BTRVETC-L Digest		Volume 98 : Issue 12

Today's Topics:
	 Re: BTRVETC-L Digest V98 #11
	 How to get off the list
	 RE: Cain Jr. ,Burnett Hoffman, Family connection
	 William Clarence Turner age 98 - obit
	 James Turner
	 Burnett Early Roots

for the Burnett/Turner/Ross/Via/Etc Mailing List  (BTRVETC-L)

Welcome to all our new subscribers; please send us a message to say hi, 
and let us know what lines you are working on. :-)

We became automated 19 Jan 1998, with everyone that had been on Nyla Creed
DePauk's list of subscribers being subscribed to the digest, which (kind)
replaces the compilations.  There is also a regular list, where you 
receive messages one at a time.  If you wish that version, unsubscribe 
from the digest, and subscribe to the regular list (see below).

Please do not send your emails to Nyla any longer; if you do, she will 
send them to the list.  Please post your messages to:  (that's a lowercase ell, not a number one.)

To unsubscribe, email with the

To subscribe to the regular list, email 


Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 22:51:52 -0500
From: "Janice Kinsler Smith" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: BTRVETC-L Digest V98 #11
Message-ID: <01bd4269$df779f80$d225accf@default>
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Unsubscribe - Had previously received a message that this would be done.
Unsubscribe - Unsubscribe
-----Original Message-----
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Date: Wednesday, February 25, 1998 10:28 PM
Subject: BTRVETC-L Digest V98 #11


Date: 26 Feb 1998 06:10:51 -0800
From: "Christine E. Gaunt" <>
To: Janice Kinsler Smith <>
Subject: How to get off the list
Message-ID: <>
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Hi, Janice,

You (and everyone else who would like to unsubscribe) need to send a 
message with the word "unsubscribe" as the Subject to one of these addresses: (if you receive invidual messages) (if you receive the digest)

(It doesn't work if you send it to the list subscribers, and just clutters 
mailboxes and list archives.  It also doesn't work if you leave out the 
word "unsubscribe" or "unsub" from the Subject line.)

If you have difficulty getting off the list, or if you have trouble 
posting and you are a subscriber, please email me and I will help.

Happy Hunting,

Christine Gaunt, or
Campbell-L and BTRVETC-L listowner
Co-compiler of Genealogy Resources on the Internet (web pages and file)
       File (2.4M):  via autoreply from


Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 09:28:12 -0500
From: "Eunice B. Kirkman" <>
To: "Angus Robinson" <>
Cc: "Tom Minix" <>, <>,
  "Nyla Creed" <>, "Nettie Clifton" <>,
  "Morris L. Ferguson" <>,
  "Janice Kinsler Smith" <>,
  "Don & Melissa Alexander" <>,
  "David Conner" <>,
  "Burnette Turner-Via List" <>,
  "Bob Jordan" <Bob.Jordan@internetMCI.COM>,
  "Barbara Reininger" <>
Message-ID: <01bd42c2$c489dd60$>
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

By Madlyn Jamison
"I want a divorce!"
He/she then said:
"Dead ancestors fill dressers,
And lie under our beds.
They're stuffed into closets,
And piled everywhere.
A creature can't move
Or find a free chair! Forms, pedigrees, photos, Relics and books
Cover floors and the
Furniture wherever you look!
You've got to stop going
On researching jags.
I'm up to my ears with
Your boxes and bags!
But you keep on collecting
More genealogical stuff!
Then there are nights
When you don't come to bed,
'Cause you'd rather be doing
Your ancestry instead!
Since this hobby of yours
Has come on the scene,
I have not a spouse
Nor a house that is clean!
Listen well, my darling--
Take heed, my dearest--
Give up this obsession
Or I shall depart
And leave you for good--
With your SMITHS and your TARTS.
OH??  You'll need a computer--
A copier and a printer, too?
To work up MY pedigree
Before I depart?
Sheesh! My love,
You're really all heart!!"


Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 16:25:50 -0500
From: "turners" <>
To: "Michele, Mike, Isaac Gamble" <>
Cc: "turner via list" <>
Subject: trial
Message-ID: <19980226212408593.AAA163@turners>
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This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

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Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Doc2.txt"



Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 18:57:49 -0600
From: "Kevin K. Stephenson" <>
To: "'Burnett Cain'" <>
Cc: "'Burnett-Turner Mailing List'" <>
Subject: RE: Cain Jr. ,Burnett Hoffman, Family connection
Message-ID: <>

Mr. Cain-
  I cannot help but believe that you are related to me, but I cannot find 
any of the names that you mention in my family database.  My Burnett family 
HEAVILY intermarried with the Cain's, and there were a LOT of them.
  I would be almost certain of a link between my family and yours if you 
have any relatives (that you know of) in either of two places:  Platte 
County, Missouri, or Shelby County, Kentucky.  The Burnetts, after they 
left Virginia, and the Cains from which I descend, lived in Shelby County, 
Kentucky in the early 1800's,  and the Cains moved to Missouri from there. 
  I am forwarding your letter to the Burnett-Turner-Via-Ross-etc. 
Newsgroup, so that anyone who knows more can get in touch with you.  If 
you'd like to join the newsgroup, and be privy to the discussion of the 
Burnetts and all their kin, let me know and I'll help you do it.

How about it, guys and gals, can anyone help us here??

Kevin K. Stephenson
1600 Kentucky St. #2
Lawrence, KS  66044
Fax/Data: (785)865-2555

-----Original Message-----
From:	Burnett Cain []
Sent:	Thursday, February 26, 1998 12:46 PM
To:	kevinS@UKANS.EDU
Subject:	Cain Jr. ,Burnett Hoffman, Family connection

 Kevin: My daughter Suzanne had contacted you regards to family names,

 At present the only thing that I can tell you was that my Great 
 was George Washington Cain ,born I believe in New Jersey July 29,1835  The 
 Name Burnett also is a family name and at present I am trying to research 
 out, I can remember back in the late nineteen thirties going with my
 grandmother to a private nursing home in Newark,NJ to visit with her 
 Emma Burnett,who was at that time 102 years old, this was around 1937, I
 believe that she lived at least another two to three years and is most 
 buried in Newark,NJ.

 Most of my family have been born in New Jersey , All of George Washington
 Cain's children were born in Springfield,NJ My Grandfather was Jesse
 Hoffman Cain, married Amelia Jennette Hicks Cain my grandmother,they had
 two children a daughter Wyinneretta B.1897, and my father Burnett Hoffman
 Cain Sr.born 1905,both were born in Springfield,NJ.My father married Alice 
 Susan Gifford Cain, They had four children ,three boys and one girl, I was 
 born July 10,1930.

 I am trying to find out more about my Great Grandfather, Don't know if he 
 any brothers or sisters. or where they came from. Except that George
 Washington must of been born in this country.

 Please keep me in mind if you should dig up any more on the Burnett's or
 Cain's or Hoffman's in New Jersey,

 B.H.Cain Jr.
 706 Old Bridge Rd,
 Brielle,NJ 08730-1424
 (732) 528-8106



Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 09:23:12 EST
From: GSubyak <>
Subject: William Clarence Turner age 98 - obit
Message-ID: <>
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found on Ft. Worth obit site

William Clarence Turner
NORTH RICHLAND HILLS -- William Clarence Turner, 98, a retired farmer, died
Feb. 25, 1998, in North Richland Hills.
Funeral: 10 a.m. Friday at Cooper- Sorrells Funeral Home. Burial: Arledge
Ridge Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Gary Evans, Larry Turner, Jerry Turner, Wade McElhanon,
Paul Branson and
Michael Dunnavent.
William Clarence Turner was born Sept. 23, 1899, in Bailey. He was preceded in
death by his wife
of 72 years, Johnnie Roberta, on March 25, 1990. He was a Baptist.
Survivors: Daughter, Rachel McElhanon; son, Samuel Thomas Turner and his wife,
Gladys Turner;
eight grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren; and 11 great-great-grandchildren.
Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Home
Bonham, (903) 583-5555


Date: Sat, 28 Feb 1998 17:24:01 -0600
From: "Larry & Barb Thomas" <>
To: <>
Subject: James Turner
Message-Id: <>
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

David or whomever,

In your compilations, # 285 in paticular, the Turner's start off:
Generation 1  #1   Richard Turner
Generation 2  #2 i. John Turner
                    #3  ii. Richard Turner
               +   #4  iii. James Turner  b. 1670 
                    #5  iv. Lewis Turner  
                    #6  v. Margaret Turner
Generation 3  #13  James Turner (son of #4 James) b. 1710, d. 1793
Generation 4  #'33-42, Children of #13 James Turner.

