BTRVETC-L Digest		Volume 98 : Issue 11

Today's Topics:
	 Fwd: [Fwd: [MADKY-L] Last of the Turner Grantors]
	 John Newton Turner 1817 Ky
	 New subscriber
	 Re: New subscriber
	 Mary Ann BURNETT - age 83  obit
	 RE; BURNETT surname
	 Fwd: Turner Family

for the Burnett/Turner/Ross/Via/Etc Mailing List  (BTRVETC-L)

Welcome to all our new subscribers; please send us a message to say hi, 
and let us know what lines you are working on. :-)

We became automated 19 Jan 1998, with everyone that had been on Nyla Creed
DePauk's list of subscribers being subscribed to the digest, which (kind)
replaces the compilations.  There is also a regular list, where you 
receive messages one at a time.  If you wish that version, unsubscribe 
from the digest, and subscribe to the regular list (see below).

Please do not send your emails to Nyla any longer; if you do, she will 
send them to the list.  Please post your messages to:  (that's a lowercase ell, not a number one.)

To unsubscribe, email with the

To subscribe to the regular list, email 


Date: Sat, 21 Feb 1998 22:05:28 EST
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Here's another Nyla!!


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This is the last of the Turner Grantors from the Madison Co Land Deed Index.

Turner, al Napoleon/Kate to Cynthia Jennings-Comr D-Bk 38-Pg 569-Mar 30,
1885/Feb 20, 1891-55 1/2A Madison Co.
Turner, Jack J/Mary E to Amanda Irvine al-deed-39-283-Oct 1, 1891/Oct 6,
1892-26 1/4A Paint Lick Creek.
Turner, al Jack J/Mary E to AB & Mattie Longs Hrs al-deed-39-283-Oct 1,
1891/Oct 6, 1891-26 1/4A Paint Lick Creek.
Turner, Jack J/Mary E to Estella Burton al-deed-39-283-Oct 1, 1891/Oct 6,
1891-26 1/4A Paint Lick Creek.
Turner, al Franks Hrs/Lucy to William S Roberts-Comr D-39-326-Oct 30, 1891/Oct
31, 1891-21A Silver Creek.
Turner, al Lucy to TJ Smith-Comr D-39-341-Oct 26, 1891/Nov 7, 1891-Lot
Turner, Ednie to Maggie Shifflett-deed-40-93-Apr 30, 1892/May 27, 1892-7A
Muddy Creek.
Turner, BM to BB Million-P of A-40-188-Jul 5, 1892/Jul 14, 1892-Power of
Turner, al BM to TG Hacker-deed-40-268-Sep 3, 1892/Sep 7, 1892-7A Tates Creek.
Turner, Charity/Irvine to Morris Long-deed-40-345-Dec 11, 1875/Sep 30, 1892-4
1/2A Silver Creek.
Turner, Robert/Sallie to Nelson Wells (col)-deed-40-566-Jan 4, 1893/Jan 20,
1893-Lot Richmond.
Turner, Anderson to Church/Baptist Church (col)-deed-41-59-Jan 30, 1893/Mar
14, 1893-1A Walnut Meadow Creek.
Turner, Mary T/WT to SG Estes-deed-41-104-Jan 3, 1893/Mar 24, 1893-5A Round
Turner, Daniel W to America Covington al-deed-41-342-Mar 28, 1893/Jul 10,
1893-Lot Richmond.
Turner, Daniel W to Eva Turner al-deed-41-342-Mar 28, 1893/Jul 10, 1893-Lot
Turner, Bettie/Jacob to United States B&L Assn (Louisville)-deed-41-384-Jul 8,
1893/Jul 25, 1893-Lot Richmond.
Turner, Reubin L to Madison County-Lease-41-580-Oct 28, 1893/Feb 12,
1894-Tract Burnam Precinct.
Turner, Elizabeth/William to Thomas Smith (col)-deed-42-42-Jan 5, 1894/Apr 16,
1894-2A Jacks Creek.
Turner, al Jeremiah/Mattie to Noah Stewart-deed-42-152-Mar 10, 1894/Jun 19,
1894-Tract Barnes Mill Road.
Turner, al Robert/Sallie to CC Wallace-Comr D-42-190-Dec 4, 1893/Jul 3,
