BTRVETC-L Digest		Volume 98 : Issue 18
23 Mar 1998

Today's Topics:
	 TURNER, Rebecca, GA, 1790
	 Meshach Turner - Franklin Co-Civil War letters
	 Turner, Solomon; 1840; NC
	 USGenWeb Automated Queries
	 WOODY Connections
	 Re: vol. 1 BURNETTS

for the Burnett/Turner/Ross/Via/Etc Mailing List  (BTRVETC-L)

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know what lines you are working on. :-)

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Date: Thu, 19 Mar 1998 17:42:50 EST
From: Meowtalker <>
Subject: TURNER, Rebecca, GA, 1790
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Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
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I am searching for any information on the family of Rebecca Turner, b.
c1790-1800, m. Jonas Bird/Byrd.  Rebecca is believed to be from Jefferson Co.,
GA, but I've not been able to locate any info on her family.  Jonas and
Rebecca Bird/Byrd lived in Bulloch, Emanuel, Telfair, and Clinch Co.'s, GA,
and had the following children:

Matthew Bird, b. c1815-1820, Emanuel Co., GA, m. Elizabeth McCullough
Unknown Daughter
Hattie Ann Bird, b. 1822, m. Mr. Newell
Sherod Bird, b. 1823, Emanuel Co., GA, m. Amanda Caroline Roberts
Wiley Bird, b. 1825, Emanuel Co., GA, m. 1) Eliza Wilcox, 2) Samantha Creech
Winnifred Bird, b. 1830, Emanuel Co., GA, m. James Fullwood
Sophronia Bird, b. 1832, Emanuel Co., GA, m. James Hinson
William Arlington Byrd, b. 1833, Emanuel Co., GA, m. 1) Narcissus Stanfield,
2) Martha A., 3) Mrs. Mattie Prince
Anthony Bird, b. 1837, Emanuel Co., GA, m. Matilda Boone
Jesse Bird, b. 1839, Emanuel Co., GA, m. Eliza Jernigan

Any information on any of these families would be greatly appreciated.
However, the family of Rebecca Turner is my brick wall and we are most
interested to learn about her family.  

Thank you.

Nancy Bozeman Byrd  or

Searching for:
Ashley,  Barfield, Bozeman, Bruce, Byrd/Bird, Cain, Carter, Fowler, Hix,
Hyman, Inman, Prince, Richardson, Stanfield, Turner, Ward


Date: Fri, 20 Mar 1998 12:15:31 EST
From: Jlmaupin <>
Subject: Meshach Turner - Franklin Co-Civil War letters
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Copies of these letters are housed at Virginia Tech.  I don't have any
Turner's as direct ancestors but thought anyone connected with the Turner
family may enjoy reading these letters (I don't remember seeing them posted

