BTRVETC-L Digest		Volume 98 : Issue 37
3 Jun 1998

Today's Topics:
	 Burnett Photos and more
	  Another Burnett Bogus Msg??
	 FW: Burnett descendency
	 Burnett descendency
	 My lineage
	 Burnett Montrosity
	 Death Cert - Martha [Burnett] Davis - 1928 - Whitley Co. (fwd)

for the Burnett/Turner/Ross/Via/Etc Mailing List  (BTRVETC-L)

Welcome to all our new subscribers; please send us a message to let us
know what lines you are working on. :-)

We became automated 19 Jan 1998, with everyone that had been on Nyla Creed
DePauk's list of subscribers being subscribed to the digest, which (kind)
replaces the compilations.  There is also a regular list, where you 
receive messages one at a time.  If you wish that version, unsubscribe 
from the digest, and subscribe to the regular list (see below).

Please do not send your emails to Nyla any longer; if you do, she will 
send them to the list.  Please post your messages to:  (that's a lowercase ell, not a number one.)

***** Do not send attachments or multipart MIME messages to the list! ***** 
***** Send only plain text.  Microsoft Outlook and Express seem to do *****
***** this without the poster knowing.  Check your configuration.     ***** 
*****                          Thanks!                                *****

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Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 12:37:57 -0400
From: Jerry Baker <>
Subject: Burnett Photos and more
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Hello Kin

 I was wanting to know if anyone had been to the graves of the old world

 such as John Burnett married Isabel Johnston Born 1549*(were married
in1574)(John is of Crathes Castle), and John died in 1612 and Isabel
died in 1620 she was buried beside John in Aberdeen Scotland. 
I would like to have a phot of this and a location to show me how to get
there once I go to Scotland. 

And any others would be graet such as John and Ameys grave site in VA.
so if anyone can help me please let me know.

I would also like to know if anyone has a copy of the Hotten's, THE
VA.  I would love to have a copy of this for my records.

I will be doing a Web page soon that will have my whole Burnett line as
I have gathered it along with a few photos and other stuff of interast
to the Burnetts and others. it will be at 
so feel free to stop by, I have already started on it but it is not 100%

Thank you all 
Jerry Baker                                          nWo 4-Life
CEO nWo MotorSports
Sim Racing's most winning team ever!
nWo's Main Pages
nWo Fan Club
R.A.P. Member
SRA Member
Team Sponsors
Baker Design's


Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 20:31:47 -0400
From: "lndshll" <>
To: "Burnett Turner News Letter" <>
Subject: Burnetts
Message-ID: <000101bd8a99$2a817b00$23adaec7@oemcomputer>
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Most people that post messages identify themselves and what they want.And
how to contact them.When you made this statment about Thomas Burnett, you
stated no facts to disprove he was John Burnetts son. Are you a Burnett???
                                     Linda Burnett Shull


Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 20:39:55 EDT
From: <>
Subject:  Another Burnett Bogus Msg??
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 Burnett Cousins !
   Has anyone else received the mailing which calls into question some of the
resources we have been using in our e-mail group? Is this a "joke," or has 
someone disproved some of the documentation concerning THOMAS BURNETT b.1574
Aberdeen Scotland and back to JOHN BURNETT of ABERDEEN??
   Have I overreacted? If so, sorry. If not, what is the interaction between
 these two groups, if any?? I am speaking of the Rootsweb Burnett list.
 Cousin Caroline Burnett Cook  


Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 23:10:01 EDT
From: <>
Subject:  Burnetts
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Linda and Caroline and All:

I get both the "Mail" and "Digest" of our Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc group.
I haven't received the post you both reference.  If you subscribe to another
Burnett list, perhaps it was through that list.

Personally, I would find it difficult to take anyone seriously who hasn't
signed their post, regardless of what they write.

Nyla CREED DePauk
Still in San Diego

I sure miss you all.  I'm still working on my genealogy and reading every
message you all send.

Check out my home page.  It's slowly coming together.  Still have more to add.



Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 23:16:52 -0400
From: "lndshll" <>
To: "Burnett Turner News Letter" <>
Subject: FW: Burnett descendency
Message-ID: <000101bd8ab0$3a13df60$ed8eaec7@oemcomputer>
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This is the E-mail I received.I am no longer as of today on the list.
                                  Linda Burnett Shull

-----Original Message-----
From: Burnett Family Ancestry [] 
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 1998 6:09 PM
Subject: Burnett descendency

>From duty system administrator,  Burnett Family Ancestry.

USA Descendency.

I refer to recent messages posted all over the internet regarding some 
Burnett descendency in the USA. and as there is much misconception 
and dis-information (mainly started by fraudulent commercial concerns 
adding raw data from IGI records etc) for the purposes of accuracy 
we post the following information which may be of great importance to 
some correspondents researching their ancestry-

John Burnett who travelled to the USA and married Lucretia JOHNSON was 
baptised on 25th December 1610, yes Christmas day.

His parents were Thomas Burnett and Margaret JOHNSTON note mostly quoted 
with the T as Johnston not Johnson.  They had 10 other children.  

It appears that Thomas was NOT repeat NOT  descended from John Burnett 
and Isabel, and was not descended from any LEYS or collateral LEYS 
Burnett groupage.

It is an unfortunate fact of life that some family historians and even 
professional genealogists have been misled or are misleading others for 
gain that they have some connection with one of the greater Burnett 
houses, usually LEYS or BARNS.  We examine hundreds of family trees and 
have to disappoint all but perhaps 1%.  This should not be a 
disappointment, a true family historian or genealogist should wish to 
know the truth and verify the facts of his/her own ancestry.

Happy researching, we hope that you find in truth that which you seek

The Burnett Family Ancestry Team.


Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 00:48:49 EDT
From: <>
Subject: Burnett descendency
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I don't belong to the Burnett group so I appreciate you sharing the message
you receive.   

May I encourage you not to let one unsigned letter cause you to quit a group
if you enjoy the group.   As you know, it is impossible to control what
information people submit to groups. 

Obviously, the letter was written by someone who wanted it to appear
authentic.  Now, I don't have any idea who The Burnett Family Ancestry Team
might be.  Have you heard of them?   Since it didn't have any individual
listed or a signature, I wouldn't take it seriously.  Maybe you'd just want to
keep the info so that you can refer to it if the subject comes up again.
Things like that always seem to resurface.

I suspect some of our own USA Burnett researchers will have comments to make
about that post.  And, if nothing else, it will generate new eMails and

Happy Genealogy,

Nyla CREED DePauk


Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 03:24:26 -0400
From: "GK Turner" <>
To: <>
Message-Id: <>
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Hey, don't  let it cause to sign out.  No signature, no verification, just
plain BS.
There's always one like this somewhere in the crowd.  They'll have a hard
selling crap to this group!



Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 19:39:21 -0400
From: BFBonham <>
To: Burnett-Turner Mailing List <>
Subject: My lineage
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Okay Cousins, fun and games are over...I need to share my Burnett
family history and find me some relatives.

