BTRVETC-L Digest		Volume 98 : Issue 19
27 Mar 1998

Today's Topics:
	 Re: BTRVETC-L Digest V98 #18
	 Edward Cockran (Cockram)
	 Re: Edward Cockran (Cockram)
	 Turner-Colvin Families
	 New Burnett Mailing List
	 Re: New Burnett Mailing List
	 Fw: Descendants of Shadrack Turner

for the Burnett/Turner/Ross/Via/Etc Mailing List  (BTRVETC-L)

Welcome to all our new subscribers; please send us a message to let us
know what lines you are working on. :-)

We became automated 19 Jan 1998, with everyone that had been on Nyla Creed
DePauk's list of subscribers being subscribed to the digest, which (kind)
replaces the compilations.  There is also a regular list, where you 
receive messages one at a time.  If you wish that version, unsubscribe 
from the digest, and subscribe to the regular list (see below).

Please do not send your emails to Nyla any longer; if you do, she will 
send them to the list.  Please post your messages to:  (that's a lowercase ell, not a number one.)

***** Do not send attachments or multipart MIME messages to the list! ***** 
***** Send only plain text.  Microsoft Outlook and Express seem to do *****
***** this without the poster knowing.  Check your configuration.     ***** 
*****                          Thanks!                                *****

To unsubscribe, email with the

To subscribe to the regular list, email 

You can also use the web page at:


Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 13:57:50 EST
Subject: Re: BTRVETC-L Digest V98 #18

Adeline Burnett married Joseph Emond early in this century.  They lived
(and probably died) in Lowell,MA.    Does anyone know more about Adeline?

Charles Turner  Amherst,NH  (my database is of the Plymouth Colony Turner


Date: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 08:59:34 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: Edward Cockran (Cockram)

Folks:   I've heard from two SW VA cousins (Chris and Sonny Griffith) about a
reunion they are planning to attend.  I got Sonny's okay to share the
following with the list.  Some of the Griffith family who were originally from
Patrick Co VA moved to Raleigh Co WV.  Nyla

There will be a Cockran reunion to be held at the grave-site of Edward
Cockram, who was a Revolutionary War soldier, and is buried in the Patrick
County area.  The Daughters of the American Revolution are presenting a plack
for his grave.  We hope to get a lot more Cockran names from this event. 

Subj:	 Cochran Reunion
Date:	98-03-23 22:25:28 EST
From: (Marv Griffith)
To: (Nyla Creed DePauk)

I got in touch with my contact for the Cochran reunion Saturday and she said
it was OK to give her name as a point of contact if there is anyone in your
circle that is interested in the Cochrans.  Her name is Genevieve Starkey and
her phone number is 540-952-1097.  There is another point of contact whom I
did not call, but it would probably be OK to contact her also.  Her name is
Jewell Conner and her number is 540-952-2404.  Genevieve said that they would
be gathering at the cemetary around 10:00 am and doing only a little cleanup.
She said there was not much that could be done, but I guess they need to dig a
hole for the marker.  She said mostly they would just visit and talk and that
there would be music.  Everyone should bring their own lunch.  The ladies from
the DAR will make their presentation at 1:00 pm.

Directions to the cemetery from Interstate 81:

    Take Route 220 south through Roanoke, VA to Rocky Mount.  Then take 40
west to 622 which will be a left turn a few miles beyond Endicott.  After
several miles on 622 go straight through an intersection with 785, staying on
622.  Near the county line you will come to 820.  Make a left on 820 until you
see a bunch of cars and a 4x4 road.  If you don't have 4 wheel drive, you will
have to park and walk about 1/2 mile down a hollow until you get to the grave
yard.  The grave yard is on the county line.  Note, Route 820 does not show up
on most VA maps.

Genevieve will be monitoring her cell phone that day 540-330-5577 in case
anyone gets lost.  Of interest also is that Edward Cockram's son Richard and
his wife Mahala are buried at the Charity Primative Baptist Church, which is
historical, and is in the nearby town of Charity.

I'll send you a map, jpeg file, attached to another email, so it won't take so
long to download this email.  Hope this helps someone.

Sonny Griffith


Date: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 10:54:49 -0500
From: Fantelina <>
To: Burnett-Turner Mailing List <>


            Re: [KYWASHIN-L] BROWN - BAKER Lines
            Tue, 24 Mar 1998 07:52:46 +0000
            Gloria Gibbel <>

I have several lines from Washington Co,KY. SHEWMAKER,TAYLOR,
TURNER,COLVIN. 2 of my mysteries are the COLVIN/TURNERs. I am seeking
info on the parents of Joseph Colvin and Caleb Turner. Caleb Turner
married Sarah "Sally" Colvin in Washington Co,KY 1803. Her father was
Joseph Colvin Sr.He came from Augusta Co,VA.Lost trail.Caleb appeared
in Lincoln co 1797 m. Anna Wilson. Did find a will for John Turner
Campbell Co,VA left part of his estate to his sone Caleb. Have not
been able to connect the 2 yet.