Farrow Grounds near Norfolk, Va
April the 13th 1862

My dear wife an children take my pen in hand to write you a few lines to let
you now that I am well an hope when you reach these lines they will find you
all enjoying the same blessing  Sally I received your letter last thursday
evening I was glad to hear that you was all well you wrote to me that Larken
had bin very sick I was glad to her that he was mending we have a good deal of
sickness down her the fever an measles an mumps one dide from franklin last
friday morning with the measles in our redgement two dide over at the entrench
camps the same morning with the measles  I herd from brother John a few days a
go he had the measles they said he was getting better an was going a bout
Sally you wanted to now how many ___ with me we have twenty six in our reg
daniel Shoemate an all of his brothers John Cahill Marshal Jo pace George
gravley it is two tedious to mention all we cook an eat together we have a
house to cook in they all sleap in the house but six of us they was so crowded
that myself an daniel Shoemate an his brother an tom hardy an armsted eagleton
all sleap in a tent every night we all get on together first rate  Sally Ben
Jones aint in our company I see him everyday he is well talks a bout
volenteering they an a great many ___ ___ing  Sally I dont expect to volenteer
they aint but very few that went from a bout here that has volunteered they
say they aint a going to Maygon taylor says them that dont volunteer will be
drafted to fill up the old company if they do that I cant tell where I shall
get to  Sally I went down in town last Thursday I went althrough the town to
the boat landing it was a great curosity to see the old merry mack started out
last friday morning we men all march down to ambers point battery to see the
fight they said it was eight miles to sewels point we could see the vessels
very plain the merry mack taken three small vessels with out firing a gun I
saw them bring them back they said they wer eleven white men an two negros on
them they were taken prisoners the vessels was laded with hay the old merry
mack santerd about there all day but the yankeys wouldent ventur out we could
see the yankey tentes plain enough they said it was ten miles to where they
was they ar expecting a fight every day at new port news it dont look like
they even can get to norfolk with out being tore all to pieces they have got
breast works an cannons planted all a long on both sides of the river  Sally
you said you wanted to now how I like to stay there I dont like to stay one
bit but i am a heap better sadisfide than I expected they say they ar about to
pass a law to send all over thirty five years to home if they do I may come
home after while some say if that law passes they will keep them all any how
if that be the case I dont expect to be at home soon  Sally as soon as the
clover gets a good start you must have the hogs turned an hit an __ try to
save all the corn you can John you must try to get on with your work the best
you can our pain was very rough along last week this week we have had very
good __ plenty of bacon coffee an sugar an flour an some light bread our wood
we have to cook with is grean june we havent don nothing but cook an eat for
five or six days we hav had a heap of rain this week they ar a cold east wind
brewing every day I hav wore my over coat half the time sense I have bin her
Sally some times I think maby I may come home after a little then agin I git
clean out of heart of coming home soon I want to come home an see you all very
bad  nothing more at presant  Sally write to me every week an give me all the
news you can good by to you all you must write soon nothing more  I remain
your dear husband until death               Meshak Turner

direct your letters to the Farrow Grounds near Norfolk Va care of Captain H C.
Wootton Company E 64 Redgement Va Militia


April th 15th 1862

Sally I will write you a few lines this morning to let you know that I am well
an hearty an hope when you get these lines they will find you all enjoying the
same  Sally all of my connection from franklin is in the other redgement over
at the entrench camp a bout a mile an a half away they march over one hundred
an sixty over to our camp an volentered yesterday cosen andrew Turner was with
them he said ther was a heap of sickness in that redgement he said they had
seven or eight dide at the hospitle brother John has the measles but they say
he is getting a bout again Captian Jim Turner is down with the fever very low
Clayton Stone is very sick Jo Pace has bin sick he is geting better they an
good many more sick in our redgement  Sally write to me how you an all getting
on with your work nothing more at presant Sally I send howdy to you an all the
children an Sister Sally an her children nothing more at presant I remain your
afectionate husband until death
                    Meshack Turner


Date: Sat, 21 Mar 1998 13:59:35 -0600
From: "Jesse M. Lawrence" <>
To: "Halifax County,NC Mailing List" <>,
  Turner Mailing List <>,
Subject: Turner, Solomon; 1840; NC
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Hello Everyone
Searching for ties to Turner family below or any other Turners in Halifax
County, NC and surrounding area

