, and Kevin --this is for you!  ( Hope this comes out ok!)
.           (( �\  
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Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 00:22:23 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
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Subj:	 Burnett
Date:	98-01-19 20:50:24 EST
From: (Frank H. Miller)
To:	NCreed1@AOL.COM

I will be happy to share what I have on the Burnett's line. Just tell me
what to do. I know I can cut and paste. I have sent my line some time
back its from Jesse Burnett. Would  like to hear from other of this line
or any others. Great Job. Take care. Thanks to all.

= = = = 
Ruby:   We've automated our old cut & paste routine.  ; )  So, that would be
two of us out of jobs.  <smile>  Feel free to send your family info again.
Never hurts to remind us which line is yours.  Nyla 


Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 00:22:17 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: TURNERs in Perquimans Co NC
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Subj:	Turner Bible Pages Found
Date:	98-01-19 19:56:03 EST
From:	NCreed1


I was looking over some old Turner eMails earlier and found the one you sent
20 Feb 1996 to the Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Mailing List concerning the
Bible which listed descendants of John and Absalah (Absillal) Turner.

I don't know if you still have the Bible, but I wanted to do a little
detective work to see what, if anything, I could find.

I did find a marriage record that I believe is for Miles Turner and Rachel,
his wife:

           Myles Turner & Rachel Smith m 8 Feb 1814 Perquimans Co, NC.

There are several Turner marriages for that county, but didn't find one for
John and Absilla (Baker) Turner.  

I found several Miles Turner listed.  Almost missed the one for Myles Turner.
Also, found several Benjamin Turner listed.

I don't recall seeing anyone on the BTRVETC list ask about Turners from
Perquimans Co NC, but now that I know Miles & Rachel were married there, I'll
be paying closer attention.

Hope you're doing okay and have found or soon will find a home for the Turner

Nyla CREED DePauk

= = = = = = = = 

Subj:	 Re: Turner Bible Pages Found
Date:	98-01-19 20:49:47 EST
From: (psmartoc)
To:	NCreed1@AOL.COM (NCreed1)

I have turned the Turner Bible pages over to the Archives in Raleigh, but
of course, I kept copies and will be glad to send copies to anyone. Thank
you for your interest. 


Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 00:22:45 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: PEREGORY web site
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Subj:	 Peregoy Family News
Date:	98-01-19 18:05:18 EST
From: (ralph m. peregory)

check out our web site


Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 00:21:43 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: BURNETTs of the South
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Subj:	 Burnetts of the South
Date:	98-01-19 15:27:46 EST
From: (Billie m. Sweat)

I am so impressed with what you and others are doing to help us
"pull it together".  I am very new at this and really don't have enough
knowledge to offer an opinion on the proposed reorganization.  However, I
can see some merit in dividing out the Trees so there is not so much to go
thru to find a possible reference to your ancestral name.

I am a descendant of the BURNETTS that entered Florida, circa 1820-30,
before it became a state and am desperately searching for info on Labourne
Burnett and his father, Samuel W. Burnett,originally from Va, but am sure
they spent time in the Carolinas and Georgia before landing in the Sunshine
State!  Billie
Billie M. Sweat OR 

My FTM Home Page address is:


Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 00:36:51 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject:  Automated List, Etc & Tree Project
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Subj:	 Automated List, Etc
Date:	98-01-20 00:30:33 EST
From: (Bob Hobson)
To:	NCreed1@AOL.COM (Nyla Creed)


I can only imagine the time and effort keeping this group going has taken.
You have done a terrific job.  THANKS !!!!   The idea of automating things
is at once appealing and sad.  Improved access sounds good but losing the
human touch will be missed.  I got in near the beginning of the list and
have enjoyed the information sharing.  I got a lot of insights and useful
information and I hope I made some small contribution to someone's
research.  It is hard to believe that this thing has grown to nearly 350
compilations.  That is quite an accomplishment.  Thanks again for doing all
of the work that made this possible.

About the compilation of the tree.  How do we contribute?  I only have a
small part starting with Admire Turner and the branch that ended up in
Kansas with Washington and Owen Turner but I would be willing to submit it.
How and where?

While I am at it I would like to thank David for all of the work he did
recently.  Those compilations were of great interest.

Keep in touch,

Bob Hobson
10281 Gaul Way
Spring Valley CA  91977-1717

Robert D. Hobson, Ed.D., Principal
Rio Seco School                 	Tel. (619)258-2380
Santee School District         		V-mail (619)258-2250 ext 2445
9545 Cuyamaca Street            	Fax (619)258-2249
Santee, CA  91971-2674          	E-mail
Kevin:  Folks are asking about your plans for the Tree Project.  Nyla


Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 00:22:31 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: JOHN RAY TURNER born Springfield MO in 1859
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Date:	98-01-19 22:44:06 EST
From:	Flosnotes

Am still looking for any info on a John Ray Turner born 1859 in Springfield MO
I have info on his descendants but not on ancestors--Thanks


Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 00:33:32 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: R. TURNER and wife Caroline
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Subj:	Re: Getting closer
Date:	98-01-20 00:29:57 EST
From:	Abinadab
To:	NCreed1

Hi Nyla,
     R. Turner's wife is named Caroline, b. in Tennessee. I say wife; census
doesn't specify relationship. But if the ages in the census are correct, 45
for him and 25 for her, she could be a daughter. She's too young to be my
ancestor James Turner's (b. 1833 in Ark.) mother. I've been thrown off by
census ages before. My hunch is Caroline is R's second wife. I don't know
whether, if she's a wife, that they were married in Tennessee or Arkansas.
And, of course, I have no knowledge of where in Tennessee this mysterious
Caroline hails.
       I have copies of the 1840 and 1830 Arkansas census, hoping that would
perhaps pin things down, but they're practically unreadible.
       The fact that James was born in 1833 in Arkansas leads me to believe
that R met Caroline (if indeed they are husband and wife) in Arkansas. I have
some marriage CDs for Arkansas and Tennessee, but have found no connection
        Thank you for getting back to me so quickly! I truly appreciate it!

End of btrvetc-d Digest V98 Issue #1