Gloria Gibbel
Barbara Farthing Bonham -  Visit my Home on the Web...
Cherry Stone Creek


Date: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 13:34:17 -0500
From: (Chris Griffith)
To: (NCreed1)
Subject: Re: Edward Cockran (Cockram)

Hi everyone, 

Just one little point to clear up.  It is Peter Cockram and his wife
Mahala Cannady Cockram thats buried at the primitve baptist church. In
Charity Va. Not Richard. I don't want anyone confused over the matter.
Anyone with the folowing surnames should come, for I have information on
these being linked to this tree: Cockram/Cockran/Cockerham, Wood,
Salmons, DeHeart, Cannady, Ashworth, Rakes, Hall, Profitt, Hale,
Griffith, Starkey, Brogan, Connor.
There are lots more I'm sure, these are just the ones I know of.  At
last count there were 30-50 people expected to attend that have direct
ties to Edward and the area. If you think you might be related or just
have "folks" from the Patrick, Floyd, Franklin, areas and you can come,
It is supposed to be a beutiful day, bring all your info to swap.
Chris Griffith

Resent-Date: 24 Mar 1998 14:00:23 -0000
Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
From: NCreed1 <>
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 08:59:34 EST
Subject: Edward Cockran (Cockram)
Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: AOL 3.0 for Windows 95 sub 18
Resent-Message-ID: <"XWnOW.0.6m1.snx5r"@genealogy>
X-Mailing-List: <> archive/latest/167
Precedence: list

Folks:   I've heard from two SW VA cousins (Chris and Sonny Griffith) about a
reunion they are planning to attend.  I got Sonny's okay to share the
following with the list.  Some of the Griffith family who were originally from
Patrick Co VA moved to Raleigh Co WV.  Nyla

There will be a Cockran reunion to be held at the grave-site of Edward
Cockram, who was a Revolutionary War soldier, and is buried in the Patrick
County area.  The Daughters of the American Revolution are presenting a plack
for his grave.  We hope to get a lot more Cockran names from this event. 

Subj:	 Cochran Reunion
Date:	98-03-23 22:25:28 EST
From: (Marv Griffith)
To: (Nyla Creed DePauk)

I got in touch with my contact for the Cochran reunion Saturday and she said
it was OK to give her name as a point of contact if there is anyone in your
circle that is interested in the Cochrans.  Her name is Genevieve Starkey and
her phone number is 540-952-1097.  There is another point of contact whom I
did not call, but it would probably be OK to contact her also.  Her name is
Jewell Conner and her number is 540-952-2404.  Genevieve said that they would
be gathering at the cemetary around 10:00 am and doing only a little cleanup.
She said there was not much that could be done, but I guess they need to dig a
hole for the marker.  She said mostly they would just visit and talk and that
there would be music.  Everyone should bring their own lunch.  The ladies from
the DAR will make their presentation at 1:00 pm.

Directions to the cemetery from Interstate 81:

    Take Route 220 south through Roanoke, VA to Rocky Mount.  Then take 40
west to 622 which will be a left turn a few miles beyond Endicott.  After
several miles on 622 go straight through an intersection with 785, staying on
622.  Near the county line you will come to 820.  Make a left on 820 until you
see a bunch of cars and a 4x4 road.  If you don't have 4 wheel drive, you will
have to park and walk about 1/2 mile down a hollow until you get to the grave
yard.  The grave yard is on the county line.  Note, Route 820 does not show up
on most VA maps.

Genevieve will be monitoring her cell phone that day 540-330-5577 in case
anyone gets lost.  Of interest also is that Edward Cockram's son Richard and
his wife Mahala are buried at the Charity Primative Baptist Church, which is
historical, and is in the nearby town of Charity.

I'll send you a map, jpeg file, attached to another email, so it won't take so
long to download this email.  Hope this helps someone.

Sonny Griffith


Date: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 18:46:58 EST
Subject: Turner-Colvin Families

You Wrote:  I am seeking info on the parents of Joseph Colvin and Caleb
Turner. Caleb Turner married Sarah "Sally" Colvin in Washington Co,KY 1803.

I don't have them in my Turner file but I did find the following and wondered
if you recognize them.

Descendants of Joseph Colvin
	1  	Joseph Colvin	
..		+Nancy Turner	1788 -
.........	2  	Turner Colvin	Unknown -
.........	2  	Armstead Colvin	1807 - 1827
.............		+Leanna Wilson	
.........	2  	Elias Colvin	Unknown -
.........	2  	John Colvin	Unknown -
.........	2  	Harrison (Henry) Colvin	Unknown -
.........	2  	George Colvin	Unknown -
.........	2  	Martha Colvin	Unknown -
.........	2  	Susan Colvin	Unknown -

Dale McKinney


Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 10:11:41 -0500 (EST)
From: "Christine E. Gaunt" <>
Subject: New Burnett Mailing List

Hot off the presses!

There is a new Burnett mailing list at Rootsweb; here's the info that will
be posted to Genealogy Resources on the Internet's Mailing List page, if
it hasn't already:

BURNETT. A mailing list for the discussion and sharing of
information regarding the Burnett surname and variations (e.g.,
Burnet) in any place and at any time. Additional information can
be found on the Burnett Family Ancestry web page at Mailing address for
postings is To subscribe send the word
"subscribe" (without the quotes) as the only text in the body of
a message to (mail mode) or (digest mode).

