BTRVETC-L Digest		Volume 98 : Issue 36
28 May 1998

Today's Topics:
	 Re: BTRVETC-L Digest V98 #35
	 Harrisem, please email me again!
	 Re:  Franklin County Marriages and Deaths
	 Can anyone help this lady?
	 Nolen Family Reunion

for the Burnett/Turner/Ross/Via/Etc Mailing List  (BTRVETC-L)

Welcome to all our new subscribers; please send us a message to let us
know what lines you are working on. :-)

We became automated 19 Jan 1998, with everyone that had been on Nyla Creed
DePauk's list of subscribers being subscribed to the digest, which (kind)
replaces the compilations.  There is also a regular list, where you 
receive messages one at a time.  If you wish that version, unsubscribe 
from the digest, and subscribe to the regular list (see below).

Please do not send your emails to Nyla any longer; if you do, she will 
send them to the list.  Please post your messages to:  (that's a lowercase ell, not a number one.)

***** Do not send attachments or multipart MIME messages to the list! ***** 
***** Send only plain text.  Microsoft Outlook and Express seem to do *****
***** this without the poster knowing.  Check your configuration.     ***** 
*****                          Thanks!                                *****

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Date: Sun, 24 May 1998 17:10:39 -0700
From: Jim Fina <>
Subject: Re: BTRVETC-L Digest V98 #35
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Not to change the subject but is anyone working on the Burnets of
Southampton line (Thomas Burnet)? I'd like to hear from anyone who is
either working on that line or might have some information on them. 


Jim Fina
Tucson, AZ


Date: Sun, 24 May 1998 21:29:07 EDT
From: KB198 <>
Subject: Harrisem, please email me again!
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Sorry to have to send this to the mailing list at large, but Sherry emailed me
tonight with her family data and it looks as though we are definitely kin!
Trouble is, when I tried to retrieve her message when I was offline in order
to prepare a response, it was no longer in my mailbox.  If there is anyway
that you can possible email me again with your family info, Sherry, I would be
so grateful!!  I apologize for the trouble and inconvenience -- I honestly
have no idea what happened to your original message!  (It has been awfully hot
-- I must have accidentally deleted it in a heat-fuelled trance. :{  )
Thank you so much, Sherry -- looking forward to hearing from you again!  

Becky Olenchak


Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 08:26:08 EDT
From: BAltice1 <>
Subject: Re:  Franklin County Marriages and Deaths
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It was very interesting to note the listing of Franklin County, Virginia
marriages posted by

Recently, two compilations have become available for Franklin County
Both are based upon the records found in the Franklin County Courthouse in
Rocky Mount, VA.  
Beverly Merritt is the author.
The first book shows the married couples names and the bond date as well as
the marriage date.
The second book gives the couples names, their ages and the names of their
parents as well as the marriage dates.
Both books have alphabetically arranged lists for males and females.
They have been immensely helpful in filling in gaps and giving me the parents
names of spouses marrying into my family.  The books have also provided new
names of family previously unknown to me.
You can contact Beverly Merritt at: P. O. Box 316, Ferrum, VA 24088.
Her phone number is: (540) 483-3657.
1853-1896.  It is published by Iberian Publishing Company, 548 Cedar Creek
Drive, Athens, GA 30605.
This book not only give the date of death, but, in many instances, shows the
cause of death.  Often, the spouse's name is provided as well as parents and
place of birth.
As is the case of most families from Franklin County, VA, my primary line,
Altick/Altice, married into the Sink, Dillon, Turner, Frantz, Angle families.
Just to mention a few.  
I have sent my data to the Franklin County Genealogical Society and it is
available to all.
If you have any inquiries on your family, I will be happy to share what I
Bill Altice
Orlando, FL


Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 14:48:23 -0400
From: "Eunice B. Kirkman" <>
To: "Burnette Turner-Via List" <>
Subject: Can anyone help this lady?
Message-ID: <001501bd89a0$08ed8b40$>
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From: (Dianna K Deatherage)
Subject:  TURNERS from Illinois and Tennessee or Virginia

James Turner b 29 Jul 1799 in Virginia
                                       m 16 Dec 1818 to Elsah Pendleton
                                        resided in Effingham County,
Illinois at end of life.

If he matches someone in your file, reply to Dianna.  NOT to me.

Eunice B. Kirkman
  The Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia


Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 10:23:32 EDT
From: <>
Subject: Nolen Family Reunion
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This years's Nolen Family Reunion will be held on Saturday 6 June at the West
Salem Baptist Church in Salem, VA.  Most of the attendees in past years have
been the descendants of John Nowlin (born abt. 1766-died 17 Mar 1955) living
in Southwest and Central Virginia.  However related families such as the
Turners, Burnetts, Thomas, Shorts, Rakes, and others are welcome to attend.
It is a pot luck affair, with everyone bringing dishes to contribute to the
lunchtime meal.  The start time is about 0900.  Please bring any genealogical
materials that you have to share with others who are interested in tracing the
family history.

Directions to West Salem Church---Use Exit 137 from I-81, go 1/4 mile south to
West Main Street (which is also US Rt 11/460).  Turn left (east) at the light
onto West Main Street, go 4/10 mile to a Wal_Mart and a CITGO station (on your
left).  Turn left onto Turner Road, go 3/10 mile north to the second church on
your right, which is West Salem Baptist.  The meeting room is in the back.  

See you all there, Darrell Nolen

End of btrvetc-d Digest V98 Issue #36