BTRVETC-L Digest		Volume 98 : Issue 10

Today's Topics:
	 Turners in Kentucky
	 Dr. Jack Thorn Turner's obituary
	 Indiana Burnetts
	 John Turner Pendleton Co.Ky 1795
	 Shelah Waters & Nancy Turner - MD/DE
	 Fwd: [Fwd: [MADKY-L] More Turner Land Deeds]

for the Burnett/Turner/Ross/Via/Etc Mailing List  (BTRVETC-L)

Welcome to all our new subscribers; please send us a message to say hi, 
and let us know what lines you are working on. :-)

We became automated 19 Jan 1998, with everyone that had been on Nyla Creed
DePauk's list of subscribers being subscribed to the digest, which (kind)
replaces the compilations.  There is also a regular list, where you 
receive messages one at a time.  If you wish that version, unsubscribe 
from the digest, and subscribe to the regular list (see below).

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send them to the list.  Please post your messages to:  (that's a lowercase ell, not a number one.)

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Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 20:59:15 EST
Subject: Turners in Kentucky
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Hi All,
  I just found out that my GGG-granfathers name was John Newton Turner. He was
born in Philidelphia, Kentucky October 6, 1817. His parents were listed as
Isaac and Nancy Turner. Any help with this family would be appreciated.

Sara Newman 


Date: Thu, 19 Feb 1998 01:04:11 EST
Subject: Dr. Jack Thorn Turner's obituary
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>From the Raleigh Register, Beckley, WV, onLine:

Jack T. Turner

PERRYSBURG, Ohio -- Dr. Jack Thorn Turner, 75, of Lake Vue Drive, died 
Monday, Feb. 16, 1998, in Harborside of Swanton.
Born Sept. 8, 1922, at Clarksburg, he was the son of the late Thorne and 
Nan (Nave) Turner.
Dr. Turner was a scholar and teacher, and former Dean of the College of 
Business and Economics at West Virginia University.
He had a long and successful career in academics during which he taught 
and administered at Indiana University, University of Illinois, Old 
Dominion University, West Virginia University, University of North 
Carolina at Wilmington, and Davis and Elkins College.
He received his undergraduate and Masters Degrees from West Virginia 
University, his Doctorate Degree of Business Administration at Indiana 
University, and an Honors Degree at Oxford University (Worcester 
College) in England.
Survivors include his wife, Nancy Russell Turner, whom he married Sept. 
11, 1947; a son, John Turner and his wife, Theresa Galasso Turner and 
their children, Christopher Russell Turner and Sara Ann Turner of 
Perrysburg, Ohio; daughter, Margaret Nan Turner of Wrightsville Beach, 
N.C.; a brother, William Nave Turner of Beckley.
Following his request for cremation, the family is planning a memorial 
service to be held at a later date.
Donations of sympathy may be made to the Alzheimer's Association or to 
The College of Business and Economics at West Virginia University.
Arrangements by Witzler-Shank Funeral Home, Perrysville, Ohio.


Date: Thu, 19 Feb 1998 00:16:08 -0600
From: "Kevin K. Stephenson" <>
To: "'Burnett-Turner Mailing List'" <>
Subject: Indiana Burnetts
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To: Betty Mirly <>

Betty--response to your letter below:

My gggrandfather's name was Quinton Burnett. The only thing I know is he
married a Mary Defossie?? and was a river boat pilot.According to census
records he was born in IN. Their children were Charles b.1860 in IL,
Cora Bell b. 1886 in IL, Wm. G. b. May 2, 1852 in St. Louis, Mo, married
Adilean Nash, John b. 1855 in Il, Laura b. 1858, Il, Edward b. 1862 in
IL., and my ggrandfather.
. My ggrandfathers name was Harvey born in Jersey Co. Illinois and
married Mary Cornelia Ontis. Children were Ethel Louise, who must have
been a step-daughter and Harvey Leroy. The family did move to Neely's
Landing Cape County MO.
Betty Mirly