1894-Lot Richmond.
Turner, al AM/Margaret to Owen East-Comr D-42-494-Apr 9, 1894/Jul 5, 1894-147A
Paint Lick Creek.
Turner, Bettie/Ben/William to Eliza J Taylor-deed-42-593-Jan 11, 1895/Feb 19,
1895-6A Jacks Creek.
Turner, al Marietta/Lula to Harriett C Cobb-deed-42-600-Oct 24, 1891/Mar 2,
1895-5A Dry Branch.
Turner, E Mary/ CS to John Todd-deed-42-619-Mar 2, 1895/Mar 29, 1895-2A
Taylors Fork.
Turner, E Mary to TJ Curtis-deed-42-626-Mar 2, 1895/Apr 5, 1895-2A Taylors
Turner, al BW/Ruth G to LR Blanton-deed-43-318-May 14, 1895/Jul 3, 1895-Lot
Turner, al Lulie/Mariett to Matt C Boswell-deed-43-378-Oct 24, 1891/Jul 22,
1895-4A Dry Branch.
Turner, Belle/Robert R to Thomas Turner-deed-43-418-Aug 6, 1895/Aug 7, 1895-9
1/2A Taylors Fork Creek.
Turner, Belle/Robert R to John Fife-deed-43-419-Jun 19, 1895/Aug 7, 1895-8A
Taylors Fork Creek.
Turner, al Mattie E to Jerry Turner-P of A-43-569-Oct 12, 1895/Oct 18,
1895-Power of Attorney.
Turner, BW/Ruth G to Mary & ZT Rice-deed-44-276-Mar 1896/Apr 11, 1896-Tract
Big Hill Road.
Turner, Stephen/Thomas H to Henry J Colson-deed-44-560-Dec 3, 1896/Dec 10,
1896-107A Tates Creek.
Turner, Nancy J (Mary)/William A to JH Lamb-deed-44-597-Mar 25, 1880/Jan 5,
1897-34A Red Lick Fork.
Turner, al Charley/Jourdon/Jenny/Robert to Ellen Gilbert-Comr D-45-38-Jan 18,
1897/Feb 9, 1897-Lot Richmond.
Turner, Pattie S to Carrie Russell-deed-45-323-Feb 27, 1897/Jul 12, 1897-55A
Paint Lick Creek.
Turner, al Bob/Joe/Maggie to TJ Coyle-Comr D-45-418-Dec 12, 1894/Sep 27,
1897-105A Red Lick Creek.
Turner, al Mollie/Neal E to TJ Coyle-Comr D-45-418-Dec 12, 1894/Sep 27,
1897-105A Red Lick Creek.
Turner, al Ida to TJ Coyle-Comr D-45-418-Dec 12, 1894/Sep 27, 1897-105A Red
Lick Creek.
Turner, Thomas M to Lucy McCann-deed-45-501-Nov 17, 1897/Nov 29, 1897-239A
Barnes Mill Road.
Turner, Catharine/NB to Susan Lafollette-deed-45-517-Aug 26, 1897/Dec 8,
1897-3/4A Silver Creek.
Turner, Lizzie/Robert H to Madison County-deed-45-567-Dec 29, 1897/Dec 30,
1897-Tract Lancaster Road.
Turner, al Mariette/Lulie to Wyatt Clark-deed-46-34-Oct 24, 1891/Jan 25,
1898-4A Paint Lick Creek.
Turner, CS/Henriette to Thomas J Curtis-deed-46-101-Dec 23, 1897/Feb 9,
1898-68 1/2A Barnes Mill Road.
Turner, al Mariette/Lulu to Susan C Ray-deed-46-163-Oct 24, 1891/Feb 17,
1898-4A Madison Co.
Turner, Cyrus to MD Flack al-Trust D-47-368-Jan 21, 1899/Mar 7, 1899-Land
Turner, Cyrus to JDM Russell al-Trust D-47-368-Jan 21, 1899/Mar 7, 1899-Land
Turner, Cyrus to JJ Turner al-Trust D-47-368-Jan 21, 1899/Mar 7, 1899-Land
Turner, Adele to Wade Thompson-deed-48-150-Sep 4, 1899/Sep 12, 1899-12A Otter
Turner, Nancy J/William A to John Turner-deed-48-235-Jan 29, 1895/Oct 10,
1899-40A Red Lick Creek.
Turner, Nancy J/WA to John Turner-deed-48-238-Jul 29, 1895/Oct 10, 1899-100A
Red Lick Creek.
Turner, Mary T/WT to PS Whitlock-deed-48-471-Dec 20, 1899/Dec 30, 1899-12A
Poosey Ridge.
Turner, Mary T/WT to Squire Hill-deed-48-506-Jan 4, 1900/Jan 5, 1900-7 1/4A
Baughs Branch.
Turner, Mary T/WT to John L Whitlock-deed-48-550-Dec 20, 1899/Jan 4, 1900-42A
Baughs Branch.
Turner, al Charles/Minnie to JS Collins-Comr D-48-636-Jan 26, 1900/Jan 7,
1900-Lot Richmond.