I have ask several researchers of the line far more knowledgable than I,
and we all show only one James, in affect # 13 and # 4 are one and the
same.  Further I cannot find where the birth date of 1670 for # 4 James
came from.

I certainly would appreciate someone letting me know how the second James
was determined.  Thanks



Date: Sun, 1 Mar 1998 21:35:22 -0600
From: "Kevin K. Stephenson" <>
To: "'Burnett-Turner Mailing List'" <>
Subject: Burnett Early Roots
Message-ID: <>

Hi guys,
  I received the following from Jo Olive ( regarding the 
early lineage of the Burnetts and Dr. Gilbert Burnett, Lord Bishop of 
Salisbury.  I'm unsure of the accuracy of the early relationships, so I 
would like to ask those of you who have further data on this to corroborate 
it if possible, or provide contradicting data if you have it.  I was under 
the impression that there was another generation between Thomas Burnett and 
James Burnett (1720-1735/1797)...Please help me fill in the gaps!

Kevin K. Stephenson
From:	Jo Olive []
Sent:	Sunday, March 01, 1998 11:47 AM
Subject:	Burnett Geneology

Hi! I'm sending you some info I've had for sometime and was told that at 
the start this isn't my line but you'll see that a lot of this is correct 
according to yours and my info. Will send some at a time.
The Burnett Geneology - Notes furnished by Elizabeth Shelby Burnett - 1899 
- Gilbert Burnett, Printer.
The Burnett Genealogy
Dr. Gilbert Burnett, afterward Lord Bishop of Salisbury, was born in the 
Shire of Aberdeen, Scotland, on the 18th of Sept. 1643, was married three 
times: firs, Lady Margaret Kennedy: second, Lady Mary Scott; and third, 
Mrs.  Berkley: was author of "The Hisorty of His Own Times," "The History 
of the Reformation," and other books, and figured largely in the stirring 
times of those days in both Church and State. He had one son.  Thomas 
Burnett, son of Gilbert, edited his father's works after his father's 
death. The name of his wife is unknow: but he had six children:
(1).  George Burnett, emigrated to Virginia about 1755; name of his wife is 
unknown (2) Henry Burnett, married Mrs. Shields, (Elizabeth Graham 
Shields),(3) James Burnett, m.    Watson, Mary Morrison, and Robinson 
(4)Sarah Burnett, m. John Mack, of Maury Co. Tenn. (5) Mary Burnett, 
married George Hawkins (6) Gilbert Burnett, m. Margaret Cunningham.
(2)	Henry Burnett,m. Mrs. Shield and had one daughter, who m. William
Smith, and left one son, Henry.
(3)	James Burnett, married three times, Miss Watson - no issue; second,
Mary Morri son, and had seven children; (7) John, m. Judith Beck of Va. (8) 
William, m. Sarah Graham and twice afterwards. (9) George, m. Dolly 
Hardeman of Tennessee.(10) Mary, m. Joshua Richardson (11) James C., m. 
Kizziah Pulliam, Eliza Graham, and Katheriane Gill (12) Elizabeth, m. Jas. 
Graham (13) Margaret, died single  Third wife was Miss Robinson,by whom he 
had four children; (14) Samuel, who died single (15) Sarah, m. David Ashlby 
(16) Jane,m. Robert Cain (17) Hebry, m. Nancy M'Gaulrey, Frances Saunders, 
and Lcuy M'Gaulrey.
(4)	Sarah Burnett, m. John Mack of Maury County, Tenn, and had six 
children: Jemes, John, Robert, Mary, William and Henry.
(5)	Mary Burnett, married George Hawkins, had four children; a daughter who 
died in Virginia, William, Henry, and Gilbert, who was killed at Riber 
That's it for today, let me know if you want me to send more of this info.

Please help me verify or discard the data/relationships in this letter! 

Kevin K. Stephenson
1600 Kentucky St. #2
Lawrence, KS  66044
Fax/Data: (785)865-2555

End of btrvetc-d Digest V98 Issue #12