My part of the Burnett clan was settled in Indiana, with one branch =
moving to Illinois.  The Indiana Burnetts were descended from James =
Cunningham Burnett (1776-1839), born in Pittsylvania County, VA, died =
Shelby Co. Kentucky.  His eldest son, Pryor Burnett, moved to Putnam =
County, Indiana in 1839/40.  Pryor had several children, including James =
Jacob Burnett, who lived at Cataract, Indiana.
A couple of Pryor's brothers and sisters went to Illinois, and one went =
to Louisiana.  If you can give me any further info on where in Illinois =
your 'folks' were from, maybe I can help!

Kevin K. Stephenson
1600 Kentucky St. #2
Lawrence, KS  66044
Fax/Data (785)865-2555


Date: Thu, 19 Feb 1998 16:31:26 EST
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Hi fellow Turner Rooters -    
Have learned some new details since my last inquiry about about my maternal
grandmother, Bessie TURNER, b. 13-Oct-1864 in Tennessee, who married Thomas A.
Price 19-Sep-1883 in Tennessee and died 23-Nov-1941 in Abilene, TX.    
Several rooters suggested that I send off for her death certificate, which I
finally did, but learned only one thing not already known, that her mother's
maiden name was TRIBUE.  That may be either a later spelling, or even a
misspelling, because I have learned of the TRABUE family of Huguenots who fled
France in the late 1600's to escape religious persecution, possibly stopping
first in Holland.  Antoine Trabue, the patriarch of that line then settled in
what is now Powhatan Co., VA about 1700. 
On down the line a few generations, one of his grandsons, Henry Trabue, fought
in the Revolutionary War, settling in Versailles, Woodford, Co., KY in 1785,
moving to Adair Co. KY in 1795.

Another line was prominent in business, medicine and politics in Tennessee,
Charles Trabue being the mayor of Nashville in 1830-32.

I still don't know either of her parents given names, so, could I prevail on
some of you who have large TURNER databases to search your files to see if you
have a TURNER male, born possibly 1837-1844 who, probably before 1863, married
a TRABUE (or TRIBUE) female born possibly 1840-1844, and had a daughter named
Bessie, or possibly Elizabeth, in 1864.  I know it's a longshot, but.........

Will appreciate any assistance, and as always, will be happy to share.

John E. Price
Ft. Worth, TX


Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 16:15:54 -0800
Subject: John Turner Pendleton Co.Ky 1795
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Hi Folks:
At the present time I am researching my Turner Line in Pendleton Co.,
and am working on John Turner, Sr. b. ? place ? m. 1) ??, m. 2) Sarah
died abt 1830 in Indianapolis, Marion Co. Indiana.
Children: William died abt 1830 in Pendleton Co.Ky, John Jr. d. about
1827 in Pend. Co.,ky. Richard lived Bourbon Co.,Ky. Thomas moved to
Missouri in 1820s. Nancy m. William Monroe 23 Dec. 1802 pendleton, Co.kY
Polly/Mary M. William Bryan 12 Dec 1799 Pendleton Co. Ky. Abraham b.
1782 in Virginia d. 1870 Pendleton Co.,Ky, Jacob and James.

John Turner Sr. deeded his land in Pendleton Co. to. John Jr. heirs,
Richard Turner, William Turner, Nancy Bryan and Abraham in 1828 and
moved with his two sons, Jacob and James to Marion County Ind.
Supposedly Jacob and James are his children by his second wife Sarah.
John Sr. died in Marion County, Ind in abt 1830.  

Thanks for any help.  Ann

Any information on John Turner, Sr, his parents, his siblings
his date and location of birth, his 1st wife, etc. and where he lived
before coming to Pendleton County, Ky would be appreciated.