1.John BURNETT was born about 1764 in Southfarnham Par, Essex County,
Virginia. He died after 5 Jan 1825 in Pittsylvania County, Virginia.
John married (1) Malinda HARVEY, daughter of <----------> HARVEY and
Elizabeth <---------> on 24 Dec 1791 in Pittsylvania County, Virginia.
Malinda was born about 1770 in Virginia.
They had the following children:
2	F	i.	Elizabeth BURNETT was born in Pittsylvania County, Virginia.
Elizabeth married (1) John B. FRETWELL on 20 May 1833 in Pittsylvania
County, Virginia.
3	M	ii.	Thomas B. BURNETT was born in Pittsylvania County, Virginia.
Thomas married (1) Mary STRATTON on 21 Dec 1829 in Pittsylvania
County, Virginia.
4	M	iii.	Micajah BURNETT was born about 1795 in Pittsylvania County,
Virginia. He died Feb 1863 in Pittsylvania County, Virginia. Micajah
married (1) Sarah STRATTON on 14 Jan 1826 in Pittsylvania County,
5	F	iv.	Frances BURNETT was born about 1796 in Pittsylvania County,
Virginia. Frances married (1) Wyatt GARRETT on 5 Aug 1813 in
Pittsylvania County, Virginia.
6	F	v.	Mildred BURNETT was born 31 Mar 1800 in Pittsylvania County,
Virginia. She died 17 Apr 1879 in Pittsylvania County, Virginia. 1870
US Census Pittsylvania County, Virginia: Series M593, Reel 1671: Page
66.  Mildred married (1) Stokely FARTHING, son of William FARTHING and
Tabitha BLANKS on 5 Jan 1825 in Pittsylvania County, Virginia. Stokely
was born 26 Mar 1796 in Pittsylvania County, Virginia. He died 26 Mar
1869 in Pittsylvania County, Virginia.
A photocopy of what was a copy book of mathematical problems and
solutions in his handwriting is the compilers possession in addition
to his memorandum of birth, deaths and marriages for himself, Mildred
and the children.  
1850 US Census Pittsylvania County, Virginia: Series M432, Reel
968:Page 213, family no. 625: Farthing, Stokely 55 MW Cooper VA;
Mildred 50 FW  VA; Catherine 23 FW  VA; Malinda 21 FW VA; Penelope  18
FW VA; William 13 MW VA.
1860 US Census, Pittsylvania Co., VA, Series M653, Reel 1370: Page
196, line no. 31, EN 1161: Farthing, Stokely 67 Farmer, Mildred 59,
Malinda 25, Caroline 23, William 21.
7	F	vi.	Catherine BURNETT was born about 1810 in Pittsylvania County,
Virginia. She died before 20 Jul 1834 in Pittsylvania County,
Virginia. 02 May 1834   Will Book____, page 267, names brothers and
sisters.  Probate 20 Jul 1834.

Now if you are kin to me; I want to hear from you. I have no money, am
not in good health; I just love family.

Barbara Farthing Bonham -  Visit my Home on the Web...
Cherry Stone Creek


Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 11:15:46 -0700
Subject: Burnett Montrosity
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I had not intended to let others know what is happening to my books, but
have decided to let the cat out of the bag.

I have been informed that a commercial company is distributing many
generations of THE BURNETTS AND THEIR CONNECTIONS.  I am not sure of any
company except Family Tree Maker that is involved.  If anyone out there
knows of others, I would appreciate knowing about it.   

For those of you that may have copied the records from Family Tree
Maker, let me advise you there are many many errors.  Apparently someone
thinking they were avoiding copyright laws, changed names and dates,
twisted children around and all sorts of abortions.  I cried when I saw
the records that I worked so hard on, for so many years and for
thousands of dollars that I will never re-coup.  But, everyone knows
their own records and so I know mine.  Some of the errors printed in
first run of Vol. one are included.  Apparently whoever turned the
records in, did not know about the revised copy. 

It has certainly discouraged me from moving forward on our Scottish
ancestry or learning more about Lucretia Johnston Burnett's family, as
well as the Gatewoods, as long as there are thieves out there ready to
make a dollar on whatever I do.  

To all who came to my defense during the recent AMERICA vs SCOTLAND
BURNETT BATTLE, I do thank you.  A letter from Scotland has vertified
that the Scottish Burnett records that I published are correct according
to the records in Scotland.  
/s/ June Baldwin Bork


Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 16:22:41 EDT
From: <>
Subject: BURNETT
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         June Bork asked me to send a copy of the following to the BTRVETC-L
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

29 May 1998 - To John H. Burnett, Lord of Normanton on Soar - - Burnett Family Ancestry

Dear Sir:

I have read your messages along with all the other comments regarding
that message and am delighted that you agree that our John (I) was
christened at St. Nicholas Church on Christmas Day 1610 and that his
parents were Thomas Burnett and Margaret Johnston...and that there were
10 children in the family.  That agrees with what I have written.