Descendants of Solomon "Sol" Turner

 1   Solomon "Sol" Turner b: Abt. 1840 in Halifax, Halifax County, Virginia
d: in Martin County,NC
..  +Temperance Jones "Tempie" Hyman b: Jan 10, 1840 in Halifax, Halifax
County, Virginia d: Jan 21, 1889 in Oak City, Martin County, NC m: Dec 4,
1860 in Halifax, Halifax County, North Carolina
......... 2   Charlie Turner b: Dec 4, 1861 in  Martin, North Carolina
......... 2   Ebenezer Hyman Turner b: Dec 20, 1866 in  Martin, North
Carolina d: Mar 22, 1914 in Scotland Neck, NC
.............  +Selma Talitha Hyman b: Oct 27, 1874 d: Aug 20, 1956 in
Scotland Neck, NC m: Abt. 1900
.................... 3   Amazon Earl Turner b: Aug 5, 1906 d: Jan 27, 1981
in Scotland Neck, NC
............................... 4   Sylvia Turner b: Abt. 1932
.................... 3   Beatrice Hyman Turner b: Jul 18, 1908 d: Nov 19,
1960 in Scotland Neck, NC
........................  +Julius Sadler b: Abt. 1908
.................... 3   Russell Niles Turner b: Apr 24, 1911 d: Feb 26,
1981 in Scotland Neck, NC
......... 2   Charles Lee Turner b: Oct 17, 1868 in  Martin, North Carolina
d: May 24, 1944 in Enfield, Halifax County, North Carolina
.............  +Mamie Elizabeth Grimes b: Apr 28, 1875 in Enfield, Halifax
County, North Carolina d: Feb 1, 1947 in Enfield, Halifax County, North
Carolina m: Feb 17, 1897 in Edgecomb County,NC
.................... 3   Paul Randolph Turner b: Jun 18, 1902 in Enfield,
Halifax County, North Carolina d: Dec 10, 1949 in Enfield, Halifax County,
North Carolina
.................... 3   Edgar Charlie Turner b: Feb 21, 1900 in Enfield,
Halifax County, North Carolina d: Sep 30, 1963 in Enfield, Halifax County,
North Carolina
........................  +Veenie Leonard b: Abt. 1903
............................... 4   Huldah Lou Turner b: Abt. 1935
...................................  +Sherrod N Wood, Md. b: Abt. 1935
........................................... 5   Amy Lou Wood b: Abt. 1956
........................................... 5   Turner Wood b: Abt. 1958
.................... 3   Mamie Lee Turner b: Aug 1, 1908 in Enfield,
Halifax County, North Carolina d: Jan 2, 1979 in Rio De Janeiro, Brasil
........................  +Cliff Ronthaler Harris b: Jun 16, 1903 in
Scotland Neck, NC d: Apr 21, 1976 in Rocky Mount, NC m: Abt. 1940 in
Enfield, Halifax County, North Carolina
............................... 4   Joyce Faye Harris,* b: Aug 8, 1941 in
Rocky Mount, North Carolina
...................................  +Jesse Macon"Sonny" Lawrence, Jr. b:
Jun 22, 1939 in Rocky Mount, North Carolina  m: Dec 20, 1958 in Dillon, SC
........................................... 5   Lisa Elizabeth Lawrence,*
b: May 26, 1960 in Gastonia, NC
...............................................  +Robert Martin b: Mar 10,
1967 in Roanoke, Roanoke Co., VA  m: in Roanoke, Roanoke Co., VA
...........................................  *2nd Husband of Lisa Elizabeth
...............................................  +Wesley N. Otey b: Abt.
1960  m: Jan 3, 1990 in Roanoke, Virginia
........................................... 5   Deborah Jessica Lawrence,*
b: Jul 3, 1961 in Roanoke, Va.
...............................................  +William Schneider b: Abt.
1950  m: Oct 31, 1988
...................................................... 6   Justin Schneider
b: Jun 26, 1988 in Bradenton, Florida
........................................... 5   Jennifer Kimbrith
Lawrence,* b: Mar 10, 1964 in Roanoke, Virginia
...............................................  +James Mathew McLeese b:
Jul 16, 1968 in Bloomington, Illinois  m: Aug 13, 1988 in Roanoke, Virginia

...................................................... 6   Jessica Lee
McLeese b: Nov 4, 1988 in Roanoke, Roanoke Co., VA
...................................................... 6   Sarah McLeese b:
Apr 17, 1991 in Roanoke, Roanoke Co., VA
........................................... 5   Mary Katherine Lawrence,*
b: Feb 18, 1967 in Roanoke, Va.
...............................................  +Bruce Allen Lancaster b:
Jun 2, 1959 in Roanoke, Va.  m: May 10, 1997 in Floyd County, Virginia
........................................... 5   Jesse Macon "Chip"
Lawrence, 3Rd* b: Oct 24, 1969 in Roanoke, Va.
...............................................  +Mary McCarthy b: Sep 2,
1969  m: Dec 16, 1995 in Roanoke, Va
........................................... 5   Jonathan Christopher Morgan
Lawrence,* b: Apr 21, 1977 in Rio De Janeiro, Brasil
......... 2   Anne Turner b: Abt. 1870
.............  +Ben Burnett b: Abt. 1870
......... 2   Robert Philip Turner b: Abt. 1865 d: in Robersonville,
Martin, North Carolina
.............  +Lucy Edmondson b: Abt. 1865 d: in Robersonville, Martin,
North Carolina
.................... 3   Ruel Elbridge Turner b: Apr 19, 1889 in
Robersonville, Martin, North Carolina d: in Oak City, North Carolina
......... 2   Solomond Walter Turner b: Nov 2, 1873 in  Martin, North
Carolina d: in Texas
.............  +Mamie McDowell b: 1886 in Edgecomb County,NC
......... 2   Paul Turner b: 1877 in Martin County, NC d: May 4, 1955 in
Tarboro,  Edgecombe County, North Carolina
.............  +Relia Grimes b: 1891 in Edgecomb County,NC d: Feb 24, 1971
in Tarboro,  Edgecombe County, North Carolina m: Apr 12, 1916 in Edgecomb
.................... 3   Lucille Turner b: Nov 7, 1917 in Fort Hancock, New
........................  +Reginald Morton Fountain b: Oct 21, 1908 in
Leggett, Edgecombe County, North Carolina d: Jan 4, 1969 in Tarboro,
Edgecombe County, North Carolina
............................... 4   Reginald Morton Fountain, Jr b: Apr 12,
1940 in Tarboro,  Edgecombe County, North Carolina
............................... 4   Theodore Turner Fountain b: Aug 4, 1941
in Tarboro,  Edgecombe County, North Carolina
.................... 3   Paul Turner, Jr. b: Dec 30, 1918
......... 2   Emily Turner b: Abt. 1880
.............  +C N Andrews b: Abt. 1880 d: in Ahoskie, North Carolina
......... 2   Lucy Turner b: Abt. 1882 d: in Tarboro, NC
.............  +Samuel Thurston Hyman b: Abt. 1882
......... 2   Caroline Turner b: Abt. 1884