Date: Sat, 21 Feb 1998 21:46:43 EST
Subject: Shelah Waters & Nancy Turner - MD/DE
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Subj:	 Change of email address
Date:	98-02-21 19:05:35 EST
From: (Barbara Farthing Bonham)
To: (Nyla Creed)

Hello Nyla,

Can someone delete my old address of and replace it


It would not let me send a follows

I am searching for the family of Shelah Waters and Nancy Turner. Does
anyone have a copy of the book: "Maryland and Delaware Genealogies and
Family Histories" by Donald Odell Virdin (Ancesters of Shelah Waters
Nancy Turner)? If you have this or other information about the Waters
ancestry, I would appreciate hearing personally from you.

Marjorie Routh



Barbara:  Chris Gaunt can fix your address.  I'm forwarding your message to
the group.  Nyla


Date: Sat, 21 Feb 1998 22:04:53 EST
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Hi Nyla,

Here are more Turner grantors I received in today. thought I'd pass them
along to you again!


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Here's more Turner Grantors from the Mad. Co Land Deed Index.

Turner Grantors

Turner, Reuben to Lucien F Griggs Jr-deed-Bk 31-Pg 302-Mon 8, 1884/Nov 12,
1884-7 1/2A Baughs Branch.
Turner, AC to AM White-P of A-30-454-Jan 10, 1884/Jan 26, 1884-Power of
Turner, al Brutus W/Ruth to William J Whittaker-deed-30-460-Jan 1, 1884/Jan
29, 1884-28 1/2A Tates Creek.
Turner, al Harriet/A/Talton to Brutus W Turner al-deed-30-461-Jan 9, 1884/Jan
30. 1884-61 1/2A Tates Creek.
Turner, al Helen/AC to Brutus W Turner-deed-30-461-Jan 9, 1884/Jan 30, 1884-61
1/2A Tates Creek.
Turner, al Harriet/A/Talton to Ann T Fife al-deed-30-461-Jan 9, 1844/Jan 30,
1884-61 1/2A Tates Creek.
Turner, al Helen/AC to Ann T Fife-deed-30-461-Jan 9, 1884/Jan 30, 1884-61 1/2A
Tates Creek.
Turner, al Harriet/Talton to Ann Fife al-deed-30-463-Jan 7, 1883/Jan 30,
1884-110A Tates Creek.
Turner, al Harriet/Talton to Brutus W Turner al-deed-30-463-Jan 9, 1883/Jan
30, 1884-110A Tates Creek.
Turner, al Frank to Elizabeth Gibson-deed-31-366-Feb 9, 1884/Jan 3, 1885-25A
Muddy Creek.
Turner, CS/Ettie M to TJ Smith al-deed-31-387-Jan 7, 1885/Jan 15, 1885-111
1/4A Silver Creek.
Turner, CS/ Ettie M to J Stone Walker al-deed-31-387-Jan 7, 1885/Jan 15,
1885-111 1/4A Silver Creek.
Turner, JJ/Mary E to AM White-deed-31-502-Jan 8, 1885/Mar 25, 1885-58 1/2A
Taylors Fork Creek.
Turner, al Kate/Napoleon to Sally Hester-Comr D-31-570-Mar 30, 1885/Apr 20,
1885-20A Barnes Mill Road.
Turner, al George A/Molly to Thomas Turner-Comr D-32-156-Jun 3, 1885/Oct 26,
1885-32A Silver Creek.
Turner, al Kate/Napoleon to Kate & Thomas Jennings-Comr D-32-188-Mar 20,
1885/Nov 20, 1885-33 1/4A Madison Co.
Turner, al George Ann/Molly to Zachariah Whitaker-Comr D-32-485-Jun 3,
1885/Mar 25, 1886-32A Silver Creek.