==== MADKY Mailing List ====
Madison Co. KYGenWeb Page -



Date: Sun, 22 Feb 1998 13:28:45 -0800
Subject: John Newton Turner 1817 Ky
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Dear Sara:
In what county is Philadelphia,Ky?  Do you know John Newton Turner's 
wife's name.  I have a John N. Turner(according to one source ??Newton
which I have not confirmed to my satisfaction yet.)His father was John,
Jr. son of John Sr. of Pendleton County, Ky.


Date: Sun, 22 Feb 1998 19:05:19 -0500
From: "turners" <>
To: "turner via list" <>
Subject: New subscriber
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Hi everyone,

I saw from my welcome message that I have to post right away, so excuse any
slips in protocol and incomplete data.
I'm Jack Turner from Wise County Virginia, originally from Dickenson
County, Virginia.  I'm retired from teaching high school science and
principaling middle school and am a keeper of honeybees and grower of
shiitake mushrooms (both on a small scale).  

My great grandparents were Spiral Jefferson Turner, b Jun 30, 1869 - d July
30, 1905 and Rachel Cannady b Jan 15, 1859 - d Apr 20, 1937. 

 Rachel was the daughter of Randolph Cannaday 1827-1928 (one of 20 some
children of William and Patsy Wright Cannaday of Patrick County) and Mary
Jane Viers 1830-1914, daughter of Samuel Via 1809-1880 and Hetty Edwards
?-1845.  Via apparently became Viers with the move to Dickenson County -
I've seen no explanation for this. I believe Samuel's parents were Josias
Via and Rachel Hale.  There was a sister, Mary and a brother, Isaac.

Spiral Jefferson was the son of James R. Turner 1836-1917 and Sarah J.
Woods 1837-1915.  James and Sarah moved to Dickenson County, Virginia from
Greenbriar County, West Virginia.  I do not know where they were prior to
living in Greenbriar County.  Randolph Cannaday told a newspaper reporter
that James had followed him from Patrick County, Virginia.  He should have
known, since his daughter married James' son, but the interview was in
celebration of Randolph's 100th birthday and --- (I'm not accusing him of
being forgetful, but I think its possible).  There was a James R. Turner in
the 1850 Patrick County census, but the age is about a year different and
I'm not positive that it's the same guy.  Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks - I'm looking forward to being with you.



Date: Sun, 22 Feb 1998 20:13:43 EST
Subject: Re: New subscriber
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In a message dated 98-02-22 19:07:32 EST, you write:
<< I saw from my welcome message that I have to post right away, so excuse any
 slips in protocol and incomplete data. >>

Welcome to the Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc family.   No need to worry about
protocol.  We're just so glad you've joined us.  I'm convinced that you will
find this group very helpful.