     Best Regards And Have A Good Day,
Jesse M. Lawrence Jr. <>   Owner -Highland Oaks Ranch
5300 East McKinney Road ,Denton ,Texas76208  Home: 940-243-5068
Fax: 940-243-0198          List Owner for  and and  NCHALIFA-L@rootsweb .com
I am researching family histories for Pittman, Lawrence, Copeland, Wheeler,

Neville, Turner and Harris.I would  like to share info by GEDCOM files.
Family Page  <>

THE ESSENCE OF SURVIVAL --- "Every morning in Africa, a Gazelle wakes
up.  It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be
killed . . . Every morning a Lion wakes up.  It knows it must outrun the
slowest Gazelle or it will starve to death.  It doesn't matter whether
you are a Lion or a Gazelle . . . when the sun comes up, you'd better be


Date: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 09:19:26 -0600
From: "Paula Ward" <>
To: <>, <>, <>,
  <>, <>,
Subject: USGenWeb Automated Queries
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FYI:  This was posted on; just thought I'd pass it

USGenWeb has a new automated query system to help you post your queries to
county pages.
The new query system is located at:
 Search for your state and county and then place your query using this
 direct route.  It will be posted to the correct county.

Paula Kelley Ward 
San Antonio, Texas


Date: Sat, 21 Mar 1998 22:24:03 -0500
From: Dave Woody <>
To: Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc List Posts <>
Subject: WOODY Connections
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Hello Cousins,

Here are a few clarifications to WOODY connections mentioned in the
BTRVETC List Archives:

Archive 301
1303 Lucy Bette Short 12118 m. Tom Woody 12125
Lucy Bette Short, b 9 Sep 1877, d 9 Sep 1902, m James T. (Tom) Woody, bc
1873, son of John Mitchell Woody & Mary Jane Helms

1304 Annie Jane Short 12119 m John Pete Woody 12126
Annie Jane Short, b 26 Jun 1881, d 7 Sep 1954, m 1 Jan 1903, John Pete
Woody, b 15 May 1879 Henry Co, d 23 Feb 1963 WV, son of John Mitchell
Woody & Mary Jane Helms