Turner, Frank to Rebecca Holly-deed-33-10-Jun 7, 1886/Jun 12, 1886-10A Muddy
Turner, Talton to Burrell M Turner-Emancp-33-163-Oct 12, 1886/Oct 13,
Turner, al Manda Hrs/George A/Molly to Clifton Sanders-Comr D-33-345-Oct
1886/Feb 8, 1887-62A Silver Creek.
Turner, JJ/Mary E to Irvine Hains (Hanes)-deed-34-11-Jan 8, 1885/May 9,
1887-32 3/4A Taylors Fork Creek.
Turner, al CF/AV/Taiben to Amanda & James Hall al-Comr D-34-79-Jun 17,
1887/Jun 20, 1887-Lot Richmond.
Turner, al Brutus W/Ruth to William Tudor-deed-34-326-Oct 28, 1887/Oct 31,
1887-125 1/2A Tates Creek.
Turner, Kate/Napoleon to AR Burnam-Comr D-35-29-Mar 30, 1888/Apr 20, 1888-55A
Silver Creek.
Turner, al Kate/Napoleon to William T Barnes-Comr D-35-40-Mar 30, 1885/Apr 23,
1888-54A Silver Creek.
Turner, al Lizzie W/Wayne to Curtis F Burnam-Comr D-35-462-Oct 15, 1888/Dec
13, 1888-52 3/4A Walnut Meadow Creek.
Turner, Mary T/Thomas to Samuel Long-deed-36-22-Oct 29, 1888/Feb 28, 1889-100A
Silver Creek.
Turner, JJ/Mary E to Samuel P Ross-deed-36-203-Mar 22, 1889/Apr 13, 1889-60A
Silver Creek.
Turner, al William J/Permelia to Mary Masters-Comr D-36-214-Apr 6, 1889/Apr
17, 1889-12 1/2A Silver Creek.
Turner, al William J/Permelia to DC Griggs-Comr D-36-225-Apr 6, 1889/Apr 22,
1889-Tract Madison Co.
Turner, al William/Permelia to Hettie Shrewsberry-Comr D-36-228-Apr 6,
1889/Apr 23, 1889-13A Silver Creek.
Turner, al William/Permelia to James W Griggs-Comr D-36-230-Apr 6, 1889/Apr
23, 1889-13 1/2A Silver Creek.
Turner, al William J/Permelia to Annie Griggs-Comr D-36-232-Apr 6, 1889/Apr
23, 1889-16 1/2A Silver Creek.
Turner, al William J to Permelia Turner-Comr D-36-235-Apr 6, 1889/Apr 23,
1889-14A Silver Creek.
Turner, Permilia/William J to D Clinton Griggs-deed-36-237-Apr 6, 1889/Mar 28,
1889-14A Silver Creek.
Turner, al Lizzie M/JW to Ned Blythe-Comr D-36-493-Mar 28, 1889/Jul 15,
1889-24A Paint Lick Creek.
Turner, al Lizzie Ann/J Wayne to Ned Blythe-Comr D-36-494-Jun 3, 1889/Jul 15,
1889-24 1/2A Paint Lick Creek.
Turner, William J/Permelia to Perry C Long-deed-36-591-Apr 6, 1889/Aug 21,
1889-10A Silver Creek.
Turner, James F Jr to Clalorn (Claborn) Fox-deed-37-217-Aug 7, 1888/Dec 17,
1889-32 3/4A Silver Creek.
Turner, Mary T/W Thomas to Salem Ross-deed-37-460-Feb 27, 1890/Mar 27,
1890-Tract Paint Lick Creek.
Turner, Squire Jr to Squire M Turner-deed-38-169-Aug 25, 1890/Sep 6, 1890-42A
Paint Lick Creek.
Turner, al BH/CF/Talton to Stephen D Parish-Comr D-38-202-Oct 17, 1888/Sep 24,
1890-Lot Richmond.
Turner, al AC to Stephen D Parish-Comr D-38-202-Sep 24-1890-Lot Richmond.
Turner, Lewis/Tabitha to Squire W Jennings-deed-38-425-Jan 10, 1891-25 1/2A
Tates Creek.
Turner, al Kate/Napoleon to Cyrus Barnes-Comr D-38-555-Mar 30, 1885/Feb 18,
1891-42A Madison Co.


End of btrvetc-d Digest V98 Issue #10