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego, CA


Date: Mon, 23 Feb 1998 04:56:54 -0600
From: "lndshll" <>
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Subject: Burnetts
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Hi, I am currently researching my Burnett family from Spartanburg,South =
Carolina.My grandfather was Shufford Burnett b.May 8,1900 died July 1981 =
was married to Lore Dreher.GGranfather was Chrisenberry Lee Burnett =
b.January,1855 died January 24,1941 he  was married to Lenora Robertson =
from North Carolina.GGGrandfather was John P.Burnett b.April 13,1823 =
died after1880 was married to Frances.GGGGrandfather was Carter Burnett =
married to Jane Templeton don't know dates.All these Burnetts were from =
Spartanburg South Carolina.Since this is my first submission I hope I =
have done it right.If not let me know.Thank you, Linda Burnett Shull   =
my e-mail is

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<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Hi, I am currently researching my =
Burnett family=20
from Spartanburg,South Carolina.My grandfather was Shufford Burnett =
b.May 8,1900=20
died July 1981 was married to Lore Dreher.GGranfather was Chrisenberry =
Burnett b.January,1855 died January 24,1941 he&nbsp; was married to =
Robertson from North Carolina.GGGrandfather was John P.Burnett b.April =
died after1880 was married to Frances.GGGGrandfather was Carter Burnett =
to Jane Templeton don't know dates.All these Burnetts were from =
South Carolina.Since this is my first submission I hope I have done it =
not let me know.Thank you, Linda Burnett Shull&nbsp;&nbsp; my e-mail is =



Date: Mon, 23 Feb 1998 16:43:13 EST
Subject: Mary Ann BURNETT - age 83  obit
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For anyone of interest

Mary Ann Burnett
Feb. 23, 1998         New Jersey
LAKEWOOD - Mary Ann Burnett, 83, died Saturday at home.
Born in Trenton, Mrs. Burnett lived in Yardley, Pa., and Jenkintown, Pa.,
before moving to Lakewood.
A member of Daughters of the American Revolution, she attended Miss Fine's
School in Princeton and Harcum Junior College in Bryn Mawr, Pa.
Daughter of the late Joseph Edgar and Iverness Mathews English, wife of the
late Taylor Praul Reeder Jr. and Walter F. Smith, and sister of the late Dr.
Harrison F. English, she is survived by her husband, Arthur Dana Burnett; five
children, Dr. Taylor Praul Reeder III of East Windsor, Joseph English Reeder
of Macungie, Pa., Thomas John Reeder of Hopewell, and Mary Ann Shukalo
and Frederick Harrison Reeder of Freeport, Maine; a brother, Frederick M.
English of Princeton; 12 grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.
Cremation will be private.         There will be no calling hours.


Date: Mon, 23 Feb 1998 20:37:44 -0500
From: "Wendy Joy Watson" <>
To: <>
Subject: RE; BURNETT surname
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	 I am new at this  and hope this is the right way to get my message out.
	I am researching my family. My great-grandmother was Margaret D. Burnett,
b. 1860 in Musquodoboit, Nova Scotia.  She was the daughter of William
Burnett, a farmer.
	She married Joseph Allison at the age of 17. They married on Aptil 16,
1877, Methodist, Halifax, Halifax County. I hasve no name for her mother,
or if she had any brothers and sisters.  Would like to hear from someone
out there with some information on my family.


Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 22:27:16 EST
Subject: Fwd: Turner Family
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Dear Nyla:
Last night I was browsing through some web sites and came up with your email
on the Turner family.  It looked like most of your research was the Turner
family in Virginia, or did I miss something.
I am trying to search my Turner family.  The furthermost back I can find is
my great grandfather George Washington Turner, born 1865, and had lived in
Bolivar, MO.  He met and married my great grandmother Rachel Marcella
Engle,born 1866,and had lived in Buffalo, MO.  They married in Buffalo, MO
in Sept. 1886 and then moved out to WA in 1913. They had 13 children whom
mostly stayed out here in WA..

Cannot find out George's parents names or if he had any siblings. Same with
Rachel, she had 2 brothers, Joe and Marshall.

I was wondering if you came across any of these Turner's.

Thank You, Michelle Turner Fraser


End of btrvetc-d Digest V98 Issue #11