Archive 305
975 Nancy E. Goode 641 m Wiley P. Woody 3491
Nancy Elizabeth (Nannie Bet) Goode, b 14 Dec 1866, d 2 Feb 1934 m. Wiley
Pete Woody, b 3 May 1856, d 15 Apr 1935, son of Mitchell M. Woody &
Sarah V. Jamison 
Children of Wiley Woody and Nancy Goode are:
	 	1	i.	Annie Mae Woody 3494, born Jul 23, 1887; died Apr 12, 1972. She
married Herbert Neal Stone, son of Samuel Stone and Rebecca Woody.
	 +	2	ii.	Ernest N. Woody 3492, born May 24, 1889; died Nov 29, 1982 in
Bassett, Henry Co., VA.
	 +	3	iii.	Claude Lee Woody, born c1893; died Feb 20, 1974.
	 	4	iv.	Harold Edwin Woody 18720, born Apr 29, 1906; died Jul 8, 1991. 
He married (1) Beatrice Earl Philpott, Jan 23, 1937 in Henry Co., VA. 
He married (2) Virginia Elizabeth Davis, daughter of Thomas H. Davis and
Hallie Maude Prillaman, Aug 11, 1953.
	 	5	v.	Benjamin P. Woody 3493, He married Lucy Stovall, born Feb 2,
1895; died 1982. 
	 	6	vi.	Charles Woody, died Bef Feb 18, 1934.
	 	7	vii.	D. Mitchell Woody 
	 	8	viii.	Early Woody 
	 	9	ix.	Lula Woody, She married Charles Eggleston. 
	 	10	x.	Mary Woody, She married Mike Cibinic. 
	 	11	xi.	Pearl Woody, She married Freeman Stepp.  
	 	12	xii.	Russell Woody

	 	2.(3492)  Ernest N. Woody was born May 24, 1889, and died Nov 29,
1982 in Bassett, Henry Co., VA.  He married (1) ? Jarrett. He married
(2) Mary Davis Lee
 	Children of Ernest Woody and ? Jarrett are:
	 	13	i.	Agnes Woody,  She married Bud Metz. 
	 	14	ii.	Anna Margaret Woody, She married Carlos Quesenberry. 
	 	15	iii.	Elizabeth Woody, She married Fred Oden. 
	 	16	iv.	Frances Woody, She married Kelsey Beavers. 
	 	17	v.	J. D. Woody
	 	18	vi.	Mary Alice Woody, She married Jim Pruitt. 
	 	19	vii.	Sue Woody, She married Jim Holloway. 

	 	3.  Claude Lee Woody was born c1893, and died Feb 20, 1974.  He
married Elizabeth Walkins 
 	Children of Claude Woody and Elizabeth Walkins are:
	 	20	i.	Claude Lee Woody
	 	21	ii.	N. Rees Woody
	 	22	iii.	Vill N. Woody
	 	23	iv.	Charles D. Woody

All of the above WOODYs are the descendants of Henry and Susannah Martin
Woody of Franklin Co., VA. I am the grandson of John Pete Woody and Anna
Jane Short. The descendants of Wiley Pete Woody & Nannie Bet Goode were
found in Wingfield's Pioneer Families of Franklin Co. and the obituaries
of Nannie Bet Goode, Claude Lee, Harold E., and Ernest N. Woody.

Dave Woody  242 W. Main St., Ste. 294,
Hendersonville, TN 37075

McCorkle Family Roots

McCaffrey, McCorkle & Woody Descendant Trees

Dave's Database


Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 11:31:59 EST
From: CarBurCo <>
Subject: Re: vol. 1 BURNETTS
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            Here is a correction on the information I gave you for  Vol. 1, p
362b BURNETTS AND THEIR CONNECTIONS) my gggrandfather, Joseph Bolling Burnett
is listed having married ANNA BEEZLEY/Beasley dtr of BARNET or BARNARD
Beasley. BUT I have since discovered that she was the dtr of 
THOMAS BEEZLEY/BEASLEY b. 1770 Warren Co. NC d.1828 Rutherford Co,
Tn. and SALLY JACKSON. Thomas' father was JOHN PITTS BEEZLEY/BEASLEY D. 1792
Warren Co. NC and wife Elizabeth.
   BARNET BEEZLEY/BEASLEY was the brother of Thomas. i.e. Barnet was ANNA B.
BURNETT's uncle, not her father.

  Don't know if you are revising, but maybe you are, on computer. I got the
information from who is a descendant of JOHN PITTS
BEASLEY, father of both BARNET and THOMAS. I believe he is also a descendant
of THOMAS. His name is Harold Beasley. THOMAS' will was filed in Aug. 1828 in
Rutherford Co, TN: executors: William Beasley, Robert Williams and JOSEPH
BURNETT (this BURNETT is undoubtedly JOSEPH BOLLING BURNETT who m. Anna
Beasley. Joseph died in 1848.)

Caroline Burnett Cook

End of btrvetc-d Digest V98 Issue #18