I haven't checked for other surnames that bounce around on our little
list; I know there is a list for each of these surnames: Turner, Via,
Ross, Nowlin.

Page to find these is:

Christine Gaunt, or
Campbell-L and BTRVETC-L listowner 
Co-compiler of Genealogy Resources on the Internet
       File (2.4M):  via autoreply from


Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 10:55:30 -0500 (EST)
From: "Christine E. Gaunt" <>
To: CarBurCo <>
Subject: Re: New Burnett Mailing List

On Wed, 25 Mar 1998, CarBurCo wrote:

> Chris,
>   This is great. The more info the better. But this doesn't mean the end of
> our little list does it?
> Caroline Burnett Cook
Caroline, and Everyone Else,

Well, in one way, duplication of mailing lists bothers me.  But since
we've got so many surnames that are discussed, I don't think I want to do
away with our little list.  It's too cozy! ;-)

Also, I don't know if the other lists are archived; ours is.  Now I'm
thinking of subscribing our list to the individual lists....  not sure
what ramifications that would have...

What does everyone else think?



Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 08:43:55 -0500
From: "tessy" <>
To: <>
Subject: Fw: Descendants of Shadrack Turner

-----Original Message-----
From: GK Turner <>
To: Tess McMillan <>
Date: Sunday, March 22, 1998 8:29 PM
Subject: Descendants of Shadrack Turner

>While surfing the net, happened upon your page.
>Noticed that which is below and begging your forgiveness for that which
>I perceive as errors.  Please, I do not wish to offend, rather offer that
>which I hope
>will be of some help. "Zero" or something less than, describes my knowledge
>of your art.
>348. Nathanial "Nat" Henry8 Turner (George King7, Meshack6, Josiah Hunter5,
>William4, Shadrack3, John2, Richard1)
>was born April 23, 1877, and died July 06, 1974. He married (1) Lula Belle
>Scott December 01, 1901. He married (2) Burlie Hutcherson Tyree July 18,
>        Children of Nathanial Turner and Lula Scott are:
>***    "Nat" to his friends, "Pappy" to his grandchildren.
>***     Tabacco farmer in Sidneysville, Va. (Not sure this Post Office
>***     exist). His farm bordered Benjamin Turner's farm, brothers.
>***     Burlie, know by all as "Mrs. T".  This nickname was given to Burlie
>***     her step-children and referenced "Tyree" maiden name.
>***     It soon became her nickname to family, friends and all who knew
>          i.
>              LETCHER HENRY9 TURNER, b. October 31, 1902; d.
>              February 07, 1968.
>***     Letcher was an accountant.  He developed mental problems and was
>***     confined to an asylum  (think it was in Christiansburg, Va)
>***     where he remained until his  death.  Not confirmed, however never
>***     heard mention of any marriage.
>         ii.
>              DELLA MAY TURNER, b. September 05, 1905; d. June 20,
>              1934.
>***     Brothers and sisters said died of "Fever"
>        iii.
>              HARRY LEE TURNER, b. October 22, 1909; d. November
>              27, 1930.
>***   Born April 9, 1907.  Died May of 1981 of heart valve failure.
>***   Buried in Sherwood Cem.  Salem, Va.
>***   SS# 226-12-1035.
>***   Married(1)Ila Mae Johnson of TipTop, Tazewell county, Va.
>***   One male child.  Married(2) (Who?) Two male children.
>???   Ila's sister, Martha (PostMaster, TipTop) was married to John
>???   Family always said they were distant cousin. Believe John was a "JR",
>???   inasmuch as his father was Dr.John Philpott. Just thought would
>???   as noticed Philpotts in tree. This info borders on the edge of my
>???   and should be considered dubious at best.
>         iv.
>              VERA TURNER, b. February 12, 1912; d. February 14,
>              1914.
>         v.
>              GLADYS BELLE TURNER, b. February 27, 1913.
>***           Married Morton Robinson. Lived near Rocky Mount, Va.
>***           One male child.
>        vi.
>              CURTIS SCOTT TURNER, b. June 23, 1916.
>***           Died early 1990's, cancer.
>***           Marrried Edith (Eddie) Maiden name (?)
>        vii.
>              JEFFERSON TURNER, b. February 25, 1918.
>***           Morris Jefferson Turner
>***           Died late 1980's, stroke.
>***           Married Ida Mae, Maiden Name (?) Was said she was from
>        viii.
>              MILDRED EMMA TURNER, b. December 19, 1920.
>***           Worked for AT&T, retired from same. Died Mid 1970's, never
>***           married.
>*** Summary>  Except for Gladys, as each retired, they returned to the
>***           "Boulevard" in Salem, Va.  All their homes side by side,
>***           and there they remained together until death.
>***           Note: Living on the same acreage, Robert Melvin Turner,
>***           father Tom who was "Nat's" brother.
>***           Edit as you wish, use what you want,
>***           ask for what you need,
>***           and throw the rest in the trash.

End of btrvetc-d Digest V98 Issue #19