All who descend from John and Lucretia are very proud to say he was the
FIRST Burnett in the American Colonies and to be honored by King
Charles, WOW!  In case you do not agree with that, the original records
are housed in the Virginia State Library.

As far as Thomas Burnett's parents, the christening record of Thomas
Burnett in the Scottish Church records state his parents were John
Burnett and Isabel Burnett.  It also gave a list of their children and
the birth record of our ancestor agrees with the other records. I only
recorded what I found.  If I am in error, would appreciate knowing about
it.  I have always said, we can not go back farther in our research
unless we have the correct data.  A incorrect record can throw us off
the track for years and we may never learn the truth.  

I too have "The Burnett Family of Leys" by George Burnett (the then Lion
King of Arms), 1901, published by the New Spalding Club, plus other
reliable sources. And just because no one has discovered HOW we are
connected to the Burnett of Leys, does not mean that we are not
connected. I for one believe that we are and one day a record will
surface to prove it.  

I did not and do not obtain any info from the LDS Church records, called
IGI.  There are many errors in these records.  I also do not get records
from Family Tree Maker for the same reason.  Neither did I correspond
with others to any degree regarding their family records.  If I did, 
they were checked for accuracy.  My records came directly from the USA
court records, census records, birth and death records, Bible records,
deeds, wills, etc.  I would have been out of business years ago, if I
had not done this.  The DAR (Daughters of American Revolutionary War)
and SAR (Sons of American Revolutionary War) and Colonial Dames and all
the other great American societies own all my books and I understand
from some of their officers that they are relied upon for accuracy.  

THE BURNETTS AND THEIR CONNECTIONS in three volumes, were born from 35
years of extensive study.  Twenty-eight years by me and 10 years by a
another researcher who retired and gave me all that she had done.
I am not sure about the hours she invested, but I worked daily for 12 to
16 hours and still do.  This is a total of 38 years of Burnett research.
I need not mention the many, many thousands of dollars spent over the
years that I will never see again and could greatly use today.  

Before The Burnetts and Their Connections were written, there were only
a hand full of Burnett family books written and those were on their own
little families.  Most said it could not be done because of the lost
records.  I have not found a family yet that could not be researched
around those lost counties and states.  

I just wanted you to know something about the Burnetts and ALL Their
Connections. It was a love of the family name and a challenge.  I do not
know that much about our Scottish ancestors, but I do know EACH AND
EVERY AMERICAN BURNETT from the 1600s and am very proud to say I am one
of them.  They are a family to be remembered!    

/s/ June Baldwin Bork
9375 Bella Vista Road
Apple Valley, California 92308
ph: 760-247-3790


Date: Wed, 3 Jun 1998 08:59:09 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Christine E. Gaunt" <>
Subject: Death Cert - Martha [Burnett] Davis - 1928 - Whitley Co. (fwd)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hi, Folks,

I saw this on the KYROOTS list and thought I'd pass it along.  Folks on
that list are starting to post info from their birth, death, marriage,
etc. certificates.


Christine Gaunt, or
Campbell-L and BTRVETC-L listowner 
Co-compiler of Genealogy Resources on the Internet
       File (2.4M):  via autoreply from

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 16:12:28 -0400
From: Bernadine Colter <bettyc@TOTCON.COM>
To: Multiple recipients of list KYROOTS <KYROOTS@LSV.UKY.EDU>
Subject: Death Cert - Martha Davis - 1928 - Whitley Co.

Martha Davis, Housewife, born August 8, 1886, Ky.  Died july 10. 1928,
Goldbug, Whitley Co., Ky.  at the age of 41 yrs. 11mo. 6 days.  Daughter of
Boneter Burnett and Vina Reeves, both born in Ky.

She married William Levi Davis.  Survived by Husband and nine (9) children:
Mary Vina - Ocie Mae - Myrtle - Willard - Herman - Johnny - Leonard and Nan

Martha's middle name was Francis

Does not give place of burial or undertaker

Source:  Ky. Death certificate, File No. 18875

End of btrvetc-d Digest V98 Issue #37